SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT TO THE NELLORE DISTRICT GILZETTE, PART. I EXTRA ORDINARY PI'BLISHED BY AUTHORITY NOTIFICATION BY GOVERNMENT ======================================== SPS NELLORE DISTRICT DATED:13.O3.2O2O =================================================================== PROCEEDINGS OF THE COLLECTOR AND DISTRICT MAGISTRATE SPSR NELLORE DISTRICT. PRESENT: SRI M.V.SESHAGIRI BABU, I.A.S., Rc.Gll402912019 Dt:05.03.2020. Sub: Land Acquisition - SPSR Nellore district - Nellore division - Muthukur Mandal - Pynapuram village - an extent of Acs.1.30 in Sy.No. 221-lB - Acquisition of land for house sites to the weaker section people under - PEDALANDARI(I ILLU scheme - Approval of minutes - Compensation of Lancl acquisition for Rs.28,60,000/- - Orders issued. Read: I ' Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013 (Central Act No.30 of 2013). 2. G.o.Ms.No.3 89 Revenue (Land Acquisition) Departmen t, dt.zo.l l.2ol 4. 3. G.o.Ms.No.562 Revenue (Land Acquisition) Department, dt. I 3. 1 1.20 1 g. 4. Government circular Memo No. REVOI - LANAOLAND (p.M.)1712019, dt.25.1 1.2019 & 03.12.2019. 5. G.o.Ms.No.487 Revenue (Land Acquisition) Departmen t, dt.2g.l l .z01g. 6. Guidelines of the District Collector, SPSR Nellore district on Voluntary Acquisition of Land Acquisition, dt.30. I 1.201 g & 07.12.2019. 7. Revenue Divisional officer, Nelrore Lr.No.'Rc.K .lg5ol2olg, dt..16.l2.2olg 8. Andhra Pradesh State Gazette No.G.47g, dt.Z3.l2.2}lg. 9. Revenue Divisional officer, Nellore Lr.No.Rc.K.1g50l2org, dt. 03.01.2020. l0'Proceedings of the District Collector, Nellore letter No. Rc.Gl/402912019 dt.06.01 .2020. I l. District Gazette No.07, dr.06.01 .2020. 12. Minutes of the Negotiation meeting Held on 13.12.2020,22.02.2020 & 03.03.2020. k*rr* ORDER: The Government of Andhra Pradesh have taken up "Navaratnalu - pedalandariki Illu,, Programme for providing house sites for eligible beneficiaries. Accordingly, Government of Andhra Pradesh have issued G.o.Ms.No.487, Revenue (Land Acquisition) Department dated 29-11-2019 for acquisition of land through vOLLINTARY ACQUISITION and Standard operation procedure (Sop) for "Voluntary Acquisition of land" issued vide Government Circular Memo.No.REV0l- LANA)LAND(PM)/ t7 /20 I 9, dared 03-12_20 tg. Accordingly, the Tahsildar, Muthukur has filed Fonn-A( I ) under Rule-4 of the RFCT LA R&R(Andhra Pradesh) Rules,20l8 for the exemption of chapter-U & III of the principal Act (i.e., Act No' 30 of 2013) to an extent of Acs'1.30 in Sy.No.22l-18 of Pynapuram village for providing house sites to eligible beneficiaries and in accordance with provisions contained in Section-l0A of the RFCT LA R&R Act, 2018 (22 of 2018) and issued a Notification in Fonn-A(2) under Rule-4 of the RFCT LA R&R (AP) Rules, 2018 and exempted the provisions principal of chapter-ll & III of Act (i.e., Act No. 30 of 2013) and it was published in Ap State Gazette No.47g, dt.z3.r2.2org. Accordingly, after filing of application under Voluntary Acquisition by the land owner, the'Tahsildar, Muthukur Mandal has furnished proposals for approval of Form-c lruuli" ; ;;; ^",t"" Acquisition) Department dated 29-11-2019 of Notification) in terms of G.o.Ms.No.4g7, Revenue (Land same was approved by the District collector' read with Govt. circular Memo dated 03.12.2019 and the also published in District Gazette vide Nellore vide Rc.No.G1.4O2gl2O1g, d1.06.01 .2020 and it was got notice by way of Notification in Form-c was also GazetteNo.0T dated 06.01.2020 andthe said public MPDO',s Office, Gram Panchayat office' published locally on 09.01.2020 i.e., at Tahsildar's office, village inviting claims / objections on the vilage, ward Secretariat and arso by beat of rom-Tom in the days from the date of District Gazette' public notice by way of Notification issued in Form-c within l5 Noobjectionshavebeenreceivedwithinthestipulatedtime. settlement through Thereon, Notices are issued to the land owner inviting for 5ol2ol9, dt.05.02.2020 before the Negotiation Negotiations vide RDo,s office Nellore Notice No.Rc.K.19 with relevant records pertaining to the land committee and to attend before the Negotiation committee Nellore' The District collector' SPSR under acquisition on 13.02.2020 at Revenue Divisional office, who is the convener of the Negotiation Nellore has authorized the Revenue Divisional officer, Nellore Committee to carry out Negotiations with land owner' 2018 Negotiations As per Rule 8 of the RFCT LA R&R (Andhra Pradesh) Rules', to have negotiations with land owner for finalization committed constituted with the following officials of the payment compensation of the land' 1. The District Collector, SPS Nellore 2. The Joint Collector, SPS Nellore 3.TheRevenueDivisionalofficer,Nellore,ConveneroftheCommittee (other than the Requisition Department) 4. Deputy Executive Engineer of Housing Department Tahsildar, Muthukur Mandal' 5. Representative of the requisition Department i.e., the officer has The Revenue Divisional Officer, Nellore cum Land Acquisition the Basic value of the land is Rs'8'00'000/- submitted that the Joint Sub-Registrar, T.P.Gudur, 26 of the RFCT LA R&R Act'2013 is Rs' per acre, The Average sale price arrived under Section is equal to the basic value and hence, the 8,00,000/- per acre. As such, the average sale price consideration Fixation of compensation as basic value of Rs.g,00,000/_ per acre is taken into follows:- Basic Value ofthe land abutting to MPP Road (Rs.) the land owner has At the time of 3'd time negotiations held on 03'03'2020, per acre as the land is nearer to the existing requested to pay compensation @Rs.22,00,000/- officer and the Tahsildar, village. The Revenue Divisionar officer, Nellore &LandAcquisition the rands are nearer to the existing Muthukur have inspected the proposed land and reported that After detailed discussions, villages. The matter has been discussed in the meeting in detail. by the land owners as the land is nearel the negotiations committee has accepted the rate offered I to the Pynapuram village and decided to approve Rs.22,00,000/- (Rupees twenty two lakhs only) per acre to pay compensation by justifying above value during the meeting held on 03.03'2020. Hence, the apportionment of compensation willbe paid as follows: Amount of Compensation for the Extent total extent(Acs.1.30) under proposed for acquisition as decided by the sl. Sy. No. Voluntary Name of the person interested Negotiation committee @ Rs. No. Acquisition 22,00,000 I - per Acre.(inclusive of (Acs) all benefits) (Rs.) Smt Pattapu Sarojanamma Wo 1 221-tB 1.30 29,60,000/- Rathnam The Negotiations carried out and settlement reached with the land owner as follows:- Compensation Amount Fixed in the amount for S. Extent (in Name of the Land Survey No. Negotiation Comnrittee Per acquiring total Remarks No Acs) Owner acre, including all benefits extent Acs.4.45 cents (in Rs.) Smt Pattapu 1 221-lB 1.30 Sarojanamma Wo 22,00,0001- 29,60,0001- Rathnam After Completion of the Negotiations carried out and settlement reached as narrated supra, with land owner, an agreement in From-G3 has been entered to that effect by the District Collector/Authorized Office RFCT LA R&R (Andhra Pradesh) Rules, 2018 (Act No.22 of 2018) which shall be published in District Gazette forthwith. In accordance with the above process, sanction is hereby accorded for drawl and payment of Rs.28,60,000/- (Rupee Twenty eight lakhs sixty thousands only) to the above land owner towards the payment of compensation in one lump sum amount (inclusive of all benefits) as decided by the negotiations committee meeting with the land owner held on 03.03.2020 for acquired the land an extent of Acs.l.30 cents in S.No. 221-1B of Pynapuram village of Muthukur Mandal for the purpose of distribution of house sites to the weaker section people under "NAVARATHNALU - PEDALANDARIKI ILLU" Scheme. Sd/-M.V.Seshagiri Babu, District Collector, Sri Potti Sriramulu Nellore..
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