l/£HY "A Cicotten BRIBE $lO,OOO L 14rFS7| Un the issue of Americanism There Can Be No Compromise Weather Tnnipht, fair and warmer; Wednesday, rain, cooler, southwesterly trinds. Trill[XT*Iurr lakl SI Hour* MjuUiium. IM. Minimum, 50. Tixia) 00. EDITION TheKnt»ro4 ?« ?won.l Claa. MattarSeattleMay ». liM, lha roatofflca at Haattla. Waah . umtcr tha Acl of Onncraaa March I,Starl»T» ft T»»r, br Mall. II to »? 9^inal VOLUME 23 SEATTLE, WASH., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1920. TWO CENTS IN SEATTLE I Jttmm UUMOX PMVO3~ pENRYLT"** ROMANCE ISforyaJPay EIGHT INDICTED WHITE SOX PLAYERS ARE Roads of Destiny Take Him to Dinner (feMff-ipM, IMO, ly I'W MERCHANTS 4 puMliknl by tpnial or- NOT Cm.; BABY mnffrmrnt trtlk thr IVfterlrr Hyn- 4ietr. Inc. ? ? ? O. Henry's HWT. "R«wi« of |4*jred in dr»- SUSPENDED DMlhw." b bHn« SEE form at Um BORN BREAK mMc this m«k YET WlkM Mirmlrr. ? ? ? sect- m may road* What is to be. krarl love to PRICES sad trtth SAVES BV fVlw tlront». HIM tight? WW thry not ksr aa* In Ike fight Coming of Stork Averts Peni- Predict Seattle Is on Brink To order, than or irtrld or mould FROM Dr»tinyf GAME iIW tentiary of Slump in Cost of republished poems oC David Sentence Mlfnol for Father Commodities The eon# waa over. The worrtu Wn Davld'a; the otr, one of the Roy Hurley, dope addict and MS KRANCIMO. Mrpl. country «*<!«? The company about burglar, went to lit* Suger dropped another 23 centa VERY daylight LATEST tba Inn tab)* heartily, for ISO pound* Fnuv J. JACKSON applauded I** In Nan SENSATION county Jail today to begin a Dm young pon paid for the wine. Rogers rturo today. course of treatment prescribed Talta Will home to din- CHICAGO PITCHER CONFESSES Only the notary. M llplneau, shook every night. Ttw wholesale price bmmf by Judge ner silk you Yaa kla head * little at Um> lines. for he far him yesterday ran marl him on any ?Irret ear fit (or raw and 113.M for beed ACCEPTING CROOKED MONEY books, bad Mi a man of and he not Michell Gilliam to make hliu » nor ar hall come by mail or rar> \u25a0near. CHICAGO, Sept. 28.?Details of the "confession" trunk with tba reat. again. yau Mar. Thbi brought ?near down to CALLED BY man rlar If arrsnco wlUi The IS SPRUNG by pitcher, village Uk prlrr at «hlrh <m»M -.thru made Eddie Cicotte, White Sox on which David went out into the IIW an experiment. The u*uaJ Hell dtacuas "What's Now* T» it MrevL the night drove day" with every family the government rfUmiulthrd eight members of the team were indicted by the where air way of Star ttia wine vapor from hie head. And would have been to send reaiis« n. .Kiarts saon. control of *ugar distribution tha Cook county grand jury for crookedness in the 1919 than be remembered that he and him to the penitentiary. first of the jrar. world series, were made public late today. Cicotte Yvonne had quarreled that day. and When Hurley faced the Judge Vr«tenia > Ihr price wan cut GRANDJURY grand jury eight men PROBERS told the that each of the were BY rtitU per that ha had rwoolvcd to leave his yesterday charged 7J IM psumk. nervously ha waa ? home that night to seek fame and e e paid individually by the gamblers. He said he got with grand larceny, honor in the great world outside. lie had en- 2 WOMEN HURT In lino with the general tendency Accused White Sox Outfield- (10.000, and Joe Jackson, another player, $6,000. White Sox Riddled After "When my poems are on every tered the home of K. H Kohlhase, toward lower prktu tliruout the "Jackson held out for $20,000 but he only got country, Will Tell His Story Grand Jury Ml'i tongue." he told himself. In a Sill Alaska at., on June 12 and and fnmMttnf. It la claim er Vote of in further 4«'lln«i In lha «Mt $5,000," Cicotte told the grand jury. "They prom- fine axhlUratlon. "she will, perhaps, stolen property valued at more than AS CARS CRASH <-4. NIIII to Official Probers Gambling Inquiry of fondatuffa. huttrr dropped I ised to pay Jackson the remainder but they never think at the hard words ahe spoke 1400. centa day " a pound wholeanle In Healtle Tuaa did." thie the the courtroom Chicago, srpc Joe CHICAGO, Kept. tt?- \u25a0leapt the rayaterera In the tav- Near door of Meet Head-on on Lake Bu- day. Cicotte did not know bcrw much the other players gat. M ha stood a young In (ears. Jackson, outfielder of the White nwni>tn of Um Whit* Sn lean the village folk were abed. David woman. Sugar registered a drop of Tl Mid thoae against whom lndlctmama were voted bu* aO |li« «r% ? Her two llttl* girls clutched her rien Line centa a hundred pounda conspiracy to money. Murine Um UIB world acrln ?rapt softly into his room In the wholesale sox. accused of * skirta and looked on wondertngly. Monday, Wednewlay ware today MrMbjr Um C«ak alaad of hia father's cottage and and lunr will throw the III*nor Id arrira In "I wouldn't pltrh ball for them until I cot retja** dnotta aatt. She waa to become a mother severely eounljr gnmi |«ijr m eltmrgim mt Hda a bundle of hla small store soon Two women were but not ho offered to retailers It centa Cluotl* toil] how the money w-a paid oear a third urna. Hurley ber fatally Injured two Hu- cheaper uwruwrni or roiuplracy to <? m \u25a0y' Mi af clothing. With this upon a stuff, waa when l*ke mill. "The gambler* put It undrr our pillows In oar bad la tha CU* ' h unhand. head-on today at Weetrrn aro. county (rand Jurjr, In tl» hrfMmorti mr ho get hla face outward upon the rls rare crushed Jobber* quoted a»wi< dr.nati hotel," be told the grand Jury. j Nl«iIf Deputy Prosecutor A. Frater creamery Na4 that ran from Yernoy. John lieMar. The cara were on different Itricka at <1 rente a pound Mp> McDowahTa own a» VM The name* of the gamblers with whom the deal allagsd stepped the side of Hurley sharp waa Hl* paaaed hia father's herd to and trucks, but met on a curve, and cuhaa at 11, Tueeday. Since the p. m. to have bean arranged wan not made public. 2* | said to the court: where there waa not sufficient clear- early ha* In taMdhttO* rnt aheap huddled In their nightly summer month* butter He waa la wpiiy wHh At- "I have lived * tboufsjid yaara to tha tat rear." Cteott* ? ?, '?j honor. If this young man ance. teen rising >* k. ? pan the sheep he herded daily. "Tour consistently In price, fol- M Ait*lrian, attorney far the laid the Jury. The disgrace U awfuL It worse .'4 plead guilty petit I bated baraaaa \u25a0*»»" c«ntor tMHrtwg them tn scatter. while wishes to of Mra. Ida Parsons. Creator i'*KtiiKMl* lead of lha *rlato aaartiM White Mm atoh. larhaaa la «h» of my two baJUaa FVlach. flaldar. Instead standing trial Road*. Ibaa Jo* rav»lf." Buck Weaver, third haaatnUL v ha wrotea verses on scrape larceny. of on la at the city hospital with Injurlea KtRTHKH HKIiJMH roommate of Krtli Clrelte, who the present 1 at paper. Ha aaw a light yet charge, would rerom at the laise of her spina. AKK IKKnirTKt) testified before the grand Jary mend a sentence of six months In UfW wpwnf, imvufrepk gcrapa of paper. He saw a light yet Mra Bessie Van stone, also living Aakeri th* nrua* of tha auddan before the Indlctmenia were JAPAN NEGOTIATIONS ON window, the county Jail. There la a new baby Kddia Ctcotto. pltchar. shining In Yvonne'a and a In the lake Burien district, has a ? lump In lb* market. JoMwra at- totetf. Itrporta were rirrulatad WAJIHINGTON, Sept. ;» Negotiations TTnltad coming to their home?and trtwm tha Claude Wllliamo. pttdw. \u25a0 Will iii shook hia purpoae of a sud hadly wren, hail back. tributed II to th* failure of tha lir|« that Jarfcaoa waa ready tall Kta!<a and Japan Judge to over th* proposed discriminatory law In Jackson, The turned to Hurley. ? Joe outfielder. 4ml Perhaps that light mennt that The two *n«j»n *»n> rnitnt nnr ondenarrtaa to find an tiporl nvur alt lie knew. California against Japanese vryre continued tha "The prisoner wilt be confined. In today at state Chick Qandll. former first feaM»* aha rued, sleepless, her anger, and the front of a HeaMle >»>und car In ket. Willi tha result that much of Jtu kson looferrrd with Judge department Ambassador Shidehara and accordance with the recommendation between Roland S. Mor- maA. that morning might ?But. no! Hla charge of Motorman W. Hi* tha cream that formerly want Into M< |w>n*M for half an hour anil ris. American ambassador Japan. of the prosecuting attorney," said to Announcement that tba tndicfc decision waa made. Vernoy was no In* Uio outbound car. In charge of cana ia flow diverted to hut tar malt th»n want Into tit.' grand Jury room the court. "He will be treated for menu had been voted by the (rant plan for him. Not one aoul there Motorman Cwmr W Hartung. rush Ing Htlll furthar declines ara pre "Jorknon told tha truth to Mc- the dope habit, perhaps cured." jury waa made by Foreman H.
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