. 1 i . financial nnrnwrcia WJ rnmcle INCLUDING Bank and Quotation Section (Monthly) State and City Section (semi-Annually) Th l!S Railway and Industrial Section (quarterly) Street Railway Section ( vCJ-iy" ) Entered according to Act of Conness, tn the year l!io5, by Wn.i.iwi H. Dava Company, in the ottloeof Librarian of Confess. Washington. l>. c« VOL. 81. SATURDAY, JULY 29 1905. NO. 2092. Week ending July 22 Clearings at— Inc. or 1905. 1904 1902 ghc (IDhrouicle. Dec. PUBLISHED WEEKLY. * Boston 142.531,487 127.549.530 --It 7 125.820 078 126,379,801 Terms oi Subscription—Payable in Advance Providence 7,250,800 6.110,800 --181 6,289,800 0,027.100 2,908.496 2,500,303 --15-9 For One Year $10 00 Hartford 2.884.353 2.481.784 New Haven- 2.339,-28 2,288.301 --22-3 2 03i 1.510,800 For Six Months 6 00 Springfield 1,038.497 1.480,1 CO --107 1 312.791 I .170 European Subscription (including postage) 18 00 98.-, Worcester 1,561, 426 1.814,932 --188 1 580 180 1 57 1 (including postage) European Subscription Six Months 7 50 Portland 1.506,269 1 531 07.- -1 7 1,449.292 1.168 727 Annnal Subscription in London (including postage) £2 14s. Fall River 676,059 021.352 +8 3 7,vl,v.-,l ' 479,987 453.727 D 7 55 619,712 Six Months subscription in London (including postage) £1 lis. Lowell -fc New Bedford 524.008 400,491 +29 403.535 471 822 Subscription includts rollowing Sections— Holyoke 376,362 495 479 -24 403.883 : 778 Bank and Quotation (monthly) I State and City (semiannually) Total New England. 101,853,228 144.845.S19 +11-7 14,',923.160 142,870 925 Railway and Indcstklal (quarterly) | street Railway (3 times yearly) Chicago 189.042,450 157,934 269 +197 159,878.704 166,787.073 —15-7 Terms of Advertising—Per Inch Space Cincinnati 23,961,550 28.434.250 21,800,500 19,237.800 Cleveland 15,497,384 13,357,289 10'U 10,450.171 16.476,524 Transient matter per inch space (14 agate lines) §4 20 Detroit 10,989,398 9,587.200 i4-e 9.037,006 9,439 001 Milwaukee 8,481,055 7.039.! 149 20-5 7.382,175 0,: 69.133 ( Two Months (8 times) 22 00 i Three Months (13 times) 29 00 Indianapolis. 6.444.503 6,749,418 45 0.522.044 4,855.471 6 ,.„j,„„ Business«„„.„„„. Cardsr-„,.i= JJ +2-1 Standing Slx Montll3 fe6 tlmes 50 00 Columbus 4.398,100 4.307,700 4,853.500 4,709,000 Toledo 3,279.447 8.208,453 —00 3,098.904 3,5.18,783 ( Twelve Months (52 times) 87 00 IV. .nil 2.650.130 1,810 201 +40 2,803.501 1,929 513 CHICAGO OFFICE— Pliny Bartlett, 513 Monadnock Blook. Grand Rapids 1,951,149 1,844.077 +5-8 1,778,708 1,470,256 Dayton 1,603,372 1,573,390 +19 1,630.507 1,497.702 Edwards Smith, 1 Drapers' Gardens, E. C. LONDON OFFICE— A Evansville 1,470,087 1,094,092 +84-4 1,078,381 . 1,127.132 -18-1 Publishers, Akron 521,700 636,700 704,700 717,800 MILLI.li. B. PANA COMPASV, Springfield. Ill 710,803 712,223 —0-2 666,121 723,935 Youngstown 414,488 430.058 —51 775,886 585.853 Pino Ktreet, Corner oi l'eai-1 Street, Kalamazoo 729,948 666,604 +9-5 699 410 610 338 562,092 604.143 —7-0 470,140 Post Office Box ».VS. NEW YORK. Lexington 170,624 Canton 392.151 515,790 —240 538,268 860,775 Rockford 493.430 495,520 -0-4 515.153 392,031 Springfield. O 383,787 312.619 +22-7 343,863 350.240 CLEARING MOUSE RETURNS. Bloomington 812.154 808744 +2*8 275,168 264.0541 383,074 310,000 +23-8 825,748 Quincy 297,308 , Decatur. 295.002 250.343 +18-0 256,398 249,103 following table, made up by telegraph, etc., indicates The Mansfield 871 ,928 181,270 +1052 211.601 209,180 I Jacksonville 280,223 178,600 +56 9 179,760 157.685 ' that the total bank clearings of all the clearing houses of the 1-8 Jackson 225,000 235,227 — 191,648 139,506 , ' United States for the week ending to-day, July 29, have Ann Arbor 100,232 80,594 +24-4 65,266 62.480 Fort Wayne 899,851 Not include d into tal. been $2,279,033,613, against $2,369,373,079 last week and South Bend 348,009 Not include d in to tal. $1,775,128,254 the corresponding week last year. Total Mid. Western 275,953,049 242.948,295 +13-6 242,670,321 232.253,620 San Francisco 34,514.440 25,929,380 26,753 909 21.388 l:*4 Clearings— Returns ./>/ Telegraph. Los Angeles 9,759.797 6,081,450 5,469.751 4512 505 1905. 1904. P. Cent. Week Ending Juh 89. Seattle 7.074,852 8.977,813 4,103.874 3,454 530 Salt Lake City 4,509,380 3,457,411 2,298,748 3,595 678 New York. {1,128.101,959 *806.527,740 +30-2 Portland. ±,206,441 3,133,340 2,775.941 2.203 607 Boston 109.332,619 93,859.021 +K1-5 Spokane 3.274.891 2,256,868 2,068.920 1.308 960 3,412,227 1.894.243 1,848,180 147 Philadelphia. 101.593,003 70,287 068 4-38-2 Tacoma 1.240 Helena 819,200 794.8J3 418,411 633.517 Baltimore 17.214.298 18,376,200 —6-3 Fargo 463,356 . 897,950 4*5,085 39' 658 Chicago 149.1S3.263 121,926.001 +224 Sioux Falls 203.906 181,895 288 562 234,113 St. Louis 45,351,776 35.810.318 +20-6 Total Paclflc 68,448,510 48,105,195 40.451 981 38.831.257 New Orleans 13,180,588 8.288.188 +47-0 Kansas City 28,729 341 17,480.640 10,068,950 18,868.404 15,003.138 13,200.277 11,290 201 1 ,507 665 Seven cities, 5 days. $1,562,958,104 $1,221 074 137 +279 Minneapolis 1 9,034.242 0,077,369 7,100.415 6,433 200 Other cities. 6 days 315,000.811 249,088,926 +265 Omaha St. PauL 6,429,28 5,633.1g7 5,754.508 5,815,114 4,236.79' 8.088.734 4.394.098 3.988,038 Total all cities, 5 days. il,577.95b,915 $1,470,163,063 4-27-7 St. Joseph 6,401,199 4,137,439 4,950.314 3,963,557 All cities, 1 day 40l.074.69S 304.965.101 +31-5 Denver Des Moines 2,499,723 1,830.407 1,882,419 1 741.129 Total all cities for week. J-2.279,033.013 (1.776.128.254 +2S-4 Sioux City 1,037.124 857,820 1,150,79! l,2»s,7",l Topeka 454,470 809.059 L135.74'" l,ol5,502 Davenport Oln.341 077,229 677.642 716,182 The full details for the week covered by the above will be Wichita l,168,snl 910,595 664,700 667.660 given next Saturday. AVe Colorado Springs.. 784,711 450,902 419.00 500,000 cannot furnish them to-day, clear- Cedar Rapids 385.195 403 803 ings being made up by the clearing houses at noon on Satur- Kremont •420,070 124,381 123.732 123 907 Pueblo 473,555 Not Include Rl. day, in and hence the above the last day of the week has to Total other West'rn 72.601.045 55.350.07o +81.-2 5-519,223 50,528.709 be in all cases estimated, as we go to press Friday night. St. Louis 53,218,89 46.018.107 +1 46.153,813 41.980.244 New Orleans 17,142.727 12,795,254 +31-0 12,717,669 12,002,072 We present below -3-3 our usual detailed figures for the previous Louisville .-.. 10,082.306 10,423.313 8,(103.060 8.802.837 week, covering the returns for the period ending Houston-. 6,000 ooo 4 609.S7.- +27 0,840.080 8.92 with Satur- Galveston 5,700,000 8,159 000 +80-4 2,892,500 2,003,600 day noon, July 22, and the results for the corresponding Richmond. 5,272,048 3,858.677 +86-6 1,852.018 8,743 201 4-5; 003 1 , 2,29:!. Savannah 500,230 2,894.843 2.38 1 51 18 week in 1904, 1903 and 1902 are also given. Contrasted with Memphis 3,911, 137 2,864.101 +116-6 2.782.748 2.044,29a the week of 1904 Atlanta 2.640 1 1 i 2.37:1.012 7-1,1-8 2,125,101 1,672.120 the total for the whole country shows a gain Nashville g SOU 816 2,408,417 + 10- 2.121,019 1.469.207 1 - -) of 12-2 per cent. Outside of New York the increase over 1904 Norfolk 9 fl,« 1,590,742 199 1,489.260 1.471 Fort Worth 2,109,096 1,027.859 10 1,682,800 1,266 B35 is 10*2 per cent.
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