LAMBETH PLANNING APPLICATIONS COMMITTEE Case Number: Application Address: The Old Vic 17/04180/FUL 10 9 to 157 Waterloo Road - SE1 8XA 1 W SubEl 3 PH Sta A Sports Court 1 a TE mes Court R L 1 O G O o v R e r O n 1 A C m 3 3 3 3 O D 1 e SM v n R t i t o SM d t o A Play Area O g 1 2 L 3.8m e 5 5 W 8 f fi S 5 H c T E Play Area o e R B u s S s E B 7 h e E E e SM R T l t SM e S r T Recreation Ground R London E o 48 S t E 26 h MissionCity T e l t e r 1 1 t o 59 2 0 U FFORD 43 STREE 21 to se 1 T t Hou Gree 6 12 44 Legend to 55 17 Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey EET STR Hotel N 2 MA AR 2 Unauthorised reproduction infringesPE Crown Copyright 0 3 1 10 to 1 16 to e PH 0 5 19 anc 5 9 20 to 2 bul s 3 24 to Am rter 2728 to don qua Lon ead e H Boro Const and LB Bdy CHA rvic GRAY STREET PLIN CLOSE Se CR 3.5m 2.9m 36 to 38 1 8 1 7 9 to 36 37 to 53 t 1 Quentin 2 1 o 3 Que t 4 n in House 8 Quentin House FW 6 9 House 4 T 2 8 EE 9 STR 1 EY 6 9 12 1 18 1 7 BARON'S PLACE 13 Barons Place 9 Office © Crown Copyright 2012. 1 Hotel 6 9 map with permission of the Contro 5 t 2 24 3 o 3 4 2.7m 7 1 9 7 2 0 3 2 3 L.B. Lambeth LA 100019338 4 4 7 5 5 2 8 0 50 2 0 3 4 4 7 3 9 1 26 6 4 56 50 to 32 18 10 2 to 8 48 to 24 to 16 EBBER ROW and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings.3.5m WEBBER ROW 2 Scale: 1 5 LB 2 D 1 2 e Da t 1 l o a 025502 A r 4 u c 2 l 0 n g h 5 1 ller of Her Majesty's Stationery 1 e a H t y r t 12.5 o o o H H 2 2 o o 0 5 u u s s e e Meters to 16 ADDRESS: 157 Waterloo Road, London, SE1 8XA Application Number: 17/04180/FUL Case Officer: Sarah MacAvoy Ward: Bishops Date Received: 25/08/2017 Proposal: Erection of a 5-storey extension above the service yard area to provide an additional 35 bedrooms for the existing hotel (Class C1)) and other associated works Drawing numbers: A-025-005 Rev P0; A-000-002 P0; A-025-001 P0; A-025-002 P0; A-025- 003 P0; A-025-004 P0; A-025-0121 P0; A-025-110 P0; A-025-122 P0; A-025-123 P0; A-100-001 P1; A-100-002 P2; A-100-003 P2; A-100-005 P1; A-100-110 P1; A-100-121 P1; A-100-122 P1; A- 000-001 P0; A-100-123 P1; 2460 FRA1 Rev A Final Documents: Operational Plan; Sustainability and Energy Statement; Townscape, Heritage & Visual Assessment; Daylight and sunlight report V3; Design and Access Statement August 2017; Parts 1-3; Sustainability and Energy Statement dated 20 October 2017; Transport for London Response Note dated October 2017; Transport Statement dated August 2017, Transport Response – Coach Parking dated March 2018 RECOMMENDATION: 1. Resolve to grant conditional planning permission subject to completion of an agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 of the planning obligations listed in this report. 2. Agree to delegate authority to the Director of Planning, Transport and Development to: • Finalise the recommended conditions as set out in this report including such amendments, additions and/or deletions as the Director of Planning, Transport and Development (in consultation with the Planning Committee Chair) considers reasonably necessary; and • Negotiate, agree and finalise the planning obligations as set out in this report pursuant to Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, including adding to, amending and/or deleting the obligations detailed in the heads of terms as the Director of Planning, Transport and Development (in consultation with the Planning Committee Chair) considers reasonably necessary. 3. That if the Section 106 Agreement is not signed by 1 December 2018 the Director of Planning, Transport and Development be given delegated powers to consider refusing the application in the absence of a legal agreement. 4. In the event that the committee resolves to refuse planning permission and there is a subsequent appeal, delegated authority is given to officers, having regard to the heads of terms set out in the report, to negotiate and complete a document containing obligations pursuant to Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 in order to meet the requirements of the Planning Inspector. Applicant: Rising Star (Waterloo) Ltd Agent: Iceni Projects Ltd SITE DESIGNATIONS Relevant site designations: Type of designation Applicable designation Central Activities Zone (CAZ) Waterloo Flood Zone 3 LAND USE DETAILS Site area 0.24 hectares Use Class Use Description Floorspace (Gross Internal Area) Existing C1 Hotel 10,764 square metres (sqm) Proposed C1 Hotel 11,960 sqm (an additional 1,196sqm) PARKING DETAILS Car Parking Car Parking Bicycle Motorbike Spaces Spaces Spaces Spaces (general) (Disabled) Existing 0 2 26 0 Proposed 0 2 26 0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The application is for a five storey extension to the existing hotel in the existing service yard, which would result in an increase of 35 rooms in addition to the existing 297. The proposed land use and quantum of development is considered to be appropriate in this central London location with excellent access to public transport facilities and nearby tourist attractions. Despite the proposed intensification of the existing hotel use at the site, this would not be at the expense of other land uses in the area locally. The proposed development would not impact unacceptably on neighbouring properties, the character of the area or the setting of the adjacent Conservation Area and furthermore it would not impact unacceptably on local environmental conditions. The proposed extension to the hotel is considered to be appropriate in its siting, scale, form and detailed design, noting that it would integrate well with the adjacent buildings and would cause no harm to any of the surrounding heritage assets. The proposed development would provide an acceptable standard of hotel accommodation, and would not impact unacceptably on the neighbouring properties, local environmental conditions or the local transport system. Furthermore, the scheme would provide employment and training benefits for local people during the construction phase of the development and in the end use of the site. Officers consider that the development would be in compliance with the Development Plan for the Borough. Officers are therefore recommending approval of the scheme, subject to conditions and completion of a Section 106 Agreement. PLANNING OFFICER’S REPORT Reason for referral to PAC: The application is reported to the Planning Applications Committee in accordance with (1)(ii) of the Committee’s terms of reference as it relates to a major application for the creation of more than 1,000sqm of commercial floorspace. SITE AND SURROUNDINGS 1.1 The application site lies on the north-eastern side of Waterloo Road on a prominent corner plot at its junction with Gray Street, broadly opposite the junctions with Pearman Street and Morley Street. To the immediate rear of the site is Webber Street with Ufford Street located further to the north. A pub known as ‘The Stage Door’ is located to the rear of the site on the junction of Gray Street and Webber Street. Adjoining the site to the north-west is a large office block known as Wellington House. 1.2 The site comprises a large modern hotel (Use Class C1) operated by Hampton by Hilton with a total of 297 bedrooms. The building is part-nine, part-eight, part-five storey and drops down in height along Gray Street to correspond to the ‘low rise’ development to the rear. The site features a fairly large service yard to the rear which is accesses from a vehicular and pedestrian access on Gray Street. The site is immediately adjacent to the borough boundary with LB Southwark. 1.3 The host building is not listed. However the retained frontage to the adjoining Wellington House is Grade II listed. However it should be noted that the rear of Wellington House has been redevelopment as a large office block clad in reflective panels. The site is not located in a conservation area, however the Mitre Road and Ufford Street Conservation Area is located to the north and north-east of the site. 1.4 Waterloo Road is a busy thoroughfare forming one of the main vehicular routes from north to south. It forms part of the Transport for London maintained road network and is served very well by the local bus network with a number of bus stops in the immediate vicinity of the application site. This and the proximity to Waterloo Station ensures that the site benefits from a PTAL rating of 6a. PROPOSAL 2.1 The proposed development would see a five storey extension to the existing hotel to provide an additional 35 bedrooms for the hotel at first, second, third, fourth and fifth floor level.
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