US 201102.06798A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2011/0206798 A1 L0eW (43) Pub. Date: Aug. 25, 2011 (54) FELINE STIMULANT AND METHOD OF Publication Classification MANUFACTURE (51) Int. Cl. A23K L/18 (2006.01) (75) Inventor: Valerie Loew, Fullerton, CA (US) (52) U.S. Cl. ............................................................ 426/1 (73) Assignee: MATATABBY, INC., Fullerton, (57) ABSTRACT CA (US) According to various embodiments of the invention, Stimu lants are provided that result in euphoric behavior in certain (21) Appl. No.: 12/848,665 animals, such as felines. Specifically, according to one embodiment, the animal stimulant is obtained by a process (22) Filed: Aug. 2, 2010 comprising: growing an actinidia polygama to fruition; increasing a concentration of matatabilactones within fruit of the actinidia polygama; extracting moisture from the fruit; Related U.S. Application Data and grounding the fruit into a fine powder. In some embodi (63) Continuation-in-part of application No. 12/712,007, ments, the animal stimulant is specially tailored for use with filed on Feb. 24, 2010. feline animals. - 10 GROWAN ACTENDEA POLY GAMA 13 UNTL T BEARS FRU NCREASE CONCENTRATION OF MATATABLACTONES WHN THE FRUT 16 BY EXPOSING THE FRUIT TO AN ASPHONDYLA MATATABI THAT ATTACKS THE FRUIT EXTRACING MOSTURE FROM THE 19 FRUIT GROUNDNG THE FRUIT INTO A FNE 22 POWDER Patent Application Publication Aug. 25, 2011 Sheet 1 of 2 US 2011/0206798 A1 ? 1O GROWAN ACTENDIA POY GAMA 13 UNTL BEARS FRU NCREASE CONCENTRATION OF MATA TABLACTONES WHN THE FRUT 16 BY EXPOSING THE FRUIT TO AN ASPHONOYAMAATABI THAT ATTACKS THE FRUIT EXTRACTING MOSTURE FROM HE 19 FRUIT GROUNDNG THE FRUIT INTO A FINE 22 POWDER F.G. 1 Patent Application Publication Aug. 25, 2011 Sheet 2 of 2 US 2011/0206798 A1 - 30 Grow ANACTINDIA PolyGAMA 33 UNTIL T BEARS FRUIT INCREASE CONCENTRATION OF MAATABLACTONES WITH IN THE FRUIT 36 BY EXPOSING THE FRUIT TO AN ASPHONDYLA MATAABI HAATTACKS THE FRUT HARVEST GREEN LEAVES FROMAN 39 ACNDIA POLYGAMA EXTRACTING MOISTURE FROM THE Lyr 42 FRUIT EXTRACTING MOSTURE FROM THE 45 LEAVES GROUNDING THE FRUIT INTO APOWDER 48 (i.e., FRUIT POWDER) GROUNDING THE LEAVES NOA 51 POWDER (i.e., LEAF POWDER) MXNG THE FRUIT POWDER WITH THE 54 LEAVE POWDER FIG 2 US 2011/0206798 A1 Aug. 25, 2011 FELINE STIMULANT AND METHOD OF a salve, typically used for veterinary applications, or an ani MANUFACTURE mal dietary Supplement. More with regard to applications of this invention will be discussed later in the detailed descrip CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED tion. APPLICATIONS 0008. In further embodiments, the animal stimulant is 0001. This application is a continuation-in-part of and obtained by a process comprising: extracting moisture from claims the benefit of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/712, fruit of an actinidia polygama, wherein the fruit has an increased concentration of matatabilactones; extracting 007, filed Feb. 24, 2010, which is incorporated herein by moisture from green leaves of an actinidia polygama; ground reference in its entirety. ing the green leaves into a leaf powder; grounding the fruit FIELD OF THE INVENTION into a fruit powder; and mixing the leaf powder with the fruit powder, thereby producing a mixture. In some such embodi 0002 The present invention relates to feline stimulants, ments, extracting moisture from the leaves comprises drying and more particularly, Some embodiments relate to recre and dehydrating the leaves. In other embodiments, mixing the ational substances that stimulate euphoric behavior in felines leaf powder with the fruit powder comprises mixing the leaf and methods of manufacturing the same. powder with the fruit powder at a ratio of 1:10. In additional embodiments, the leaf powder has a grind size of 2 mm or DESCRIPTION OF THE RELATED ART less. For example, in some embodiments, the leaf powder 0003 Nepeta cataria, also known as catnip, is a substance may have a grind size between 0.1 mm and 2 mm. commonly used to induce a feeling of happiness and euphoria 0009. Other embodiments include methods for manufac in a majority of felines. Under the influence of catnip, cats turing animal stimulants and animal medicaments in accor have been observed to be attracted to the catnip, roll around dance with various operations provided above. the ground, and drool. 0010. Other features and aspects of the invention will 0004 Actinidia polygama, a plant unrelated to catnip, is become apparent the following detailed description, taken in known to cause a similar but stronger behavioral response in conjunction with the accompanying drawings, which illus felines than does catnip. Specifically, both domestic cats and trate, by way of example, the features in accordance with large cats, such as lions, cougars, bobcats and ocelots, have embodiments of the invention. The summary is not intended been observed exhibiting large euphoric responses to to limit the scope of the invention, which is defined solely by actinidia polygama. In Asia, it is known to use actinidia the claims attached hereto. polygama as a cat treat and even a human wellness product. However, until now, the parts of the actinidia polygama that BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS have been used have been limited to stems, leaves, and fruit 0011. The present invention, in accordance with one or left untouched by insects. more various embodiments, is described in detail with refer ence to the following figure. The drawing is provided for BRIEF SUMMARY OF EMBODIMENTS OF THE purposes of illustration only and merely depict typical or INVENTION example embodiments of the invention. This drawing is pro 0005 According to various embodiments of the invention, vided to facilitate the reader's understanding of the invention animal stimulants based on actinidia polygama are provided and shall not be considered limiting of the breadth, scope, or that result in a strong euphoric response in certain animals, applicability of the invention. Such as felines. Specifically, according to one embodiment, 0012 FIG. 1 is flowchart illustrating an example method the animal stimulant is obtained by a process comprising: in accordance with one embodiment of the invention. growing an actinidia polygama to fruition; increasing con 0013 FIG. 2 is flowchart illustrating an example method centration of matatabilactones within fruit of the actinidia in accordance with one embodiment of the invention. polygama; extracting moisture from the fruit; and grounding 0014. This figure is not intended to be exhaustive or to the fruit into a line powder. In some embodiments, the animal limit the invention to the precise form disclosed. It should be stimulant is specially tailored for use with feline animals. In understood that the invention can be practiced with modifi addition, for some embodiments, the extraction of moisture cation and alteration, and that the invention be limited only by from the fruit leaves the fruit with a moisture content of 10% the claims and the equivalents thereof. to 12%. 0006 Depending on the embodiment, increasing concen DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE tration of matatabilactones may be facilitated by exposing the EMBODIMENTS OF THE INVENTION fruit of the actinidia polygama to an asphondylia matatabi (commonly referred to as gall midges or gall gnats) that attack 0015 The present invention is directed toward a feline the fruit, thereby causing matatabilicatones in the fruit to stimulant and methods of manufacturing the same. In particu increase in concentration. Additionally, in Some embodi lar, the feline stimulant in accordance with embodiments of ments, extracting moisture from the fruit may entail kiln the invention is derived from the actinidia polygama plant, drying the fruit. Once dried, in further embodiments, the fruit and results in a strong behavioral response from felines. can be grounded into a fine powder of 80 mesh or liner. For Behavioral responses for some embodiments include the feel example, in some embodiments, the grind size may be ings of euphoria and relaxation. The types of felines Suscep between 10 mesh and 80 mesh. tible to the stimulants effect include both domestic cats and 0007. In additional embodiments, the fine powder may be larger cats, such as lions, cougars, bobcats and ocelots. applied to an animal toy or feral cat bait. For example, the fine 0016 Stimulants created in accordance with the present powder may be coated on the animal toy or feral cat bait. In invention can be utilized in a variety of applications includ further embodiments, the fine powder may be developed into ing, but not limited to, olfactory stimulation for captive ani US 2011/0206798 A1 Aug. 25, 2011 mals (e.g., in Zoos or shelters), products that increase repro 0023. Further embodiments may be used to fabricate cat ductive success, appetite stimulant, anti-anxiety product for toys. For example, dried sections of actinidia polygama can domestic cats, coatings used for animal toys, animal bait (e.g., be wound in shapes, such as balls, that can be used as toys for feral cat bait), sprays for felines, incense for felines, training cats. The size of shapes can vary from 1" to 12". aids, and veterinary uses, such as dietary wellness products. 0024. Other embodiments may be infused, in powdered For example, a stimulant in accordance with the present form, onto Scratchers for cats or, alternatively, made available invention may be developed into a salve that can be applied to for application to existing scratchers. Such embodiments the fur of a sick feline. Once applied, the sick feline can then would attract the cat to the scratcher and, thereby, make it lick off the salve from its fur, thereby receiving a dose of the more effective. Likewise, embodiments may be infused into a stimulant and causing the sick feline to have an increased cat bed or litter box to attract the cat to the bed or box appetite.
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