STARRINGINEVERY MEDIUM FROM MOVIES TOMUSIC, TIBETAN BUDDHISM I.IAS BECOME HOLLYWOOD'SHOTTEST PET PROJECT BUT CANTHE MOVEMENT'S COREVALUES BEAR THE WEIGHT OFFAME AND PUBLICITY? HorrYwoollG0Es TIBET oNAHILLToPoVERLooKINGTHE,fl],"il$i]:'{]ilil^i1fiit$.iili$&ftr$W*1,ffilffiffi,.,"+;.ie}ffil1ff$$Askedhowitwasthathede- PacificOcean,45milessouthof.l$-$'1*".i"}#jffiflffi*..:.,'&l{:'cidedSeagalisthereincarnation" -#rm"",,,.#i1leetffiffiffifff SanFrancisco,aTibetanhightama fl"*,ffi;W of a 17th-centurylama and' a.s sitsonapillowinthemasierbed.:-:*ffiIffi1''fi:ffia*i*such,entitledtorvear,lama's roomof,hou,.atlr,hichheisthe,;ffirobes.openatemp|eandreveal guestofhonorand,forthefirstsry]tffihiddenBuddhistteachings.in SinceSIagalwasrevealedtobeshortorderhedid.Afterconsult- a tulku bv Penor Rinpoche last ing other lamas, who he sayscon- FebruarS ih. ul..ady o*ry action star - who, although he denies firmed his recognition, Penor Rinpoche invited the actor to his the claims, has been accused in the past of sexual harassment, monasteryinlndiaearlierthisyearforaceremonyatwhich,infront spousal abuse,bigamy creating false histories and looking to hire of 1,500monks and nuns, Seagalwas designatedaholy twlku. ques- a hit -"n - has kipt himself even further removed from the press. \fhen Penor Rinpoche is confronted with the most serious - His recent elevation has made him no more compassionatewhen tions about his unusual choice notwithstanding Seagal'sstormy - it comes to the media. His Holiness is not to be dissuaded,how- past, individuals over the age of 5 are rarely identified as tulkus a ever,and against Seagal'sadvice the interview commences. some comical answersare provided, revealingwhat seemsto be 76 US JANUARY1998 communicationproblem. Regardingthe chargemade in various monasteriesand virtually wiped their cultureoff the map. mediaoutlets, and evenwhispered in the Buddhistcommunity, that Thanksto the charismaand dedicationof TenzinGyatso, the the reveredPenor Rinpoche,a renunciantby ordination, was Dalai Lama, who in 1989won the Nobel PeacePrize, and the bought off, he gigglesand is translatedas saying, "The truth of the efforts of longtimeactivists such as Richard Gere,the causeof matteris I wouldn't namea tulhu for $100."As for Seagal'svio- Tibetanfreedom has come a long, hard-foughtway most recently lent image,both off and on the screen,Penor Rinpoche responds, witnessedin this fall's backlashagainst Chinese President Jiang "He's just acting;he probably hasn'tkilled anyonein his whole Zemin during his U.S.visit. Orchestratedin part by Gere,the life." Interestinglyenough, though, it is PenorRinpoche's repeated protest showedthat evensuch wild-card conservativepoliticians references(three times) to the actor'senormous "level of pride" asNewt Gingrich,Pat Buchanan and Jesse Helms have their rea- ("It is his greatestshortcoming; I alwaystell him he must reduce sonsfor coming down hard on China.And while thereis evidence his pride"), relayedto Seagalimmediately afterward by Sangye, that Buddhismhas slowly madeits way to the hinterlands(dharma that sendsthe actor into frenziedspin control. centers,at which Buddhismis studiedand practiced,have opened "Stevenwanted me to call you and make sureyou don't turn in Michigan, New Mexico and North Carolina,and recentna- the word pride into the word ego," saysSangye on the phone tional estimatesof Americanadherents top 100,000),the efforts of two days later. "It's his experiencethat any little thing gets those accustomedto the spotlight are what is really bringing turned into the negative,and he'svery paranoidabout this." Tibetan Buddhisminto the mainstream. 'When 'STitness askedif she has persuadedSeagal to talk to USon the the spectacle.Major studioshave bankrolled two films record for this article,which he has refusedto do thus far, she about the Dalai Lama'searly life (SeuenYears in Tibet and Kun- says tried but can't promise becausehe been dun).Last year,the Dalai Lama was fetedat the RegentBeverly she anything "has 'Wilshire burned in the past." At that moment shegets another call and Hotel in an eventco-hosted by Gereand Harrison Ford returnstwo minuteslater. and attendedbg amongothers, Sharon Stone, Shirley Maclaine "That was him," shesays firmly. "He askedme to tell you that and Garry Shandling(who told a reporter,"I camebecause I heard anythingyou print that goesoff what His Holinesssaid in any way theDalai Lama was great live"). CourtneyLove interred a portion is somethingyou're not going to be able to forget. And he wants of Kurt Cobain'sashes at a Tibetanmonastery in upstateNew you to know, very clearly,that you're gettingyourself involved in York for a consecrationritual. Rockerssuch as the BeastieBoys, somethinghere that you've got to be straightwith, or you're really U2 and Porno for Pyrosshared the stagewith dancingsaffron- z going to suffer. You're really going to be sorry," robedmonks at lastsummer's Tibetan Freedom Concert. And so,as the embattledTibetan community finally startsto get Not everyHollywood activistfor Tibetanfreedom is a Buddhist, someattention, much of it generatedby the interestof Hollywood, but amongthose who haveconverted, besides Gere and Seagal,are z ; its membersare discoveringthat when movie starsenter the tem- OliverStone and the Beastie Boys'Adam Yauch (the freedom con- I ple there is often a price to be paid. But after enduring almost 50 certswere his brainchild).Others, like Ford, his wife the screen- & yearsof nearly total global apathy,the small, historically remote writer MelissaMathison, Martin Scorsese,and a host of pop stars 9- country of Tibet, calledthe "roof of the world" by early explorers including Billy Corgan,Michael Stipeand Natalie Merchant, sim- for its breathtaking Himalayan vistas,is gonna take whatever it ply describethemselves as convertsto the cause. : can get, thank you. Some,like Scorsese,the director of the highly anticipatedKzn- dun, areangered when their colleagues'heartfeltefforts are dis- o'It's z SINCE THE ARMIES OF MAO TSE.TUNG BRUTALLY ANNEXED THEIR missedas dilettantish. disrespectful,"says the director (who z nation in 1950,forcing the 14th (and present-day)Dalai Lama is "holding his breath" to seewhat kind of releasehis film gets E to fleenine yearslater and setup an exile governmentin India, from the China-fearingDisney), "especially to peoplelike Richard e the peopleof Tibet havewatched helplesslyas China has slaugh- Gereand Melissa[Mathison, who wrote Kundunf,who've been tered more than 1.2million of their compatriots. razed their in the forefront of the movementfor so long." ?O US JANUARY1998 Mathison, a soft-spoken mother of four who usually leaves the Lama into American consciousnessby invoking his name at nearly spotlight to her husband, is more concerned with the diminishing every opportunity (most memorably at the 1993Academy Awards, effects of glitz and glamour on the cause. "The only time Tibet gets in a speechthat got Gere banned from future telecasts),says his any attention is when a few movie stars show up, and then it's a job is far from over but made much easier by the releaseof such Catch-zz," she complains. "It would be tragic if at this moment films as SeuenYears in Tibet and Kundun.In fact, even some of his when people's attention can be focused on some action, it's dis- friends are starting to "get it," he says with a laugh. "They've missed as this cheap'Hello, Dalai' bulls---. It's insulting." heard me do this over and over again," he says, "but it didn't strike While devotees such as former Columbia Pictures president Lisa them until they saw it in the movies. Storytelling impacts deeper Henson, Goldie Hawn and Uma Thurman quietly donate large than a documentary or hearing a litany of human-rights abuses." amounts of money to Tibetan-refugee causes and institutions like Does he think that Hollywood's involvement could taint the New York's Tibet House (dedicated to preserving the rapidly dis- movement? "It comes down to quality," Gere says. "If it's quality appearing culture of Tibet), it's the flashier antics of some stars that work by quality people, of course it's positive. But if it becomes bring into question the very purpose of a religion for which the action-movie kind of territory, I don't think it's particularly helpful." main spiritual tenet is selflessness. Stone,who converted to Tibetan Buddhism after stints in other IN HISNETT YORK CITY TO'TN HOUSEJJUST BLOCKS FROM \fHERE HE brands of the 2,500-year-old religion left him wanting, seesthe dis- is editing Kundun, Martin Scorsesecontemplates the suggestion missals, perhaps not too surprisingly, as some sort of conspiracy. that all this Tibet stuff is just a fad. The acclaimed director, who as "It's typical of the judgmental Anglo mentality of the cultural state a result of the film spent the past two years looking at Buddhism we live in," saysthe director. "One of the things I love about the but who still identifies himself as [Far] East is [that] they're more concerned about getting their own a Catholic, finally decides it's the act together before ripping down someone else'sspirituality." real deal. "It's too facile to call it lfhich is exactly the point, according to Newsweek religion edi- a fad," he says. "It's indicative of tor Kenneth Woodward. "It's the religion du jour for people who something much deeper." don't really want one," says'Woodward, who has written about As for why Hollywood denizens spirituality for more than 30 years and interviewed the D alaiLama as well as everyday Americans severaltimes. He adds that Westernersraised in the Judeo-Chris- are drawn to Buddhism. he has a tian tradition mistakenly believe that Buddhism comes without theory: "Becauseof where we are rules or judgments, but if they were to study the doctrine closely, in the world today and all the they would find it "even more conservativethan Christianity" (no madness of moderri society. sex during the day; no oral sex or masturbation, period). "There's so much confusion," Nevertheless, through the vigilant efforts of actors like Gere and he continues, sipping from a the tireless travels of the Dalai Lama, the town has become enrap- cup of coffee, near a table laden tured with everything Tibetan.
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