Pumped Energy Storage System for the Randenigala Hydropower Plant in Sri Lanka Duminda Nalin Habakkala Hewage Master of Science Thesis KTH School of Industrial Engineering and Management Energy Technology TRITA-ITM-EX 2018:161 Division of Heat & Power SE-100 44 STOCKHOLM Master of Science Thesis in Energy Technology TRITA-ITM-EX 2018:161 Pumped Energy Storage System for the Randenigala Hydropower Plant in Sri Lanka Duminda Nalin Habakkala Hewage Approved Examiner Supervisors at KTH 2018-06-26 Miroslav Petrov - KTH/ITM/EGI Amir Vadiee, Miroslav Petrov Commissioner Local Supervisor Open University of Sri Lanka Dr. K.A.C. Udayakumar Abstract The main focus of this thesis work is to perform a preliminary evaluation for the introduction of a pumped energy storage system to an existing hydropower plant located on the Randenigala water reservoir in Sri Lanka. The selected power plant is located in an area where farming is done extensively, therefore electrical power generation and release of water for downstream irrigation purposes is to be properly coordinated with relevant authorities. The solution to this situation is to introduce a wind powered pumped energy storage power plant to the Mahaweli hydro cascade for the purpose of saving peak power for around half an hour. A feasibility study was carried out on the utilization of wind energy and excess power to drive the motors of the pumped storage system. Three versions with different numbers of pump motors and wind turbines have been considered to meet the half hour peak demand of the energy storage system. The optimum number of turbines and motor capacities and their number and brand have been selected with view of both energy and water management system. Finally, the selected system case has been compared with the function of pumped hydro storage using excess power from the national electricity grid, in view of the expected expansion of new coal-fired power plants in Sri Lanka in the near future, where the existing hydropower will need to take the role of a system balancing factor. The annual savings to the Ceylon Electricity Board using the optimum pumped hydro configuration were found to be Rs. 55 million per year (euro ~300’000 as of 2018). SAMMANFATTNING Detta examensarbete fokuserar på den preliminära utvärderingen av en möjlig omvandling av det existerande vattenkraftverket vid fördämningen Randenigala i centrala Sri Lanka till en energilagringsanläggning genom att pumpa upp vatten från sjön nedströms och använda det till att lindra toppbelastningen i landets elenergisystem under de vardagliga kvällstopparna. En rak utvidgning av vattenkraften är omöjlig eftersom områdets vattenavrinning inte räcker till ny kraftkapacitet, samtidigt som nästan allt vatten används nedströms till storskalig bevattning av lantbruket som i sin tur styr mängden vatten som kan släppas ut från alla sjöarna i hela Mahaweli vattensystemet. De föreslagna lösningarna inkluderar en vindkraftpark som kopplas direkt till pumpanläggningen; samt ett annat alternativ där överskottsel från den framtida expanderingen av nya kolkraftverk i Sri Lanka matas in så att vattenkraften får en fullvärdig balansrol i landets elkraftsystem. Storleken och anordningen av den föreslagna pumpanläggningen inklusive alla huvudsakliga komponenter och själva vindturbinerna med kopplingar emellan har beräknats och valts. Flera möjliga anordningar för pumpanläggningen och kraftinmatningen har utvärderats och jämförts tekniskt och ekonomiskt, där en halvtimme av elsystemets toppbelastning på kvällen kan kapas och levereras av vattenkraften istället för de nuvarande diesel-eldade gasturbiner och kolvmotorer som används som toppkraftaggregat i landet. Den ekonomiska effekten beräknades till en årlig besparing på upp till 55 miljoner Rs (Sri Lankan rupee) för det mest optimala konfigurationen, som är lika med ca 3 miljoner svenska kronor om året (referensår 2018). Table of Contents Abstract 3 List of figures 5 List of tables 6 Nomenclature 7 Acknowledgement 8 1 Introduction 9 2 Problem Formulation and Objective 12 3 Methodology 13 4 Literature Review 15 4.1 Application of pumped hydro storage power plant 15 4.2 Wind Powered Pumped Storage System 18 4.3 Power Generation Expansion Planning of Sri Lanka 18 4.4 Power Station and Reservoirs of Mahaweli complex 22 4.5 Wind Data in Sri Lanka 23 5 Analysing and Calculation 25 5.1 Analysis Peak Saving Methods 25 5.2 Analysis and Selection of Centrifugal Pumps 27 5.3 Analysis of Wind Turbine data Characteristic 29 5.4 Different Options to Wind Turbine with the Pumped Storage Plant 34 5.5 Designing Water Flow Distribution System 39 5.6 Use Excess Power to Drive Water Pump 41 5.7 Economic Feasibility Analysis of Pump Storage System 44 6 Results and Discussion 49 7 Conclusion 55 4 List of Figures Figure 1, Arrangement of Mahaweli Scheme River Basing 10 Figure 2, Geographical Area of Ransenigala & Rantambe Reservoir 11 Figure 3, Typical Arrangement of Pumped Storage with Wind Turbine 13 Figure 4, Pumped Storage System 16 Figure 5, Sea Water Pumped Storage System 16 Figure 6, Compositions of the Capacity Additions in Next 15 Years 20 Figure 7, Starts-up Duration of Plants 21 Figure 8, Power System Load Profile of Sri Lanka 25 Figure 9, Map of Central Province which is Ambewela and Randenigala Site 29 Figure 10, Monthly Wind Pattern in Ambewela Area 30 Figure 11, Randenigala Reservoir Area 31 Figure 12, Vertical Profile of Wind Profile by Web Based Software 31 Figure 13, Weibull Wind Speed Distribution for Randenigala Area 32 Figure 14, Result from power Calculator with 3MW Vestas V112 at Randenigala Site 33 Figure 15, Single Wind Turbine with Single Water Pump 35 Figure 16, Two Wind Turbines with Water Pump 36 Figure 17, Three Wind Turbines with Two Water Pumps 37 Figure 18, Change Load Profile over Years of Sri Lanka 41 Figure 19, Energy Mix over Next Years in Sri Lanka 42 Figure 20, Wind Speed & Rainfall Profile of Randenigala Area 43 Figure 21, Design Arrangement of Pumped Storage System 44 Figure 22, Cumulative Capacity by Plant type with Peak Power Variation 45 Figure 23, Normal Daily Load Curve of Sri Lanka Power System 50 5 List of Tables Table 1, Required Capacity Plant Type 19 Table 2, Capacity Additions by Plant Type 20 Table 3, Wind Speed and Rainfall in Randenigala Area - Year 2013 24 Table 4, Matching Wind Turbines 33 Table 5, Summary of Wind Turbines Data 38 6 Nomenclature Appellation Sign Unit Acceleration due to gravity g m/s2 Head of pumped water H m Pressure drop of Pipe Hf m Length of a pipe L m Efficiency η % Efficiency of the pump ηpump % Density of water ρ kg/m3 The hydraulic power needed to pump water Phdy kW The power needed to pump water Ppump kW The power at the shaft connected to the pump Pshaft kW The average power which one wind turbine can produce Pave.turbine kW Wind speed V m/s Dynamic viscosity of the fluid µ kg/s m Diameter of a pipe D m2 Velocity of water in pipe U m/s Flow rate of a water Q m3/s The area swept by the blades of a three bladed wind turbine A m2 Weibull Shape Factor, part of the Weibull equation k Friction factor f Reynolds number Re Revelation per Minute RPM Ceylon Electricity Board CEB Long Term Generation Expansion Plan LTGEP 7 Acknowledgements I take this opportunity to thank all colleagues who gave their helping hands for the success of this thesis. Without such cooperation I would not have achieved this goal. Furthermore, my special thanks go to the project supervisors Mr. Miroslav Petrov and Dr. KAC Udayakumar who guided me from the beginning to the end for the successfully completion of this thesis. Further, I would like to give my thanks to Eng. Ruchira Abeyweera who did the co- supervision and giving me various instructions while carrying out this project. Let me take this opportunity to thank all staff in the transmission and generation planning branch of Ceylon Electricity Board, Department of Meteorology in climate change studies and Sustainable Energy Authority of Sri Lanka. HHD Nalin January, 2016 8 1. Introduction One of the main problems of the load curve of the developing countries like Sri Lanka is that it has a poor load factor. The reason for this is that mainly the domestic consumers dominate the load curve. This means the country needs to generate electrical power which is utilized fully only for very few hours. As a result cost per unit of generation is high. One of the ways o solving this problem is “peak saving method” use of pump storage power plant is one of the options to solve this problem. The pump storage plant develop the power during the peak demand by release water from upper reservoir to the lower. During off peak time water is pump back to the upper reservoir by consuming power from the grid. In Sri Lanka pumped storage plants do not exist at present. The present project is to investigate the possibility of utilizing one of the hydropower plants as pumped storage plant. What is new in this work is to use pumped storage system with energy produced by the wind turbines is use to drive the pump in the water from lower reservoir to upper reservoir. The main source of electricity in Sri Lanka is based on hydro power generation. As at today the hydro power alone cannot meet the electricity demand of the country. It is required to find alternative technologies of electricity in Sri Lanka. In this study, a power plant operated under the Mahaweli river project was selected. Water in the Mahaweli complex is meant for two purposes: irrigation and electricity generation. Today, the Mahaweli complex water utilization system gives maximum benefits to Sri Lanka, that is mainly with respect to irrigation and ecological system, socially & economically and electricity power generation.
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