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XAVIER Published by the students of Volume CVI Issue 22 Xavier University since 1915 February 26, 2020 NEWSWIRE Fiat justitia, ruat caelum xaviernewswire.com New department awaits name Following a merger in Fall 2019, GDST and sociology prepares for rst prof. 2019 semester. The history of BY CHARLIE GSTALDER the two programs date back 6WDৼ:ULWHU even farther. Xavier University’s Gen- “I think this is the seventh der and Diversity Studies year (GDST) has been a ma- Program (GDST) and sociol- jor… For a while, (Sociolo- ogy program have merged to gy) has been a department form a new department. The that has done a lot of work department, which is still un- for a variety of different pro- named, was created in Fall grams,” Renzi explained. 2018 and is currently in the Senior GDST Major Riley process of hiring its first full- Head was directly involved time professor. in the new department’s hir- Kristen Renzi, director of ing process and welcomes the Gender and Diversity Studies changes. and a professor in the English “I love GDST… but I was department, explained that always a bit frustrated be- the department still lacks a cause I felt like it had a lack of name because of a desire to structure because there’s no allow the newly hired faculty dedicated staff person,” Head member to help name the de- said. partment. However, a name The merger has marked can be expected relatively changes in the structure of shortly, the two programs. Previous- 3KRWRFRXUWHV\RI[DYLHUHGX The Gender and Diversity Studies and the sociology program merged in Fall 2019, but the department will be “Hopefully we’ll be able to ly, GDST was run by an ad- QDPHOHVVXQWLOLWUHFHLYHVLWVÀUVWIXOOWLPHSURIHVVRU$FFRUGLQJWRRQHSURIHVVRUWKHQDPHZLOOFRPHVKRUWO\ have a new title to go along visory committee composed with the merged departments of faculty with disciplinary sues related to gender, race, Renzi explained that with- will benefit students in the in the Fall of 2020,” Renzi appointments in other depart- class and sexuality,” Renzi ex- in GDST, one could receive current job market. said. ments. plained. a GDST major or one could “We anticipate and actually Although the merging of “For instance, my disci- The advisory committee choose a concentration. Exist- require our students to work the two programs occurred in plinary appointment is in En- oversees all department needs, ing concentrations at Xavier interdisciplinary as they’re 2018, the organization struc- glish, an English professor, from curricular standards to are Race and Ethnicity and completing their senior the- ture of the department was fi- but my research and teaching senior thesis work. Renzi re- Women and Gender. Within ses,” Renzi said. “Students nalized leading up to the Fall specialties focus around is- vealed that, for the time being, the broader scope of gender have to work in multiple disci- the GDST advisory commit- and diversity studies, other plines, which can be challeng- tee will function in its normal separations exist. ing on one hand, but it also is role. “There’s been kind of one a huge leg up in the job mar- “We thought that until we hand of gender diversity ket that’s increasingly asking had a critical mass of tenure studies that has been in the hu- people to cross our tradition- track faculty or tenured facul- manities, another hand that’s al boundaries and to work in ty in gender diversity studies, kind of been in the social sci- ways that are advocating for it wouldn’t make sense to kind ences,” Renzi explained. and embracing the complex- of take away the scaffolding In Renzi’s view, sociology ities of individual people’s of what has allowed the cur- is a great study to pair with lives.” riculum and program to flour- GDST. While Head will be grad- ish,” Renzi said. “The social scientific per- uating this semester, she is Currently, the system is spective of things has often looking forward to watching structured so that alongside been foregrounded in sociolo- the program grow. the advisory committee, each gy. In GDST, while it embrac- “It is really exciting to leave of the two programs has a di- es both halves, I think at least campus knowing (GDST) is rector. The director of the so- in our institutional structure, going to be even stronger ciology program, Kandi Stin- it’s been heavily slanted to- next year,” Head said, “and son, also serves as the chair of ward the humanities,” Renzi as the program continues to the new department. Stinson said. grow, more and more people 3KRWRFRXUWHV\RI[DYLHUHGX was not available to comment Renzi stressed that inter- are going to have a great ex- 7KHQHZ*'67GHSDUWPHQWZLOOKRSHIXOO\KDYHDQHZQDPHE\)DOO by printing. disciplinary nature of GDST perience like I did.” In this issue... World News, Page 4 Op-Eds, Page 7 A&E, Page 11 Back, Page 12 The new coronavirus is According to Charlie Sometimes it’s good Wonder which musical threatening the safety Gstalder, we need to re- to trust in your friend’s artist each building is? of the Tokyo Summer vamp our mental health music recs, especially if Well, we have got the Olympics. care as soon as possible. it’s Frankie valet. answers for you. 2 February 26, 2020 Campus News xaviernewswire.com Event initiates tough conversation A panel of Xavier students unpacked the intersection of faith and racial justice BY HUNTER ELLIS sity studies double major Ri- 6WDৼ:ULWHU ley Head said. “Someone said at the beginning of the panel As part of a tour of Faith that race is often viewed as in Public Life, a panel of Xavi- a black and white issue, but er students spoke about the here, multiple different voices intersection between faith and from different backgrounds racial justice and how their got to chime in.” Xavier experiences have been “This was a very necessary shaped by these disciplines. discussion to be having, and it The event was co-spon- was important to have people sored by several organizations here to listen in to all the dif- on and off campus, including ferent perspectives that were the Division of Student Af- offered,” Onders said as a pan- fairs, the Center for Diversity elist. “For me, being willing and Inclusion, the Center for to engage in this conversa- Faith and Justice, the theolo- tion was the biggest thing, yet gy department and the Igna- also recognizing that I don’t tian Solidarity Network. know all the answers and I’m Marcus Mescher, a profes- not going to know all the an- sor in the theology depart- swers.” ment, also played a significant Mescher believes that as role in organizing the event. a Xavier community we still “As a product of fourteen have a long way to go to pro- years of Jesuit education, I’ve Newswire photo by Hunter Ellis mote racial justice, but host- learned about my own privi- Last Thursday, Xavier was joined by Faith in Public Life to have a conversation about racial justice at Xavier and ing events like these is an im- lege as a White American male beyond. Above, Dr. Marcus Mescher addresses the audience, commenting on the importance of this dialogue. portant first step. and how much I benefit from to the issues. The panel con- ton, D.C. 50,000 clergy and faith lead- “From here, we have to racism, especially as a system sisted of senior marketing “Policy doesn’t change ers united in the prophetic keep pushing ourselves to put of oppression,” Mescher said. and business analytics double without changing minds and pursuit of justice, equality ourselves into uncomfortable “So, I really planned this event major Blair McKee, junior hearts, and stories and narra- and the common good. The positions, we have to not be out of gratitude to my own criminal justice major Camer- tives really matter,” Gehring group’s stop at Xavier was a afraid to disagree and we have Jesuit heritage, as well as out on Lakes, senior Spanish sec- said. “Our hope at Faith in part of their Catholic Univer- to show up for each other,” of a commitment to our Jesuit ondary education major Na- Public Life, by lifting up the sity speaking tour. Mescher said. identity and mission here at thalie Solorio, senior chemical voices of student advocates, The students who attended “As we wrap up this event Xavier.” science major Anjali Nelson is that we will reach voters, thoroughly enjoyed the differ- and turn our eyes toward the At the event, Father Mi- and senior occupational ther- lawmakers and even reach ent perspectives offered by the future, I hope that this was chael Graham, president, gave apy major Molly Onders. individuals who we hope will panel. just one event on campus that the opening remarks followed The event was moderated think more critically about “I liked that they included a can be a part of many more by a panel which spoke on by John Gehring, the Catholic these issues.” lot of different voices,” senior dialogues that ultimately lead their experiences with racism Program Director at Faith in Faith and Public Life is Philosophy, Politics and the us to more inclusive relation- as well as potential solutions Public Life, based in Washing- a national movement led by Public and gender and diver- ships.” Photo-op: pondering pre-existing perceptions Students reect on how Xavier has inuenced their sense of faith and justice BY KATE FERRELL 6WDৼ:ULWHU In this issue, the Newswire decided to explore the ques- tion of social justice more ful- ly.
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