HEAD OF THE FRENCH NAVY. Admiral Dc La Peyrerc Is a Man Children Cry for Fleteher ’s SMALL 1A11QNS ARE PAW of Great Pluck. The French navy is under the su preme command of Admiral de la HEALTH WRITTEN TREATIES ARE OF NO Pay re re. Acknowledged both _at VALUE. home and abroad as the most dis tin guis bed officer of- the French navy, he has, both in his capacity a.s chief of the Admiralty staff and Marasmus. Guaranteed Neutrality Vanishes Marasmus is a wasting disease Minister- oh Marine,- complete y When Strong Countries Need reorganized that service, eliminat­ that occurs in babies, generally in The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been their first year. Without any 18 Strategic Pathways. ing the dead, wood, abolis dreds of almost incredible abuses, in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of cover able cause, a child with in aras Ua and____ lmoa has Kauu been marîrt made TITï/l under OT Ilia his T>^l*w per­ mus not only fails to gam, but be­ Treaties for the preservation o- consigningçSj a . a ^ a j j-, to~ — the scrap— heap bai sonal supervision since its infancy. gins to lose weight slowly but stea peace seem in Europe to be < ! tleships and cruisers that were out L 9 || | ____ _ ^ Allow no one to deceive you in this. ily. At the same time, the bones ers of war. A striking illustration j of date, and paying particular at­ All Counterfeits, Imitations and 46 Just-as-good ” are but continue to grow, . and the e is furnished by the present interna­ tention to the development of sub­ Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of come at - the usual time.. The poor tional conflagration m the U marine navigation . Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. child takes on a distressing appear­ World, 'frhich surpasses in its ex­ His popularity among all grades ance ; he becomes almost a traordinary development even the of the service is very great, an skeleton, although sometimes e wildest flights of the imagination when Minister of Marine he stall What is CASTORIA abdomen is distended. of any of those novelists who have further enhanced it on one occa­ Castoria is a harmless sabstitote ior Çastor OU, Pare- The child is always hungry be­ attempted to portray it m Wva°cm sion by an exhibition of personal coric, -Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It pluck thoroughly m keeping with © neither_ in__ _ Oniuin,A mLuyi TV!Morphine nor other Narcotic cause it is starving. It cannot as Had it not been for Itus.ia F - --J antecedents. treaty obligations to Servia sh his character and substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms sililate any food, and is as hungry a and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it few minutes after eating as it was would not have drawn the sword on Learning that in consequence of tne number of disastrous explosions in has been in constant use for the relief of^Constipation, before. It cries most of the time, the latter’s account against the connection with the handling of the Flatulency, Wind CoUc, aU TeetMng^ T-nbles^and with a fretful, whining cry. Some­ Dual Empire. France was bound by It regulates the Stomach times a very small baby will s •eep treaty to take up arms ^juppor charges of the big guns, notably the incessantly instead of crying. Ihat of Russia, in the event of the latter terrible destruction of life _on the is on the whole unfortunate, for a becoming involved m a strugg ill-fated battleship Jena at Toulon, crying child is likely to get treat­ with Germany. England joined in the sailors and officers had become convinced that it was almost as dan- ment more promptly. the fray against Germany because GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Although marasmus is met- with, of her treaty promises to trance a-erouS to stand behind -the gun or occasionally in well-to-do fami ies, and Russia ; also because of her so­ anywhere near its breech as at its I Bears the Signature of it usually attacks artificially-fed in­ lemn undertaking to maintain even muzzle , he hastened to Toulon, fants, in charitable institutions, an at the point of the sword, the neu ­ went on board one of. the battleships it is very rare among breast-ie there, ordered it into the offing un trality of Belgium. ' der the pretext of witnessing some Vftldren ' anywhere. .Each case o Not, that it should be for one marasmus must be carefully stud ­ moment imagined from this that experiments with the guns, then caused the ammunition to be ied, for treatment that cures one treaties are inviolable, and , they are always adhered to by the brought up haphazard from the child quickly, often has no effect on hold, and throughout the entire another. Many cases respond to signatories. Far from it. there Portable Observation Tower Used by German Army. firing, extending over a period of a breast-milk diet. Some begin are so many more treaties broken being used with great^ The portable and collapsible tower and iooatln g several hours, made a point _ of The Bad Yon Bave Always Bought recover when alkalies are added o than kept that the majority of success Vy the Gernva.iv a.fmy for tekixvp — op a truck, and standing in the immediate proxim ­ Use For Over 30 Years the diet. In any event, the parents them are hardly worth the vellum In yy YORK CITY. ity of the breech of the gun so -that COM RAN Y. N K should seek the best of medical ad­ on which they are engrossed. But the position of the enemy, me xowei when not in use collapses if there had been any explosion he vice, for it is sometimes necessary whether broken or observed, they would have been the very first to to make several experiments before seem to be somehow or other always Scottish pipes have sounded along be blown into eternity. the proper treatment is found. —, productive of strife or war. the Meuse, but in previous times With knowledge of warfaré at Apart from its feeding, the mar as-' Thus, the one thing that dispelled for which he is employed—ready to BATTLE mill OF EUROPE the Scotch and Irish regiments were sea derived from his experiences UHLANS ALWAYS IN FRONT. fight or run, ride down outposts or mic child needs the greatest care. any doubts which the French may fighting against the English. as chief of staff to Admiral Cour ­ Owing to his extreme emaciation, have entertained about the policy scouting parties of the enemy, har- They were Royalist refugees, § bet in France’s naval conflict with Twenty-Six Regiments in tlie Ger­ rass his flanks and screen the bedsores often- — form ' ; consequent. y, i yof l joiningJ, Russia in her war upon HELD many nations have in g under the French flag. China, it is to him that not only his man Army. movements of his own main. body. the baby’s position should be chang- Q.ermany was when the latter seiz­ At Fontenoy, where the Irish own country but also England and ed frequently, and he should be ^ Luxemburg over night, thus vio- BELGIUM TERRITORY. Brigade, fighting with the French Just who andNwhat the TJhlan is The word “Uhlan” itself is of Russia look for the protection of at the present time occupies the kept perfectly clean. The child | latin the International Treaty ot Polish origin and denotes a lancer. forces under Marshal Saxe, i the interests of the Triple Entente minds of many persons. An erron­ must be kept warm, but he also 188y concluded in London, whereby 1745, won a victory over the Duke in the Mediterranean, where all the The Uhlans in the German army -i r p V-v/-\-rn I “ —. 1 i. T_ ^ ^4 -Kqt- eous impression seems to exist m needs a great deal of fresh air both Germany, France, and the othei Since Early. Days of Christendom of Wellington ’s British forces. In naval forces of France have con­ L >_/ El M -A -A P - - £ £ J T 1 wear the czapka, the peculiar flat day and night, and it is a good plan . &t p0Wers had bound themselves some quarters that the world _ Un topped headdress which was worn It Has Been the Scene of 1705 British troops again marched centrated under his command. lan” indicates a tribe or national­ to keep him in tlm open airall tne j ^ preserve and protect the neu- through Brabant under Marlbor­ ______ -*----------- by the Polish Uhlans, and which to time, and let him sleep on a balcony L ^tv of the Grand Duchy, whichj Continuous Warfare. ity, similar to the word “Cossack. this day is the distinguishing mark r •• - — --C--1 -b- vt-Old 1 • ' - ’ ------------- "O O u/l ough, and until 1710 the English HOLY WAR” IN RUSSIA. if possible: Be careful to avojd l[g a*-buffer state between France and and the French engaged in Flanders This is not so. in the uniforms of the lancer regi ­ Belgium by the splendid defence The Cossack is born a Cossack. chilling the little body, however. -- , Qermanv. and Brabant and the French border Priests Stir Peasants and Soldiers ments of Great Britain" and other of Liege, has added one more lau ­ He is of Tartar origin, whose able- European countries. the air is at all cold,^ keep hot- Treaties Disregarded, rel to a crown of glory gamed y land.
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