Vol. 103 No. 45 University of Delaware, Newark, DE Kent employees plan Anti-draft rally draws 30,000 by ELIZABETH HYDE evening meal boycott WASHINGTON, D.c. "Jimmy Carter, you better reckon, we're mad as hell on by JANET PERELLA Griffith said that he "was March twenty-second." Recent disputes at Kent not warned" before he was The chants echoed between dining hall between manage­ fired on March 5. However, Pennsylvania Avenue's white ment and student employees Dominic, who was dismissed marble buildings Saturday as have resulted in two on Mar. 13, said, "the reason I a n e s t i m a t e d 3 o , o 0 o employees being fired, and was fired was legitimate. 1 demonstrators, accompanied the possibility that students took a gamble and I lost." He by 60 university students, might boycott the dining hall. said that student employees marched to protest registra­ Student complaints, which had been warned about the tion. It was a display of anti­ began last fall after Jessie policy "in general", but that draft fevor "not seen since Warren took over as dining he had received no personal the early 7o's," remarked one hall manager, charge the warnings. spectator. management with inconsis­ Dominic said he wrote a Vivid red, gold and white ...... tent policies and overly strict letter to the editor published banners flapped in 40-mile­ ~ working conditions. A petition in the Mar. 18 issue of The an-hour winds gusts as coati­ ••• circulated across campus Review because he was "try- tions from feminist, labor, calls for students to support ~ - ~ - ing to protect fellow workers leftist, gay, student and other the employees by eating at and students from being rip- political action groups united S' - ~. ~~1!'1fk-~ . ' . another dining hall tonight. ped off." to form a 13-block march to However, the two students "I told them (Dominic and stop the draft. who were recently fired, Griffith) that they could not R.W. Klotz, deputy police Stephen Griffith (AS 80) and eat if they weren't working," chief in charge of special Christopher Dominic (AG said student manager Janet operations, called the crowd 80), repeatedly warned about White. She added that a sign .. w e ll- 0 r g a n i z e d a n d disregarding a Food Service was also posted explaining peaceful." But the number of policy which states that stu­ the policy. metropolitan police on dent employees without meal "What those two students horseback, motorcycle and contracts are not permitted to did is considered stealing," foot _ 150 counted in one ~+~ eat in the dining hall unless said Gilbert Volmi, Food Ser- block, was a "good deterrent '~~~ working, according to War­ vice director. He said the to violence," said one police ~' ren. penalty for "pilferage" is up official in front of the White A third student Craig Cornu to the manager, but may be House. (AS 80) resigned during the immediate discharge of the Sponsors of the rally, the same two week period after violator· Nation a 1 M o b il i z at ion disagreeing with dining hall Cornu said he was accused Against the Draft (MAD) and policies, Warren said. on Mar. 10 of sleeping at his the Committee Against According to the student back door monitor post. "I Registration and the Draft employee handbook, was reading with my head (CARD), demanded no Photo by Michoel Menkus disciplinary procedure re­ down," he explained. "I registration, no draft, and no pected to reach the floor of account he draws the money quires students be given a argued with Mrs. Warren war as part of a "1980 Spring the House this week. from" said Oliver. verbal warning for a first of­ about it and she told me to. Offensive" in draft opposi- But Carter might not need Administration officials, fense, and a written warning punch out. I didn't take it as tion. Congress's vote to enact however, have said the draft · after the second before being being fired, I just didn't want The demonstration was a registration, according to Dr. appropriations bill will discharged for a third of­ to come back. She had reason plea to Congress to reject James K Oliver of the univer­ receive "overwhelming sup­ fense. to write me up, I'm not a star Carter's proposal in which sity's political science depart­ port" in the House, and would worker, but she had no reason $13.3 million of the Pen- ment. "pass comfortably" in the to tell me I was asleep when I tagon's budget would be "The president could con­ Senate, according to the New wasn't." transferred to the Selective ceivably get the funds (for York Times. on the White said a meeting was Service to activate the Ser- registration) from- the Pen­ At Saturday's rally, held on Mar. 5 "to bring vice's current "stand-by" tagon without Congressional feminist Bella Abzug told inside students and management condition. The vote is ex- approval, depending on which (Continued to pog• •> together(Continued because to poge 3)the situa- - L-------------------------------------------------------------------------~ Ithink I can Physics professor John Preiss dies of apparent heart attack Newark seeks funds by DIANE THOMPSON to renovate local reasons to pursue the subject Preiss had taught courses railroad station ... 3 A pliysics professor died of physics in-depth," said in Continuing Education and Thursday afternoon after he Daniels. developed the introductory collapsed in his Sharp Lab of­ Preiss developed the first honors physics program at fice from an apparent heart vacuum ultra violet spectra the university. He was the attack, according to Security. of proteins and nucleic acids. former secretary of the Arts The gopd news He . was pronounced dead on He was also the first scientist and Science Senate, and serv­ Final exams schedule ... 8 arrival at Newark Emergen­ to localize enzymes within ed on the Student Grievance cy Room. cells by radiation, and Committee of the physics Dr. John W. Preiss, 57, had discovered protein department. taught at the university for 19 characterizing radiation dose .Preiss spoke at profes­ Atight squeeze years and was known for his functions. sional conferences and was "highly individual and inspir­ He came to _the university the author of numerous ar­ local spelunkers ing approach to physics," in 1961 from the National In­ ticles in scholarly journals. explore underground ... 11 said Dr. William Daniels, stitute of Arthritis and He had received grants from chairman of the Physics Metabolic Diseases in the Public Health Service and Department. Bethesda, Md. He had receiv­ the University of Delaware "He provided many of the ed three degrees in physics ·Research Foundation. Dr. John W. Preiss best university students from Yale University. (Continued to page,.) Page 2 • THE REVIEW • March 25. 1980 , TIRED OF COOKING YOUR OWN MEALS OR ' . -HIGH FOOD PRICES? ·. ·~· ,_ . JOIN THE UNIVERSITY DINING PROGRAM! Rates for most meal plans reduce weekly~ Select a plan to satisfy your style, schedule, or preference. ,.. Dine with friends in any of six dining facilities, offering a variety of atmospheres and menu styles. FOR INFORMATION, CALL OR STOP BY THE .... ~ FOOD SERVICE OFFICE, 503 S. .. ·"· - ACADEMY STREET; 738-2645 ., ., . ' " JENSEN SPEAKER SALE Jl ,.. $169 pr. $399 pr. Jenaen 20 Two !!~!yfr!e• Jen-n 40 Ttiree Way s,eakera. Way SP!akera. WayS,_kera. 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DC amp & 1.8 F/11 sensitivity. $390. Save $2101 Mfg. Retail $415. Save $2251 ~our favorite Stereo Mfg. Retail $375. Save $2151 Receiver listed here! AS JVC . .. ..-. ~-; ....~ ~ I f, -- ~ " I. , . --~ ... - ~< -~ t:---- ·- ·=1 '1 / I • :: ._. ...__ · t['_) : ; ~' ; . ~HH _~-~H ttf~ - .! ;..fiSHER . $130 Marantz-----·-- SR-1000 Flaher SR-2003 JVC JR·S 501 AM/FI'll Stereo Receiver. 20 watts $160 $350 Sale Ends Mon. Mar. 31, 1980. per channel, no more than 0.09,-. THO, AM/FM Stereo Receiver. 30 watts AM/FM Stereo Receiver. 120 per channel at .04,-. THO, fine tuning watts per channel, no more than 0.03% twin power meters & dual pu~sc tun­ Limited Quantities so Hurry! Ing meters. Mfg. Retail $275. meters & a built-In 5 band g_ra~hlc THO plus a built-In 5 band .sraphlc equalizer. Mfg. Retail $349.95. equalizer. Mfg. Retail $729.95. Save $1451 Save $189.951 • Save $379.951 NEWARK TALLEYVILLE WILMINGTON Chestnut Hill Plaza RJ. 202 (Concord Pike) WALL TO WALL SOUND JR. Chestnut Hill £. (. Silverside Road CAR STEREO & C. B. ONLY .iiLL d WiiLL I~ Marrows Roads I mile South or Concord Mall 4830 Kirkwood Hwy. PENNSYLVANIA • NEW JERSEY • DELAWARE Center or Gaylords Shopping Ctr. 478-6500 995-2288 731-1466 Closed Sunday 1980-WALL TO WALL SOUND Instant Credit Limited Quanltleo Open Sunday 11-5 available if you qualify Closed for hours I March 25, 1980 • THE REVIEW • Page 3 Newark train station aid sought by JONATHAN FEIGEN But the congressional and volume of use," he said.
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