TULANE vs. GI£0RGIA TECH NOVEMBER 10, 1945 howC'tl before &tH·h mighty gridiron foes as Notte TlHIIE GlfZEIENli iE Dame, Nav~· and Duke. Vol. 15 NOVE;>;!BE& 10, 1!)4.) ?\o. : Tulane 's youthful \\'ave, meanwhile, has JUSt bt'gun rounding into shape. After a !!low sbll't Official Souvenir Football Program of Tulane whieh saw them til' !•'lorida and then lo~e to Rite Uni¥ersity, Published for Eacl1 IIome Game and .\uburn, thl• (;r('t•nies found tlwit· stride and produeed :1 19 6 upset 01·er Southern :.'lll'thodist and National Advertising Representative, Football Publications, 370 Lexington, New York City. :1 H-13 win on•t· p1·e,•iou~I.v unbeaten ~I ississippi Rt:tt<'. ANDY ROGERS, Editor 'l'h(' win o,·et· till' ~ 1 :1 I' Oons was one of the major CAROL HART, Associate Editor ;;ut·prises of thl' sl'ason and if the Grl•enies cau con­ tinlll', thi» l!l-1.3 tl•am may go down in the t ccord hook :ll> the mo~t ''upset-minded·' of all Tulane Wave-Yellowjacket History teams. The alwa,,·s formidable Yellowjackets of tho Georgia ~:k lt ool of Tcchuolog,v tod:t,l' visit Tulane for the 14Lh meeting of thcso two Southeastern Uonfer<'nce sdtools. LOST ARTICLES Lost articles should be turned i1~ at Room 18 For the first time since 1917, th<' 'Jackets will near the North e11d of the West Sidr, Tulane be under a n<•w pilot. IIe is Coach Rob<'rt (Bobby) Sladiu1n. Roonl 18 is located near the foot of Dodd, who took Ol'<'r the reins at 'J'N·h from \\'. A. Ra711p 6. For telr]llume information regarding lo.~t and f ound articles, caU WAlnut .57.)4. Alexand<'r this ~en son after ''A )('x '' h:Hl led this SEU foe for 2.'i years. When 'l'ultul(' began its football relations with Georgia Tech in 1916, the Yt•llow,jackets wen• l'Oached by John Heisman. Reisman was succee<lecl by Alexander in 1920 but it wasn't tlllitl 1926 that the young mentor had a shot at the Ore~.•n W'a1·e. 'l'he clo~cncss of the ri,·ahy that <>Xists between the ·w ave and the ' .J ackets is easil.v shown in the record books. A quick glance l'<'l'<':t ls lite 'l'ech men hold sc"en dctol'ics in the 13 gaml.'s played, and all but two of tiH'lW, the ones in 1916 antl 191i, han• been scored b_,.. \lexander-coaehed teams. Surprisingly enough, the triumplts seem to run in cycles. <l<·o··~ia 'l'ech won the first five games plnycd, strct('hing- these v ictories o,·cr :1 period from 191 6 to 1928. Included in the st l'ittg- :He scores of 43-0, 48-r.. 9 6, t:l-6, and 12-0. 'l'ubltl<' took Ol'er in 1929 aud went undefeated against the Yeliow· jackets until 19-t:l, chalking up margins of 20·14. 2"·0, 33-0, ~0·1-l, 7·0, and 20·12, for a one game edge in the sel'ies. But in 19•1:!, the 'l'cch club again took o,·cr. 1t was this clev(•tt, led b;r th.:l famed Edd i c Porkop, that scored a :l~ - 0 ,·icrory O\'et' 'l'ulatt(' :ttttl went on to play in the Ru~ar Bowl. Last year, the .\ tlantans ran up a 34-7 tr:umph and if the pre1·ious precedent eontinues. the '.Ja<•kets could eontinnl' their domi· nation for the next fil•e meetings. 'l'his se:u;on, Lit e 'l'e<·h crew has a three and three r ecord. Tlte Yellowjackets h;tvc whipped North Carolina, Howard College and Auburn but ha,-e s New Orleans' Finest In America's Most Interesting City THE ROOSEVELT is located in the heart of Romantic old New Orleans. It is in the center of business and social activities and is close to the Theatre, Shopping, French Quarter, and Business Districts ... You will like the tasteful luxury and home-like atmosphere of this modern hotel where the traditions of Southern Hospitality are main­ tained the year 'round. 800 ROOMS WITH BATH MODERATE RATES (Jree~~a~e Co acne/" CLAUDE-­ '/110NK I WERNER lJUTCif "LUCHSIN<SER SIMON.§ II- AI/Vt:R fleADCOACH 'TOMMY O 'BOYLt=-' TATE '';::JINEY"' PAGE VERNON "LEFTY {lfiAYNES A.ssr LwEJ CoACH L11veCOACH CIVOCOACN Famous for FINE FOOD Shop With Confidence and DRINK You can 't go wrong with your choice when it comes from Mayer Israel's. For over 50 years, the words Mayer Israel's and fine fashions have been syn­ onymous - signifying only the finest in quality. TONIGHT - enjoy Shop with confidence at specialties of these Mayer Israel's-t he store noted •·estaurants: of fine fashions for men, ANTOINE'S women and children. 713 St. Louis St. ARNAUD'S 813 Bienville St. BROUSSARD'S 819 Conti St. KOLB'S 125 St. Charles St. Mayer Israel's LA LOUISIANE 714 Canal Street 725 lberville St. 6 T u 1 L 9 A 4 N 5 E Hl/GH BoweRS WILLIAM REYNOLDS CGNrER> HALf:BACK:> TWEEDS ARE COLLEGIATE/ A LL WOOL SUITS Smartly tailored suits in both s i n g 1 e and double-breasted styles. New fall colors. Full size range. 32.50 O ther Tweeds . 27.50 -- 35.00 e Smart H erringbones ! e Fancy Diagonals! e Plain D onegals ! e Men's Clothing, MB First Floor GREATEST STORE SOUTH 8 e Penalties LOSS OF FIVE YARDS Taking more than three times out 5 Failure to maintain proper align- 8 Taking more than two steps with during either half ment of offensive team before ball after signaling for fair catch 2 Illegal delay of game ball is snapped. Also, baclcfield 9 Illegal use of hands and arms by man illegally in motion defensive players 3 Failure of substitute to report to 6 Offside by either team, or encroach- 10 Flying block or Oying tackle umpire ment on neutral zone II Player in motion less than 5 yards 4 Violation of kick-off formation 7 Attempt to draw opponents offside behind line of scrimmage. 12 Crawling by the runner LOSS OF FIFTEEN YARDS 13 T earn not ready to play at scheduled 18 Forward pass touched by ineligible 22 Illegal use of hands and arms by time player offensive players 14 Substitute communicating with team­ 19 Intentional grounding of forward 23 Defensive player striking opponent mates before ball is put in play pass above shoulders 15 Illegal substitution (player also sus­ 24 Roughing the kicker Interference by member of passing pended from game) 20 25 Piling up, hurdling, clipping 16 Failure to stop at least one second team with defensive player eligi­ 26 Tackling player out of bounds on shift play ble for pass 27 O>aching from the sidelines 17 Forward pass by member of team 21 Interference with fair-catch or tack­ 28 Illegal interference with defense by which did not put ball in play ling player before ball is caught passing team OTHER PENALTIES 29 Striking, kneeing, or kicking op­ 31 Interference by defensive team on 33 Flagrant unsportsmanlike conduct­ ponent-half the distance to the forward pass-first down for disqualification, plus fifteen yards goal and disqualification of of­ passing team at spot of foul Forward pass touched by ineligible fending player 34 30 Foul within one yard line- half the 32 Flagrant roughing of kicker-dis­ p layer on or behind line of scrim­ distance to the goal qualification, plus fifteen yards mage-loss of down Interference wlth torwud PIIU, vass touehln« lntllrt· ble. player, or · ·scntnlo'" PUJ re· eehtr. (Jf Pt"nahJ oo orten:o~e, llihtn lptffltrtnct OCt"Urs bt)'Ond lint of scrimmage, 15 yards and lou of down; on or b•hlnd line or 5<:rlm· maKe!. lou or down only. Jnlerrer· tnf'e by detti\Je, b1111 to fltftnae on spot.ot rout as flrot ....., 1 lntenllonal groundlna or CALL FOR PHILIP MORRIS fO'I"nrd pas~. ( PrnallY - lou or dol<n and ll AMERICA'S FINEST CIGARETTE nrd ...,,.. ,~ rrom spol ot -«<Inc clown. l Some of the nation's future engineers re­ ceive their training at Tulane university. Here, three chemists of tomorrow, work at a distillation plant in the college of engi- neering. The art of leveling is learned in the civil engineering department, as demonstrated by two Naval trainees at the left. At the bottom, students operate a model of a pump built especially for Tulane by the New Orleans Sewerage and Water Board. The pump is the same type used to drain New Orleans of water in time of storm. Professor James M. Robert (left) is dean of the college of engineering at Tulane and William (Rip) Reynolds (right) is presi- dent of the student body. Students in the above picture operate the Corliss steam engine used in the early part of the century to supply the entire university with power. Below, some of the members of the college gather around the gigantic slide rule and "blarney stone", two of the symbols of the college of engineering. This Program Printed AT THE GAME by TULANE UNIVERSITY PRESS Printing Department of Tulane University AFTER THE GAME CAMPUS PRINTERS ENJOY Basement, Gibson Hall Phone WAlnut 0082 Cover printed on recently installed automatic press ··~~T· tme Out'' DRINK- PAUSE­ RELAX- REFRESH YOURSELF TULANE STARTINC LINEUP LE LT LC C RC RT RE. Bailey Robinson Brinker Bowen Bourgeois Schneider Lassette 32 36 44 14 38 45 31 QB Crouch LHB 20 RHB Hoot Counce 23 FB 33 Chavez 23 SQUAD LIST 10 Arthur, b 27 Rowland, t 42 Bie, c II Lee, b 28 Robertson, b 43 Fergerson, t 12 Rideou!, b 29 Reynolds, b 44 Brinker, g 14 Bowers, c 30 Cash, e 45 Schneider, t 15 Leahey, b 3 I Lassetter, c 50 Watkins, e 16 Levonian, b 32 Bailey, c 57 Carney, e 18 Young, b 33 Counce.
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