A SURVEY OF THE PROFESSIONAL AND MAJOR AMATEUR THEATRE P.RESENTATIONS IN SASKATOON FrlOM 1912 TO 1930 A Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of ]i[aster of Arts in the Department of Drama University of Saskatchewan -. by Albert Ronald. Williams Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Nay, 1967 @ Copyright 1967. A. R. Williams 351.91.0 The author has agreed that the Library, University of Saskatche­ wan may make this thesis freely available for inspection. ].loreover, the author has agreed that permission for extensive copying of this thesis for scholarly purposes may be granted by the professor or professors who supervised the thesis work recorded herein or, in their absence, by the Head of the Department or the Dean of the College in which the thesis work was done. It is understood that due recognition will be given to the author of t,his thesis and to the University of Saskatchewan in any use of material in this thesis. Copying or pub­ lication or any other use of the thesis for financial gain without approval by the University of Saskatchewan and the author's written permission is prohibited. Requests for permission to copy or to make other use of material in this thesis in whole or in part should be addressed to: Head of the Department of Drama University of Saskatchewan SASKATOON, Canada SYNOPSIS This thesis is a survey of theatrical presentations in Saskatoon from 1912 to 1930. No attempt is made to propound theories based upon these facts. About three-quarters of this thesis presents a day-by-day compilation of professional stage productions and locally produced shows that appeared in the major Saskatoon Theatres from 1912 through 1921. In the remaining one-quarter of the thesis the theatrical productions from 1922 through 1930 are dealt 'With under five headings: Vaudeville, Repertory Companies, Local Shows, Travelling Shows and Specials. Under each heading, trends are reported and notable or recurring shows are listed. A concluding chapter is added, in which the particular years 1912, 1922, 1925, 1929 and 1930 are compared in order to emphasize the differences between the earlier years of flourishing professional theatrical entertainment and its later, rapid decline. An appendix comparing the lowest and highest prices of admission in 1912, 1920, 1928 and 1930 concludes the thesis. iii CONTENTS Page SYNOPSIS iii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS .V I. COlv�ILATION OF THEATRICAL ACTIVITY 1912 TO 1921 1 1. 1912 1 2. 191.3 14 3. 1914 25 4. 1915 36 5· 1916 43 6. 1917 54 7. 1918 62 8. 1919 71 9. 1920 84 10. 1921 97 II. TRENDS Al,{D llf.LPORTANT OR REaJRRING THEATRICAL PROm CTIONS 1922 TO 1930 104 1. 1922 104 2. 1923 107 3. 1924 110 4. 1925 112 5. 1926 118 6. 1927 119 7. 1928 122 8. 1929 124 9. 1930 127 III. SUl.filJA.TION 128 BIBLIOGRAPHY 131 APPENDIX A. Comparison of Prices in 1912, 1920, 1928 and 1930 132 iv ABBREVIATIONS USED FOR THEATRES C. T. Capitol Theatre D. T. Daylight Theatre E. T. Empire Theatre EK. T. Eckhardt Theatre G. T. Gaiety Theatre M. C. Jrd. Avenue Methodist Church NE. T. New Empire Theatre O. T. Orpheu.m Theatre P. T. Provincial Theatre S. T. Star Theatre She T. Sherman Theatre St. T. Strand Theatre T. T. Thelus Theatre OTHER ABBREVIATIONS USED Eve. Evening performance Mat. }1atinee perfo:m.ance .v OJMPILATION OF THEATRICAL ACTIVITY 1912 TO 1921 JANUARY, 1912 All from Saskatoon Daily � and � Saskatoon Phoenix 1 Mon. E. T. Tom Marks and company. .!1ia Irish Honor. Vaudeville between acts. 2 Tues. E. T. Tom �La.rks and company. � Parish Priest. ] Wed. E. T. Tom Marks and Wanted A Wife or The company. -- - Manager's Kitty. 4 Thur. E. T. Tom Marks and company. � Minister's .§£.u. 5 Fri. E. T. Tom Marks and. company. Major O'Hara-� Irish Dragon. 6 Sat. E. T. Tom Marks and company. Jerq, � Tramp. 8 Mon.-l] Sat. S. T. Harry Bernard's Company of MUsical Merrymakers. McCabe in Paris. Starring: Harry Bernard" Jim. Smith, Connie Michel, Miss Jerri Gerard. 15 l"1on. E. T. The Royal Lilliputian Opera Company. � Toy. Starring: Baby Grace, Louise Condon, Frank Jones. s. T. Harry Bernard's Company. !:It. Saratoga. 16 Tues. E. T. The Royal Lilliputian Opera Company. � Gondoliers. s. T. Bernard's Fads and Follies. Harry Company. -- 17 Wed. E. T. The Royal Lilliputian Opera Company. H.N.S. Pinafore. S. T. Harry Bernard's Company. Same as Tuesday, 16. 18 Thur.-20 Sat. E. T. Mr. Gerald Clute assisted by Miss Doris Gray. A Cowboy's §.Lb. s. T. Harry Bernard,' s Company. Duffy's Daughter Kate. - 22 Mon .-24 Wed.. S. T. Harry Bernard's Company. At. Saratoga. 22 Mon. E. T. Tom Marks and company. 1.n. North Carolina or Under Southern �. 23 Tues. E. T. Marks and company. ! � .!US! � Money. 1 2 JANUARY, 1912 All from Saskatoon Daily � and � Saskatoon Phoenix 24 Wed. E. T. Tom Marks and The Irish Detective. company. _ ................ _--- 2.5 Thur. E. T. Tom Marks and company. Casey's Troubles. 2.5 Thur.-27 Sat. S. T. Harry Bernard's Company. Grosmire' s Reception. 26 Fri. E. T. Tom IVlarks and company. � Hypo cri te • 27 Sat. E. T. Tom Marks and company. Mat. Jerry, � Tramp. Eve. lJi! Neighbor's Family. 29 J!lJ.On.-31 Wed. S. T. Harry Bernard's Company. Ii � .QlS. �. 30 Tues.-31 Wed. E. T. All Star English Company in � Edged Tools. Starring: Mr. Hamilton Deane, Miss Florence Dulhunty. FEBRUARY, 1912 1 Thur. E. T. A.U Star English Company, Same as Tuesday, 30. 1 Thur.-3 Sat. S. T. Harry Bernard's Company. Merry Bachelor. .5 Mon.-7 Wed. s . T. Harry Bernard' s Company. � Riley's Party. .5 Mon. o. T. The Allen Players. Charles Klein's The Lion and The Mouse. Starring: Mi.ssV;� hlt;;: 6 Tues. o. T. The Allen Players. Resurrection. 7 Wed. o. T. The Allen Players. Magda. T. s 8 Thur .. -10 Sat. S. Harry Bernard' Company. l"Ietropolitan Minstrels. 8 Thur. o. T. The men Players. � � i2. Yesterday. 9 Fri. o. T. The Allen Players. Sapho • 10 Sat. o. T. The Allen Players. Ma. t. Merely � Ann. Eve. Sapho. 12 Mon.-14 Wed. 0 .. T. The Reed Trebor Company. Two vaudeville acts plus pictures. "The Darkest Id.Lemna" Sam T. Reed - singing and talking act 12 Mon. E. T. Harry D. ll{arr's Majestic Stock Company. Graustark. Starring: William E. Blake, �ass Grace Whitcher 3 FEBRUARY, 1912 All from Saskatoon Daily � and � Saskatoon Phoenix 12 Mon. S. T. Bernard's The Wild West. Harry Company. --- 13 Tues. E. T. Stock The Man of the Hour. Majestic Company. ---�---- ............... 14 Wed. E. T. Stock Lena Rivers. Majestic Company. - 15 Thur.-17 Sat. o. T. The Reed Trebor Company. "Back to his Old Job" Sam T. Reed - new Singing and talking 15 Thur. E. T. Majestic Stock Company. A Bachelor's Honeymoon. 16 Fri. E. T. IVJajestic Stock Company. .I.1:!2. Witching �. Sat. E. T. Stock Mat. A Man From 17 Majestic Company. --- Ottawa. Eve. 12!:. �. 19 Mon.-21 Wed. S. T. Sherman, Cleveland Opera Company. A Honeymoon Trail. 19 :Mon.-20 Tues. o. T. The Eckhardt Company. .I.h.2. Bosom Friend .2! Bowser. Olrtain raiser - l·h'. Harry De Vere and Company. � Indian Cattle Rustler. 21 Wed.-22 Thur. O. T. The Eckhardt Company. Way ��. The De Vere Company. � Stranded Actor. 22 Thur.-24 Sat. E. T. G. P. Walker presents William Yule and Company. R. B. Sheridan's The Rivals. - S. T. Sherman, Cleveland Opera Company. �,� and Girl. -- 23 Fri .-2L� Sat. o. T. The Eckhardt Company. .Are You .A Mason? The De Vere Company. The GYPsy's Chrse. 26 Mon.-28 Wed. E. T. Mr. William Hawtree and his London Players. � 21S. Billy .. S. T. Sherman, Cleveland Opera Co.. l! Stubborn Cind erelia • 26 Tues. O. T. The Eckhardt Co. A Man From Ottawa. Mon.-27 --- 28 Thur. o. T. The Eckhardt Co. The Girl of the Golden West Wed.-29 .............._..._........... -....- plus Mat • Thur. E. T. .All Star Co. Leah Kleschna .. 29 English _---.................- 4 FEBRUARY, 1912 All from Saskatoon Daily � and � Saskatoon Phoenix Thur. s. T. Cleveland Co. The Follies of 29 Sherman, Opera - - 1911. MARCH, 1912 1 F.ci.. E. T. All Star English Co. Same as Tmrsday, 29. 1 F.ci..-2 Sat. S. T. Sherman, Cleveland Opera Co. Same as Tmrsday, 29. O. T. The Eckhardt Co. In 1h2. Bishop's Carriage. 2 Sat. E. T. .All Star English Co • Mat. � Kleschna. Eve. � Edged Tools. 4 Mon.-6 Wed. S. T. Cleveland Co. The Goddess of Sherman, Opera - - Liberty. O. T. The Permanent Players. � � £! VJ.ystecy. 4 Mon. E. T. Gus Forbes Stock Co. Raffies. 5 Tues. E. T. Gus Forbes Stock Co. Arizona. 6 Wed. E. T. Gus Forbes Stock Co. The Christian. - 7 Tbur.-9 Sat. S. T. Sherman, Cleveland Opera Co. A Lonesome .Isu:m.. O. T. Permanent Players. ! Human Slave. Tbur. E. T. Gus Forbes Co. The Girl of the Golden 7 Stock _...........,_,-- West. - 8 Fri. E. T. Gus Forbes Co. The }1an on the Box. Stock ------- 9 Sat. E. T. Gus Forbes Stock Co. Mat. and Eve. The Wolf. -- 11 Mon. E. T. Gus Forbes Stock Co. The Great Divide. - S. T. Sherman, Cleveland Opera Co. l'.h2 Aviators. O. T. Orpheum Players. � Parisian Princess. 12 Tues. E. T. Gus Forbes Stock Co. The l'1an From Mexico. --- S. T. Sherman, Cleveland Opera Co.
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