2nd Sunday of Lent February 28, 2021 St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church Mission We are an ACTIVE, GROWING, WELCOMING, SPIRIT-FILLED Roman Catholic community nourished by the Liturgy to serve God and others. Nuestra Misión Somos una comunidad Católica Romana, ACTIVA, CRECIENTE, ACOGEDORA Y LLENA DEL ESPIRITU alimentada por la liturgia para servir a Dios y al prójimo. MASSES / MISAS (*also live streamed online) (*también transmisión en vivo en línea) Saturday .................... 5:30 pm Sunday ....................9:00 am*, 11:00 am & 6:00 pm En español Domingo ...................1:00 pm* Daily Masses (*in English, also live streamed online) Monday .....................6:30 pm* Tuesday-Thursday ....8:00 am* Friday ......................10:00 am* RECONCILIATION (confession) Tuesday ............. 6:00-7:00 pm ° Saturday ........ 10:00-11:00 am RECONCILIACIÓN (confesión) Martes ................ 6:00-7:00 pm Sábado .......... 10:00-11:00 am Live Streams St. Peter’s Facebook page facebook.com/stpetersboerne St. Peter’s YouTube channel youtube.com/stpetersboerne St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church │ stpetersboerne.com St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church Main Campus • Campus principal 202 West Kronkosky Street Boerne, TX 78006 Upon this Rock Campus A pregnant woman was walking in given a mission, we have to trust that 416 W. Highland Street the store and met an old friend. Her this is where we need to be. And then, Boerne, TX 78006 friend exclaimed, “You are absolutely after all of this hard work we are asked beaming!” The new life God placed in to act. The fruit that is revealed will (830) 816-2233 her womb radiated throughout her indicate whether our journey is Fax (830) 249-6175 body. It was brightly visible on her face authentic. The brilliance of conversion [email protected] and in her eyes. Transformation and will begin to shine on our faces as we stpetersboerne.com change usually happen from the inside contemplate the One to whom we are Monday through Friday out. It is very rare that simply imposing asked to listen. ©LPi Lunes a Viernes structure from the outside does any ————— 9:00 am-5:00 pm good. Yes, it is true that routines and Open during lunch habits can change when things are “Este es mi Hijo, el Amado, Abierto durante el almuerzo done differently. But, for this change to escúchenlo”. (Marcos 9:7). Si last there has to be an interior renewal recordamos, al ser bautizado el Señor, and metamorphosis as well. Simply se escucharon palabras desde el cielo regulating behavior and bringing que decían. “Tú eres mi Hijo, el someone into conformity with accepted Amado, mi Elegido”. (Marcos 1:11). En WELCOME! protocols doesn’t mean their heart and ese momento de su bautismo iniciaba soul come with them. su misión, ahora, en el momento de la Whether you are just visiting or Transfiguración inicia su recorrido looking for a permanent church Peter was a homeless man who lived hacia Jerusalén para vivir su Pasión ya home, we are happy you stopped in a very remote and rudimentary tent cercana. La fiesta de la by. We are a family friendly parish community. He was happy to make his Transfiguración, marca prácticamente and have something for people of daily trip to McDonald’s and always la Cuaresma como recorrido de all ages. No matter what your welcomed a gift card or two so that he arrepentimiento y conversión. A lo background is, there is a place for could buy some coffee and something largo de estos cuarenta días, la Iglesia you here. We invite you to join us to eat. A generous advocate worked to invita a sus feligreses a un cambio. La for one of our Liturgies. When you secure him an apartment in hopes of palabra transfiguración, significa un decide to make St. Peter’s your moving Peter out of his makeshift cambio de forma y revela su verdadera church home, please consider housing and into something safer. naturaleza y cultura. En este caso se making it official by filling out a New Peter finally got the grand tour of his revela la verdadera naturaleza divina Parishioner Registration form, new “digs,” received his own key, de Jesús. which can be downloaded from our remarked how wonderful the place website. You may also pick a form was, closed the door behind him when ¿Qué debemos nosotros transformar up in our parish office. Registering they left and never returned. He en esta Cuaresma? ¿Qué cambios helps us know how we can best preferred his tent. No matter how much hubo en la forma de vivir después de serve your family’s needs. Please things changed on the outside, Peter la pandemia? Toda transfiguración have a look at our Faith Formation was happy where he was. A poignant tiene un recorrido de metamorfosis. La and Ministries pages to see the lesson was learned that day. Vida Pasión, Muerte y Resurrección de Jesús, vislumbran el futuro nuestro. different ways you can be How is your Lent going? By now you nourished and get involved. We are También, significa que no somos de ought to have a sense of whether este mundo, somos peregrinos, so glad you visited and hope to see you’re really “into it” this year and you again! avanzamos a una vida nueva que something transformational is podemos empezar a vivir ya desde happening. For many, it’s only the stuff aquí en la tierra. Últimamente, con on the outside that changes for a few todos los acontecimientos que la weeks and then they return to business humanidad ha experimentado a raíz de Adoration of the as usual. For others, there are some la enfermedad y falta de trabajo, se real inner changes happening that are espera que por lo menos a causa de Blessed Sacrament deepening their relationships with God, estos, las personas se den cuenta que Wednesdays others, self, and creation. If we are Dios es el que lleva el control y 9:00 am - 12:00 noon serious about moving to a new place debemos escucharlo como hijos-hijas in Sanctuary and live streamed and radiating with the presence of new amados por él. Mantengamos esta life and joy, then we have to clear the semana esta palabra. Escuchar, a la Fridays way to listen for God’s call. Then, there familia, escuchar al hijo-hija, al amigo. 11:00 am - 5:00 pm is God’s request to change things up a El consejo del Papa Francisco es el in Sanctuary only bit and order our lives differently. After siguiente. “Escuchad a Jesús. No lo realizing we have been called and olvidéis”. (16 de Marzo 2014). ©LPi 2 St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church │ stpetersboerne.com ¡BIENVENIDOS! Ya sea que esté de visita o esté buscando una iglesia permanente, nos complace que haya venido. Somos una parroquia familiar y tenemos algo para personas de todas las edades. No importa cuál If you see a uniformed police officer be vaccinated. In addition, even after sea su origen, aquí hay un lugar on our premises or even in the church being vaccinated, we still need to wear para usted. Lo invitamos a unirse a Sanctuary, do not be surprised or masks and make sure we are social nosotros en una de nuestras concerned. This is our Safety & distancing. Failure to do so could have liturgias. Cuando decida hacer de Security Committee’s decision to serious consequences for you and St. Peter's su hogar en la iglesia, periodically have an officer with us to others. Please be vigilant and wear considere hacerlo oficial llenando enhance our safety as a worshipping your mask, sanitize your hands and un formulario de Registro de community. Let us all be attentive to socially distance if you attend Mass in Nuevos Parroquianos, que puede our surroundings, individuals and any person. Don’t forget that we live stream descargar de nuestro sitio web. activity that may distract us from our Masses if you choose to participate También puede recoger un prayer together. Let us be proactive from home until things return to formulario en nuestra oficina and report anything that may cause us normal. parroquial. El registro nos ayuda a concern. We want everyone to feel as Some organizations have made the saber cómo podemos atender safe and secure while on church decision on their own to postpone mejor las necesidades de su campus. We all have a part to play in meetings or hold virtual meetings. If familia. Por favor, consulte a maintaining a safe and secure your organization continues to meet in nuestras páginas de Ministerios y community of faith. If you see anything person, make sure that everyone Formación de Fe para ver las concerning, please notify an usher. follows St. Peter’s COVID protocols, diferentes formas en que puede Even though vaccines are being which can be found on our website. nutrirse e involucrarse. Estamos distributed, we still have a ways to go STAY SAFE! muy contentos de que nos haya before most of the general public will visitado y esperamos volver a verlo. Monthly Parish Food Drive occurs next weekend! Happy Anniversary March 6&7, 2021 ¡Feliz Aniversario! St. Peters provides donated food to the food pantry at Hill Country Family If you are celebrating a wedding Services. They are always VERY appreciative! And, they are always in need of anniversary and would like to be volunteers, if even for a few hours a week—call (830) 249-8643. Items needed included in the bulletin, please include all types of breakfast cereals, soups, stew, pasta and sauce, rice, email [email protected] beans, peanut butter, macaroni & cheese, tuna, and other types of canned or call (830) 816-5660.
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