Project evaluation series Final evaluation of the project for Building Resilience and Self-reliance of Livestock Keepers by Improving Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease and other Transboundary Animal Diseases in Afghanistan PROJECT EVALUATION SERIES Final evaluation of the project for Building Resilience and Self-reliance of Livestock Keepers by Improving Control of Foot-and- Mouth Disease and other Transboundary Animal Diseases in Afghanistan OSRO/AFG/402/JPN FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS Rome, 2019 Required citation: FAO. 2019. Final Evaluation of the Project for Building Resilience and Self-reliance of Livestock Keepers by Improving Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease and other Transboundary Animal Diseases in Afghanistan. Rome. 8 pp. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO. 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Cover photo: ©FAO/Eoghan Molloy; ©FAO/Jenna Jadin (2nd picture from top to bottom) Final Evaluation of OSRO/AFG/402/JPN Contents Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................................................. v Acronyms and abbreviations ......................................................................................................................... vi Executive summary .......................................................................................................... vii 1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Purpose of the evaluation ......................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Scope and objective of the evaluation ................................................................................. 1 1.3 Methodology .................................................................................................................................. 3 1.4 Limitations ....................................................................................................................................... 6 1.5 Structure of the report ................................................................................................................ 7 2 Background and context of the project .................................................................. 8 2.1 Context of the project ................................................................................................................. 8 3 Findings .................................................................................................................... 11 3.1 Evaluation Question 1: To what extent were the project design and approach (including partnerships) relevant to the needs, in terms of progressing along the FMD- PCP, and in controlling PPR in Afghanistan? ................................................................................... 11 3.2 Evaluation Question 2: What outcomes, both intended and unintended, were evident after four years of project implementation? .................................................................... 16 3.3 Evaluation Question 3: How effective was the project management and implementation? ......................................................................................................................................... 29 3.4 Evaluation Question 4: To what extent are the project results sustainable? What are the prospects for sustaining and scaling up project results after its completion? ... 33 3.5 Evaluation Question 5: How have gender relations and equality been affected by the Project? ............................................................................................................................................. 36 4 Lessons learned ........................................................................................................ 39 5 Conclusions and recommendations ....................................................................... 40 5.1 Conclusions ................................................................................................................................... 40 5.2 Recommendations ..................................................................................................................... 41 Appendix 1. Theory of Change ....................................................................................... 45 Appendix 2. Evaluation matrix ....................................................................................... 47 Appendix 3. Interview guides ......................................................................................... 52 Appendix 4. Lists of trainings conducted by the Project ............................................. 57 Annexes ............................................................................................................................. 66 iii Final Evaluation of OSRO/AFG/402/JPN Boxes, figures and tables Box Box 1: Evaluation questions ............................................................................................................................ 3 Figures Figure 1: Provinces visited by the evaluation team, September and October 2018 ................ 5 Figure 2: Progressive control pathway on FMD (PCP-FMD) .............................................................. 9 Figure 3: The Progressive Step-wise Approach for the prevention and control of PPR ......... 9 Figure 4: PCP stages of West Eurasian Foot-and-Mouth Disease Roadmap countries (2014).............................................................................................................................. 9 Figure 5: Kuchi migration routes ............................................................................................................... 12 Figure 6: Coverage of PPR vaccination campaign by implementing partner NGOs, 2015–2018 .......................................................................................................................................................... 20 Figure 7: Most serious problems faced by livestock owners, 2014 vs 2018 ............................. 21 Figure 8: Procedures and protocols to monitor FMD and PPR vaccinations ........................... 22 Figure 9: Disease information leaflets distributed to livestock owners ...................................... 23 Figure 10: Community-based livestock and animal health extension worker network map ....................................................................................................................................................
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