The Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training Foreign Affairs Oral History Project MARSHALL P. ADAIR Interviewed by: Charles Stuart Kennedy Initial interview date: September 1, 2011 Copyright 2012 ADS TABLE OF CONTENTS Background Son of Foreign Service Officer Charles W. Adair Born in Maryland, raised at Foreign Service post in US and abroad Growing up in the Foreign Service Schooling abroad Middlebury College Vietnam War Panama Canal Zone New York City: United Nations: Personnel c197021901 3ob description Operations Entered the Foreign Ser ice 1902 A2111 Course Paris, France. Rotation Officer 190221907 Commerce Trade Shows President Pompidou French go ernment officials The Concorde Relations OPEC oil embargo ,uclear power Diplomatic list (ypsies 8ubumbashi, Zaire. Economic9Commercial Officer 190721906 Ambassador Deane Hinton (expelled) Crime Economy Mobutu Copper 1 Europeans En ironment Agriculture Infrastructure deterioration Corruption 8ocal officials 8anguage problems State Department. Foreign Ser ice Institute (FSI); Economic 1906 Training State Department. Economic Bureau; Tropical Products 190621981 United Nations Conference on Trade and De elopment (U,CTAD) Frances Wilson Commodities State Department. FSI. Chinese language study 1981 Chinese language basics Taiwan. Chinese language study 198121981 Marriage Taiwanese9China mainland relations Chiang Aai2shek ,ationalist Chinese 3apanese US9Taiwan relations Hong Aong. Deputy Chief, Economic Section9China watch 198121987 Consul (eneral Burt 8e in UA9China turno er negotiations Consulate policy US interests China economy China political de elopments China growth predictions Mainland tra el China growth9de elopment En ironment Hong Aong economy Computer BpiratingC Beijing, China. Economic Officer 198721986 Textile negotiations Ci il a iation En ironment E idence of change 2 Beijing city American Chamber of Commerce US commercial interest Business reEuirements Ambassador Art Hummel Ambassador Winston 8ord China predictions State Department. Bureau of Economic Affairs. Chief, Office of 1986 Strategic Materials South Africa sanctions Copper State Department. Economic Bureau. Director, Office of 198621988 8egislati e Affairs9Office of Commercial Affairs Relations with Congress Congressional contacts Omnibus Trade and Competiti eness Bill Trade Act of 1907 (eneral Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ((ATT) Relations with H. Bureau (8egislati e Affairs) Assistant Secretary Douglas McMinn State9Congress conflicts State9Commerce conflicts Foreign Commercial Ser ice Francis Wilson China Asia Pacific Economic Community (APEC) (ene McAllister (eorge SchultF Alexander Haig European Union Agriculture issues Rangoon, Burma. Counselor for Political9Economic Affairs 198821991 (o ernment Aung San Suu Ayi Anti2go ernment demonstrations Ambassador Burton 8e in 8eague for Democracy (o ernment shut2down Dependents e acuation ,arcotics trade Ethnic groups Relations with go ernment China9Burma relations 3 President Maung Maung (eneral Ahin Nyunt Contacts with opposition U Nu Tin Oo Burma military State 8aw and Order Restoration Commission (S8ORC) US 0th Fleet alerted Foreign embassiesG influence Chinese embassy Elections ,ational 8eague for Democracy Offshore oil bidding US sanctions Contacts with pro2democracy groups Aung San Suu Ayi house arrest Thailand Tra el restrictions Human rights9democracy Chengdu, China. Consul (eneral 199121992 (eographic setting Consular district Tiananmen dissent Chinese army Visas Student isa applicants Tibet as part of China Tibetan Buddhism US policy Human rights Dalai 8ama Chinese control Independence mo ement Religion American isitors Tra el restriction Promoting access in China Minorities Three (orges Dam Prime Minister 8i Peng Relations with go ernment US2China cultural affairs Stress of isa officers Chinese language necessity Drugs 7 China9Burma relations US commercial interests BBig MacC E erest climbers welcome Corruption Official entertaining Chinese drinking Flying Tigers (eneral Stilwell memorial Consulate buildings Military exchanges China iews of US power and technology South China Sea Reception in China of Taiwan2born Mrs. Adair WifeGs outreach acti ities Comments on Chinese go ernment restrictions Comments on li ing in China Relaxation of economic and social controls Communist Party Deng Iiaoping reforms Education Falun (ong Christian e angelists 8ocal staff Senior Seminar 199221993 Course of study Tra els State Department. Director, Office of Southern European Affairs 199321995 US aid to Turkey TurkeyGs strategic importance Aurdish separatists US9Turkey relations Armenians Balkan conflicts Macedonia (reece regional policies Cyprus Coordinator for Cyprus ,egotiations Clinton White House State Department. Deputy Assistant Secretary, Eastern Europe, 199521990 Balkan and Nordic Affairs US9Turkey relations US military assistance to Turkey Turkey terrorism 5 Andreas Papandreou (reece9Turkey problems US9Turkey 3oint Economic Commission Turkey9Israel relations Turkey loan guarantee program Tansu Ciller Washington isit President Demirel Aurdish state Aurdish2Americans Turkey9IraE issues Turkey9Arab neighbors relations BAurdistanC Turkey, European Union membership ,ATO Cyprus Tanker aircraft for Turkey Balkan conflicts Macedonia contro ersy (reece9Macedonia proposal Clinton9Papandreou meeting (reek2American Business Council Aegean (reek American pressures Congressional attitudes US Armenians (reek economy European interest in issues Richard Holbrooke Aoso o Albania Aegean disputes Imia9Aardak incident Cyprus history and negotiations BSpecial Cyprus CoordinatorsC Confidence building Cyprus EU membership British in ol ement Central Europe countries Russia ,ATO expansion Madeleine Albright Romania Hungarian claims Russian in Baltics Strobe Talbot Aegean Working (roup 6 Romania9Hungary Hillary Clinton goodwill tour Italy9Slo enia 8ithuania98at ia Romania Poland European Union Troika -ugosla ia breakup State Department. Business Ad isor to the Under Secretary 199021999 For Economic Affairs Undersecretary Stuart E. EiFenstat Acting Coordinator for Business Affairs US business community Iran sanctions Operations Business international expertise Sanctions effecti eness Corrupt Practices Act Competition and bribery ,on2support of geographic Bureaus Turkey Egypt Trans Caucasus Pipeline President, American Foreign Ser ice Association (AFSA) 199922111 OrganiFation description and goals ,egotiate with management Foreign Affairs budgets Diplomatic Security Relations with Congress Crowe Commission Embassy bombings Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Personnel assignment conflicts Ci il Ser ice personnel, foreign assignments Continued education of Foreign Ser ice Officers Foreign Ser ice Institute as degree offering ,ational Defense Uni ersity Foreign Ser ice Nationals Foreign Ser ice Star proposal Foreign Ser ice9Ci il Ser ice distinctions State Department. Office of the Inspector (eneral (OI() 211122112 3acEuelyn Williams2Bridgers Ann Sigmund 0 Africa posts inspections SwitFerland inspection Slo enia and Croatia inspections World Trade Center attack Post e acuation policy dispute Inspection procedures and goals Embassy closures Terrorism Inspection recommendations O erseas Buildings Operations (OBO) Post security Post closing and re2opening TuFla, Bosnia. Political Ad isor to the US Forces 211222113 ,ATO Forces BEagle BaseC US National (uard units Dayton Accords En ironment 8ocal reception War criminals Stari2Most (Mostar Bridge) Relations with Embassy Relations with local go ernments International OrganiFations 8ocal resistance to Bethnic cleansingC Refugee employment Paddy Ashdown ,ATO forces withdrawal BWatching Flowers from HorsebackC Political Ad isor to Special Operations Command (SOCOM) 211322116 Operations History and organiFation BWar on TerrorC US Military BHuman PowerC Middle East Special Operations forces Hawaii conference Responsibilities ,on2military OrganiFations (eneral Doug Brown Relations with Department of State Explaining primary authority of US Ambassadors Fort Bragg orientations Al Jaeda threat 8 Military and technical possibilities Operation 3ust Cause (oldwater2,ichols Act Force operations Donald Rumsfeld US Ambassadors cooperation Views on professional military Military culture Turkey military Haiti State Department. Office of the Inspector (eneral (OI(). Deputy 211622110 Assistant Inspector (eneral Comments on operations Retirement 2110 Post2Retirement 2110 Tra el Publication. Lessons from a Diplomatic Life Comments and recommendation on Foreign and Ci il Ser ices Importance of Chinese and Spanish language facility US Physical and Political en ironments China future INTERVIEW $: oday is the first of September, 2011, and this is an interview with Marshall Porter Adair. his is being done on behalf of the Association for Diplomatic Studies and raining, and I(m Charles Stuart Kennedy. Okay, let(s start at the beginning. When and where were you born, ADAIR. I was born in Bethesda, Maryland, on August 26, 1978. $: Let(s talk about the Adair side of the family. What do you know about it - as back as far as you know, ADAIR. Well first of all, my father was Charles W. Adair and he was a career Foreign Ser ice officer. This oral inter iew program of yours was started after his time so unfortunately he didnGt get inter iewed. My father was born and grew up in Ienia, Ohio, a small mid2western town. He attended high school in Ienia, and then went to the Uni ersity of Wisconsin. I donGt remember exactly how he heard about the Foreign Ser ice; but I
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