Fordham Law School FLASH: The Fordham Law Archive of Scholarship and History The Advocate Student Publications 2-1993 The Advocate The Advocate, Fordham Law School Follow this and additional works at: http://ir.lawnet.fordham.edu/student_the_advocate Part of the Law Commons Recommended Citation The Advocate, Fordham Law School, "The Advocate" (1993). The Advocate. Book 35. http://ir.lawnet.fordham.edu/student_the_advocate/35 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Publications at FLASH: The orF dham Law Archive of Scholarship and History. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Advocate by an authorized administrator of FLASH: The orF dham Law Archive of Scholarship and History. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE ADVOCATE - Fordham Law School's Newspaper since 1967 - Vol. XXV, No.4 Fordham University School of Law © The Advocate February, 1993 _ PROF. BATTS NOMINATED TO THE BENCH' by Tracy Jo Murphy Fordham Law Batts concerning her made .. ." Associate Professor Deborah A. Batts School since 1984 nomination: About students seeking clerks hips: "My was recommended in late January by and was the frrst M­ About teaching mailbox since March of '91 has been inun­ Democratic Senator Daniel P. Moynihan to rican-American Law: "I think the dated with clerkship applications from the Clinton Administration for one of five professor to receive Socratic method is people that read about the fact that Senator vacant Federal Judgeships in the Southern tenure here. Raised wonderful because Moynihan put my name in. I obviously District of New York. New York Law Jour­ in Philadelphia, she all judges should do have not looked at them. I also have not lost nal has predicted that her nomination, and graduated from is ask questions, not them. I strongly expect that Fordham will Brooklyn Law School .dean David G. Radcliffe College give answers. So be feeding me strong clerkship candidates, Trager's nomination to the Eastern District cum laude in 1969 this has been the best near term and long term, but I will be quite , are likely to be approved. A court official and received her law training I could have honest with you, I have not really thought was reported as saying "If they are not degree from gotten if indeed I do about that at all. Between grading my confirmed, it would only be for a very good Harvard Law wind up on the numerous Domestic Relations exams from reason." Senator Moynihan frrstnominated School in 1972. bench." last semester and trying to get things to­ Prof. Batts, a Democrat, in March of 1991 Upon graduation, About being an gether for this semester, I find that I have but she did not receive White House ap­ she served as a law Assistant U.S. At­ very little time to spend on conjecture... I proval under the Republican Bush Admin­ clerk for Federal torney: "One of the have the realities of teaching law. istration. The Senator said at that time "Pro­ District Judge Professor Deborah A. Batts things that is in ex­ .. .Judges like to see people who have fessor Batts, ... and Dean Trager have ... Lawrence W. Pierce istence now that followed through on commitments that they distinguished themselves in the field of law and then spent six years in private practice wasn't in existence when I was an Assistant made. For example, if you're on a law and were enthusiastically recommended to at the firm of Cravath Swaine & Moore. U.S. Attorney is the sentencing guidelines, journal or law review, to actually have me by my judicial selection committee . From 1979 until 1984 she served as an which were put in place to limit the incred­ completed the note that you took on would Their qualifications for the Federal Bench Assistant U.S. Attorney, Criminal Divi­ ible variance of sentences that people felt be a sign of somebody who can get things are, I believe, impressive. It is with consid­ sion, for the Southern District of New York. were given for similar crimes, ... so that done ... in addition to other things because erable pride that I will be recommending Prof. Batts currently serves as a Commis­ there was an objective basis or formula, if obviously the pressure of competition and them to the President." sioner on the Law Revision Commission of you will, which has to be followed .... I can the ability to do many things well at the Prof. Batts has stated that if the nomi­ the State of New York, and is a member of understand why there are some people who same time is something... helpful for any­ nation is approved she will accept. It is the Association of the Bar of the City of felt this was necessary and put it in. I also one interested in clerking. doubtful that the Clinton administration New York, serving on several conrrnittees. am aware that there is a feeling the sentenc­ On being nominated: "As my mother will act on the nomination in time to affect She is also a member of the Metropolitan ing guidelines can be unduly restrictive in said when Senator Moynihan put my name her spring teaching schedule. If approved, Black Bar Association. terms of giving judges an opportunity to forward two years ago in March, 'regard­ next fall she "would like to continue teach­ INTERVIEW render justice, to do what they think is fair. less of what happens it was an incredible ing on a much more limited basis." The following are excerpts from an And I think that as the years go on it will be honor to be considered', and I always agree Prof. Batts has been teaching at interview in mid-January with Professor interesting to see what adjustments are with my mother." 0 Two New Journals at Judge from the Supreme Court of Fordhalll Ireland Speaks at Fordham by Diana Ro Thompson and The reason for the change is that we've by Anne Cunningham, lL the New York City Bar Association made a Earl Wilson been focusing more on Intellectual Property On January 21, 1993 in Fordham's own proposal to change the traditional rule that Law than anything else. We're responding to McNally Amphitheater, the Honorable Mr. allows graduates from foreign conrrnon law Interview with Eric Prager demands made. Many students are inter­ Justice Anthony Hederman, Senior Ordi­ jurisdictions to take the New York Bar exam Recently, the Entertainment, Media & ested in Intellectual Property Law and Pat­ nary Judge ("Senior Associate Justice") of without having to have further education in Intellectual Property Law Forum (EMlP) ents. In fact, I'll be working in Patents in the the Supreme Court of Ireland, delivered a New York, as would a foreign lawyer from a and the Environmental Law Report (ELR) fall for my frrm. We were aware of the lecture entitled "The Irish Citizen in Mod­ civil law jurisdiction. The Irish Lawyers were granted official journal status. Eric increased interest of Intellectual Property em Europe". Fordham University School Association of New York was the only voice Prager, Editor-in-Chief ofthe Forum, granted and Patents and wanted to change the name of Law and the Irish Lawyers Association defending the right of foreign common law The Advocate an interview to give his reac­ earlier but we thought we would get journal of New York jointly hosted the event. As­ lawyers. The New York Court of Appeals tions to this historic event in Fordham Law status first before changing the name. sistant Dean Robert J. Reilly welcomed held, in favor of the Irish Lawyers Associa­ School history. Mr. Justice Hederman and Mr. Brian Farren, tion of New York, to keep the traditional rule. Q: What can the current staff members the President of the Irish Lawyers Associa­ On January 25, 1993 49 members of this Q: How do you feel about earning do now that they could not do before? tion of New York. Association were admitted to the United journal status? One of the benefits of Journal member­ Before Mr. Farren introduced the Su­ States Bar in a special ceremony attended by I'm tlrrilled. The editorial board and the ship is that students who write publishable preme Court Justice he explained the role members of the U.S. Supreme Court, includ­ staff and the preceding board and staff worked notes can satisfy the writing requirement for played by the Irish Lawyers Association of ing retired Chief Justice Warren Burger. with this goal as a focus. We're all tlrrilled. Fordham. We run the note by Professor New York in the legal conrrnunity. This Judge from Ireland Sims, our moderator, and if he says yes, then organization is not merely social. Recently Continued on page 5 Q: Is your job as Editor-in-Chief it is suitable for publishing. different now that the Forum has attained journal status? Q: What do the Editors-in-Chief of the I N s I D E The job more or less is the same. I'm ULJ and ILJ receive? ironing out all the details of journal status. Whereas previous editors did not get any Career 000. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 po3 Opinions 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 0 polO The last journal to attain status was 15 years compensation for their efforts, all subse­ ago. That was the International Law Journal. quent editors will receive a stipend and three If our readers look at a blue sheet on the frrst credits per semester. This is for the seven Crossword .. 0 •• 0 0 polO Public Interest .. 0 0 • p.5 pageofourcurrentissue(Volume3,Auturnn editorial positions now existing.
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