I TITIS MORNING OT?EGONIAN, TUESDAY. MARCH 20, 1917. son, granting Borton and Southworth IX FULL FIGHTING TOGS, IS SUPERVISING pi ring to be pitchers, were the players report. NEW CUB MANAGER who drew releases. M'CBEDIE'S YOUNG Borton, Rodgers. Hollocher, Siglin THE SPRING TRAINING OF HIS TEAM. CUBS TURN OVER Stovall says Olsen has plenty of stuff. GIANTS ARE FAVORED and Stumpf constitute as good an in- 2 but he cannot get the ball over the field as there Is in the league better plate. Crespe hasn't shown Stovall. than any. Manager McCredie opines. anything. And there is no apparent fielding or The Vernon leader declared that if PITCHERS UNTRIED hitting shortcoming o the outfiel- d- PLAYERS TO ANGELS any of his players loaf after the play Farmer, Williams, Wilie and South-wort- h. ing season opens he will fine them until Gus Fisher looks spryer than they have no money coming at the ever, and with him behind the oster-mo- or 1st and loth ol each month. the backstopplng department is The Tigers were sent through two Easy Victory for McGraw. secure. snappy workouts today, for Stovall was sec- angered over the slipshod manner in Beaver Hurling Staff Just as The club will be rather weak In Standridge, Pitcher, and Meu-se- l, which his men played and lost against ondary strength behind the bat for a y few -- weeks. At this writing McCredle Pasadena Sunday. The" twice-a-da- Much of Problem as It seems - s rtwnMB Outfielder, Given as Part practice will continue throughout the to favor O'Brien over Marshall, j - perhaps because O'Brien is younger remainder of the esason. PHILS MUST BE FIGURED Was Last Spring. and faster and possesses a snappier Payment for WToIter. arm. Marshall is a stronger hitter, and CHESTER REED TEAM CAPTAIN the team would be more powerful of- fensively with Marshall behind the plate than with the youngster. "Dink,' High School of Commerce Wrestlers Braves Have Enough Fight to Be PENNER as the boys call O'Brien, may develop MAY GET ANOTHER ' Plan to Meet Lincoln. SHOWS PROMISE into a good hitter, and if he does there's CHANCE Contenders Cubs Are Problem. manager no power on earth can keep him out William Davis was elected Dodgers Seem Weak Reds, of the big leagues. Perhaps that Is why of the 1917 wrestling team of the High and Walter McCredie is pinning his hopes School of Commerce yesteraay and at Cards and Pirates Are Out. upon al. BIgbee and Zweifel Also May Be the San Francisco,, Deal for Klllefer Hangs Flro Be- the same meeting Chester Reed was " named captain. The mat artists of Aid to Houck, Brenton and cause of Butler's Hesitancy Commerce have been working out for the last week, and arrangements are BY FRANK G. KlncherOther Places on About Signing Seat being MENKE. SEATTLE SHOT HONORED made to hold either a dual meet NEW YORK, March 19. (Special.) Team Well Fortified. if Sale Opens Today. with Lincoln High or enter the annual After harking to all the Springtime J Portland Interscholastio League gath- dope on the 1917 National League race, ering. one is supposed to conclu- ' - . 1 Captain "Peanuts- - Pander, of the reach this C. E. JTKELVET GETS MEDAL FOR June '17 class squad sion: LOS ANGELES, March 19. (Special.) basketball at It will be a walkaway for the Giants. BY ROSCOB FAWCETT. 95 SCORE EST TRAP EVENT. Commerce has his athletes all primed Mebbe so and mebbe not. There's 13. Standridge. pitcher, and Meusel. out- up for the battle against the June '17 HONOLULU. March (Special.) " the1 class quintet no ducking John McGraw's crowd. Walter McCredle and Captain Bill V'J fielder, today became members of of Lincoln High in the But that doesn't give 'em the bunt- lSOO-Tar- get t"i Lincoln High gymnasium 1456 "If. Los Angeles tomorrow Rodgers, members of the Beaver Mmrod's Mark of la club. ing. Accidents happen. Teams the " afternoon. Henry Stevens, who was Tem-plet- on John Powers, owner of the Angels, best run strategy board, are wrestling with the Event Recognized Dr. C. L. V . ' captain of the 1918 Railsplit-ter-s of them afoul of batting returned today from San Francisco yesterday. slumps. Their pitchers go wrong. Fre- name problem that confronted them In Rewarded, Too. In all probability will quently the favorite in every sort of the Spring training season of 1912. with the announcement that he had be the referee. The contest will start race Will young pitchers make goodT secured the two players and would ob- at 8 o'clock. is beaten. the one more man from the Cubs. So. powerful as the Giants appear, On that former occasion the young BALTIMORE. Md., March 19. (Spe- tain and as outstanding as they are. pitchers proved bloomers every man cial.) C. E. McKelvey, of Seattle, These players are in payment for BRONSON IS WELL TREATED your don't Pa- Harry Wolter. former Angel right plunge entire bankroll on them. Jack of them. There will be no such Wash., well known throughout the Remember that the 1912 Athletics were wholesale catastrophe this Spring, but cific Northwest trapshooting circles, fielder. a there may be a shortage of veteran received a solid gold medal for an av- Powers did not close for the third Portland Boxer Trains at Olympic "sure thing" for the pennant and April erage of 95 per or man because of the mix-u- in the the Red Sox nosed them out. Recolleot. slab artists for a few weeks in cent better in the Club pro-seas- on 1500-targ- for Bout With too, in the dope of 1914 and May. et contest, the highest honor Klllefer case. Klllefer was obtained Kendall. everyone ex- world, by the Angels today on condition that SAN FRANCISCO, 19. (Spe- predicted that "It's a walk- Manager McCredle has only three in the trapshooting in the Butler, figured in the trade, would March away for the New York crowd," and the perienced pitchers who have made good American Amateur Trap s hooters' Asso- who cial.) "Mufr Bronson. of Portland, Braves In A Houck. ciation competition. This was an- i sign his 'Columbus contract. There is rompd through to the baseball Class or Class AA ball a strong possibility Butler will not Pacific Coast .featherweight and light- championship of the U. S. A. and adja- holdover from last year's Portland nounced here today by Stanley F. weight champion, cent parts. New who Withe, secretary-treasur- er of the sign. who meets Dick Ken- team; Brenton, of Orleans, The" through dall here Friday night, is working One can lay particular emphasis on won 17 and lost 12 In the Southern American Amateur Trapshooters' Asso- Angels were sent their Olympic at r" " I usual practice today, but Chance called the Club, an honor usually this fact: League, and Kincher. secured from St. ciation. tA , ' ,l off the game with St. Vincent's Col- only accorded celebrities like Willie The fans in St. Louis. Plttsburn- and Louis, with a record of five wins and McKelvey's mark was 1456, as was Ritchie, Ad Wolgast Memphis, In South- the mark made by L. S. West, of lege. Secretary Carl Weber announced and Joe Stecher. Cincinnati need not fear being "gouged" four defeats at the today seat open- Danny O'Brien, the veteran Dy worm. Oc- ern League. , Rochester, N. Y. Dr. C. L. Templeton, that the sale for the lightweight, Portland series speculators next brother M. Templeton, Pa ' - ' ' " . ing game at Washington Park will who has Just arrived here tober. Young Pitchers Number Eight. of Frank f j i 1 open Tuesday. The Oaks open the sea- from Los Angeles, is chief sparring Dodgers Won't Repeat. cific Coast handicap amateur champion. partner. O'Brien up The young pitchers are Penner, received a 90 per cent medal. Dr. son with the Angels here. every cleaned nearly That leaves the Phillies, Braves, Cleveland; Higbee. Qulncy, Three-- I Templeton also is from Seattle, Wash., lightweight around Los Angeles. Dodgers League; Helfrich. Harrisburg, New OAKS LOSE HARD ONE TO CUBS There is a lot of interest in the coming and Cubs to be considered. but his brother is a member of the Bronson-Kenda- ll go. As to the Brooklyns blooie. bloole. York State League; Leake. Richmond, Portland (Or.) Gun Club. The Seattle Kendall Is the They Va., reports, seems doubt- successor of Willie Hoppe in San Fran- slipped through in 1916 largely If he and this nimrod made 930 out of a possible 1000 four-roun- ful; BIgbee, young Oregon pitcher, Rowdy Elliott Picks Runner Off cisco's d game. His victory because accidents and misfortune put the birds. over Joe White won a home with the-fans- their rivals on the blink at critical mo- who finished with the Beavers last In 10-- 0 Game. ments. The Dodgers ls, Third 9th of Kendall is now recognized as won't repeat. Fall, and the nnoxsox may meet California's They'll do well to finish in divi- Zweifel and Brandt, of Portland, and Dundee SAN FRANCISCO. March 19. (Spe- ibest lightweight, first young southpaws, Schatzleln, of Los cial.) Providence Hospital got a lot 1 sion, evei if C. Hercules Ebbets suc- Arfgeles, and Schorr, of San Francisco. of money and the Oaks got a beating Three Sioux City Players Sign. ceeds in signing up all his holdouts. Effort Made to Match Muff and nr-'-- ri'--i- of will reports w 4 char- - The Phillies be dangerous, if Schorr at Stockton.
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