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O o-o-o-o- -T-I-T-I-T- 0.1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 pM FIG. 1 U.S. Patent Oct. 7, 2014 Sheet 2 of 22 US 8,853,358 B2 15 O-O-O- O 10 N 9 O 5 O O 200 400 600 peptide D plg/kg) FIG.2 U.S. Patent Oct. 7, 2014 Sheet 3 of 22 US 8,853,358 B2 Z 50O "E: ug kg peptidepeptide ID ID N 90 ug/ kg peptide ID D 500 ug/ kg peptide ID Ñ N`S ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ FG.3A 0 peptide ID 30 peptide ID 10H N 90 peptide ID S```` S`N ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZZZZ D 300 peptide ID FIG.3B O peptide ID 3 0 peptide ID NIZ 9 0 peptide ID ZZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZZZ ); O 300 peptide ID FIG.3C U.S. Patent Oct. 7, 2014 Sheet 4 of 22 120 5 .2 100 OS. c. c. c. c. -St S. S. S. 5 o O O d vess S S5 S5 O) -- -He an9. s e od so C. o n m n O O (D l 9. also o Ol FIG.4 U.S. Patent Oct. 7, 2014 Sheet 5 of 22 US 8,853,358 B2 350 A peptide IDIX S3(n=6 5C) 250 D 3 200 H S. 150 O 2 4. 6 8 10 De Ryck score FIG.5 U.S. Patent Oct. 7, 2014 Sheet 6 of 22 US 8,853,358 B2 (p/6u) FG.6A 300 200 R Control Vehicle NN O .1 pug/kg peptide ID 1. 0 ug /kg peptide ID 00 1 0 ug / kg peptide ID 00 (/d) nroCD © O Shom Vehicle Control Vehicle 0.1 pug/kg peptide ID 1.0 pig / kg peptide ID 10 pig / kg peptide ID U.S. Patent Oct. 7, 2014 Sheet 7 of 22 US 8,853,358 B2 1.5 Shom Vehicle 1.0 Control Vehicle Z.NN ug/kg peptide ID 1 min ZZ 0.5 ug/kg peptide D 30 min E.E. ug/kg peptide D6 h 0.0 FIG.7A 300 Shom Vehicle 200 Control Vehicle w Y pug/kg peptide ID 1 min s 1 pug/kg peptide ID 30 min 100 1 ug/kg peptide ID 6 h O FIG.7B 400 S BS 300 O Shom Vehicle 3 Control Vehicle 35 200 1 ug/kg peptide ID 1 min 2 3 1 ug/kg peptide ID 50 min Ét 100 1 ug/kg peptide ID 6 h E o U.S. Patent Oct. 7, 2014 Sheet 8 of 22 US 8,853,358 B2 12 --O-- PBS h o-peptide ID 9 E. 6 O s S 3 U.S. Patent Oct. 7, 2014 Sheet 10 of 22 US 8,853,358 B2 55 p<0.01 H--- as S 45 O E 5 S.
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