Louisiana State University LSU Digital Commons Gumbo Yearbook University Archives 1912 Gumbo Yearbook, Class of 1912 Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.lsu.edu/gumbo Recommended Citation Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College, "Gumbo Yearbook, Class of 1912" (1912). Gumbo Yearbook. 12. http://digitalcommons.lsu.edu/gumbo/12 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at LSU Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Gumbo Yearbook by an authorized administrator of LSU Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. GUMBO VOLUME TWELVE EDITED BY THE Senior Class of Louisiana State University and A. & M. College DEDICATION TO T H E HONORABLE EDWARD DOUGLASS WHITE, WHOM THE PRESIDENT OF OUR GREAT AND GLORIOUS NATION HAS CROWNED WITH A MOST HIGH AND WELL DESERVED HONOR IN ENTRUSTING TO HIM THE CHIEF JUSTICE­ SHIP OF THE HIGHEST TRIBUNAL IN THE WORLD, THIS, THE TWELFTH VOLUME OF THE GUMBO, IS RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED. CHI KF JUSTICE E. D. WHITE Edward Douglass White Edward Douglass White was born in the Parish of Lafourche in November, 1845. He came of a fam'ily of statesmen, his father having served as Governor of Louisiana and as a member of the National Congress, and while young Edward was yet a youth he showed a marked tendency to follow in the footsteps of his illus­ trious father. He received his education at Mount St. Mary’s, Maryland, at the Jesuits’ College in New Orleans, and at Georgetown College in the District of Columbia. His attendance at the last named school was interrupted during his seventeenth year, when he entered the ranks of the Confederate Army. After the war, however, he completed his course of study and was admitted to the bar in December, 1868. He was elected a member of the State Senate in 1874, and four years later was appointed a Justice of the Supreme Court of Louisiana. In 1891 he was elected a United States Senator, and it was while he was serving this term that President Cleve­ land made him an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. He served in this capacity until December, 1910, at which time he was appointed Chief Justice of the Supreme Court by President Taft. There are several honors connected with Justice W hite’s election to this chair other than the mere highness of the position. He is the first Associate Justice ever raised to the Chief Justiceship and is second in the line of Chief Justices of Catholic faith, being in this respect the direct successor of Roger Brooke Taney. But probably the most flattering honor of all is the manner in which all the political factions of Washington forgot their prejudices in the support of Louisiana’s eminent jurist. Of this we, the editors of the Gumbo, along with the whole of our sunny State, are proud, and we feel it a high honor to have the opportunity of showing the esteem in which Louisiana holds her distinguished son, through the dedication of this volume of the University annual to him. 6 7 8 I The Faculty T h o m a s D. B oyd, M. A., LL. D., President. J a m e s W . N ic h o l s o n , M. A., LL. D., Professor of Mathematics and Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. E dw ard L. Sc o tt, M. A., Professor of Ancient Languages. C harles E. Coates, P h . D ., Professor of Chemistry and Dean of the Audubon Sugar School. W il l ia m R. D odso n , B. S., B. A., Professor of Agriculture and Dean of the College of Agriculture. T h o m a s W. A t k in s o n , B. S., C. E., Professor of Physics and Electrical Engineering and Dean of the College of Engineering. C h a r l e s A. St u m b e r g , M. A., Professor of German. W il l ia m H . D a l r y m p l e , M. R . C. V. S., Professor of Veterinary Science. B o y k in W . P e g u e s , B. S., Professor of Civil Engineering. A r t h u r T . P r esc o tt, M . A ., Professor of Political Science. R o b er t L. H im e s , Professor of Commerce. A lb e r t M . H erg et, Professor of Mechanic Arts and Drawing. W i l l i a m A . R e a d , P h . D ., Professor of the English Language and Literature. 9 E u g e n e W . K err, M. E., Professor of Mechanical Engineering. W alter L. F le m in g , M . A., P h . D., Professor of History. C. B. H odges, First Lieutenant U. S. Infantry, Professor of M ilitary Sciences. J o h n Q u in c y A dams, B. L., LL. B., Professor of Public Speaking. W . G oodwin W illiam s, M. A., LL. B., Professor of Law. R obert L. T ullis, LL. B., . Professor of Civil Law and Louisiana Jurisprudence and Dean of the Law School. A lexander B. C offey, M. S., D. M. A., Professor of Philosophy and Education and Dean of the Teachers’ College. A lbert G. R eed, M. A., P h. D., Professor of English Literature. H u g h M. B lain , M. A., P h . D., Professor of English. E. S. R ichardson, Director of Agricultural Extension. J ames F. B roussard, M. A., Professor of French. E lbert L. J ordan, B. S., Professor of Animal Industry. x A lbert F. K idder, B. S., Professor of Agronomy. W illiam H . G ates, B. A., Professor of Zoology and Entomology. T homas W . H u g h e s , LL. B., LL. M ., Professor of Law. 10 I A lb e r t T . B e l l , M. A ., Professor of Botany and Bacteriology. J ordan G . L ee , B. S., Professor of Forestry and Horticulture. L eo M. F avrot, B. S., Professor of Secondary Education. D e l m a r T. P ow ers, M. A., Associate Professor of Education. W il l ia m O. Scroggs, A. M ., P h . D., Associate Professor of History and Economics. M is s I n e z M o r t l a n d , B. L. S., Librarian. Sa m u e l T . Sa n d er s, A. B., Assistant Professor of Mathematics. L in t o n L . C o oper, B. S., Assistant Professor of Mechanic Arts and Drawing. R a o u l L . M e n v il l e , B. S., Assistant Professor of Chemistry. A l l a n F. O d e l l , M. S., D. Sc., Assistant Professor of Chemistry. J o h n F . W e l c h , B. S., Assistant Professor of Mathematics. W il l ia m B. C l a r k e , Director of Music. W. H . B a l l s , B. S., Assistant Director of Agricultural Extension. J a m e s E. H a l l ig a n , B. S., Director of Athletics. J a m e s K. D w y e r , Football Coach. 11 F r a n k M . L ong, M. A., Resident Secretary, Y. M. C. A. T hom as H ogan, United States Army, Assistant to the Commandant. M iss M ercedes G arig, Instructor in English. N ie ls F . P e te r s o n , B. A., Instructor in Botany. A n to n io G u e l l , M . E., E. E., Instructor in Mechanical Engineering. D. V. G u t h e r ie , P h . D., Assistant Professor of Physics. M iss A n n ie B eale, Assistant Librarian. A urelio R. G u e l l , B. S., Instructor in Spanish. E. B. D oran, B. S., Instructor in Agronomy. N . M . L ewis, Assistant in History and Economics. G eorge H . F lowerday, Assistant in Commerce. L . F . B r o w n , B . S., Instructor in Mechanical Engineering. E dward M . P ercy, B. S., Assistant in Sugar Chemistry and Engineering. M iss M ollie M . K ea rney, Assistant in Latin. M iss L ouise G arig, B. A., Assistant in English. 12 W . C . C a l d w e l l , B. A ., Fellow in Mathematics. F. D. G o sser a n d , B. A., Fellow in Mathematics. J. J. H o u t z , B. A., Fellow in Chemistry. D u r a l d F . W oods, B. S., Fellow in Civil Engineering. F . P. J o s e p h , B. S., Assistant in Mechanic Arts and Drawing. D. L. W o m a c k , B. S., Assistant in Physics and Electricity. R u b y C . C a l l l a w a y , Assistant in Zoology. J o h n F . G u n t h e r , B. S., Fellow in Mechanical Engineering. C . B. G o u a u x , Assistant in Chemistry. W . M. G r a y s o n , Assistant in Chemistry. F . G . F o u r n e t , Assistant in Mechanic Arts and Drawing. 13 Time's Flown Fast Time’s flown fast, we’ve looked our last In Chem.
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