R~r:9Jod~~ ~HISTo RICAL ASSOCIATI ON 130 SESSIONS ST. PROVIDENCE , RI 02906 Rhode Island Jewish Jaguar Mania -____:HERALD Page9 The Only English-Jewish Weekly in Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts VOLUM E LXXVII, NUMBER 27 THURSDAY, MAY 31, 1990 35C' PER COP\' Mishkon Tfiloh Looks Jewish Senators Join To the Future Defense Of Iraq by 1:foward Rosenberg debated the Chemical and Bio­ version of the bill that might WASHINGTON UTA) - To logical Weapons Control Act of infringe on the president's con­ the chagrin of Jewish groups, I 990, which ii eventually stitutional power to conduct two Jewish senators rallied to adopted 92-0, without either foreign policy. Iraq's defense on the Senate version of the amendment pro­ The administration also lob­ noor recently to block lang­ posed by D' Amato. bied against D' Amato's uage in a resolution criticizing The bill, which has not yet amendment, which would Baghdad for "gross violations come up for a vote in the have specifically imposed of human rights." House of Representatives, sweeping sanctions on Iraq, Sens. Howard Metzenbaum would allow the president to unless the president certified (0-0hio) and Arlen Specter impose sanctions on countries that Baghdad had opened all (R-Pa.), who separately visited that violate international ac­ "suspect" biological, chemical Iraq earlier this year, objected cords banning the use of and nuclear sites to inter­ to an amendment sponsored chemical and biological national inspection. by Sen. Alfonse D'Amato weapons. To avoid U.S. sanctions, Iraq (R-N .Y.) as being an obstacle to Possible sanctions include also would have had to ratify Iraqi rapprochement with bans on U.S. economic and the 1972 Convention on Bio­ Israel - even after D' Amato military aid, credit guarantees logical Weapons, which Israel eliminated sweeping language from the Export-Import Bank, has not signed either. by Michael Fink that would have imposed all and loans from U.S. banks. D' Amata's tougher amend­ Special to the Herald available sanctions on Iraq. The Bush administration ment was co-sponsored by I keep an early memory of my grandparents joining my The legislative battle oc­ said recently it was concerned Sen. flr,nni.,, OeConcini parents and my brothers for the stroll along Camp toward curred recently as the Senate about language in thP 'iPnate (continued on page 16) the Howell Street Shul. Sam Rotkopf tells me that the Howell Shul a quarter century later moved closer toward us in 1962 onto Summit Avenue. I stopped by to see Sam and Exploring Alte_rnative Lifestyles we went over to check out the Mishkon Tfiloh records for proof. by John Chadwick In a storage room we came upon a dusty gilded wood PsychotherapiSi and talk­ plaque brought from Howell Street. It carried the names of radio personality Beatty Cohan World War II Jewish soldiers. Some had a gold star painted never experienced any career 'beside them. I found David there, my dad's cousin. On a indecision. She knew exactly bronze wall plaque I discovered his dad Zelag's credit as a what she wanted to do by the founder of Mishkon Tfiloh. This veteran inscription could time she was three years old, use a bit of spit and polish. Sam who was a carpenter is glad she says. to lend a competent hand to the task. He may install the war "The table conversation in memorial on a day near Armistice in November. In any case our house was always what Mishkon Tfi\oh is always quick to pick up a program and was going on within the world sponsor a new idea, as well as maintain a traditional one. - I knew then that I wanted to Many among their minyan were liberated from European help people," says the 41 -year­ slavery by soldiers such as those whose records are kept o\d wife of Rhode Island Jewish here on Summit avenue. Federation executive Elliot Co­ Mishkon Tfiloh holds many agreeable surprises, a lovely han. " In school I was every­ chapel, embroideries with bird and lion motifs. The struc­ body's confidante, she adds." ture holds itself with both grandeur and a personal scale. It Now, she may be on the does not overwhelm the little bungalows, farm homesteads verge of becoming the Ocean and barn-garages behind it. Double stairways lead up to a State's favorite confidante - high main sanctuary. This somehow very Jewish prospect via her provocative new radio looms over the valley to the northern hills. Sam Rotkopf show on WPRO AM . The says it is owned free and clear without mortgage. A special show, which delves into the grant was left in the will of a Polish congregant who sur­ darker areas of relationships Beatty Cohan vived the war by settling among the plantations of Hon­ and human sexuality, has fea ­ guests are no less interesting: " I vice people and I'd like to de- duras. The bequest makes it possible to offer new families tured a wide array of guests want to have some bate judges," she says. gift membership for two years. from serious-minded activists transvestites on, I would love to Endowed with a breezy dis­ (continued on page 15) to female dancers from the have some transexuals on . I position and a pair of nifty Foxy Lady. Possible future want lo talk to more social ser- (continued on page 16) Adults Work Toward Bar Mitzva1n==== ====== ============ by John Chadwick adult commitment to Judaism. Meeting at night, the class of they were after something read and follow." Long a rite of passage for None of the members have 12 practices the chants and the deeper, what they really Others in the class, like He­ Jewish youth, the bar mitzvah ever had a bar milzvah; many liturgy of the service and also. wanted was a bar mitzvah." lena Friedmann, SO, had been ceremony is now attracting are women who were raised in mulls over philosophical and Some were inspired by involved in Jewish life for years new adult participation. traditional households, others religious issues in discussions watching their own children and see it as a way to add an­ At the Reform congregation are Jews by choice - converts initiated by Rosenberg. learning Hebrew and prepar­ other dimension. " It is a be­ of Temple Habonim, a group of to Judaism - who want to con­ The class originally germi­ ing. "I was watching my longing kind of a thing," she adults rangi!_lg from young pro­ summate their faith by taking nated from a Hebrew course daughter do it and I began feel­ says. " I have always been ac­ fessionals to long time temple part in the bar mitzvah cere­ that was being offered to par­ ing envious and also a little tive in the temple and in the members have embarked on a mony. ents in order to help them cope guilty," says Mike Little, 40. A sisterhood, but this is like a seal course that will culminate in a "The beautiful part is that with their children's Hebrew convert to Judaism for 15 years, of approval." joint bar mitzvah ceremony this is being done by the act of school assignments. Says class Little credits the class with While bar mitzvahs have, by next fa ll. The process, which in­ their own adult free will in or­ instructor Toby Leibowitz, breaking down some barriers definition, been for the young cludes a weekly class and regu­ der to strengthen commit­ "There was a core group that he felt as a convert. "I feel very male reaching age 13, the par­ lar home study has become the ment," says Rabbi James wanted to learn Hebrew; after a fulfilled, I have quite a sense of ticipation by adults has lead to foca l point of a new, purely Rosenberg. while il became apparent that pride already now that I can (continued on page 16) ~~ .. ,.,,-, n c.KALU, T HURSDAY, MAY 31 , 1990 Inside the Ocean State Operation E x odus Freedom Celebration ---- -- The Jewish Federation of stadium) Providence. ation, is part of the nationwide Rhode Island is sponsoring the For over 25 years the Ameri­ effort - Operation Exodus - Operation Exodus Freedom · can Jewish community has to raise fu nds to help pay the Celebration, a first-of-jts-kind been pressuring the Soviet costs of immigration of Soviet for the local community to Union to '·Let my people go" Jews. In December 1987 during celebrate the exodus of Soviet and now they are coming out. the Gorbachev-Reagan sum­ Jews from USSR, will be held Over 120 have arrived here mit, 400 from this community Sunday, June 3, at 10:30 a.m. just since October; that many joined 250,000 others in Wash­ Registration will be at IO a.m. again are expected by Septem­ ington, D.C. in a mass demon­ A rally will follow at the JCC ber 30. An estimated 500 to stration to press for freedom of with singing and dancing at 1,000 members of the Rhode emigration from the Soviet 11:30a.m. Island Jewish community, all Union. Those hopes are now The walk will start at the ages, will participate. Russian reality as 50,000 Soviets a year ; Jewish Federation of R.1./ Jewish immigrants will lead the come to the U.S. and as many Jewish Community Center march. as 10,000 a month go to Israel. (JCC), 403 Elmgrove Ave., This first such event spon­ (across from Brown football sored by the R.I. Jewish Feder- Letter-to the Editor To the Editor: ··The term ·sexual orienta­ lation.
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