08_AR_build.qxd:Layout 1 3/23/09 1:04 PM Page 1 ANNUAL REPORT08 ALLEGHENY CONFERENCE ON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND ITS AFFILIATES GREATER PITTSBURGH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PENNSYLVANIA ECONOMY LEAGUE OF SOUTHWESTERN PENNSYLVANIA PITTSBURGH REGIONAL ALLIANCE About the Conference ounded in 1944, the Allegheny Con - Three affiliated organizations, each staffed The PITTSBURGH REGIONAL ALLIANCE Fference on Community Development by the Conference, provide research and (PRA), a 10-county regional economic is one of the nation’s leading economic analysis, advocacy and marketing to realize development partnership, markets south - and community development organiza - the vision of the Conference leadership. western Pennsylvania to companies tions. Combining strong private sector across the region and around the world The PENNSYLVANIA ECONOMY LEAGUE OF leadership with commitment from public to attract capital investment and stim - SOUTHWESTERN PENNSYLVANIA provides sector partners, we work to stimulate eco - ulate job creation. public policy research and analysis on the nomic growth and improve the Pittsburgh most critical issues for our region’s com - region’s quality of life. Our strategic focus petitiveness. is on creating a more competitive busi - ness climate and marketing the Pitts - The GREATER PITTSBURGH CHAMBER OF burgh region for investment and job COMMERCE, working with private and creation. The Conference relies upon the public sector partners, serves as our re - Regional Investors Council – leaders of gion’s chief advocate at all levels of gov - more than 300 companies and organiza - ernment to secure public sector investment tions – to provide time, talent and re - and legislative and regulatory improve - sources to advance our agenda. ments to our business climate. The Pittsburgh Region 00 From The 2009-2011 Chair he Pittsburgh region has made real and im - To fully unlock the potential of our region, espe - Tportant progress in recent years, from bil - cially in difficult economic times, we must make lion -dollar-plus corporate investments to the greater strides to improve the competitiveness positive national and international media atten - of our business climate and be aggressive in tion inspired by Pittsburgh 250, the yearlong cele - opening doors to opportunity for our children bration of our region as a center of both world- and grandchildren. changing history and world-changing innovation. Our 2009-2011 Agenda is focused on the priorities I want to thank James E. Rohr, chairman and CEO that sustain and nurture that competitiveness. We of PNC Financial Services Group, Inc., for his lead - are fighting to keep the business climate compet - ership as Conference chair for 2006-2008 and as itive by staving off tax increases; making contin - chair of the Pittsburgh 250 Commission. Jim led ued progress toward simpler, more cost-effective the effort to refocus the Conference agenda; he governance; pushing for infrastructure projects brought an unparalleled passion and commitment that will improve logistics and access for regional to promoting and improving our region. I look for - employers; and urging those employers and tal - ward to building on these achievements, assuring ented workers to imagine – and prepare for – a our region’s continued prosperity and working bright future here. with you to make it a reality. I’m honored and humbled to serve as the 2009- We have many worthy assets to recommend the 2011 Conference chair and look forward to work - Pittsburgh region. Home to “America’s Most ing with all of our partners to tackle our Livable City,” our region boasts a diverse, high- challenges and create opportunities. tech economy; a dedicated and skilled work - Sincerely, force; affordable cost of living; and an enviable quality of life, from world-class arts and culture John P. Surma to championship sports teams. Let’s leverage Chair, Allegheny Conference on our many assets to tackle our challenges from a Community Development position of strength. Chairman & CEO, United States Steel Corporation 1 From The Chief Executive Officer s I prepare to transition back into the private do. These private sector leaders provide the time, A sector, looking back on this past year has talent and resources that keep our continuous im - particular significance for me – not only because of provement “wheel” turning. the successful culmination of Pittsburgh 250, the creation of thousands of new jobs and the On page 5, you’ll read about how the Pittsburgh achievement of several critical business climate Regional Alliance has exceeded its three-year improvements, but also because the close of 2008 project win goal, having assisted 105 companies marks five years since my tenure as CEO began. in creating more than 26,000 jobs. Furthermore, the amount of annual capital investment since When I came to Pittsburgh five years ago, having 2006 has increased more than 10-fold – from $120 advised economic development organizations all million to $1.5 billion. This is a testament to our over the nation, I was particularly intrigued by this continued and enhanced focus on the competi - opportunity because of the innovative model I’d tiveness improvements and economic develop - be helping to implement. While the Conference ment opportunities with the greatest regional organizations had been working in partnership for returns. While we had the historic Westinghouse many years, our region’s private sector leadership Electric Company headquarters expansion in felt we could do better by bringing together our 2007, we welcomed a landmark alternative energy organizations’ civic and economic development manufacturing expansion by German-owned functions. A more cohesive structure would bet - Flabeg in 2008. Plus, Pittsburgh 250 provided a ter enable us to address the needs of our “cus - global spotlight for these exciting developments tomers,” existing regional employers, those and many more. considering expansion and relocation, and their current and prospective employees. Former Pennsylvania Community and Economic Development Secretary Dennis Yablonsky will Thus, our continuous improvement model was succeed me as CEO of the Conference. I offer him created – and it sure is working. Through this na - my best wishes as he takes the helm of one of our tional best practice model, we capitalize on the nation’s premier civic leadership organizations. Pittsburgh Regional Alliance’s acclaimed market - ing and project management expertise, the Cham - Thank you for helping us to build an ever-better ber’s fierce advocacy, and the Economy League’s Pittsburgh region. comprehensive research and analysis, all under the Sincerely, umbrella of the Conference, which has focused on the pressing civic and economic issues of the day Michael Langley for 65 years. We work together to enhance the re - Chief Executive Officer gion’s economic prosperity and quality of life with Allegheny Conference on Community Development our Regional Investors at the center of all that we 2 2006-2008 PROGRESS Strengthened by a 65-year history and propelled by today’s leading employers, the Conference is focused on five goals that trigger regional transformation: Stimulating new business investments. • As a 10-county economic development hub, we are nationally recognized for our global outreach and project management expertise. An improved business climate. • We create the solutions for the tax and regulatory challenges that inhibit our region’s employers – and advocate for change at all levels of government. Targeted transportation and infrastructure investments. • We open doors to growth by convening strategic partnerships and pushing long-term projects to fruition. Simpler, more cost-effective governance. • We roll up our sleeves and work with elected officials to streamline our government, reducing duplication and improving its responsiveness. Positioning the region as an attractive workplace for a diverse workforce. • We are focused on creating a skilled future workforce while pooling regional resources to attract today’s top-notch talent. * SPECIAL INITIATIVE: Pittsburgh 250 See page 11 . 3 Pittsburgh Regional Alliance : “2007 Top U.S. Economic Development Group” – Site Selection , May 2008 Pittsburgh 250 Ambassador Tour of Europe: “2008 Excellence in Economic Development Award” – International Economic Development Council (IEDC) Southpointe II business park is home to national energy leader CONSOL Energy Inc.’s new LEED-certified world headquarters facility. 4 Stimulating New Business Investments The Pittsburgh Regional Alliance (PRA), the marketing affiliate of the Allegheny Conference, has recently strengthened its business development efforts in two key areas: regional partnership and collaboration and expanded worldwide outreach. Partnership: Three Years, 100+ Wins, Worldwide Outreach: The PRA Mission Model: $2.2 Billion Invested Regional Marketing, Global Scale • Create a delegation inclusive of local From 2006-2008, the PRA worked with its 50- The PRA has refined an effective and unique companies, economic development member partnership across 10 counties to directly business development mission model that en - organizations and other partners. assist more than 100 companies in expanding or gages regional stakeholders in the marketing locating in the Pittsburgh region – resulting in process. 2008 initiatives included: the Pittsburgh • Leverage, when relevant, an extraordinary commitments to create or retain more than 250 Ambassador Tour of Europe, in partnership regional quality-of-life
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