ANNUAL DONOR REPORT 06 – 07 Tradition Generosity The Spirit of St. Francis Excellence Service Community St. Francis College Board of Trustees Frank J. Macchiarola, Ph.D. ’62, President Brendan J. Dugan ’68, Chairman Hector Batista ’84 Brother William A. Boslet, O.S.F. ’70 Brother Shane Burke, O.S.F., Ed.D. ’72 ✚ Brother Leonard Conway, O.S.F. ’71 Orville W. Dale Joseph F. D’Angelo Vincent DeGiaimo ’72 Vincent A. Gardino ’75 Stuart P. Greenspon Michael A. Henning ’61 Susan L. Huff Irene Impellizzeri, Ph.D. Leslie S. Jacobson, Ph.D. Gerard C. Keegan ’68 Michael C. Koffler Jesus F. Linares ’84 J. Christopher Mangan ’83 Robert Mangone, Esq. Lawrence A. Marsiello ’72 Gino P. Menchini William G. Parrett ’67 Marlin S. Potash, Ed.D. Denis J. Salamone ’75 Brother Kevin Smith, O.S.F., Ph.D. Brother Robert Smith, O.S.F.* Albert H. Swanke John F. Tully, Esq. ’67 Thomas J. Volpe** Charles E. Williams III, Esq. TABLE OF CONTENTS Peter M. Yu, Esq. President’s Letter 1 Larry S. Zilavy Conversation with Brendan J. Dugan ’68 2 Defining the Spirit of St. Francis College 3 Tradition 5 Generosity 7 Excellence 9 Service 11 Community 13 2006 / 2007 Five Year Overview 14 * Trustee Emeritus Donor Lists 15-26 ** Chairman Emeritus Statement of Activities 28 ✚ Deceased 1 The Spirit of St. Francis Dear Alumni and Friends of St. Francis College, At the conclusion of the 2006-2007 fiscal year, the Board of Education used our classrooms, we honor the Spirit of St. Francis and celebrate theater, library, physical education, and recre- not only the accomplishments of the past year ation facilities over 250 days for reasons that but everything we are fortunate to be able to spanned from administrative to athletics to the share with our community. arts. We are privileged to serve our neighbors in this way. With this year’s total gifts topping over $5 million, we are moved to respond quickly and On the following pages, you will read about responsibly to the obvious faith that so many several people whose contributions to the have in our College. These contributions from College embody the characteristics that define alumni, friends, foundations and corporations the spirit and nature of our institution: Tradition, and our generous board of trustees, as well as Generosity, Excellence, Service, and Community. grants from a number of public and government While their financial contributions to the College agencies, create a strong platform for future vary in size, they are all significant, and their fundraising drives and make possible further reasons for giving echo a common theme: It’s improvements to our campus. As you will see important to give back to your community, to from the donor listing, many individuals give those who believe in you, and for the ongoing consistently, and we are deeply appreciative of viability of St. Francis College. your commitment. And to our new donors, We hope our appreciation for your gifts to I welcome you and assure that you have made St. Francis College is evident in the ways we a wise investment. invest in the growth and future of the College. The enhancement of our physical space, includ- We are grateful for everything you do. ing expanded computer labs, state-of-the-art Sincerely in St. Francis, fitness center, new Nursing and Psychology laboratories, improved book store, and soon- to-be-complete renovated chapel, enables us to share even more with our surrounding com- FR an K J. M accH ia Rola ’62 munity. Last year, over 100 different community President, St. Francis College organizations ranging from the Boy Scouts to St. Francis College Donor Report 1 ConVERsatIon WITH BRenDan J. DUGan ’68, CHAIRMan of THE BoaRD of TRUstees Upon the recent conclusion of Brendan addition and opening of the Academic reflects the pride they have in their alma Dugan’s first year as chairman of the Center in 2006 as well as several other re- mater,” he said. “This is important to St. Francis College board of trustees, cent physical and program enhancements. capture and utilize for purposes that his opinions about the board he’s been “The capital improvements implemented range from public relations and fund- a part of since 1991 are reaffirmed. over the past couple of years have raising for the College to career sup- “The quality of the talent and the depth of changed the physical ambiance of the port for our students and graduates.” dedication among trustees are extraordi- College,” he commented. “The state- While that might at first seem counterin- nary,” said Mr. Dugan ’68, who is chair- of-the art facility permits the College to tuitive for an institution led by St. Francis’ man and CEO of Sovereign Bank, Metro contribute meaningfully to 21st century example of humble service, Mr. Dugan New York/New Jersey Division. “The learning while complementing the Fran- explains how this approach actually is con- diversity of our backgrounds and profes- ciscan atmosphere that has long existed.” sistent with traditional Franciscan values. sional experiences is a particular strength, As the number of alumni who participate “The principles we learn as undergraduates demonstrated by our tremendous abil- in the College’s programs continues its provide the tools that we draw on through- ity to accomplish far-reaching goals.” current upward trend, Mr. Dugan be- out our lives, including when making choic- Mr. Dugan’s participation on the Finance lieves it is imperative to find new ways es about how to conduct our personal and and Development committees prior to to leverage the talent among St. Francis business affairs,” he said. “Focusing our becoming chairman has been vital to graduates that exists in the marketplace. individual and collective strengths to help the development and execution of the “There is a growing buzz about St. Francis one another and the College is the embodi- master plan that drove the Campaign College among alumni of all ages that ment of giving back to an institution that for Big Dreams. This includes the has provided opportunity to so many.” Defining the Spirit of St. Francis College How do you describe St. Francis College? Some might say Franciscan values. Others and other civic entities, a variety of supportive would point out high-quality education friends, and our surrounding community that for an affordable tuition, faculty who take makes it possible for the College to continue an interest in their students, a sense of to offer what it always has and everything family or place in the neighborhood, and that makes it relevant to today’s students. supportive alumni. Scholarship recipients These characteristics describe not only might describe their experience as “an op- the people of St. Francis College but our portunity that I wouldn’t have had otherwise.” achievements as well. Thank you for your Historically, St. Francis College is all these role in keeping alive the palpable spirit that things. More succinctly, it is tradition, gen- anyone affiliated with the College recog- erosity, excellence, service, and community. nizes immediately on campus, in the com- And it is our relationship with alumni, public munity, and wherever we are gathered. St. Francis College Donor Report 3 FatHER MICHael A. CARRano ’66 When choosing a college in the early those elements have been maintained see the same passion for learning and 1960’s, Father Michael Carrano recognized with the addition of state-of-the-art drive to succeed in Caribbean, Russian, at St. Francis "a spirit of community, con- facilities shows commitment to what and Eastern European students whose cern, and compassion" that was different has always made St. Francis special.” families emigrated for the same reasons from other schools. What appeals to him As pastor of Church of the Assumption mine did several generations ago.” today as an adjunct professor at St. Fran- of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Father Because of St. Francis College’s cis College and priest who serves a parish Carrano ministers to longtime neighbor- commitment to its Franciscan mis- just blocks from campus is the same spirit hood residents as well as those newly sion, Father Carrano has remained that was present for him as a student. arrived to Brooklyn from all over the connected to the College as a faculty “The attentiveness of the Brothers, small world. In his parishioners and his stu- member, celebrant at weekly Mass, for- classes that catered to all levels of under- dents, he sees the diversity that reflects mer president of the Alumni Board, and standing, and excellent teachers who were the overall population of New York City. a donor. “The foundation that was laid demanding but made it all worthwhile “When I was in school, first-generation on Butler Street supports the spirit of were the hallmarks of my undergraduate students were primarily of Italian and the College today,” he said. “Times experience,” he said. “The fact that Irish descent,” he observed. “Today, I have changed but the basics have not.” I like to describe my experience in Assisi as a “learning journey” rather than a trip. My time there, reflect- ing on the lives of Saints Francis and Clare and their willingness to make sacrifices to be part of a greater good, had a profound impact on my approach to teaching. I was always connected to my students, but afterward they could sense that I became open to a more genuine, honest life. From that has grown a trust that I have their interests at heart. Every year, when the pilgrims are announced, I get excited for them. I know that something in their lives will shift in a positive way.
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