Monday, June 23, 2003 Part II Department of State Office of Protocol; Gifts to Federal Employees From Foreign Sources Reported to Employing Agencies in Calendar Year 2002; Notice VerDate Jan<31>2003 15:34 Jun 20, 2003 Jkt 200001 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4717 Sfmt 4717 E:\FR\FM\23JNN2.SGM 23JNN2 37208 Federal Register / Vol. 68, No. 120 / Monday, June 23, 2003 / Notices DEPARTMENT OF STATE Federal employees filed with their 7342(f) of title 5, United States Code, as employing agencies during calendar added by Section 515(a)(1) of the Office of Protocol; Gifts to Federal year 2002 concerning gifts received from Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Employees From Foreign Government foreign government sources. The Fiscal Year 1978 (Pub. L. 95–105, Sources Reported to Employing compilation includes reports of both August 17, 1977, 91 stat. 865). Agencies in Calendar Year 2002 tangible gifts and gifts of travel or travel Dated: June 5, 2003. expenses of more than minimal value, [Public Notice 4380] Grant S. Green, Jr., as defined by statute. The Department of State submits the Under Secretary for Management; following comprehensive listing of the Publication of this listing in the Department of State. statements which, as required by law, Federal Register is required by Section AGENCY: WHITE HOUSE OFFICE AND THE NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL [Report of Tangible Gifts] Gift, date of acceptance on behalf Name and title of person accepting of the U.S. Government, esti- Identity of foreign donor and Circumstances justifying the gift on behalf of the U.S. mated value, and current disposi- government acceptance Government tion or location President ........................................ Box: 71⁄2″ x 5″ x 11⁄2″ silver box, His Excellency Constantine Non-acceptance would cause em- engraved with Greek crest and Simitis, Prime Minister of the barrassment to donor and U.S. ‘‘C. Simitis’’ on lid. Rec’d—Jan- Hellenic Republic. Government. uary 11, 2002. Est. Value— $400. Archives Foreign. Photo album: 121⁄2″ x 12″ brown vinyl album with currency dis- played (Euro dollars and Greek drachmas). Rec’d—January 11, 2002. Est. Value—$854. Ar- chives Foreign. Komboloi: string of amber beads with tassel and silver charm en- graved ‘‘GWB’’ on one side and ‘‘No 43’’ on reverse. Paperback book: ‘‘The Komboloi and Its History (5th Edition),’’ by Aris Evangelinos. Rec’d—January 11, 2002. Est. Value—$50. Ar- chives Foreign. Greek Bible: sterling silver cover with gold overlay embossed with design of Jesus on the cross and eight small stones. Rec’d—January 11, 2002. Est. Value—$400. Archives Foreign. President ........................................ Desk accessories: sterling silver His Excellency Leszek Miller, Non-acceptance would cause em- and amber pen stand with silver Prime Minister of the Republic barrassment to donor and U.S. border and outline of building; of Poland. Government. including a silver pen. Rec’d— January 14, 2002. Est. Value— $450. Archives Foreign. Leatherbound book: ‘‘New York,’’ by Jerzy Habdas. Rec’d—Janu- ary 14, 2002. Est. Value—$40. Archives Foreign. President ........................................ Softcover books (16): multi-vol- His Excellency Bulent Ecevit, Non-acceptance would cause em- ume set of the works of Turkish Prime Minister of the Republic barrassment to donor and U.S. poet Mevlana Celaleddin; trans- of Turkey. Government. lated by Nevit O. Ergin. Leatherbound reproduction of the ‘‘Holy Koran’’, hand-lettered by Ahmed Karahisari in the six- teenth century; held in a leather case. Rec’d—January 16, 2002. Est. Value—$990. Archives Foreign. Vase: 11″ stoneware vase with metal overlay and boat and cloud motif. Rec’d—January 16, 2002. Est. Value—$120. Ar- chives Foreign. VerDate Jan<31>2003 15:34 Jun 20, 2003 Jkt 200001 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\23JNN2.SGM 23JNN2 Federal Register / Vol. 68, No. 120 / Monday, June 23, 2003 / Notices 37209 AGENCY: WHITE HOUSE OFFICE AND THE NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL—Continued [Report of Tangible Gifts] Gift, date of acceptance on behalf Name and title of person accepting of the U.S. Government, esti- Identity of foreign donor and Circumstances justifying the gift on behalf of the U.S. mated value, and current disposi- government acceptance Government tion or location President ........................................ Artwork: 11″ x 11″ ‘‘Over the Hori- His Excellency Valdas Adamkus, Non-acceptance would cause em- zon,’’ by Azuolas Vaitukaitis; President of the Republic of barrassment to donor and U.S. gold-plated copper plaque Lithuania. Government. etched with fields, with amber stone representing the sun; held in a black presentation case with plaque engraved to President George W. Bush. Rec’d—January 17, 2002. Est. Value—$600. Archives Foreign. President ........................................ Rug: 116″ x 84″ fringed wool and His Excellency Hamid Karzai, Non-acceptance would cause em- silk Afghan rug with multicol- Chairman of the Interim Author- barrassment to donor and U.S. ored pattern on gold back- ity of Afghanistan. Government. ground. Rec’d—January 28, 2002. Est. Value—$4000. Ar- chives Foreign. Plaque: 11″ x 11″ resin plaque with image of the damaged World Trade Center towers and Afghan Buddhist statues, en- graved ‘‘World Terrorists Are Destroying Civilization’’ and ‘‘From the People of Afghani- stan to the People of the United States Partners in a Common Struggle.’’ Rec’d—January 28, 2002. Est. Value—$150. Ar- chives Foreign. President ........................................ Artwork: 17″ x 12″ x 9″ metal His Excellency Mikhail Kasyanov, Non-acceptance would cause em- sculpture of four people in a Chairman of the Government of barrassment to donor and U.S. troika. Rec’d—February 4, the Russian Federation. Government. 2002. Est. Value—$450. Ar- chives Foreign. President ........................................ Rug: 83″ x 56″ multi-colored Ori- His Excellency Pervez Musharraf, Non-acceptance would cause em- ental rug, primarily in blue. President of the Islamic Repub- barrassment to donor and U.S. Rec’d—February 13, 2002. Est. lic of Pakistan. Government. Value—$2800. Archives For- eign. President ........................................ Medallion: 21⁄2″ gold medallion The Honorable Yutaka Inoue, Non-acceptance would cause em- engraved with cherry blossoms President of the House of barrassment to donor and U.S. and the front facade of the Jap- Councillors. Government. anese Diet building on one side, and Mount Fuji on the re- verse; held in a blue velvet case. Rec’d—February 18, 2002. Est. Value—$50. Ar- chives Foreign. Hardcover book: ‘‘The National Diet of Japan.’’ Rec’d—Feb- ruary 18, 2002. Est. Value— $90. Archives Foreign. Box: 121⁄2″ x 2″ black lacquer box with tree branch painted on lid, and interior lined in blue velvet. Rec’d—February 18, 2002. Est. Value, $275. Archives Foreign. President ........................................ Chunma-ch’ong Gold Crown (rep- His Excellency Kim Dae-jung, Non-acceptance would cause em- lica): 5th–6th century Silla Dy- President of the Republic of barrassment to donor and U.S. nasty, National Treasure #188. Korea. Government. Rec’d—February 19, 2002. Est. Value—$350. Archives Foreign. VerDate Jan<31>2003 15:34 Jun 20, 2003 Jkt 200001 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\23JNN2.SGM 23JNN2 37210 Federal Register / Vol. 68, No. 120 / Monday, June 23, 2003 / Notices AGENCY: WHITE HOUSE OFFICE AND THE NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL—Continued [Report of Tangible Gifts] Gift, date of acceptance on behalf Name and title of person accepting of the U.S. Government, esti- Identity of foreign donor and Circumstances justifying the gift on behalf of the U.S. mated value, and current disposi- government acceptance Government tion or location President ........................................ Hardcover book: ‘‘30 Years of His Excellency Jiang Zemin, Non-acceptance would cause em- Sino-US Relations,’’ by Xiyuan President of the People’s Re- barrassment to donor and U.S. Publishing House, China Inter- public of China. Government. continental Press; inscribed by donor, and presented in gold- colored book box. Rec’d—Feb- ruary 21, 2002. Est. Value— $550. Archives Foreign. Sculpture: 12″ x 16″ x 4″ ‘‘Ma Ta Fei Yan (Horse Galloping on the Flying Swallow)’’, a 24K gold-plated horse with stand, presented in wooden box. Rec’d—February 21, 2002. Est. Value—$300. Archives Foreign. President ........................................ Artwork: 27″ carving of numerous His Excellency Joaquim Alberto Non-acceptance would cause em- connected figures, made from a Chissano, President of the Re- barrassment to donor and U.S. single piece of ebony. Rec’d— public of Mozambique. Government. February 26, 2002. Est. Value—$1200. Archives For- eign. President ........................................ Artwork: 28″ wooden carving of a His Excellency Jose Eduardo dos Non-acceptance would cause em- male figure carrying a knife and Santos, President of the Re- barrassment to donor and U.S. balancing a vessel on his head; public of Angola. Government. held in a red presentation case. Rec’d—February 26, 2002. Est. Value—$1375. Archieves For- eign. Consumables (42) 250g bags of Cafe Ginga coffee from Angola. Rec’d—February 26, 2002. Est. Value—$336. Handled pursuant to Secret Service policy. Hardcover book: ‘‘Angola: The Future Begins Now,’’ published by the government of Angola. Rec’d—February 26, 2002. Est. Value—$70. Archives Foreign. Artwork: two tribal paintings on canvas; one (41″ x 33″) depicts four dancing figures and one (34″ x 27″) depicts traditional
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