to establish and patronize Theravada Brahminism. Religious practices be- Buddhism, and he adhered closely to fore Sukhothai ' s independence were the rules and regulations of that reli- probably modelled after those in gion, encouraging bis people to study neighouiing Kampuchea and composed the scriptures and to listem to the teach- of a mixture ofBrahminism, Mahayana ings of the monks on sabbath days. By Buddhism and animism. By the time of adapting the Mon and Khmer scripts, the phia Ruang Dynasty, Sri Lanka- he invented the Thai alphabet and in inspired Buddhist structures had mush- 1292 he wrote the first Thai stone in- roomed all over the city. The lotus-bud scription upon which much of the chedi (a tall square-basedstupa topped present restorations are based. ln addi- by the shapeof the lotus bud, symbolic tion to this, he established firm trade of the Buddnist faith), an invention of relations with other kingdoms. (He Sukhothai architects,now predominated never levied any taxes on trade.) in temple architecture. Thousands of King Mahathammaraja Lithai, I~am- B uddha images were cast in every shape kamhaeng's grandson, was a generous and size, for it was believed that those patron of the arts, andduring hisreign who brought about the casting -of a the arts of sculpture and architecture B uddha image would gain merit. Large reached their height. Unfortunately, bronze Buddha images such as Phra later generations of Sukhothai kings Buddha Sihinka (the image presented were unable to maintain their power to the Thais by the Sri Lankans), Phra and by the end of the fourteenth century Buddha Chinarat, Phra Sri Sakyamuni the kingdom surrendered to an attack and Phra Buddha Chinses were and still by sol di ers from the kingdom of are national treasuresrevered by Thais. Ayudhya and becameincorporated into According to a stone inscrption, at that kingdom. Although it was now one time the Supreme Patriarch of the Ayudhya'svassal state, Sukhothai still Mon kingdom was invited to reside in retained its role as a spiritual and cul- Sukhothai to teach the scriptures to the tural center. By now, Sukhothai's art kings; at another, Sukhothai monks style bad become influenced by the travelled to the kingdom of Lanna to heavier style of the more worldly spread the woid of the Buddha. King Ayudhya kingdom. Mahathammaraja Lithai, the most pi- Culture and religion ous of Sukhothai kings, did much to Sukhothai was a model capital city promote the Buddhist religion, eocour- of its time. Beside housing govemment aging his people to gain merit and to buildings and religious institutions, the observe Buddhist rites. A great number city was also the centre of trade and of temples were built during this king' s communications. The Buddhist, ani- reign and today their coins are situated rnistic and Brahminic ceremonies and both within and outside the ancient city festivals mentioned in the stone in- walls. scriptions were alI held here; The ex- The temples of Sukhothai can be istence of Brahminic shrines, such as dividedinto three categories: those at Wat phai Luang, Sam Ta Pa Aranwaseetemples, which were built Daeng and Wat Sri Sawai, indicates a short distance outside the city towards that the major religion before the advent the west for monks who wished to prac- of Theravada Buddhism was tise meditation. Temples in this category 168 ~ l," ;:0 Sukhothai Historical Park Development Project include Wat Aranyik and Wat Saphan als. These ceramics constituted a major Hin. export item and were transported by Kamawasee temples, which were junk to places as far away as Indonesia, built mostI y for the public. Religious Japan, and the Philippines. The surviv- cermonies were often conducted there. ing bronze Buddha images attest to the Nakomwasee temples, which were Sukhothai craftsmens' skill in meta1- usuaIly built by the nobility within the lurgy. In addition to the casting of sa- vicinity of the city. According to gen- cred sculptures,household utensils such eral belief, Wat Mahathat, a as knives, cups and tools were also cast Nakomwasee temple, was the centre of in metal, but only for local consump- the universe. Here, people of aIl classes tion. gathered to receive Buddhist instruc- Thailand's artistic heritage tion and to participate in religious cer- According to a stone inscription emonies. found in Ayudhya many years after Sociology and technology Sukhothai's fall, the Ayudhyan king The ancient city of Sukhothai fol- Naresuan brought an army to perfotm lowed a very advanced city plan, with an important ceremony called Phiphat the agricultural and industrial areas Satya at Wat Sri Choum in Sukhothai, clearly separatedfrom each other. The affirming Sukhothai's continued im- city was surrounded by three earthen portance in matters regarding religion. walls, separatedfrom one another by a As vassals of Ayudhya, the citizens of moat which in ancient days provided Sukhothai gradually left their homes to the citizens living within the waIIs with help fight Ayudhya's war against full protection. Water dykes scattered Burma, which lasted for about two hun- outside the se waIls channelled water dredyears. By the beginningofthe 16th from higher areas for use in the city; century aIl of Sukhothai's inhabitants canais were used as drainage. large had migrated to Ayudhya on orders of ponds in the middle of the city stored the Ayudhyan king. Sukhothai became the major part of the water supply as overrun by the jungle and its beautiful they do today. structures were left to waste away with ArchaeologicaI evidence shows that time. an ancient road, the Phra Ruang Road, In the 18th century King Rama I which was formerly ]ined on either side moved many Buddha images in the an- by a canal connected ancient Sukhothai cient sites of Sukhothai to the major to aIl the major northem cities of the temples in Bangkok. Theking'sinterest kingdom. The flat rice- farming areasin in Sukhothai sparked a revival of the north-east were irrigated by canaIs Sukhothaistudies among the people,The and by water dykes which channelled artefacts which he 'recovered' from the water from the Mae Lamphum Canal. jungle became recognized for their ar- Cerarnic production was a major indus- tistic value and sooncopies of Sukhothai try in Sukhothai and today the remains sculpture were newly cast for modem of the kilns where these ceramics were dayworshippers. New knowledge of the fired are situated north of the city. The Sukhothai civilization from stone in- ceramic ware included dishes, bow]s, scriptions -the making of the Thai al- cups, dolls, ceramic tiles (used aswater phabet, the Lankawong school ofBud- pipes) and a variety of building materi- dhism, the 'Triphoum Phra Ruang' in- :,. 169 structions in verse and the prevailing system of govemment -have helped to reveal some of the thought patterns of the Sukhothai people. For the flfst time, the Thais of the Bangkok Period (18th to 19th centuries) began to realize that their cultural origin and heritage lay in the ancient civilization of Sukhothai. Reasons for the establishment of the Sukhothai Historical Park A hundred and twenty-six ancient structures numerous ponds, dams, res- ervoirs and ancient kiln sites comprise the Sukhothai Historical park. Damage caused by time, and more recently by treasure- hunters and local settlers who live amid the archaeological remains, has threatened its very existence. If the governmenthad notplaced the 70 square kilometres of land under its protection, the continued use of tractors and cranes for agricultural and industrial purposes in nearby areas would have led to the total destruction of this historical city . Inordertostopitsrapiddecay, theresto- ration team has conducted much ar- chaeological surveying and research. The staff win ensure the upkeep of all the ancient sites in Sukhothai, and only the architectural structures which are about to disintegrate completely win be restored. Torestoreawholecity,organ- ized and co-ordinated planning is es- sential. The project plans can be divided into two parts: ( 1) the restoration of ancient sites and (2) the planning and design of the landscape. The aim is to restore the historical atmosphereof the ancientcity as weIl as to provide an efficient system of public facilities for the convenience oftourists and sightseers.While imple- menting the se plans, the economic and social wen-being of the ancient city's present inhabitants win be a major con- sideration. 170 ~.
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