miMkxm^'i>- I BT W. T. CaAFUlilJV. W.E«lJ(B8BrB€l, nr^ FBIBAT HOBIUNS, OCTOBEK ST, i8»». ^ TOI^i-BIB. i, tlisee are youre! ” end the fearfoi raUlng of ■oe^a wall of lKr“THE FLEM1NG3BURO R£N- the bonee, or wfaif^ be took to bo so. aeon . for therein consisis on. half —wnicb removes ewntedktimi ead „ 7,Sr. tenor ie found comTwacd of of the true philosophy of life. Reform thy- ^ ■miim inpga in raifnl onoffiaorn TUGiaAN" will bepubUslied weeklyooeo cwifloeed bin Ihit he was oot dreamW.__ •troys orror. Great Ged! what q flood of ' a efbeds, andof self ineonlinenlly— take that useless and in­ U»ttr; Inaonm rf u»pnl. nntion»rilll Imperial fheet, at two ooLLAia per ennam Taking to hU tegs he made tbe beet of Lis and extent u iheee de­ rapture may at wiee bnrqtupoD toe depart. active bonk note from thy wallet. Us edges M, M m of Ih. Ilna^n Wall ImnJ if paid witbin tbe Snt three atontba, two way to ParMO Deiderook, and thundered in posited at t% prouBt day. Thne coadn- torn and ibt easbier's name emshierod, aod if Tt..ock«ta*lwigh,„„„rih. Vjrrr if paid efter iho eaptrukn of throe bis ear to get np and prepare for tbe last day mvHy demnoatratingthat at the towering oak thou bakt any regard for thy standing, divide celesiml regieo—tbe pure existence ed h>oiit!is aod witkte tlwyear, or Tsaaa ooi,- waa at hand! It was some time before the hu grown up by the eddUmn ofyetriyeo- It between the printer and tho pataqo. If etherial being—tbo solemn secrett of »uaa, payable at tbe end of tbe year. worthy Parson ccnld boliefe what honest velopu from a betiding upling, en .£ina,by How quiotly tbw. <mual«M mtitwnn thou foileet in this, take bded kst thou fail, tore may then be divulged; the iinmedi. ■luaber in tin nraHer ______ Hans related, with (of oourae) becoming ex ItSMceeserve accumiUatioiie, has growafrma NVeotwcriptioii w be witiidrewn ontli-aH for be assured ibrm feilest in ouch. So nnee nte unity of iho past; tbn present ond ibe aggerationsi l«lwhen Hans aawired him ot a merehiUoek to the loftiest or^icUian Irreimgae an paid—unlaaa with tbe eoaaent more, good Mr. Savepeuny, we say Tom a future; s.raiiw of uniaagining harmony, bis foitU that the owners were eounting theii tains. tb« lotHl enw oT tin •bionnin.^ W tbo poblnbera; and a failareto notify a die- wn.'-^al. rngfc. tonasof iinperisbaUe beauty, may then bones in tlie dead bouse. Parson Deiderook But written hialofy uB^ oa of im < tin wnra, not oven tin gnat trMdor il • rontiiiuuiee will alwaya be regeaded aa a hcif eiij'igonent. - residutcly mounted the hwk ef i m ita upMt—4mt on. ofiucoiMa bavarian ......lelves burating up. ennhqonko, atMll b«nbh to eaoM the H-i FARMING. (be delighted aeosorand bnihing them in ter, (for tlie affliction of the jbeumatiam pre- last 2000 yean. To tho mighty quiettido Id ihachambonof ^th, OltrA'lvartiMmenUnot esceedinz aaauare BT THB BBV. TntPTBX lUXT. rented iiim from walking iSnt «apa aoioas modern navies which now gau upon iu bea­ immoaturablebliasl tBcinindislovtinthe Will be ounapicooo.lyiQ.eftedTDaa.time. If one half iho seal, energy and ex ­ the room without the moet excnicialing pain.) con light from the neighboring sea. it appnar* excess of wondrous and dares not fur oin (lijllor and fifty eedta, and thirty- '.k.11 rU. •od'fcniATwSr who proceeded with him to the charnaJ. tbe same ancient, lofty, venerable form/which pense that bluu en manygaaotlea with low (urn from Hro bearuly vision to one so teven a:iJa half wou per equare for erery booae. There the Pvion perceived he had and ootno abuse, eelimg the community •ubMqiiout inaerlioo. rose above tbe wandering Trt^ans. trim, three _glnnmv, *«»>> an iroroemfoui at the department not boen im.’owed upon—tbe dread words, thousand ysats ago. skirted ita bami iu their by ibe ears fur the gain and paltry pur­ of the wiokedi d to the editora on buai- Uumaq funry shrieks >«cn,.lfinibolju«|,«,iij.ii«il,i,.l„, ‘•these arc yours! —these are yours! —theM eras/ barks. How exalted, then. miM be pose of a raw demagogues so.1 office-keep­ buck appalled*. .beaa,tu il »tion,rtinoldbeyoitp.id. ara'mina! ”came to his ttartled eensaa whh tbe untiqnily of iEina, and bow for enr^ lenv»llonn,.nd|i.n.u«.ih. roie.i,^ ers, were bestowqd on tbe advanceqieDt of jm*.. FoMh. It.n,p«.tail .nnai ..j redoobled fotco, a. they as often repeated, ing onr usuri ootieepliens! Wa may form a agriwlluro—if the people were half ., AGENTS. - . ............................... - — ^wj'-o^re&;r'•Leave wnUm g,ugaU aiono,alone,” saysi Jack and be himself firmly believed that the day of more accurate utimatt of its age. if weJook ih.d^rtnlU.„|.i,,„i„t Poplar Plaint, J.W. Stockwefl. nnibmuufl to improve aod beautify their •f«cAoiekg«y.afe»ow inargufV- judgment was at hand. Two or tliree mo- at these eonaidarations. The mounuin ’s 1'iI.a.arilL, Daniel Fickliu.jr. fields, as they are to settle ihe affiirt of the * “*• ” Het« «* specimen, from tbo Pronqh, ptased thos to the ias hundred milu in eirc . Wontn—Do n« Inlk of d»n<a imv fiiierbiiriie Mills, JohnAudrewa'. nation; and half as angry with thisUe...i‘^*!'®oysd bmo—*- er, and to tbe dismayed Parwm, DOW it would require a hundred----------jwsoflasa. lie niDin. Do not ult onotnU. On not U-uiit Cirmel, U. UanderMn. iboras and poor fences, as they are wiib “ when tbe rc^ who had gfine in quest of the each a mile in diaeteter, to raise the foot of <»<>«> Ibnomrt of nroifUnit noa On lUlmu, Wilson Wood. Ibsir political opponeou, who prtdmbly Papa forbids mylo^ _____ artidu for iraneporting of tbe nnta made bis the mountain to the height of one lava eur- »« nation inon^ p,i,«. ..ntoj^ Cmm Uuads, Bath county, Jobs M. Rice. wish as weltioihe couilotry as themselves. The gentle, modm Theodore;- appewaace on a mule, and M be jui rrau Now the lava, we know.- flowed in »»» ®J«r« a |>w»oa>s partatfo Do ool put WyomiiiS, John N. Lee. wo should have Tuduouve field*. Jel? Yet ofteu eays the prooeptofivee, a broken fence, cried out, "hero / come for former time* in the same manner u it now at^tonnygoodnanir. Oontbringnp Blarttn .Milia, Robert C. Pant compIainUof poverty, more ability to be ‘To love thy neighbor,’ came from Heaven; ny s.Wr."’ This was too much for the does: aod we know that many yeara elapse af­ ^8r OMQ'acaacerBi (in ooottrtaiioa.V- ItilULcirougli, E. H. Hunt. And must not that dear youth be one) •oboolmaster, who took him for the devil; be ter every flow. Again, butoneofthe lateral charitable, nod munificent, and abundantiv Mayalirir, Kirk ds Sanford. D»not laugh at maa'a appa«nc«. ^ dropped the Parson from his book, and took to of .fflStna bu risen within tho last two good feeling. From Pittsburg to I’m cure Aa Aeuse <u(fotof our ewa. not blamo a mao fw ibe faulu of bia tela- WcHUibOfty. Morgan Co,. D. P. Moaely. running u fast as fear could moke him. The thousand year., and the laws of volcanic ac­ New Ofteans the suo ploughs as bis f.iher Ufa#. Do not be fend nf making game of UwningsfiUe. Bath Co.,J. W. Bamea . Parsoo alao forgot bia rheunialiam in this tion leach us that ceotnriea of repose must did before bun, aod the great mass of for- IFAof m aosricieuf creofarr. —^Tbo an- anyone. Do&otawaer. Do not declare emergency, and took to his legs with all tbe hive existed after the formation of each cone. Ibe Um otber day, by n mors era m slationary in theory u they a man'a errora beforo bia laea. Do not rr-am lbs PhU, vdor of youth. The Parson never after felt We make the smallest poesiUe estimate, IB a ceruin coun- plainly call youwelf Irua. Do not make THE RHEUMATIC PARW. the affliction 0^10 rheumaliem. U.T.S. when we assign twelve thousand yearn ftjv who had a small mouth, i»v.H f.«.»,,bosbaod upitorieatoiniuiama^ Donoibopreud The fullowing anecdote wes related to me the formaiioD of all thus 200 cones. But of yonr wtMtUh. Do net eofoplaia of your •B truth by one who heard it from a German, Frtm Ike PorU A (AT. H.) Jtmrnml. —this lime bo poferty. Do not apeak with a iearce at- wliu resided in the village here named, and AVrmUlTY OF THE EARTH. tbe hirtory ofihe mouniainl Strip off all Bgr^llure. Iibm added, that if a lady bed a large mouth, pttet Donotdetpttomaa ’aporMty. Do who emigrated to tbe United Sutea near the the eonee which skirt iu aides, and the lam Tbe progrose of science is coneUnily un­ We would tell them tlint England h the •*» was provided with two huabands. "My year 1600. which bae flowed from ibom.and .fuiamight not interrupt men in eoovoraatioa. Donat folding tbe iuSoiiyofthe material universe. garden of EuMpe, simply, because al- ' flf«eioo*!”uxeUimed Hisa P. at the «am. In the village of Ilatston, in Germany, -irbaps lose a fow thousand foot in bsiglic, ■oy ony tUot ilul hoo o fao|inni-| but no Aetronomy bae revealed tbe infinity ofopa^e .ftw mile, in must every acre of the ground is cuhiva- ■ th"”**"* *«r mouth ^ to iu fbll ax ­ tberelivedParsonCarle Dei'derouk. Hewae end. .Do not curie or rail at onb .
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