PROCEEDINGS OF THE Societ f Hntiquarieyo f Scotlano s b SESSION MCMXLIII.-MCMXLIV. VOL. LXXVIII. SEVENTH SERIES.—VOL. VI. NATIONAL MUSEU ANTIQUITIEF MO SCOTLANDF SO , QUEEN STREET, EDINBURGH. PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY BY NEILL AND COMPANY, LTD, MCMXLIV. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Anniversary Meeting, 1943, ............ 1 Unrecorded Microliths from Tentsmuir, Deeside . Dd CulbinA .an ,LACAILLE y B . , F.S.A., F.S.A.Scot., .............. 5 Mace-heads of "Cushion" Type in Britain. By W. J. GIBBON, C.B.E., F.S.A.Scot., . 16 Unrecognizen A d Grou f Chamberepo d Cairns Professoy B . CHILDE. G . V r , D.Litt., D.Sc., F.B.A., F.S.A.Scot., F.P.S.A., ........... 26 Ancient Denominations of Agricultural Land in Scotland: A Summary of Recorded Opinions, with some Notes, Observations, and References. By A. McKERRAL, C.I.E., M.A., B.Sc., F.S.A.Scot., .............9 3 . Note Scottisn so h Incise GREENHILL. A d. F Slabs y B ., M.A., F.S.A.Scot., ...0 8 . Newly Discovered Sculptured Stones from Papil, Shetland PETEy B . R MOAR, Corresponding Member, and JOHN STEWART, M.A., F.S.A.Scot., . • 91 Excavatioe Th Esslemonf no t Castle, Aberdeenshire . DoTiaLAW y B . S SlMPSON, M.A., D.Litt., F.S.A.Scot., ......... ....0 10 . Newly Discovered Short Cist Burials with Beakers Professoy B CHILDE. G . rV , D.Litt., D.Sc.; ARTHU . EDWARDSH . RJ , Director Museum;e oth f Professor ALEXANDER Low, M.D.d an ; MARGARE MACDOUGALL. TO , ..........6 10 . Some Relics from Kildalton, Islay Captaiy B . K.B . STEVENSONnR , F.S.A.Scot., Keeperf o the Museum, .............0 12 . Notes:— 1. An Addendum to Brook's Account of Scottish Maces. By C. T. MolNNES, F.S.A.Scot., 126 2. A Bronze Age Burial Cist at Bonhill, Dumbartonshire. By ANNE S. ROBERTSON, F.S.A.Scot., ............8 12 . 0 13 . Appendix . : . ReporBonese Professoy th . BLAIRB n . o .tM . D r, Fare . Cist3 th Woodfieldmf n so o , near Stuartfield Deerd Ol , , Aberdeenshire Professoy B . r LOCKHART. RD . , ............0 13 ' 4. Remain Urnfieln a f so d Buria1 13 t Monktona l . , Ayrshire . WEBSTBB. G y . B . , Report on the Urns. By the Director of the Museum, ...... 134 CremateRepore th n o t d Bones Professoy B . r ALEXANDER Low; ...6 13 . 5. A Bronze Age Food Vessel from Finnart Hill, South Ayrshire. By the Rev. R. S. G. ANDERSON, F.S.A.Scot., ........... 136 6. The Bronze Blade from Craigscorry, near Beauly. By V. G. CHILDE, Director, . 138 Donation Purchased Museume an th o r st sfo , 1943-44, ......9 13 . Donations to and Purchases for the Library, 1943-44, ....... 142 Memoirs:— James Curie IA y . RICHMONDNB A . , .........5 14 . Arthur J. H. Edwards. By V. GORDON CHILDE, ........ 150 Meeting Societye th f so , ............2 15 . Index, ................ 153 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS PAGE PAQB Mierolithic industry from7 Tentsmuir . , Rubbin crosf go socken so t stone, Papil, 93 Implements from Tentsmuir Sand found san d Sculptured stones from Papil: in Early Post-Glacial beach, Staunergate . 9 —— Interlaced cross. , facing1 PI, V . page Series representin a microlithig c industry —— The cross slab with supporters. from Inchmarlo Cottage, Bancliory, . 13 PI. V, 2. Microlithic industry from Culbi4 u1 Sands . , ——— The cross slab. PI. VI. Cushion mace-head, Knock, Isl f Lewiseo . Esslemont Castle: plan showing results of PI. I, . facing page 17 excavation, .....3 10 . Distributio f "cushiono n " mace-headn i s Beaker from Lochend, Inverness. PI. VII, 1, Britain, ...... 21 facing page 112 Chambered cairns roun e Morath d y Firth, Beaker from Kirkcaldy. PI. VII, 2. Map of, ...... 27Short cist t Kirkcaldysa : Grave goods from Ruined chamber near Balnacrae, Strath cist 1. PI. VIII, 1. Skiach, ...... 32 ——— Dagger in sheath with frog from cist Ballachnecore (plan), .... 32 2. PI. VIII. 2 , Unrecognized chambered cairns: Beaker from West Feuton. 1 , PIIX . ——— Bssich, vie cairnsf wo ., 1 PI, II . Beaker from Nunraw. PI. IX, 2. facing page 32 Bronze dagge leathen ri r sheath from Kirk- ——— ——— Chamber in south cairn. 2 PI , .II caldy, ....... 113 ——— View along long cairn, Kinrive. Pottery from Kildaltou, Islay (1-19); Cove- PI. Ill. ,1 sea (20-24); Ronaldsvcay (25), . 121 —— Capstone supported by corbelling at Pla Bonhfff no l site, ....9 12 . Woodhead. PI. Ill, 2. urnfiele Sitth f et Monktono da . .13, 2 —— Remains of chamber, Coutin Mains. Plan of area examined at Mouktou, . .133 . 1 , PIIV . Fragment f Cinerarso y Urns from Moukton. —— Chamber, Balnaguie. 2 , PI.IV facing . 6 . page13 . PI, .X Contin Mains (plan), ...3 3 . Food Vessel from Finuart Hill. PI. XI, 1. • Woodhead (plan and section through Blade from Craigscorry. PI. XI, 2. covered section), ..... 35 Carved wooden toddy bowl from Caithness. Balnaguie (plan), ....6 3 . PI. XII, .... facing page 144 Cairn. Bssicn .3so . h 7Moor . , Sandstone panel from Laird Giffard's House. John Schanwel, Abbot (1506), Coupar Angus, 82 PI. XIII. A monk (early sixteenth century), Saddell Socketed bronz e froax em Dean Bridge, Abbey, ...... 87 Edinburgh. PI. XIV, I. Alexander Douglas, Canon of Dunkeld and Witch's cursing bone, Glen Shira. PI. XIV, Recto f o Moneydir e (1548), Dunkeld 2. Cathedral, .....7 8 . LAWS E OTH F SOCIET F ANTIQUARIEYO F SCOTLANDO S . INSTITUTED NOVEMBER 1780 AND INCORPORATEY DB ROYAL CHARTER 6-m MAY 1783. (Revised and adopted November 30, 1901.) purpose 1Societe Th . th f eo y promotioe shalth e lb ABCHJEOLOGYf no , especially as connected with the investigation of the ANTIQUITIES AND HISTORY OF SCOTLAND. 2. The Society shall consist of Fellows, Honorary Fellows, Correspond- Membersg in Ladd an , y Associates. Candidate3 admissior sfo Fellows na s must sig Fore nth Applicamf o - tion prescribe e Councilth y musd db proposee an , b t Felloa y d b wan seconded by two members of the Council. Admission shall be by ballot. 4. The Secretaries shall cause the names of the Candidates and of their Proposer insertee b billee o th st n tdi callin Meetine gth t whicga h they are to be balloted for. The Ballot may be taken for all the Candidates name billee th thre f t i once a n td t i morr eo bu ; e black balls appeare th , Chairman of the Meeting shall cause the Candidates to be balloted for singly. Any Candidate receiving less than two-thirds of the votes given shall not be admitted. 5. Honorary Fellows shall consist of persons eminent in Archaeology, who must be recommended by the Council, and balloted for in the same Fellowss a y thed wa feey an admissioy;f liable an o sb shal r t efo no l r no annual subscriptions numbee Th . Honorarf o r y Fellows shal t exceelno d twenty-five. 6. Corresponding Members must be recommended by the Council and Fellowss a sam e ballotey th the d en wa i an ,yliabl r e b dshalfo r t efo no l feey admissiof an o s annuar no l subscriptions. 7. Ladies who have done valuable work in the field of Archaeology may be admitted as Lady Associates. The number of Lady Associates shall not exceed twenty-five.. They shall be proposed by the Council and viii LAWS OF THE SOCIETY. s Fellows y a same liable ballotey an th b shald r en wa t i e fo an , r no l dfo fees of admission or annual subscriptions. 8. Befor persoy name ean th f eaddes o nLise i Fellowsf th o t o dt , such person shall pay to the funds of the Society Two Guineas as an entrance Guinee currene th On r d afefo tean year's subscription compouny ma r o , d l annua al e entrancfod th r lan subscriptione efe e paymenth y b sf o t Twenty Guinea time th f admission eo t sa . Fellow compouny sma r dfo future annual subscription singla y sb e paymen Fifteef o t n Guineas after having paid five annual subscriptions Guinean Te f o sr o afte; r having paid ten annual subscriptions. subscriptioe 9Th . Guinee On f nao shal 30te l th becom hn o Nov e edu - embe eacn ri yeahe yeath r therfo n commencing Felloy an o f wi wh d an ; -hat compoundesno dsubscriptioe shalth y l pa fai o thret lr nfo e successive years applicatioe du , n having been mad paymentr efo Treasuree ,th r shall report the same to the Council, by whose authority the name of the defaulter may be erased from the List of Fellows. 10. Every Fellow not being in arrears of the annual subscription shall be entitled to receive the printed Proceedings of the Society from the dat electionf eo . ' . Non 11 t Fellowebu s shall vot Society hole r officey o th dan n i e . 12controe Societe .th Subjecth o Lawt f e o lGenerath d n yi o san t t l Meetings, the affairs of the Society shall'be managed by a Council elected and appointed as hereinafter set forth. Five Members of the Council shall be a quorum. 13. The Office-Bearers of the Society shall consist of a President, three Yice-Presidents Secretarieo tw , generar sfo l purposes Secretarieo tw , r sfo Foreign Correspondence, a Treasurer, two Curators of the Museum, a Curator of Coins, and a Librarian. The President shall be elected for a period of-fiv eVice-Presidente yearsth d an , perioa r sfo thref do e years. e Vice-Presidentth On f o e s shall retire annuall rotatioy yb shald nan l not again be eligible for the same office until after the lapse of one year.
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