ACCLAIM FOR KELLY IRVIN “Kelly Irvin’s Through the Autumn Air is a poignant journey of friendship and sec- ond chances that will illustrate for readers that God blesses us with a true love for all seasons.” — amy clipston, bestselling author of ROOM ON THE PORCH SWING “A moving and compelling tale about the power of grace and forgiveness that reminds us how we become strongest in our most broken moments.” — LIBRARY JOURNAL for UPON A SPRING BREEZE “Irvin’s novel is an engaging story about despair, postnatal depression, God’s grace, and second chances.” — CBA CHRISTIAN MARKET for UPON A SPRING BREEZE “A warm- hearted novel that is more than a romance, with lovable characters, including two innocent children caught in the red tape of government and two people willing to risk breaking both the Englisch and Amish law to help in what- ever way they can. There are subplots that focus on the struggles of undocumented immigrants.” — RT BOOK REVIEWS, 4-star review of THE SADDLE MAKER’S SON “Irvin has given her audience a continuation of The Beekeeper’s Son with complicated young characters who must define themselves.” — RT BOOK REVIEWS, 4-star review of THE BISHOP’S SON “Once I started reading The Bishop’s Son, it was difficult for me to put it down! This story of struggle, faith, and hope will draw you in to the final page . I have read countless stories of Amish men or women doubting their faith. I have never read a storyline quite like this one though. It was narrated with such heart. I was full invested in Jesse’s struggle. No doubt, what Jesse felt is often what modern- day Amish men and women must feel when they are at a crossroads in their faith. The story was brilliantly told and the struggle felt very real.” — destination amish Tell Her No Lies_Design B.indd 1 5/30/18 3:20 PM “The awesome power of faith and family over personal desire dominates this beauti- fully woven masterpiece.” — PUBLISHERS WEEKLY, starred review of THE BEEKEEPER’S SON “Storyteller extraordinaire Kelly Irvin’s tale of the Amish of Bee County will intrigue readers, who will want to eavesdrop on the lives of these characters on a regular basis.” — RT REVIEWS, 4 1/2 stars review of THE BEEKEEPER’S SON “Something new and delightful in the Amish fiction genre, this story is set in the barren, dusty landscape of Bee County, TX . Irvin writes with great insight into the range and depth of human emotion. Her characters are believable and well developed, and her storytelling skills are superb. Recommend to readers who are looking for something a little different in Amish fiction.” —CBA RETAILERS + RESOURCES for THE BEEKEEPER’S SON “The Beekeeper’s Son is so well crafted. Each character is richly layered. I found myself deeply invested in the lives of both the King and Lantz families. I struggled as they struggled, laughed as they laughed— and even cried as they cried . This is one of the best novels I have read in the last six months. It’s a refreshing read and worth every penny. The Beekeeper’s Son is a keeper for your bookshelf!” — destination amish “Kelly Irvin’s The Beekeeper’s Son is a beautiful story of faith, hope, and second chances. Her characters are so real that they feel like old friends. Once you open the book, you won’t put it down until you’ve reached the last page.” — amy clipston, bestselling author of A GIFT OF GR ACE “The Beekeeper’s Son is a perfect depiction of how God makes all things beautiful in His way. Rich with vivid descriptions and characters you can immediately relate to, Kelly Irvin’s book is a must- read for Amish fans.” — ruth reid, bestselling author of A MIR ACLE OF HOPE “Kelly Irvin writes a moving tale that is sure to delight all fans of Amish fiction. Highly recommended.” — kathleen fuller, author of the hearts of middlefield and middlefield family novels Tell Her No Lies_Design B.indd 2 5/30/18 3:20 PM TELL HER NO LIES Tell Her No Lies_Design B.indd 3 5/30/18 3:20 PM OTHER BOOKS BY KELLY IRVIN EVERY AMISH SEASON NOVELS Upon a Spring Breeze Beneath the Summer Sun Through the Autumn Air THE AMISH OF BEE COUNTY NOVELS The Beekeeper’s Son The Bishop’s Son The Saddle Maker’s Son NOVELLAS BY KELLY IRVIN A Christmas Visitor found in An Amish Christmas Gift Sweeter than Honey in An Amish Market One Sweet Kiss in An Amish Summer Snow Angels in An Amish Christmas Love A Midwife’s Dream in An Amish Heirloom Tell Her No Lies_Design B.indd 4 5/30/18 3:20 PM TELL HER NO LIES KELLY IRVIN Tell Her No Lies_Design B.indd 5 5/30/18 3:20 PM Tell Her No Lies © 2018 by Kelly Irvin All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means— electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, scanning, or other— except for brief quotations in critical reviews or articles, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Published in Nashville, Tennessee, by Thomas Nelson. Thomas Nelson is a registered trademark of HarperCollins Christian Publishing, Inc. Thomas Nelson titles may be purchased in bulk for educational, business, fund- raising, or sales promotional use. For information, please e- mail SpecialMarkets@ ThomasNelson.com. Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, niv®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. www.zondervan.com. The “niv”and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™ Publisher’s Note: This novel is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. All characters are fictional, and any similarity to people living or dead is purely coincidental. Library of Congress Cataloging- in- Publication Data [[CIP data to come]] Printed in the United States of America 18 19 20 21 22 LSC 5 4 3 2 1 Tell Her No Lies_Design B.indd 6 5/30/18 3:20 PM To Becky Monds. Thank you for making this dream come true. Tell Her No Lies_Design B.indd 7 5/30/18 3:20 PM Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you. Exodus 20:12 Tell Her No Lies_Design B.indd 8 5/30/18 3:20 PM 1 Someone needed to make a perfume from stop bath and devel- oper. The photo chemicals smelled like come- hither to Nina Fischer. She inhaled their biting scent and studied the image that appeared as she swished the sheet of paper in the deep, gray plastic tub. A homeless man with a toothless grin rewarded her efforts. The man smiled as if he’d invited her into a palatial home and not a squatter’s makeshift campsite. His black- and- white surroundings materialized in sharp contrast around him. A graffiti- covered Dumpster dwarfed his skel- etal frame. A shopping cart loaded with a tattered coat, mismatched sneakers, and a pile of blankets was parked on the broken cement like a car in a driveway. Despite the alcohol- induced trust in his bloodshot eyes, he stayed close to the cart as if he feared she would steal it away. The photo told a story. A story that the world needed to see and Nina needed to tell. In many ways it was her story. The story of a child who’d lived in that world and survived. The words to the poem that would accompany the photo fell into place. “Nina? You’re doing it again.” Rick Zavala’s irritated baritone boomed in the small darkroom. “Sorry.” Nina snatched the phone from the counter, hit the speaker button to turn it off, then tucked the phone between her ear and her shoulder while using her free hand to move the photo to the 1 Tell Her No Lies_Design B.indd 1 5/30/18 3:20 PM 2 KELLY IRVIN stop bath. She glanced at the illuminated face of the sports watch on her wrist. Thirty seconds and the photo moved to the fixer. “You could at least pretend to pay attention when you’re on the phone with me.” “I am paying attention.” Now she was. Suppressing a snort of laughter, she gripped the tongs and slipped the photo into the next tub. “It’s three o’clock in the morning. I’m not going to a party with you. I only have a week left to get ready for the exhibit.” “All work and no play make Nina a dull girl. Have a cup of cof- fee and get your second wind. Jackson hired a great band for this fund- raiser. Everyone’s here. It’s actually fun.” Despite the loud con- versations in the background accompanied by raucous Dixieland jazz, Rick’s silky voice dropped another notch the way it always did when he wanted to coax her into doing something they both knew she didn’t want to do. “There’re some people I need to talk to here. Having you by my side would help. It’s a perfect opportunity— ” “To schmooze, I know.” Glancing at her watch again, Nina laid the tongs on the counter. Thirty seconds. She flipped the switch and the small room was bathed in a soft overhead light.
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