OhioJ. Sci. VERTEBRATE DIVERSITY AND OUTCROP AREA 67 Copyright © 1985 Ohio Acad. Sci. 0030-0950/85/0001-0067 $1.00/0 BRIEF NOTE LOPHOPODELLA CARTERI (HYATT), POTTSIELLA ERECTA (POTTS), AND OTHER FRESHWATER ECTOPROCTA IN THE CONNECTICUT RIVER (NEW ENGLAND, U.S.A.)1 DOUGLAS G. SMITH, Museum of Zoology, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003-0027 and Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138 OHIOJ. SCI. 85 (1): 67-70, 1985 The distribution of freshwater ectoproct Collections were made between the species in New England has received little months of July and November. Ectoproct attention since Hyatt's (1866-1868) dis- collections were incidental to collections of cussion of animals from a few localities in other invertebrates and therefore were Maine and eastern Massachusetts. Aside strictly qualitative. Colonies were removed from Davenport's (1904) few additional with portions of the substrate and preserved records of ectoprocts from New England following narcotization of the polypides. waters, no new information has become All preserved material, except the Lopho- available on the freshwater ectoproct fauna podella carteri collection, has been depos- of New England. As part of an ongoing ited into the Invertebrate Division of the study on the benthic invertebrates of the Museum of Zoology, University of Massa- Connecticut River, collections of ecto- chusetts, Amherst, MA. TheL. carteri col- procts were made in the river in Connecti- lection has been divided between the above cut, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire mentioned museum and the Museum of between 1975 to 1984. These surveys have Comparative Zoology, Harvard Univer- revealed the presence of eight species of sity, Cambridge, MA. ectoprocts. The occurrence of the entoproct Among the eight species collected, two Urnatella gracilis Leidy in the Connecticut were previously unreported from New River has been reported elsewhere England. The first, Lophopodella carteri (Smith 1980). (Hyatt), (Lophopodidae), was first reported from North America simultaneously by 'Manuscript received 16 October 1984 and in re- Dahlgren (1934) and Rogick (1934) in vised form 19 December 1984 (#84-47). New Jersey and Ohio, respectively. It has 68 D. G. SMITH Vol. 85 been recorded in North America by Tenney ily diagnosed from Paludicella articulata and Woolcott (1962) (Virginia), Bushnell by the pentagonal shape of the aperture (1965) (Michigan), and Maciorowski and by tentacle counts (20-21 tentacles for (1974) (Lake Erie). P. erecta, 17-19 tentacles for P. articulata). The present record of L. carteri is from In the Connecticut River P. erecta formed the Connecticut River, Deerfield, Franklin part of an aufwuchs community (sensu Co., MA. The colonies were collected on Maciorowski 1974) and was associated 16 September 1984, and were mature as with P. articulata, and the entoproct evidenced by the abundance of well devel- U. gracilis. oped statoblasts. Each statoblast displayed Six other species of ectoprocts have been the characteristic barbed, polar spines. collected in the Connecticut River proper Statoblast and polypide morphology, as in areas regularly subjected to current. well as colony shape, conformed to the Since very few northeastern North Ameri- typical form of L. carteri as described by can records are available for these six spe- Rogick (1934). All colonies were found cies, they are listed below. living on the internal (nacreous) surfaces of GYMNOLAEMATA articulated valves of deceased bivalve mol- lusks (Unionidae: Alasmidonta undulata PALUDICELLIDAE (Say), Anodonta implicata Say). The shells Paludicella articulata (Ehrenberg). CT: were located on a sandy shoal, the depth of Hartford Co., Suffield; MA: Franklin Co., which is highly variable due to operations Sunderland. Epilithic, epizootic, and epi- of a dam upstream and seasonal weather phytic. Depth range: 0.5-1.0 m. Ecto- conditions. At the time of the collection proct associates: P. erecta, Fredericella the water was . 5 m deep. The external sur- sultana, Plumatella emarginata, and Cris- faces of the shells were facing the current, tatella mucedo. thus providing a protective environment PHYLACTOLAEMATA for the colonies within. No other ectoproct FREDERICELLIDAE species were found in association with the L. carteri colonies. Fredericella sultana (Blumenbach). MA: The second species recorded from New Hampshire Co., Hadley; Hampden Co., England for the first time is Pottsiella erecta Longmeadow. Epilithic and epiphytic. (Potts) (Paludicellidae). The species is Depth range: 0.5-1.0 m. Ectoproct associ- widely distributed throughout southeast- ates: P. articulata, P. emarginata, Hyalinella ern North America (Bushnell 1974) and is punctata, and C. mucedo. at times common (Everitt 1975). The spe- PLUMATELLIDAE cies has recently been found in the Great Plumatella emarginata Allman. CT: Lakes (Maciorowski 1974). Colonies of P. Hartford Co., Glastonbury; MA: Hamp- erecta are epilithic and epizootic (Bush- den Co., Longmeadow; Hampshire Co., nell 1974). Such colonies are often associ- Hadley; Franklin Co., Sunderland. Epi- ated with freshwater mussels (Curry et lithic, epizootic, and epiphytic. Depth al. 1981), including species of the genus range: 0.5-1.0 m. Ectoproct associates: P. Anodonta. Pottsiella erecta was found during articulata, F. sultana, H. punctata, and C. this study in the Connecticut River in Suf- mucedo. Plumatella emarginata and P. repens field, Hartford Co., CT. Colonies were fre- are often confused. Although P. repens is quently encountered on shells of living more often reported in the literature than specimens of the unionid mussel A. impli- P. emarginata, all material examined in this cata and were exposed to constant current study conformed with the definition of P. in less than one m of water. Individual emarginata as put forth by Thorpe and "zooids" with their erect zooecia were eas- Mundy (1980) and Mundy (1980). OhioJ. Sci. CONNECTICUT RIVER ECTOPROCTA 69 Hyalinella punctata (Hancock). MA: mucedo, and P. magnifka) others are not as Hampshire Co., Hadley; Franklin Co., indicated by F, sultana, H. punctuata, and Sunderland. Epilithic and epiphytic. L. carteri, which were rarely found and Depth range: 0.5 m. Ectoproct associates: only in sections not near urban centers. P. artkulata, F. sultana, and P. emarginata. One species, P. emarginata, was found in a stretch of river (Glastonbury, CT) regu- PECTINATELLIDAE larly subjected to tidal influence. Pectinatella magnifka Leidy. MA: Hamp- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. I thank two anonymous re- den Co., Longmeadow and Springfield; viewers for improving an earlier draft of this paper. Hampshire Co., Hadley; NH: Sullivan LITERATURE CITED Co., Plainfield. Epiphytic. Depth range: Anonymous 1970 Comprehensive water and re- 0.5-1.0 m. Ectoproct associates: none. lated land resources investigation. Connecticut River basin. Vol. III. Appendix D. Water supply CRISTATELLIDAE and water quality, p. D1-D143- Cristatella mucedo Cuvier. CT: HartfordBushnell, J. H. 1965 On the taxonomy and dis- tribution of freshwater Ectoprocta in Michigan. Co., Suffield; MA: Hampden Co., Long- Part I. Trans. Amer. Microsc. Soc. 84: 231-244. meadow and Holyoke; NH: Cheshire Co., 1974 Bryozoans (Ectoprocta). In: C. W. Walpole. Epilithic, epipelic, and epi- Hart Jr. and S. L. H. Fuller, (eds.), Pollution phytic. Depth range: 0.5-4.0 m. Ecto- ecology of freshwater invertebrates. Acad. Press, proct associates: P. artkulata, F. sultana, NY. p. 157-194. Curry, M.G., B. Everitt and M. F. Vidrine and P. emarginata. 1981 Haptobenthos on shells of living fresh- The Connecticut River has been exten- water clams in Louisiana. Wasmann J. Biol. 39: sively utilized by humans for three centu- 56-62. ries (Anon. 1970) and, consequently, the Dahlgren, U. 1934 A species and genus of fresh- water bryozoan new to North America. water quality has suffered such that larger Science 79: 510. sections of the river fail to comply with a Davenport, C. B. 1904 Report on the fresh- class B rating (Federal Power Commis- water Bryozoa of the United States. Proc. U.S. sion 1976). Nevertheless, ectoproct spe- Nat. Mus. 27: 211-221. cies flourish as evidenced by the diversity Everitt, B. 1975 Fresh-water Ectoprocta: Distri- bution and ecology of five species in southeastern of species reported above. In Walpole, Louisiana. Trans. Amer. Microsc. Soc. 94: NH, downstream from an historical indus- 130-134. trial center (wood processing), C. mucedo Federal Power Commission 1976 Connecticut colonies are so abundant that by the latter River Basin. A report on significant inter- part of the growing season they virtually relationships between electric power generation and natural and developed resources. Section 5. cover the entire substrate (rocks, cobble, The natural environment, p. 1-45. sand, silt, living and dead organic matter) Hyatt, A. 1866-1868 Observations on Polyzoa for several square meters. Elsewhere, the Sub-Order Phylactolaemata. Proc. Essex Inst. bottom substrates of man-made hydro- (Salem) IV-V: 1-103. 15 plates. power canals which run through the city of Maciorowski, A. F. 1974 The occurrence of the freshwater bryozoan Pottsiella erecta (Potts) 1884 Holyoke, MA, are inhabited by C. mucedo (Glymnolaemata: Paludicellidae) in Lake Erie. as well as many other invertebrate species OhioJ. Sci. 74: 245-247. including the entoproct U. gracilis. When Mundy, S. P. 1980. A key to the British and full the canals are several meters deep, are European freshwater Bryozoans. Freshwater Biol. often quite turbid,
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