Jets + Missing Energy Signatures At The Large Hadron Collider DISSERTATION Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in the Graduate School of The Ohio State University By Khalida S. Hendricks, M.S. Graduate Program in Physics The Ohio State University 2019 Dissertation Committee: Linda Carpenter, Advisor Amy Connolly Annika Peter Antonio Boveia c Copyright by Khalida S. Hendricks 2019 Abstract In this work we consider new ways to use jets plus missing energy signatures in searches at the Large Hadron Collider. We study the Higgs boson (h) decay to two light jets at the 14 TeV High-Luminosity- LHC (HL-LHC), where a light jet (j) represents any non-flavor tagged jet from the obser- vational point of view. We estimate the achievable bounds on the decay product branching fractions through the associated production V h (V = W ±;Z). As a reasonable estimation, we only focus on the boosted region of high pT (h) and the three leptonic decay channels of the vector boson. We find that with 3000 fb−1 data at the HL-LHC, we should expect approximately 1σ statistical significance on the SM V h(gg) signal in this channel. This cor- responds to a reachable upper bound BR(h jj) 4 BRSM (h gg) at 95% confidence ! ≤ ! level. A consistency fit also leads to an upper bound of BR(h cc) < 15 BRSM (h cc) ! ! at 95% confidence level. The estimated bound may be further strengthened by adopting multiple variable analyses, or adding other production channels. We then consider some simple machine learning techniques applied to the same channels. We use both a Fully Connected Neural Network (FCN) and a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) on a statistically identical dataset as the one used for the cuts-based analysis of the Higgs decay to light jets. We found that that both networks improved upon the cuts-based results in two of the three signal channels, and roughly matched the cuts-based analysis on the third. This gave an improvement on the significance of the analysis from 0.59 for the cuts-based analysis to 0.61 using the FCN, and 0.62 using the CNN. Finally we consider the HL-LHC discovery potential in the 3 ab−1 data set for gluinos in the gluino-weakino associated production channel. We propose a search in the jets plus missing energy channel which exploits kinematic edge features in the reconstructed transverse mass of the gluino. We find that for squark masses in the 2 TeV range we have 5 sigma discovery potential for gluino masses in the range of 2.4 to 3 TeV, competitive with the projections for discovery potential in the gluino pair production channel. ii Acknowledgments There are many people to whom I owe sincere gratitude for their contributions to my work and education. I would first like to thank my advisor, Linda Carpenter, for her patience, mentorship, and guidance throughout my graduate career. During the course of my research, I had the privilege of collaborating with Tao Han, Zhuoni Qian, and Ning Zhou; I would like to thank them all for their insight and patience. I would like to thank Richard Furnstahl for his enthusiastic and generous support in so many areas, from homework help to obscure coding issues to career advice. I would also like to thank Jesi Goodman for the advice, encouragement, and guidance which she continued to give generously even after moving on from her postdoctoral position at OSU to pursue her own career. I have been lucky to have Sushant More, Russell Colburn, and Humberto Gilmer as my office mates over the years. They have provided much assistance from discussing physics to helping finding bugs in codes to working together on homework, and helping to maintain sanity. Finally I would like to thank my family and many friends who have provided support and encouragement over the course of my entire educational career. I would especially like to thank my father, John Hendricks, for his continuous and unconditional support throughout my life, even as I took many unexpected directions and detours. iii Vita October 13, 1978 . .Born|Los Alamos, NM May, 2013 . B.S., North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina Publications Increasing Discovery Threshold is Rare SUSY Scenarios Part I: Gluinos. Linda M. Car- penter, Khalida Hendricks, arXiv:1812.08406 (2018). Higgs Boson Decay to Light Jets at the LHC. Linda M. Carpenter, Tao Han, Khalida Hendricks, Zhuoni Qian, Ning Zhou, Phys Rev. D 95, 053003 (2017). Pion Momentum Distributions in the Nucleon in Chiral Effective Theory. M. Burkardt, K. S. Hendricks, Chueng-Ryong Ji, W. Melnitchouk, A. W. Thomas, Phys Rev. D 87, 056009 (2013). Fields of Study Major Field: Physics Studies in: Collider Phenomenology Higgs Physics iv Table of Contents Page Abstract........................................... ii Acknowledgments..................................... iii Vita............................................. iv List of Figures ...................................... vii List of Tables .......................................x Chapters 1 Introduction1 1.1 The Standard Model............................... 2 1.2 Problems with the Standard Model....................... 12 1.3 Higgs Physics at the Large Hadron Collider.................. 16 1.3.1 Overview of the Large Hadron Collider................. 17 1.3.2 SM Higgs Couplings: Measurements and Searches .......... 21 1.4 Supersymmetry.................................. 23 1.4.1 The Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model............ 31 1.4.2 Breaking SUSY.............................. 34 1.4.3 Additional Problems solved by SUSY ................. 35 1.4.4 Current LHC SUSY searches ...................... 37 1.5 Machine Learning................................. 40 1.5.1 How Artificial Neural Networks Work ................. 41 1.6 Summary ..................................... 50 2 Higgs Decay to Light Jets at the Large Hadron Collider 51 2.1 Introduction.................................... 51 2.2 Signal and Background Processes........................ 53 2.3 Signal Selection.................................. 55 2.3.1 `+`− + jj channel ............................ 59 ± 2.3.2 ` + ET + jj channel .......................... 59 2.3.3 ET + jj channel ............................. 60 2.3.4 Background control ........................... 61 2.4 Alternative Discriminants with Missing Energies ............... 64 2.5 Results and Discussion.............................. 66 2.5.1 Signal significance ............................ 66 2.5.2 Bounds on the branching fractions and correlations with h b¯b; cc¯ 67 ! v 2.5.3 Bounds on light-quark Yukawa couplings ............... 69 2.6 Summary and Conclusions............................ 70 3 Applying Basic Machine Learning Techniques to Collider Phenomenology 72 3.1 Introduction.................................... 72 3.2 Data Preparation................................. 72 3.3 The Network ................................... 76 3.4 Analysis and Results............................... 78 3.4.1 Results: 2-lepton channel ........................ 80 3.4.2 Results: 1-lepton channel ........................ 81 3.4.3 Results: 0-lepton channel ........................ 83 3.4.4 Combined Results ............................ 84 3.5 Outlook and future work............................. 85 4 Increasing the Discovery Potential Using Rare SUSY Scenarios: Gluinos 86 4.1 Introduction.................................... 86 4.2 Production Modes ................................ 88 4.3 Event kinematics and SUSY parameter space................. 89 4.4 Cuts-based analysis................................ 92 4.5 Results....................................... 95 4.6 Conclusions.................................... 97 5 Conclusion 99 Bibliography 101 Appendices A Machine Learning Data 108 A.1 Feature Key.................................... 108 A.2 Correlation Tables ................................ 114 A.2.1 2-lepton Correlations........................... 114 A.2.2 1-lepton Correlations........................... 116 A.2.3 0-lepton Correlations........................... 118 vi List of Figures Figure Page 1.1 The primary Higgs production channels at the LHC. (a) The primary produc- tion channel for the Higgs boson at the LHC, gluon fusion. (b) The second largest prodcution channel is vector boson fusion. (c) Associated production with a vector boson. (d) Associated production with e tt¯ pair. 19 1.2 Higgs to massless gauge bosons via heavy intermediate particles. 21 1.3 Higgs pair production at the LHC. .......................... 23 1.4 1-loop corrections to the Higgs mass. (a) The fermion correction to the Higgs mass given by Eq. 1.53. (b) & (c) The scalar corrections to the Higgs mass given by Eq. 1.54. ................................ 24 1.5 Gauge interaction \near miss" in the SM, left, and SUSY unification, right. The kink in the right graph shows where SUSY appears, altering the coupling strengths to bring them together. Image from LEP............... 36 1.6 Gluino mass limits in various channels from ATLAS.............. 38 1.7 Gluino mass limits for a particular SUSY model with particular choices for sparticle masses and other parameters...................... 39 1.8 Basic function diagram of an Artificial Neural Network. ........... 41 1.9 The feedback loop of a neural network. Image credit [39]........... 46 1.10 An illustration of how the lower-level nodes in a CNN look for broad patterns of lines and curves in order to classify objects in an image. To recreate what the CNN \sees", the algorithm output was interrupted early in the training cycle [40]...................................... 47 vii
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