Diocese of North Carolina North of Diocese ❖ 2009 Journal The Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina of Convention 200 West Morgan Street, Suite 300 Raleigh, NC 27601-1338 The Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina www.episdionc.org ❖ 2009 ❖ DiocesanDiocesan Institutions Institutions TheThe Diocesan Diocesan House House 7EST-ORGAN3TREET 3UITE 2ALEIGH .# 7EST-ORGAN3TREET 3UITE 2ALEIGH .# 4EL s 4EL s &AX &AX 7EBSITEWWWEPISDIONCORG7EBSITEWWWEPISDIONCORG GreensboroGreensboro Office Office (Office(Office ofof AssistingAssisting BishopBishop andand Dean,Dean, SchoolSchool ofof Ministry)Ministry) !T3TONEHAVEN 3T!NDREWS'REENSBORO!T3TONEHAVEN 3T!NDREWS'REENSBORO 7-ARKET3TREET 'REENSBORO .#7-ARKET3TREET 'REENSBORO .# 4EL 4EL CharlotteCharlotte Office Office (Office(Office ofof AssistantAssistant Bishop)Bishop) !T3T0ETERS #HARLOTTE!T3T0ETERS #HARLOTTE 7ESTTH3TREET #HARLOTTE .#7ESTTH3TREET #HARLOTTE .# 4EL EXT4EL EXT TheThe Penick Penick Village Village 0/"OX 3OUTHERN0INES .#0/"OX 3OUTHERN0INES .# %AST2HODE)SLAND!VENUE 3OUTHERN0INES .#%AST2HODE)SLAND!VENUE 3OUTHERN0INES .# 4EL s&AX 4EL s&AX !#OMMUNITYFORTHE!GING!#OMMUNITYFORTHE!GING SaintSaint Mary’s Mary’s School School (ILLSBOROUGH3TREET 2ALEIGH .# (ILLSBOROUGH3TREET 2ALEIGH .# 4EL s&AX 4EL s&AX !N%PISCOPAL3CHOLFOR9OUNG7OMEN!N%PISCOPAL3CHOLFOR9OUNG7OMEN 4HEO7#OONROD 0RESIDENTAND(EADOF3CHOOL4HEO7#OONROD 0RESIDENTAND(EADOF3CHOOL SaintSaint Augustine’s Augustine’s College College /AKWOOD!VENUE 2ALEIGH .# /AKWOOD!VENUE 2ALEIGH .# 4EL s&AX 4EL s&AX !FOUR YEAR CO EDUCATIONALLIBERALARTSCOLLEGE!FOUR YEAR CO EDUCATIONALLIBERALARTSCOLLEGE $R$IANNE"3UBER 0RESIDENT$R$IANNE"3UBER 0RESIDENT Journal of the One Hundred Ninety-Third Annual Convention of the Diocese of North Carolina in The Episcopal Church Winston-Salem, North Carolina January 23-24, 2009 1 The One Hundred Ninety-Fourth Annual Convention of the Diocese of North Carolina will be held in Winston-Salem, North Carolina January 22-23, 2010 at the Benton Convention Center 2 ❖ ❖ ❖ Mission Strategy ❖ ❖ ❖ The Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina LIVING GOD’S DREAM BY MAKING DISCIPLES AND MAKING A DIFFERENCE ❖ ❖ ❖ OUR MISSION Empowered by the Holy Spirit, The Diocese of North Carolina is a community of disciples who are making a difference by following Jesus Christ into the dream of God for us and for all creation. SUMMARY OF GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Goal One: Spiritual Renewal. To encourage spiritual formation and growth of laity and clergy. Goal Two: Young People. To strengthen congregational and diocesan programs for youth, college students and other young adults. Goal Three: Outreach. To expand ministries of service witness and advocacy through reaching and serving people beyond ourselves. Goal Four: Hospitality and Incorporation. To expand and empower congregations through the increasing involvement of new and existing members. Goal Five: Congregational Development. To start new congregations and to nurture and sustain existing ones. Goal Six: Diocesan Structures and Resources. To ensure that the structure and resources of the Diocese promote achievement of these goals. i ❖ ❖ ❖ Diocese of North Carolina ❖ ❖ ❖ MISSION ACTIONS — 2007 ACTIONS PERTAINING TO DIOCESAN STRUCTURE The recommendations from the Diocesan Structure Subcommittee are based on these guiding considerations: • We are a resource-size diocese, though we have been functioning as a smaller, pastoral-size diocese. In order to operate more effectively, and in order to avoid burn-out among staff and frustration among congregations, we need to increase staff size and organize ourselves in a way that allows for healthy diocesan and congregational inter-action that is not Bishop-dependent. • We are a diocese in transition, due to both our place in the Anglican Communion and our expressed desire to be transformed into a missionary diocese. Because of this change element in our life as a diocese, we must avoid making permanent staffing and property decisions which will commit our energies and resources in ways that might restrict the unfolding of our new life. • We are a diocese in need of review and restructure, especially with regard to how we make decisions. If we are to undergo the deep transformation we desire, we must be open to changing the ways in which we do business together. Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina Plan for Implementation of Phase II of the Mission Action Plan Approved by Diocesan Council June 29, 2006 1. REGIONAL MINISTRY DEVELOPMENT The revitalization and development of the existing congregations of the diocese as communities where disciples of Jesus are formed and through which God’s mission in the world is lived out is at the heart of MIT Phase II. The growth and development of the work of the Episcopal Church will depend as much on the revitalization of the existing churches as on the establishment of new churches. As such, Phase II of the MIT wisely proposes a regional approach and strategy to this revitalization and development of congregations. I believe this strategy to be not only sound but essential. Such an approach provides needed support and resources for congregations on the local/regional level. It also creates a practical system of inter-connectedness and a network of relationships between congregations, regions and the wider diocese. It addresses the need for both the development and resourcing of congregations, through direct and substantial interaction with the diocesan structure. ii ❖ ❖ ❖ Mission Actions ❖ ❖ ❖ As a means of implementing such a regional structure I am proposing the following. First, that we adopt the principle of Regionalized Support and Resourcing as a basic strategy for the revitalization of the existing church in our diocese. This is an essential strategic decision which drives the essence of Phase II. An appendix outlining the regional ministry approach is appended to this. Second, that we phase in this model, rather than attempting to jump into it all at once. I am proposing that we do so with the establishment of a first phase region to be established in the 2nd half of 2007. Given the importance of the regional strategy to diocesan wide revitalization on the congregational level and given the significant investment required to accomplish it, it seems most prudent to begin with a first phase, as a way of testing the model and refining it for future incorporation and development throughout the diocese. Third, that we establish a task force by August 2006 to be charged with fleshing out the details of the model, identifying actions steps and establishing a time line necessary to implement the first phase in the Fall of 2007. Further, this task force would be charged with identifying a process for evaluation and review of the first phase in the third year of its existence (probably 2010), to provide a basis for modification of the model, based on our experience, and to guide us in expanding it until we reach the level of the four regions proposed in the MIT Report. Funding: Funding of the first phase seems appropriately support from the resources generated by the sale of the Summit. The essential cost will be that of a regional missioner, office expenses, etc. This approach offers a responsible means of investment in the future of the diocese, as the same time it supports the development of a new model for ministry. It allows us to begin with one region rather than four at once. It allow us to learn from the experience and then target the investment of funds and people based on actual experience. It provides a means of graduating into a regional system, living with it, and only then making longer term institutional changes and commitments (canonical changes of convocation) after experience warrants. Within the 5- 7 yrs of Phase II the regional system could be well established, flourishing, and accomplishing the work of revitalizing congregations as communities of those who follow Jesus. 2. LAND FOR NEW CONGREGATIONS We presently have three congregations in formation that will soon need assistance in the acquisition of land. While multiple sources of funding and procurement will be needed, the diocese itself must be a major source of funds and support as well. Additionally, future new congregations in Phase III need to be established with plans for land issues addressed and funded. The level of funding needed will require significant fund raising via a capital campaign, annual appeal or other identified means. In the course of developing a plan for funding land for new congregations, it will be important for the Council to be in conversation with the North Carolina Episcopal Church Foundation to discover ways of collaboration on this matter. iii ❖ ❖ ❖ Diocese of North Carolina ❖ ❖ ❖ 3. YoUTH AND YoUNG ADULT MINISTRY DEVELOPMENT During Phase I a substantial amount of work needed to further develop Youth Ministry in the diocese on the local/regional level will take place. The same is true for the establishment of Young Adult ministry. Phase II is the period of exercising these ministry developments as a primary way of forming disciples of Jesus on the local and regional level. Funding: The youth and young adult ministry initiatives should, in my opinion, eventually be funded from the Mission and Ministry budget. That funding will need to be supplemented from resources generated from the sale of the Summit on a graduated declining basis. The direct service being provided congregations in this area should provide a strong basis for this becoming a budget area funded through askings. 4. SCHOOL OF MINISTRY
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