NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018 United States Department of the Interior National Park Service National Register of Historic Places Registration Form This form is for use in nominating or requesting determinations for individual properties and districts. See instructions in National Register Bulletin, How to Complete the National Register of Historic Places Registration Form. If any item does not apply to the property being documented, enter "N/A" for "not applicable." For functions, architectural classification, materials, and areas of significance, enter only categories and subcategories from the instructions. 1. Name of Property Historic name: __Fort Assinniboine (Boundary Increase and Additional Documentation) _ Other names/site number: Fort Assiniboine; Fort Assinaboine; North Montana Branch Station; Northern Agricultural Research Center, Agricultural Experiment Station, 24HL0329 Name of related multiple property listing: __N/A_________________________________________________________ (Enter "N/A" if property is not part of a multiple property listing ____________________________________________________________________________ 2. Location Street & number: _Star Rte 36, Box 43_________________________________________ City or town: __Havre__________ State: ___Mt_________ County: __Hill__________ Not For Publication: Vicinity: x ____________________________________________________________________________ 3. State/Federal Agency Certification As the designated authority under the National Historic Preservation Act, as amended, I hereby certify that this nomination meets the documentation standards for registering properties in the National Register of Historic Places and meets the procedural and professional requirements set forth in 36 CFR Part 60. In my opinion, the property. Fort Assinniboine meets the National Register Criteria. I recommend that this property be considered significant at the following level(s) of significance: _x__national __x_statewide _x__local Applicable National Register Criteria: __x_A ___B __x_C _x__D Signature of certifying official/Title: Date ______________________________________________ State or Federal agency/bureau or Tribal Government In my opinion, the property meets does not meet the National Register criteria. Signature of commenting official: Date Title : State or Federal agency/bureau or Tribal Government 1 United States Department of the Interior National Park Service / National Register of Historic Places Registration Form NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018 Fort Assinniboine (Boundary Increase and Hill Co., Montana Additional Documentation) Name of Property County and State ______________________________________________________________________________ 4. National Park Service Certification I hereby certify that this property is: entered in the National Register determined eligible for the National Register determined not eligible for the National Register removed from the National Register other (explain:) _____________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Signature of the Keeper Date of Action ____________________________________________________________________________ 5. Classification Ownership of Property (Check as many boxes as apply.) Private: Public – Local Public – State x Public – Federal Category of Property (Check only one box.) Building(s) District x Site Structure Object Sections 1-6 page 2 United States Department of the Interior National Park Service / National Register of Historic Places Registration Form NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018 Fort Assinniboine (Boundary Increase and Hill Co., Montana Additional Documentation) Name of Property County and State Number of Resources within Property (Do not include previously listed resources in the count) Contributing Noncontributing __20_________ ____6_________ buildings __14_________ ____0_________ sites ___5_________ ____0_________ structures ___3_________ ____0_________ objects __42_________ ____6__________ Total Number of contributing resources previously listed in the National Register __19_____ The Resource Count provided on the nomination form represents the totals for the entire district and incorporates the 19 previously listed contributing resources represented by Resources #1-19 in the inventory as well as the new resources associated with the later agricultural use of the site, the newly identified archaeological features, and the resources within the expanded boundary increase acreage. For clarification purposes the Additional Documentation action, excluding previously listed resources, reflects 5 new contributing buildings, 2 new contributing structures, 2 new contributing objects, and 11 new contributing sites. The Boundary lncrease action accounts for three new contributing sites-cemetery (#49), ruins-scouts quarters (#39), and ruins- married men's quarters (#37). Please note also that the inventory lists omit resources#22,25, and 29, as they represent former buildings replaced by modern noncontributing resources. ____________________________________________________________________________ 6. Function or Use Historic Functions (Enter categories from instructions.) _Defense/Military: Military Facility_____________ _Education: Research Facility__________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ Current Functions (Enter categories from instructions.) _Education: Research Facility_________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ Sections 1-6 page 3 United States Department of the Interior National Park Service / National Register of Historic Places Registration Form NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018 Fort Assinniboine (Boundary Increase and Hill Co., Montana Additional Documentation) Name of Property County and State _____________________________________________________________________________ 7. Description Architectural Classification (Enter categories from instructions.) __Other: 19th Century (specifically 1870s Standardized Plans) American Military____ __Gothic________________ __Second Empire_________ __Colonial Revival________ __Romanesque Revival____ __Queen Ann Revival_____ __Italianate______________ Materials: (enter categories from instructions.) Principal exterior materials of the property: _Foundations: stone, concrete; walls: wood, stone, brick, weatherboard; roof: slate; metal; other: shingle, concrete, asphalt Narrative Description ______________________________________________________________________________ Summary Paragraphs The Fort Assinniboine Historic District was listed in the National Register on May 31, 1989. Soon thereafter, historian Mark Hufstetler completed a survey and draft update to the district nomination. That draft remained unfinished, and much of the following information, specifically the standing building descriptions, derives from it.1 Changes to the property since the preparation of that draft have been incorporated into the following feature discussion. As the majority of the buildings and sites on the property align either northwest-southeast or northeast- southwest, elevation/wall descriptions follow as such: “north” refers to the actual northwest elevation/wall, “south” refers to the actual southeast elevation/wall, “west” refers to the actual southwest elevation/wall, and “east” refers to the actual northeast elevation/wall. Located in gently rolling terrain at the extreme northern edge of the Bear Paw mountain range, views to the north, west, and east from the Fort Assinniboine Historic District overlook the largely treeless plains of north-central Montana. Most of the surrounding land is used for wheat farming and other agricultural activity. Approximately six miles to the northeast, the town of 1 Gary Wilson and Toni Hagener, Fort Assinniboine National Register Nomination, (NR listed May 31, 1989, NR #89000040), on file at the Montana State Historic Preservation Office, Helena, Montana. Mark Hufstetler, Fort Assinniboine Draft National Register Nomination (1990), on file at the Montana State Historic Preservation Office, Helena, MT. Gary Wilson (1940‐2015), co‐author of the original 1989 nomination, is also credited for his efforts toward completing this amended nomination. Mr. Wilson’s dedication to the preservation and history of Fort Assinniboine and his persistence in recognizing its importance was unparalleled. Section 7 page 4 United States Department of the Interior National Park Service / National Register of Historic Places Registration Form NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018 Fort Assinniboine (Boundary Increase and Hill Co., Montana Additional Documentation) Name of Property County and State Havre serves as a regional trade center. Beaver Creek, a north-flowing stream, constitutes much of the district’s east boundary. Today, Fort Assinniboine serves as the home of the Montana State University’s Northern Agricultural Research Center. Most current human activity occurs west, and outside the historic district, across 82nd Avenue West in a newly constructed (c. 1992- 2005) complex that accommodates the research facility. However, a few historic buildings within the district continue to serve the research center as employees occupy some of the Officer’s Quarters. During Fort Assinniboine’s years of military use (1879-1911) as many as 104 buildings stood neatly arranged around the 2,000-foot long parade ground, a nearly level terrace immediately north and west of Beaver Creek. The parade grounds essentially served as the
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