Hoover Press : Berkowitz/Conservative hberco ix Mp_159 rev1 page 159 index abortion, 38, 45 bad conduct foreign affairs and, 43 good conduct v., 70–71 neoconservatism and, 47 Baker, James, 123 Abrams, Elliott, 121 Barnes, Fred, 40 Afghanistan, 28 Barnett, Randy, xvii al Qaeda, 28 Barrett, William, 117 American Political Science Review,7 Bartley, Robert, 39 American Revolution, xvi, 33 Bauer, Gary, 46 American War of Independence, 29 Bentham, Jeremy, 77 Americans for Democratic Action (ADA), Berlin Wall, 109, 147 116 Bewley, Truman, 77 Anscombe, G.E.M., 44 Bible, 42 Antiballistic Missile Treaty, 28 bin Laden, Osama, 146 antidiscrimination laws, 21, 96, 97 biotechnology, 25, 37 justification of, 99 Francis Fukuyama on, 44–45 anti-Semitism, 118 Birnbaum, Norman, 118 aristocracy, 11 blockage of view, 98 Aristotle, 22, 51, 58, 132 Atlantic Charter, 114 Bloom, Alexander, 112 Auden, W.H., 34 Bloom, Allan, 119 Augustine, 41 Bonald, Louis de, 15 Austrian economics, 52–53 Bottum, Joseph, xv–xvi autonomy, 84 Brave New World (Huxley), 45 libertarianism and, 86–88 Brezhnev Doctrine, 147 British Empire, 29 Babbit, Irving, 4 Brooks, David, 109, 124 Hoover Press : Berkowitz/Conservative hberco ix Mp_160 rev1 page 160 160 index Brownson, Orestes, 29–30, 32 common law, 59 Buchanan, Pat, 39–40, 124 communism, 27, 37, 38, 45–46, 112 on neoconservatism, 106–7 in America, 111, 116–17 Buckley Jr., William F., 125 fall of, 36, 46, 147, 150 Burke, Edmund, 4, 10, 12, 19, 107 neoconservatism and, 147–48 on family, 20 totalitarianism and, 148 Kirk Russell on, 16 compleat liberalism, 15 Burnham, James, 114–15 Confessions (Augustine), 41 on Joseph Stalin, 115 consequentialist analysis, 57, 60, 62 Bush, George W., 21, 27–28, 105, 107, moral rights v., 57–59 123, 126, 129 conservatism military policy of, 126, 127 as autonomous body of ideas, 8 classical, xiv Calhoun, John C., 32 defining, 31 capital liberal, 16–17 distribution of, 26 libertarianism and, 72–74 capitalism, 143 social, 37, 39–40. See also globalizing, xv neoconservatism, traditionalist neoconservatism and, 143–44, 145 conservatism Catholicism, 32, 33 conservative liberalism, 17–18 character deformation, 80 The Conservative Mind (Kirk), xiv, 5, 8, character development 16, 33 autonomy and, 86–88 Constitution, xvi, 7 contract and, 89–97 president qualifications in, 77 incentives and, 78 contra bones mores,99 legal rules and, 85–86 contract libertarian view on, 75–76 character development and, 89–97 property rights and, 88–89 convergence, 56 children, 22 Cornell University, 119 Christianity, 13, 14, 32, 42–43 corporate management, 26 Churchill, Winston, 148 Council on Bioethics, 44–45 claims of right, 60 disputes and, 61 Declaration of Independence, 35 classical conservatism, xiv DeLay, Tom, 123 classical liberalism, 81–82 Diamond, Jared, 43 fundamental rights of, 67 difference, 133 Clay, Henry, 124 dignity, 25 Clinton, Bill, xxi, 27, 123 liberalism and, 58 cloning, 38, 45 disagreement Cockburn, Alexander, 106 manifestation of, 130–31 Cohen, Elliot, 111, 115–16 Discourse on the Constitution and Cold War, 27–28, 107, 125 Government of the United States Irving Kristol on, 117 (Calhoun), 32 Colson, Chuck, 46 Disquisition on Government (Calhoun), 32 Committee on Present Danger, 128 divergence, 56 Hoover Press : Berkowitz/Conservative hberco ix Mp_161 rev1 page 161 index 161 Dolluss, Engelbert, 111 freedom, 133 Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Stevenson), 45 demands on, 134 Drew, Elizabeth, 106 equality and, 134 drugs, 25 individual, 136 duties, 69 Freedom of Contract, 67 moral v. legal, 79 French Revolution, xv–xvi, 5, 7–8, 15, universal, 82 26, 34 Friedman, Milton, 52, 54 economic order Frum, David, 40, 127 liberal, 142–47 Fukuyama, Francis, 36 economics on biotechnology, 44–45 Austrian, 52–53 Fuller, Lon, 59 education on morality of law, 61–62 traditionalists on, 22–24 on natural rights, 69 Egypt, 118 fusionism, 40 Ehrman, John, 110 endpoints, 136–37 gay marriage, 22 reaching, 136n8 Gemeinschaft,19 The End of History and the Last Man Genovese, Kitty, 79 (Fukuyama), 36 Germany, 111–12, 120 Enlightenment, 14, 37, 41 Gershman, Carl, 113 Epstein, Richard, xviii Gesellschaft,19 equality gift promises, 80 demands on, 134–35 Glazer, Nathan, 120 freedom and, 134 globalization, 146 neoconservative view on, 152n22 good conduct ethics, 58 bad conduct v., 70–71 Evangelicism, 33, 36–37 Gorbachev, Mikhail, 145 exceptionalism, 152–53 Guns, Germs, and Steel,43 Family Marriage Act, 99 Hamilton, Alexander, 124 fascism, 15n12, 112 harm principle, 82 Federalist papers, 7 liberty and, 83 Feith, Douglas, 107 harms firing regulations, 94–95 definition of, 97 First Possession, 67 libertarian view on, 97–100 Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 32 Hartz, Louis, 7 FitzGerald, Frances, 109 Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 31–32 for-cause rules, 94–96 Hayek, F.A., 6 foreign affairs on social order, 63–64 abortion and, 43–44 Hayek, Friedrich, 52 neoconservative view on, 149–50 Hegel, G.W.F., 36 traditionalist views on, 26–29 Henrie, Mark, xiv, xv Frankenstein (Shelley), 45 Himmelfarb, Gertrude, 112 fraud, 91 Hindus, Maurice, 111 free market, 25 hiring regulations, 94–95 Hoover Press : Berkowitz/Conservative hberco ix Mp_162 rev1 page 162 162 index Hitchens, Christopher, 126 on Edmund Burke, 16 Hitler, Adolf, 111–12, 114 impact of, 4–5 Holmes, Stephen, 13 on moral imagination, 6–7 home-schooling, 24 Kissinger, Henry, 120, 121, 122 Hook, Sidney, 111, 112 Kristol, Irving, xx, 108, 112, 114, 115 Irving Kristol and, 113 on Cold War, 117 Horner, Charles, 121 Sidney Hook and, 113 Human Accomplishment: The Pursuit of on neoconservatism, 139–40 Excellence in the Arts and Sciences Kristol, William, 40, 107, 124, 125 (Murray), 42 Kyl, Jon, 128 human nature, 5 Kyoto Treaty, 27 Huntington, Samuel P., 7, 8, 9, 11, 13 Hussein, Sadam, xxi, 28, 123 labor, xix Hutson, James, 35 lament, 11–12 Huxley, Aldous, 45 landlords, 93 Lasch, Christopher, 116 ideology, 5 Latin America, 142 neoconservative, 141 legal decisions purity of, 52 casuistic, 60 Ikenberry, G. John, 106 legal duties imperfect rights, 69 moral duties and, 79 improvement, 62–63 legal enterprise, 70 incentives legal evolution, 59–63 character development and, 78 legal theory individuality, 4 in libertarianism, 76–77 An Intellectual History of Liberalism legislation (Manent), 13 enacting, 61 internal morality of law, 61–62 Lenin, Vladimir, 110 Iraq, 28, 105 liberal conservatism, 16–17 The Island of Dr. Moreau (Stevenson), 45 liberal economic order, 142–47 Israel, 108–9, 118 liberal order, 155n25 liberal politics, 133–34 Jackson, Henry, xxi, 121 liberal space The Jew as Radical (Hindus), 111 extending, 147–51 job training, 140 liberalism, xvi, xxii, 13–14 John Paul II, 32 boxing in, 14–19 Johnson, Samuel, 16, 24 Judaism, 111 on children, 22–23 justice, 15 classical, 64, 67, 81–82 compleat, 15 Kaaren, Jessie, 114 conservative, 17–18 Kagan, Robert, 124 constitutive properties of, 133 Kass, Leon, 44 dignity and, 58 Kazin, Alfred, 114 family views of, 21 Kennan, George F., 115, 116 ideology in, 5–6 Kirk, Russell, xiv, 3, 8, 29, 33 modernity and, 36 Hoover Press : Berkowitz/Conservative hberco ix Mp_163 rev1 page 163 index 163 natural rights and, 65 Mansfield, Harvey, 139n10 neoconservatism and, 137, 156 market regulation, 26 postwar, 138–39 marriage, 20–21 religion and, 42 Marshall Plan, 125 universal, 151–52 Marxism, 34, 143–44 libertarianism, xvii, xviii, 5, 36–37 Mayflower Compact, 31, 35 autonomy and, 86–88 McCarthy, Joseph, xx, 117 character development in, 75–76 Mencken, H.L., 4 conservatism and, 72–74 Meyer, Frank, 39 contract in, 89–97 fusionism of, 40 development of, 51 Middle East, 109, 126 entitlements, 81–84 Mill, John Stuart, 4, 33, 44, 77 fundamental beliefs of, 64 harm principle of, 82, 83 on harms, 97–100 minimax principle, 82 inalienable rights according to, 67 Mises, Ludwig von, 52–53 legal theory in, 76–77 modernity, 37 moral neutrality in, 72 liberalism and, 36 moral systems in, 76 modes of analysis, 56 neoconservatism differentiated from, Mont Pelerin Society, 25 17–18 Moore, G.E., 44 on property rights, 67–68 moral duties redistribution and, 86–88 legal duties and, 79 on regulation, 100–101 moral imagination, 6 social conservatism and, 39–40 moral rights, 57, 60, 62 welfare position in, 84–85 consequentialism v., 58–59 liberty, 6 morality, xiii harm principle and, 83 of law, 61–62 Lieberman, Joseph I., 128 neutrality and, 72 Lieven, Anatol political philosophy v., 55 on neoconservatives, 106 Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, 108, 120 Lindberg, Tod, xxi Muller, Jerry Z., 46 Lippman, Walter, 116 Muravchik, Joshua, 110, 113, 123 Lipset, Seymour Martin, 112 Murray, Charles, 42 Locke, John, 7, 33, 51, 84 on education, 22–23 Narveson, Jan, 55 logic, 58 natural law, 35–36 Lomasky, Loren, 55 natural rights loss, 11 abstract, 67–68 Lynd, Straughton, 117 defining, 65 exceptions and, 71–72 MacDonald, Dwight, 113, 114 perfect v. imperfect, 69 Machan, Tibor, 55 social order and, 68, 70 Mack, Eric, 55 Nazism, xx, 112, 113 Maistre, Joseph de, 15, 27 neoconservatism, xix–xx Manent, Pierre, 13 abortion and, 47 Hoover Press : Berkowitz/Conservative hberco ix Mp_164 rev1 page 164 164 index neoconservatism (continued) Our Posthuman Future (Fukuyama), 44– American exceptionalism in, 152 45 on bourgeois values, 144–45 Pat Buchanan on, 106–7 paleoconservatism, 18n14, 106–7, 107 on capitalism, 143–44, 145 paper money, 132 communism and, 147–48 parental rights, 132 currents of, 155–56 partisan politics, xiii definition of, 129 perfect rights, 69 emergence of, 138 Perle, Richard, 107, 108, 109, 121, 123 on equality, 152n22 Pipes, Richard, 121 on foreign affairs, 149–50 Plato, 22 history of, 108–9 Pledge of Allegiance, 45, 83 Irving Kristol on, 139–40 Podhoretz, Norman, 9, 117, 118, 120, liberalism and, 137, 156 122, 123 libertarianism differentiated from, 17– political philosophy 18 morality v., 55 on Middle East, 109–10 Ponnuru, Ramesh, 125 moralism of, 147–48 pornography, 25 origins of, 110–15 Powell, Colin, 110 political influence of, 120–28 power public policy in, 140 use of, 73–74 Dimitri Simes on, 105.
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