Page 3 ’ITYP CHRONICLE q!q)]\,’lw11’ . FIITYCENTS VOLUME 93, NUMBER 2. IICHIGAN - WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER I, 1999 16 PAGES Morning Burial site a mystery fire guts Cass man unearths workshop CitvU An early morning blaze lev- eled a workshop about 3 tombstone in front vard viles southwest of Jagetown Monday. by Torn Montgomery death of ;I Rev. W. Binder, In 1946, a merger with the son. Gagetown fire fighters were Editor who, according to the en- United Brethren Church was Jackson reported there wa called to the Roger and Joann graving, died in November completed and the church no record of Binder’s buria Landscaping will never be 1883 at the age of “38 years . continued under its new at the Elkland Townshil Martindale residence, 5568 the same again for Scott - and 28 days”. A pair of Cemetery. Haynes’ next step Hurds Corner Rd., shortly Clark. namc, the Salem Evangelical hands clasping is engraved at was to contact the Tuscola after 1 a.m. Fire Chief Paul Clark, who along with his United Brethren Church - the the top of the stone, which E1JB. In 1968, the EUB County Clerk’s Office, but he Lopez reported a 22-foot by wife, Jackie, and the couple’s also includes the inscription, churches merged with the ran into another roadblock - 35-foot shed at the residence, children moved to Cass City which is located near Hoppe “My bcloved hushand.” United Methodist churches there is no death certificate a month and a half ago, was LJncertain of what to do, Road, was fully engulfed and it became the Salem on file for Binder. working on a landscaping Clark called the c‘riss City wfhenthe fire department ar- United Methodist Church, project at his Sherman Street I Police 1)ep.i.rtment. which it remained until its An 1888 plat map shows .,ved. home last week when he un- Sgt. Craig 1 Iaynes, a local 1995 merger with the Trin- the Clarks’ residence was earthed a mystery made of The cause of the fire was history buff. found the mys- ity United Methodist part of a large farm field 5 granite. not determincd. 1,opez noted tcry intriguing arid wasted no Church. years after Binder’s death, a state fire marshal investi- Clark discovered a tomb- time digging for any infor- gator was scheduled to visit stone buried in his front yard. mation he could find on the the scene sometime Tuesday. The find proved to be a his- minister. torical link to one of the Hi= learned Binder was one area’s oldest churches, but Lopez said the structure in a long line of pastors who whether the headstone actu- have served what is today the was used as a worhshop and ally marks the site of a grave United Methodist Church of ontained tools, ;i drill press, remains a mystery. Cass City. According to the some shotguns and ;I water “I was breaking out some pump that services the rcsi- 1 oc ;i I h i s t or i cii 1 society ’ s sidewalk and dug a little . I 4 x <I ~ I _r I <-a ArraLrrUU-3*FLC41U dence. l’hcowners, who are “The Way it Was. ..’ history * > deeper, and I thought there book, published in 1996, the insured, cstiniiited the loss at was another piece of con- Kc\.. W. F. Bindei- served the The congregation has since and the land wasn’t incorpo- $10,000, the tjre chief said. a rated into the village until crete,” Clark said. Upon church from 1880 to 1882. constructedbuilding just northnew ofchurch Cass 1946, SCOTT CLARK and his son, Mitchell, 4, display the tomb- closer examination, Clark The church was established but little else is known. Gagetown fire fighters rc- City. mained at the scene for about discovered the rock was ac- in 186s under the name of stone of the Rev. W. Binder, an area pastor who died in 1883. Haynes, a former railroad Haynes said he plans to 2 hours. They were assisted tually a piece of granite bur- the Iivangelical Society. dctective in Detroit before he check records in Huron by the lilkland Township and Clark unearthed the tombstone in the front yard of his ied about 12 inches down. “It “Many of its early families on was face down. I dug around were of Gcrman origin, and joined the Cass City depart- and Sanilac counties, but LJnionville fire departments, Sherman Street residence in Cass City while working on some ment several years ago, be- Binder’s burial place remains :hich both scnt tankers to it and flipped it over.” some services were con- gan his investigation by con- a mystery at this time, and the scene. landscaping last week. The tombstone marked the ducted in German until just before World War I,” the tacting Cass City Historical there are no plans to dig up Council expands DDA district book states. Society member Katie Jack- Clark’s front yard. As expected, the C;I>~Citj i ed ;r gii I II s t 11c w i m pIo ve - The developer, Supportive and north of Heechwood As for the good news, coun- Village Council Monday ap- nients to propctties within Housing Services (SHS),had Drive. cil members learned the Cass voved a rescilution txpand- the DDA di\trict are ear- been issued permits totaling Downing expressed opti- City Planning Commission .ig the boundaries of the marked tor the DDA, which $1.8 million to build 39 mism that the proposal may recently approved the pre- village’s Downtown Devel- then uses the funding for housing units totaling 26,820 still become reality, saying liminary site plan for “The opment Authority disti ict. various projects designed to square feet. The 5.7-acre SIIS officials have :ilre:idy Point” rnanupdctured home Added to the district were improve the district. construction site is located in invested more than !$lOO,aX, community proposed by lo- the Cass City IGA, 6121 Turning to other matters, the northwest corner of the in expenses related to its de- cal businessman Kelly Cass City Rd., and II parcel the council discussed some village, just west of velopment proposal in (?ass at 4429 Doerr Rd , owned by bad news and good news in- Northwood Condominiums City. Please turn to back page. Micro EDM (located just volving a pair of housing north of the businesses and development projects. currently occupied by a The had news is that the home). Both parcels were developer of B planned as- Bands organize benefit xeviously annexed to the sisted living complex in the illage. village has withdrawn its The motion to expand the proposal, apparently because DDA boundaries was ap- ;i guideline requiring devel- for area leukemia victim proved following a brief pub- opment of 4 such complexes lic hearing, during which no in this region could not be Some area bands will join tling for her life. Rachel Peters, a 1997 Cass comments were offered on met at this time, according to forces this weekend with a A benefit concert will bc City High School graduate the proposal. Village Manager Jane Down- common goal - to help out held Sunday starting at 2 who has been undergoing Village operating taxes lev- ing. an area resident who is bat- p.m. at the Knights of Co- chemotherapy treatments at lumbus 1 I:ill in Caro. The Sparrow Hospital since Feh- event will feature the Cass ruary. Peters. the daughter of Alan and Patti Peters, was diag- School daze ... nosed with leukemia in late January after battling what appeared to be a respiratory infection halfway through her sophomore year at Michigan State Ilniversity, CASS CITY HIGH School senior Lindsey Mills competed in where she is enrolled in a pre-dental program. the midst of world class athletes who gathered in Sydney, “She was very weak and her temperature kept going up Australia, for the 29th Annual City to Surf Race. The Aug. and down,” Patti Peters said 15 race drew more than 51,000 runners from all over the in a phone interview from h Sparr ow Ho s p it a I Th ur sd a y . world. Rachel Peters Some blood work later re- Cass City senior I! Mills races ‘down under’ Run ;I q-mile race and Race in Sydney, Australia, told her World Sports Ex- chances ;rrc good - provided one of the largest distance change officials had com- Snover teens in hot you actually crossed the fin- races in the world. with more piled a list of names based on ish linc .. ’ the first thought than 5 1,000people - many of scouting reports. afterwards woiild be enjoy- them world class athletes - Distance running is fairly water over damage ing 11 nice cool drink or an compet i ng. new to Mills, although she hour or 2 in a comfy lounge Mills, a senior at Cass City has been running since the A pair of Snover teens are matchbooks in and around c h :r i r. High School, was invited to seventh grade and enjoys in hot water af‘ter allegedly the building, including scv- Not Lindsey Mills. take part in the race as well track, including one- and 2- damaging the Snover Lions era1 that had been thrown Granted, Mills is just 18, ax scveral days of training in mile events. She joined Cass Club Building last week. onto cloth covered tables loves the exercise and has Australia Aug. 7- 16. The in- City’s cross-country team ?’he incident was reported behind appliances and near plenty of running miles un- vitation came from World last year.
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