Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 1-13-1987 The BG News January 13, 1987 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News January 13, 1987" (1987). BG News (Student Newspaper). 4600. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/4600 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. leers extend win streak to 10 with sweep, p.9 THE BG NEWS Vol. 69 Issue 61 Bowling Green, Ohio Tuesday, January 13,1987 No suspects Celeste, in student's Leonard sworn in murder case COLUMBUS (AP)-Gov. Richard Celeste was inaugu- rated for a second term yes- by Don Lee "We won't know for sure until wire editor we get evidence back, (and) terday in flag-bedecked have evidence to point a solid, ceremonies that drew an es- City police are continuing substantial finger,'' he said. timated 3,000 friends, well- their investigation into the mur- Police detectives involved in wishers and curiosity-seek- der last week of a University the case were to meet today to ers to the snow-covered junior in her Second Street review the case and divide the Statehouse lawn. apartment, but still do not have work load, Votava said. Former Dayton Mayor any suspects, Capt. Tom Vo- Paul Leonard also took the tava, assistant police chief, said Hirschman transferred to the yesterday. University from Michigan Tech- oath as lieutenant governor Karen Sue Hirschman, 22, a nical University at the begin- in a noontime program that management information sys- ning of the Fall 1966 term. She included remarks from both tems major, was found dead at was the daughter of Mr. and of Ohio's U.S. senators and 9:06 pjn. Jan. 6 by her boyfriend Mrs. Robert Hirschman, 4531 the introduction of numerous in the living room of her apart- Flanders Hill Court, Sylvania. other officials and digni- ment at 818 Second St., Apt. A8. Hirschman's death is the first taries. She had suffered 10 stab wounds murder in Bowling Green since In near-freezing tempera- in the chest and abdomen and 1980. That year, lft-year-old Ste- tures and a bone-chilling had bruises on her head. phen Bowers, a University breeze, Celeste delivered a Dr. Roger Peatee, Wood freshman from Canton, was 25-minute speech in which he County coroner, said Jan. 7 that stabbed to death Nov. 16 in a Hirschman died of internal hem- X" t with a group of juveniles traced the accomplishments orrhaging from the stab wounds. r he refused to let them into of his first term and invited Peatee said Hirschman had what is now Uptown bar, where Ohioans to join him in turn- died at about 8:30 p.m., about 30 he worked. ing their best dreams for the minutes before she was found. state into reality to meet the Two neighbors who reported Four persons were convicted, challenges of the 21st cen- hearing the sounds of a struggle and a fifth, Rejelio "Roy" Gar- tury. were interviewed by Wood cia, formerly of Perrysburg, The 49-year-old Democrat, County prosecutors Tuesday was arrested by the FBI in wearing a dark blue overcoat night, Betty Montgomery. Wood Houston July 31 and brought to and gray tie, was flanked by County prosecutor, said The Bowling Green to face charges. boyfriend, who's name was not GARCIA IS in Wood County his wife, Dagmar, and other released, took a lie detector test Jail awaiting the second phase family members for a pro- in Toledo Wednesday. Police of a hearths to determine gram that included songs by have not identified him as a whether he will be tried as an the All-Ohio Youth Choir and adult. Garcia, 22, was 17 at the the All-Ohio State Fair Band. 9e have not eliminated any- time of the stabbing. one as a suspect," Votava said. "It's too early to eliminate any- The first phase of his hearing, Celeste took his oath from one." to determine probable cause for Thomas Mover, newly Police removed two vanloads the stabbing, was Dec. 15. The elected chief justice of the of evidence from the apartment. 09613801second phase, which Ohio Supreme Court, on a The evidence is still being proc- will determine what Garcia's Bible that belonged to the essed by the Ohio Bureau of mental state was at the time of late Myrl Shoemaker, his Criminal Investigation, Votava the stabbing, is scheduled for first lieutenant governor who said. Jan. 26 at 11:15 a.m. died in office in July 1985. POLICE ARE still waiting for Celeste, in his speech, test results to determine if spoke in general terms of his Hirschman was sexually as- The year before, University goals, including productive saulted. She was partially student Kimberly Jackson, 22. of jobs, excellence in education, clothed when found. Youngstown, was found beaten Photo Alex Horvath There was no evidence that to death May 18 at 400 Napoleon independence for the poor anything had been taken from Rd., Apt. 334, where she lived. Rockets grounded and peace - not only among the apartment, and there was no Her boyfriend, Joe Curry, 27, Members of the University's basketball team celebrate their 79-70 win over the University of Toledo competitive groups in the sign of forced entry, Votava pleaded guilty to her murder in Saturday In Anderson Arena. It was the Falcons' fifth straight home win. See story on page 9. state but also within the na- August of that year. tion and the world. Eakin gets top post at ECU Iraqi troops stage by Melissa McGUllvray the third largest of the 16 North assistant managing editor "We're all delighted with Carolina state universities, this opportunity. At the same which are known collectively as counter-offensive Richard Eakin, University the "UNC system." vice president for planning and time .. It's really hit me that The system is overseen by its budgeting, was unanimously president, CD. Spangler. NICOSIA, Cyprus (AP) - Iraq said its warplanes bombed Iranian voted chancellor of East Caro- I'll be leaving BG, and a University President Paul cities, oilfields and industrial targets yesterday and claimed to have lina University Friday by North community that 1 love." Olscamp said Eakin will be retaken most of the southern swampland Iranian invaders overran Carolina's Board of Governors. missed. in a 4-day-old offensive. The announcement of the ap- — Richard Eakin "I think he's more than qual- Iran said its troops crushed three tank-led Iraqi counterattacks pointment, which places Eakin ified for the job and he deserves and held its beachhead in Iraq. It claimed 16,500 Iraqis had been at the top position at that univer- positive feelings about East Car- career, Eakin said. He was in- it," Olscamp said. "They've got killed or wounded since the invasion began Friday. sity, came while Eakin was vis- olina because It is similar to the terested in the position because a first-class man and I'll miss Among those killed was Gen. Abdul Wahid Mahmoud Towfiq, iting the university with his University. The two universities East Carolina is a growing uni- him indeed." Iran's official Islamic Republic News Agency claimed in a dispatch family for the weekend. are about the same size, with versity where "everyone is opti- Olscamp said Eakin's new po- monitored in Nicosia. The job starts March 1 and East Carolina having about mistic about the future," be sition wLU be good for this Uni- In the Iraqi capital of Baghdad. Lt. Gen. Abdul Jabar Muhsin said will require a move at the end of 14,000 students, Eakin said. Both said. versity. He added there are at a news conference that Iraq's forces had "purged" most positions February. Eakin said he and his universities have excellent pro- Eakin was one of two candi- many ways a university gets to the Iranians seized near Basra and the Iranians were pinned down in family are looking forward to grams in business and educa- dates who visited the East Caro- be known widely, ana one of a stretch of marshland about three miles long and roughly half that the change. tion, he said. lina campus last November. The them is for someone from the wide. "We're all delighted with this HE SAID be believes East other was Gregory O'Brien, pro- University, such as Eakin, to This was about the same area the Iraqis mentioned Sunday, opportunity ," he said "At the Carolina delivers a high quality vost of the University of South bold a position of responsibility however, which indicated their counterattacks had not gained much same time, 1 think today, for the education at a reasonable cost. Florida at Tampa. elsewhere. ground first time, It's really hit me that "These days, reasonable cost Eakin, who replaces the re- Olscamp said he served as a Muhsin said surface-to-surface missiles were fired yesterday at 111 be leaving BG, and a com- needs to be focused on," he said. tiring John Howell, will receive reference for Eakin to help him the main Iranian staging area around Khoramshahr on the eastern munity thatHove." The position as chancellor Will a base salary of $90,000.
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