DAILY Califomia State Thursday, October 1,1987 yr>iversity, Northridge Volume 32, Number 20 THURSDAY Alive A change in grade policy recommended By AMANDA BURDEN Contributing Writer The Faculty Senate's Educational PoUdes Committee Wednesday approved a change in CSUN's grade correction procedure which would create a deadline for grade changes. To become effective, the poUcy must receive final approval from the Faculty Senate. The deadUne for correcting grades would be the end of the semester following the one in which the grade was assigned. However, EPC membera em­ phasized that it is the student's responsibUity to make any chainges as soon as possible and BILL BARELLA/Daily Sundial not wait untU the deadUne. Julie Foster is a living recruitment poster as she sits in a display on the ground floor of Sierra South in an attempt to drum One problem with delaying the up some publicity for the theater department's presentation of Peter Pan. correction process is that there is an increased chance the In­ structor wUl not be availaUe to talk with the student about the grade, sakl Dr. Elizabeth Berry, Kirstie Wilde gives students some free advice associate vice president of Academic Programs and By STACY QOLDSCHER "You have to Ute the bullet and strong background in fields such skinned, or worrying what people executive secretary of the EPC. Staff Writer take Jobs elsewhere — smaU- as poUtical science, Spanish or think, if they are truly interested She said the retirement or town stations are the peofde who law will get a Job faster than in a broadcast career. death of teachers, or the breaking KNBC news anchor Kintie Ure," she said. thoae with a Journalism There < is a real resentment of contact with part-time em­ Wilde, who has received White males are having a hard background, WUde said. among some people, WUde said, ployees, are circumstances numerous awards for her work, time at the moment flnding even She also encouraged students when salary is discussed, and at which may result from a time including an Emmy and a G<dden entry-level positions anywhere to remain informed about what is times a Journalist wiU be forced delay, making the procedure Mike, offered advice to Jour- because the field is beginning to going on in tbe world. to compete with a good friend — ev«i more difficult. Also, there is naliim students interested in a open up to women and minoritieB, "You shouki spend a k>t of time but these are things that must be a chance records could be faroadcaat career and spoke WUde said. abaorUng information, Uke a handled. destroyed, or the faculty-member about her experiences in She suggested that young sponge, taking in aU tbe in­ WUde t)egan her careo: as a may forget details of the televisoo news Wednesday. people interested in televisioa formation from the day. It helps floor director, an entry-level situation. WUde told students that they broadcasting major in something if you know what yeu are talking position, at a broadcast station in During the EPC's previous most likely wiU not find their flrat other than Journalism. about," she said. WUde warned job in the Los Angelfls area. Many times people who have a students against being too thin- Please see WILDE, page 4 Please see GRADE, page • Majors fair scheduled Student for undecided students injured in Sierra fall ByCHICARMODY departments to the most im­ Contributing Writer pacted." ByKIMHUTTON Last year's concern about the Staff Writer CSUN's fint Undeclared "senior l>ulge" ixxunpted A.S. Majors Fair is being held Friday interest in the idea. HopefuUy, A CSUN student was injured in the USU's Northridge Cmter to students wiU be equally in­ when she sUpped and feU down help students both declare and terested, shesaid. six steps of W0 Sierra Towor change their majors. stairway Wednesday af­ "At a place Uke CSUN there ternoon, according to Campus The fair's advantage is that it are a lot of seniors who StiU do not allows studenis to meet with Police Officer Jay Mc­ know what they want, or are Taggart. faculty from over 35 departmanls waitlag around to get into a and gat Immediate approval Hr proffwn. The fata-will bo a place Christine Morrison, 22. a enroUment la a major. For whare tegr eaa Bit aa Man af feurth year student. sUpiwd students wanting admiasioa what's avidMIe," aheaakl. and faH backward from the sixth-floor landing of Sierra consideration to impacted Recent sUtistkx indicate that Tower. Uttii« tbe back of her programs Uke engineering and about 16 percent of CSUN's fuU- head, McTaggart said. finance, it will also provide in- time enrollment is undeclared, formatton. according to Norma Camp, He said campus police cheeked and found a "sUppery Lisa Schulhof, Associated director of Academic Ad­ ROQER WILSON/IM^SundM and wet subataace," similiar Students senator and coordinator viaement. SUPPERY WHEN WET — Christine Monison is loaded into of the fair, said. "We have no idea "It's a problem, but our at- to oU. covering a 30 square taieh area near the accident. a ambulance that took her to Northridge Hospital. of how many students are tonpts to require students to Morrison was injured when she slipped and fell in the coming, but we've had poaitive Plaase see FALL, Sierra Tower stairwell • from the smallest Please see MAJOR, page 3 Digit StokBd OfflCBWiVM Women's volleyt>all team, favored in New film 'goes surfin'' with plenty of Job discrimination against their conference, is 'set' for a sun, adventure and deep, crisp women prompts action. national championship. barrels. 11 i7 Dally Sundial 2NEWSn'hursday, October 1,1987 The Royal Mounted Flying Platypus Impressionists Group pubes® By Leigh Rubin rofficiai impressions *Z7 rainstann CAMPUS CALENDAR Today I — Rling for poslttons on the A.S. general electtens batot (ate) are available in the A.S. office. Rling closes Parsl IMon of NerthiMge — Our weekly meeting will is being Oct 7. IMM today at 5 p.m. In room A-116 of the USU. Everyone Is welcome to join us. The mtematlonal SooMy of bitertor Dealgnars — Oct. 13, architect Kerry Gold A.I.A will be a featured speaker. His topic I bl Jeaue — We're "Busting Loose" with Thursday night will be the architect's role coordinated with the interior Bible study In the usu In A 114. designer. Meeting is in FA 216 at 5:30 p.m. Everyone is wetoomel CMsiik L'bniid Torali — We are happy to announce that Mostie CSUN Matador RapubHeaiw — Meeting at Flashback Cafe, Parry has Just become our new program director. He will be on comer of Devonshire and Zelzah tonight at 6:30 p.m. Everyone Aaoooiatlon for Computing MaoMnary — We will be holding an campus Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. He has is weteome. ACM PC's user group meeting on Oct. 7 at 6 p.m. in EN 141. a tot of exciting ideas for the coming year ttiat we hope will interest you. Stop by our tatue wtienever you can. We are — Meeting today at 5 College Students In Broadeaetliw — Our next meeting is Oct. located on the north quad. Moshe would teve to meet you and p.m. at the USU Balboa Room. 5 at 6 p.m. in MU 158. Our speaker will be Brian Ellis, assistant get you Involved. director of Cheers. I and Oay AManoe — We will meet today, 7:30 p.m. at Women's Center — How's your teve life? Safe se;( and dating? SN 10.7 and will tfwn go as a group to see ttie play "As Is." All Panel discussion on the health issues and the politics in dating. are welcomel OMh^uMied Visitor Program — Ellen Goodman, PullUer Oct. 7,12 to 1, USU Santa Clarlta Room. Prize winning columnist, auttior and associate editor of the I Study — We meet today and every Thursday Boston Globe, will speak Oct. 22 at 12:30 p.m. in the Nor- at 12:30 In the USU's Reseda Room. Come join an open thrkJge Center. She will discuss her observations as a writer In a discussion of the Bit>le. Here is an excellent opportunity to presentation entitled "A Matter of Values." Quotes From Folks: meet, study and develop friendships wKh feitew Christians! CSUN Bowling Chib — Team meeting at Alan's house, Oct. 2 at aeograptiy CounoN — We meet today at 12:30 in SS 126. 5:30 p.m. FOr directions and information call 368-3561. Good Yet malice never was his aim; Guest lecture will be on wild and edible plants. Everyone Is luck In San Diegol He lash'd the vice lout spar'd the welcome. Bring a lunch. name. of Miiale — A performance by "Philensemblla No individual could resent, '87" will be given Oct. 10 at 8 p.m. in room 158 (recital hall) at Where thousands equally were meant. Upootning the Music Building. The group presents ethnic-to- contemporaneous Phllllpplne (sic) music. Admission is $3. His satire points at no defect Ttekets available at the Little Theatre box office. But what all mortals may correct. CSUN CttPES/SodaNy Wsspewslbls Skigleo - Presenting a founder of Nicaragua's national health care organization, Oct. I — A.S. Is seeking members for the A.S. Jonathan Swift (1731) 3, 7:30 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church of Granada Hills, Elections Committee. Applications are available in the A.S. 10400 Zelzah. Call 363-7076 for more informatten. offlce. Shadow Jogging A Jogger passes by sprinklers during a late afternoon run.
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