April 20, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E709 COMMEMORATING MARLA merit badges, but the respect of his family, Chicano movement in the Southwest. He was RUZICKA FOR HER OUT- peers, and community. He is truly an exem- born in Denver, Colorado, in 1928 and spent STANDING DEDICATION AND AD- plary scout. his early life as a professional boxer. He be- VOCACY OF HUMAN RIGHTS For his Eagle project, C.D. remodeled the came a national boxing champion and was ceiling of the VFW basement. His work in- later inducted into the Colorado Sports Hall of HON. MIKE THOMPSON cluded taking down old lighting, ceiling outlets, Fame. But for Corky Gonzales, his boxing ca- OF CALIFORNIA as well as other miscellaneous items. When reer proved to be a metaphor for a life of so- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES this was completed, C.D. installed a sus- cial and political activism. Corky Gonzales was pended ceiling, diffusers, and new can light- a fighter and he became a true champion in Wednesday, April 20, 2005 ing. The project provided the VFW with a nicer the struggle for human dignity and cultural re- Mr. THOMPSON of California. Mr. Speaker, looking space which has more light, and which spect. He became a champion of La Raza. I rise today to honor the life of Marla Ruzicka, is better insulated from outside noise. Corky Gonzales entered the political arena who was killed last Saturday, April 16, 2005, Mr. Speaker, I proudly ask you to join me in in the late 1950’s serving as the first Mexican when a suicide bomber attacked a convoy of commending Charles David Hevalow for his American district captain in the Denver Demo- security contractors that was passing next to accomplishments with the Boy Scouts of cratic Party. He proved to be a skilled orga- her vehicle in Iraq. The attack occurred on the America and for his efforts put forth in achiev- nizer and headed up the 1960 Viva Kennedy Baghdad Airport road as she traveled to visit ing the highest distinction of Eagle Scout. campaign. He was recognized for his efforts to an Iraqi child injured by a bomb, part of her f increase political participation among Latinos daily work of identifying and supporting inno- HONORING THE CONTRIBUTIONS and for bringing the social and economic chal- cent victims of the war in Iraq. Marla’s out- OF SAMANTHA KNOLLHOFF, lenges facing the Latino community into main- standing contributions and dedication to WEINERT ELEMENTARY TEACH- stream awareness. But the slow pace of social human rights around the world are truly appre- ER OF THE YEAR change within the political system set Mr. ciated and will be sorely missed. Gonzales on a new path of activism. He es- Although just 28, Marla lived a full life. She tablished the La Raza Unida party in Colorado began a door-to-door survey of civilian casual- HON. HENRY CUELLAR and in 1965, he founded La Crusada Por ties in Iraq the day after Saddam Hussein’s OF TEXAS Justicia—The Crusade for Justice—to further statue was toppled in April 2003. She founded IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the cause of equality and justice for Chicanos, a non-profit organization, Campaign for Inno- Wednesday, April 20, 2005 Latinos and Mexican Americans as well deal cent Victims In Conflict (CIVIC) and formed Mr. CUELLAR. Mr. Speaker, I rise to recog- with racial injustice and advance the causes of survey teams that gathered first-hand ac- nize the many accomplishments of Samantha civil liberty and human rights. He led a contin- counts of civilian casualties in Iraq. Knollhoff, Weinert Elementary School Teacher gent to the Poor People’s March on Wash- Marla traveled repeatedly to danger zones of the Year. ington, DC and in 1969, he convened the First in Afghanistan and Iraq to locate and docu- Ms. Knollhoff has 8 years of teaching expe- Annual Chicano Youth Conference in Denver. ment people who were killed or injured and rience, 4 of which have been with the Seguin Mr. Gonzales worked with city leaders to es- then worked to secure compensation for them Independent School District. She acts as tablish a health clinic on the North side and or their families. Weinert’s counselor for kindergarten through served on the Colorado Civil Rights Commis- A native of Lake County, California Marla grade five, helping students and their families sion. He is credited for launching the Chicano graduated from Long Island University. After deal with the adjustment to school, and begin literary movement and his writings and college, she returned to California, where she their academic careers on the right track. speeches have become an affirmation of pride worked for Global Exchange, a San Francisco- Ms. Knollhoff holds a Bachelor of Arts in in the Mexican American cultural heritage. based human rights organization. This led her Psychology from the University of Texas at One of Corky Gonzales’ most enduring ac- to Kabul, Afghanistan, shortly after the Taliban Dallas and a Master of Education in Guidance complishments was the founding of Escuela fell, where she focused her attention on the and Counseling from Southwest Texas State Tlatelolco Centro de Estudios in 1970. It was plight of war victims. University. She also brings to the table pre- established to ensure that Latino and Indige- Mr. Speaker and colleagues, Marla Ruzicka vious experience with the New Braunfels and nous youth are educated and empowered to earned the respect, friendship and admiration San Marcos Independent School Districts. continue their human development in higher of all of those with whom she came in contact. Samantha Knollhoff’s work doesn’t end at education. But more importantly, in estab- She will be greatly missed both personally and the classroom door; she is also a dedicated lishing Escuela Tlatelolco, Corky Gonzales es- professionally. Her compassion and commit- volunteer in her community. She is especially tablished a tradition of learning that helps stu- ment to human rights were unquestionable. involved in her church: she teaches Sunday dents and parents both cherish and preserve For these reasons and countless others, it is school, and assists with her church’s youth ac- the ethnic and cultural diversity that gives indi- most appropriate that we honor her life’s work tivities. viduals dignity and strength and thereby fur- and we extend our condolences to her family. Ms. Knollhoff always advises her students to ther empowers our communities and our na- f have hope, saying, ‘‘Hope doesn’t promise an tion. RECOGNIZING CHARLES DAVID instant solution, but rather the possibility of an Corky Gonzales touched our community in HEVALOW FOR ACHIEVING THE eventual one.’’ She is a credit to her commu- many ways that will endure. He gave us cour- RANK OF EAGLE SCOUT nity, and I am proud to have the chance to age and dignity in the face of discrimination recognize her here today. and economic injustice. He inspired us with HON. SAM GRAVES f his devotion and willingness to fight for the right that should be afforded to all people and OF MISSOURI TRIBUTE TO RODOLFO ‘‘CORKY’’ the cultural expression that dignifies all peo- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES GONZALES ple. I am reminded of the wisdom of Cesar Wednesday, April 20, 2005 HON. DIANA DeGETTE Chavez—‘‘What is at stake is human dignity. Mr. GRAVES. Mr. Speaker, I proudly pause If (we) are not accorded respect, (we) cannot OF COLORADO to recognize Charles David Hevalow, a very respect ourselves and if (we) cannot respect IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES special young man who has exemplified the (ourselves), (we) cannot demand it of others.’’ finest qualities of citizenship and leadership by Wednesday, April 20, 2005 I would submit that Corky Gonzales under- taking an active part in the Boy Scouts of Ms. DEGETTE. Mr. Speaker, I rise to honor stood this simple truth and his life is a testa- America, Troop 633, and in earning the most the extraordinary life of an eminent citizen, ment to the activism that is guided by a deep prestigious award of Eagle Scout. C.D. re- Rodolfo ‘‘Corky’’ Gonzales. This remarkable and abiding respect for the intrinsic value of ceived his Eagle Award on March 5, 2005 at man merits both our recognition and esteem each and every human being. an Eagle Court of Honor in Platte Woods, Mis- as his impressive record of leadership, activ- Please join me in paying tribute to the life of souri. ism and invaluable service has moved our Rodolfo ‘‘Corky’’ Gonzales, a prominent activ- C.D. has been very active with his troop, community forward and thereby, improved the ist and civic leader. His service, accomplish- participating in many scout activities. Over the lives of our people. ments and leadership command our respect many years C.D. has been involved with Corky Gonzales lived life on the front lines and serve to build a better future for all Ameri- scouting, he has not only earned numerous of progress and is known as the father of the cans. 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