DIRECTORY.] ESSEX, LITTLE YELDHAM. 473 White Thomas, butcher Writtie Brewery Co. Lim. (Stanley Writtle Gas Works (Russells Graves- Wilkes Robert, poultry breeder C. Russell, manager &. sec.),brewers, end Brewery Limited, proprietors) Wilson William, Star P.R maltsters &. wine &. spirit merchants Youden Arthur, laundry, Oxney green Woods Robert, bricklayer GREAT (or LOWER) YELDHAM is an ancient to be over 1,000 years old, is 30 feet in girth. A reading parish on the river Colne, and on the high road from Col­ room was erected in 1898 by the rector, on a site given chester to Cambridge, with a. station on the Colne Valley by Mrs. .Thomas Goodchild, and furnished by public and Halstead railway, 7 miles north-west from Halstead, 5 subscription. Spencer Grange, the residence of Lewis­ south-west from Clare, 8 south-east from Haverhill and John Way esq. M.A., D.L., J.P. who is lord of the­ 60 miles by rail from London, in the Northern division manor of Great Yeldham, is a fine mansion standing in of the county, Hinckford hundred, North Hinckford petty well-wooded grounds of about 75 acres. Spaynes Hall, sessional division, Halstead union and county court dis­ the seat of Mrll. Charles Martin Wade, is a manor house­ trict, Yeldham rural ~anery, Colchester archdeaconry pleasantly seated on the east bank of the river Colne and and St• .A.lbans diocese. The church of St. Andrew is an takes its name from the family of Spain, or de Rispania,. ancient building of rubble,· in the Perpendicular s1yle, who held the manor in the reigns of Henry Ill. anel consisting of cilancel with south chapel, nave,· south Edward T. The principal landowners are Thomas Good­ porch and an emba,ttled western tower with four pin­ child esq. Earl Amherst, Mrs. Charles Martin Wade ancl nacles containing a clock and 6 bells, given by the present Lewis John Way esq. The soil is rich loam and clay, rector: the chancel, whioh retajns a piscina and sedilia, and gravelly sand :in pla.ces; subsoil, various. The is divided from the nave by a carved oak screen: there chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and roots; a large are memorial windows to France,s E. Merewether, 1870; proportion is meadow land. The area is 1,864 acres of to Caroline E. Way, of Spencer Grange, and to her grand­ land and 7 o-f water; rateable value, £2,174; the popula­ daughter, Mary E. H. Way: in the south chancPl, or tion in 1901 was 595. chapel, is a monument of black marble and alabaster to Sexton, :Frederick Wilkin. John Symonds, of Great Yeldham, esq. ob. 29 Feb. 1692, Post, M. O. &. T. 0., T. M. 0., S. B., Express Delivery, and a mural monument to Richard Fitz-Symonds, nb. Parcel Post &. Annuity &. Insurance Office. Thomas P. 1680: there are brasses to 'Richard Symonds, ob. 16I1 Bowen, sub-postmaster. Letters from Halstead arrive and Elizabetb (Plume), his wife, with six children; l\Iary, at 6.5 a.m. & 3.20 p.m.; dispatched at 12. IS &. 6. IS wife of Samuel Weel, ob. 1692; Elizabeth, wife ()f John p.m.; sunday, 6.15 p.m Symonds esq. ob. 1666, and Orlando Fitz-Symonds esq. Wall Letter Box, Pool street, cleared 12.30 &. 5.30 p.m. 1691, and ,some effigies supposed also to belong to the week days only Symonds family: an elegant memorial commemorates County Police, Howard Marden, constable the Dowager Viscountess Bateman, d. 19 Feb. 1769: the Volunteer Fire Brigade has a manual engine & appliances ~ church was restored in 18,84 at a cost of £1,5°0, from Arthur Westwood, captain, I engineer &. 12 men plans prepared by Mr. Frederic Chancellor, of Chelms­ ford: there are 300 sittings. The register dates from Schools. the year 1653. The living is· a rectory, net yearly value Endowed, founded in 1694, by John Symonds esq. of £292, with 3'1 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of Great Yeldham, with an endowment of Qbout £30 trustees, and held since r887 by the Rev. William James yearly, derived from about 25 acres of land & house­ Earle M.A. of St. J,ohn's College, Cambridge, and surro­ called "Kettles," in Halstead: the school is managed! gate. The Baptist chapel here, built in 1867, will seat by a body of 8 trustees; Lewis John Way esq. treasurer; '" 100. The building now used as an endowed school was Charles Applegate, master originally employed for dressing a dinner when any of National (mixed), buiIt in 1874, for 117 children; average­ the poorer inhabitants were married. There is an alms­ attendance, 102; Miss J as,sie Nice, mistress house, comprising six tenements, founded in 1694 by John Symonds esq. of this parish. The Yeldham great Carrier to Braintree. James Butcher, wed oak, standing in the centre of the village and supposed Railway Station, Joseph Pittock, station master PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Brett Sarah (Mrs.), laundress Ives John, blacksmith Earle Rev. William James M.A. (ree· Butcher Hy. beer retailer &, jobmaster Linsell Ernest WiEiam, coach builder tor), Rectory Cook Charles John, machinist May Thomas Limited, coal merchants FreI}ch Robert, Grove house DeIf Louis, registrar of births &. deaths Mynott Chas. farmer, Waybridge fl'lD Goodchild Miss, Oak house &; relieving &. vaccination officer for Newman Mark, butcher Goodchild Thomas, Yeldham hall the Hedingham district of Halstead Raymond Charles, baker Tomson Rev.Edmond (curate), Rookry union Reading Room Vernede Mrs. The Change Goodchild George, farmer, Hill house Rice Thomas, farmer, Change Wade.Mrs.Charles Martin, Spaynes hall Goodchild Thomas, corn merchant, nice A-nn (Mril.), beer retlr. &; baker Way Lewis John M.A., D.L., J.P. farmer &. landowner, Yeldham hall Smith E. &. B. saddlers; &; at Hal- Spencer grange Goodchild Thomas William, farmer, stead lire Welsh Mrs. The Change Yeldham hall; &. Toppesfield Spilling John, grocer, draper &. COMMERCIAL. Great Yeldham Cottage Garden So- farmer Abraham John William, farm bailiff to ciety (C. A. Whitlock, sec) Turner Nehemiah, boot maker Mr. WaIter Whitlock Groves 0& Co. Lim. coal, lime '&. slate Warner John, joiner &. cabinet makel" Ardley &. Chapman, dressmakers merchants, Railway station 1Vay Lewis John, farmer &. landowner, .&rmston Thomas J. grocer, draper &. Hardy George &. Son, builders Spencer grange general outfitter Hasler John, thatcher Whitlock Brothers, agricultural engnrs Bocking Charles, farmer, brick maker HasleI' Jona!'C, carpl'nter W,right Saunders, beer retailer & general carter, Potters hall Hitchcock Arthur, White Hart P.H. & Yeldham Thomas, agent for St. Catha- Iloosey William,_ watch maker brewer rine's College, Cambridge LITTLE (or UPPER) YELDHAM is a parish It dence, in the gift of the Lord Chancellor, and held since miles north-east from Yeldham station on the Colne Valley 1895 by the Rev. William Paxton Thorp Assoc.K.C.L. and Ralstead railway and 8 north-west from Halstead, in James Spa.lding Gardiner esq. of Borley, who is lord of the Northern division of the county, Hinckford hundred, Ithe manor, Lewis John Way esq. of Great Yeldham.. North Hinckford petty sessional division, Halstead union and Mr. Ernest George Unwin are the principal land­ and county court district, rural deanery of Yeldham, owners. The soil is clay, loam and gravel; subsoil, clay. srchdeaconry of Colchester Bnd diocese ()f St. Albans. The chief crops are wheat, beans and barley. The area is. The church of St. John the Baptist is a small building 1,009 acres; rateable value, £739; the population in 1891 ()f flint in the Early English style, consisting of chancel, was :263. nave, south porch and 8 small wooden bell turret at the west end containing 2 bells dated 1678 : there is a piscina Wall Letter Box, cleared at 5·30 p.m. Letters through in the chancel: the interior was restored in 1876 and Halstead via Great Yeldham arrive at 8 a.m. 'l'he· again in 1893, and is seated with open benches. affording nrearest money. orde~ & telegraph office is a,t Great 130 sittings. The regis1er of baptisms dates from 1564; l'eldham, 11 mIles dIstant bnrials and marriages, 1586. The living is a rectory, National School (mixed), built in 1857, for 60 children; net yearly value £120, with 2 acres of g;ebe and resi· I average attendance, 50; Miss Emily Baldrey, mistress Thorp Rev. William Paxton A.K.C.L. C<loke Elizabeth (Mrs.), thrashing ma- Lawrence Thos. beer ret. North End (rector), Rectory chine owner, Marshy farm Newman 'Villiam, farm bailiff to Mr. GardincI' William C. farmer & malt- Unwin COMMERCIAL. ster, Yeldham hall Pearson Thomas, beer ret. North end Adams Rowland William, carpenter Hart John, horse dealer Playle Charles, shopkeeper Bonner Charles W. Horse Shoes P.R Lawrence Joseph, shopkeeper.
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