I 20 OFFICIAL BULLETIN THE NATIONAL SOCIETY Samuel Willey and Eliza (Randal) Thompson; great-grandson of Jonathan and Polly (Willey) Thompson; great2-grandson of Samuel Willey, private, OF THE Colonel Stickney's New Hampshire Regt., General Stark's Brigade. EDWIN POTTER THOMPSON, U. S. Army (N. H., 17570). Son of J ohn l\Iilton and Mary Elizabeth (Walcott) Thompson; grandson of Ira W . and SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION Cynthia Vv. (Spaldwg) Thompson; great-grandson of Richard and I rene (Whitcher) Thompson; great'-grandson of Be11jami" Thompso,., private, Col­ OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY GENERAL onel Dearborn's New Hampshire Regt. JOHN HENRY THURSTON, Cambridge, Mass. (19018). Son of John Cheney President General and Harriet Maria (Snow) Thurston; grandson of Stephen and Philena Nelson A. McClary WASHINGTON, D. C., December I6, I907· Pamelia (Dunham) Thurston; great-grandson of Step he" Tlu•rston, private, 184 La Salle St. , Chica11o, Illinois CoL Edward Wigglesworth's Mass. Regt. GEORGE E. TILTON, Seattle, Wash. (18615). Son of Smilie and Mary E liza­ No.7 OFFICIAL BULLETIN beth (Bancroft) Tilton; grandson of James Madison and Catherine Augusta 7 (Chapin) Bancroft; great-grandson of James and Fannie (Kendall) Bancroft; great'-grandson of lames Bancroft, Sergeant, Capt. John Mellin's Company New Hampshire troops. The OFFICIAL BULLE'l'IN, issued about October rs, December IS, March GEORGE LUDLOW WALKER, New York, N. Y. (18g8o). Son of George 15, and.May IS, records action by the General Officers, the Board of Ludlow and Isabella (\Veyman) Walker; grandson of Abner and Elizabeth (Holcombe) 'Wyman; great-grandson of He,.ry Holcombe, Captain South Car­ Trustees, the Executive and other National Committees, lists of mem­ olina Cavalry. bers deceased and of new members, and important doings of State ALBERT WATERHOUSE, Honolulu, Hawaii (I8934). Son of Henry and J ulia Societi es. It is sent to the General Officers and Trustees and the N a­ II~wkins (Dimond) Waterhouse; grandson of Henry and Ann Maria (Anner) ti ona! Committees, to new members whose records are printed therein, Dimond; great-grandson of Jesse and Bethiah (Marquand) Dimon- great'- and a moderate supply to State Secretaries for general distribution. grandson of Daniel Dimo,., Ensign Fourth Conn. Militia. ' One issue is furnished free to State Societies that agree to distribute FR.\NK_ LEWIS WEAVER, Lowell, 1\Iass. (1902o). Son of Samuel IT. and it and to subscribe for the three other issues during the year, at the cost Mana E. (Brown) Weaver; grandson of Allan H. and Ruth L. (Keyes) of printi ng extra copies. This cost is two cents or less per copy, accord­ Hrown; g~eat-grandson of John and Dolly (Hoyt) Brown; great•-grandson of lllrcal• Hott, Second Lieutenant Second New Hampshire Regt. ing to the size of the edition. The following Societies distribute the ButJ,JlTIN to all their members: Rhode Island, New York, New J ersey, BENJAMIN CHENEY WHITE, Concord, N. H. (17571). Son of Nathaniel aml Armenia (Aldrich) White; grandson of Samuel and Sarah (Freeman) White; Pennsylvania, Maryland, District of Columbia, Louisiana, Missouri, great-grandson of Nathaniel White, Lieutenant, CoL Joseph Marsh's Regt. Ohio, Illinois, and Iowa. Vermont Militia. W I LLI AM LITHGOW WILLEY, Boston, Mass. (87o). (SupplementaL) Son of Tolman and P?ebe Langdon (Lithgow) Willey; grandson of Isaac J . and The Executive Committee deems a substantial increase of the membership ;:,usan (Ryan~ Willey; great-grandson of Darius Willey, Captain, CoL Her­ of the Society its greatest present need. It is not sufficient that the annual cules Mooney s New Hampshire Regt. additions of members should keep pace with the losses incident to death. As a CHARLES __ WILLIAMS, Hilo, Hawaii (I893J). Son of Henry and Mary (Kanealn) ~.dhams; _grands~n of Jesse and Roxana \Villiams; great-grandson Society chartered by Congress, an important, patriotic line of work is being of 0/Jed Wtlltams, pnvatc Fifth Company of Militia of Waterbury, Conn. entered upon, and that this may be vigorously prosecuted and extended, and that the National and State Societies may exercise the influence which they ou2ht, the Executive Committee urges upon all State Societies and individual members the supreme importance of additions to our membership. We should have three times the number now borne on our rolls. The time is opportune for ag2ressive, concerted action. 2 OFFICIAL BULL~IN NATIONAL SOCIETY, S. A. R. 3 lw securing recruits. A similar letter has be~n addressed ~o e~ch S~ate THE NATIONAL SOCIETY. Society, by order of the Executive Committee, suggestmg practtcal means of increasing the Society's growth. THE UNITED STATES: INFORMATION FOR IMMIGRANTS. ADDITIONS TO MEMBERSHIP. At a meeting of the National Executive Committee held in New York October 1 the leaflet prepared by Judge Stockbridge on Information for T 0 hundred and forty-nine new members have been enrolled by the Immigrants was approved. Since then the leaflet has been approved and Reg:trar General as follows from June I to ~ecember I, I907: Ne": adopted by the U. S. Department of Commerce and Labor, which has York, 40 ; Massachusetts, 38; Illinoi_s, 23; ~h10, 2I; New Jersey, I_I, had it translated into Yiddish, Italian, Hungarian, and Polish. A small Connecticut, 10 ; Di trict of Columbta, 9; Mm~_esota, 9; Pennsylvama, edition of 15,000 copies was printed in English for the use of the differ­ 9 ; Iowa, 9; Indiana, 8; Washington, 7; Hawaii, 7; Colorado,?; New ent State Societies, so as to inform our members of the nature of the Hampshire. 5; Maine, 5; Maryland, 5; Vermo~t , 5; _Kansas~ 4, ~bode work. It has been set up in type in the four languages mentioned, and Island, 4 ; Utah, 3; Arizona, 2; ebraska, 2; Mtssoun, 2; Wtsconsm, I; as soon as the proof has been corrected, it will be printed. A contract 1\!ontana, 1; Texas, I, and Oklahoma, I. has been made for the printing of one million copies, 400,000 of them in NATIONAL YEAR BooK FOR I907· Italian and 200,000 in each of the three other languages. These copies will be di ~ tributed by our State Societies to the aliens now · in this THE NATIONAL YEAR BooK has been published in an ed_ition of I,5CJO country. The Department of Commerce and Labor will publish froni a cop1es,· an d b y order of the Board of Trustees has been dtstnbuted. pro. set of electrotypes furnished by our Society an edition of its own, rata to the State Societies. It makes a volume of 398 pages, contammg which will be distributed to the incoming immigrants. It is planned in a Jist of General Officers and National Committees for I907. Officers the near future to distribute the leaflet to the immigrant as he arrives from 1ss9 to rgo6, Charter, Constitution, and By-Laws, Officers of State aboard ship. It is also planned to publish it in other languages, so as to Societies and Local Chapters, Proceedings of the Denver Congress, J nne be able to reach the vast majority of those arriving in our country. 3 and 4, 1907, and records of 709 members e_nrolle~ from l\Iay I, rgo6, Fifty copies of the leaflet in English have been sent to the Secretary to June 1, I907· A limited number of copies IS avatlable to members on of each State Society, advising them to consider means of distributing application to State Secretarie . the circular in various languages among aliens in their region, and 'I particularly to members of societies or associations of foreigners. THE BuFFALO CoNGREss oF I9Q8. The special committee on printing and distribution desires a wide cir­ The Buffalo Chapter of the Empire State Society held a meeting _on culation of the leaflet in this country, and requests that information be o,·cmber 19 at the residence of l\1r. Trueman G. Avery.. The meetmg sent to the Secretary General as to the 11umber of copies that can be was called for the purpose of making plans for the entertamme~t o~ the successfully placed in the various cities. National Congress of the Sons of the American Revolution, wluch IS to One thousand copies of the leaflet in English have been sent to Chi­ he held in Buffalo April 30 and. May I, Igo8. It was decided that t_he cago, where they are being used as a reader among the adult foreign Ruffalo Chapter should resolve itself into a committe~ of the wh~le wtth pupils of the night schools. A request has been received from Omaha power to appoint committees to carry on the plans, wtth the Prestdent of for 3,000 copies in nine different languages for di stribution in the night the Chapter as general chairman. It was also decided that several sub­ schools of that city. committees be appointed to carry out the details of the arrangements to be made and the general chairman was instructed to select these com­ RECRUITING CIRCULARS. mittees. It is the de ire of the Chapter to increase the membership Twelve thousand copies of a circular letter, signed by the President materially before the Congress in April, and in order to do this a mem­ General, under date of November 1, have been sent to State Secretaries bership committee was appointed with Frank B. Steele as chamnan to for distribution to members. The letter calls on members to use every further this work. possible effort to increase the efficiency of the Society's patriotic work 4 OFFICIAL BULLETIN NATIONA l, SOCI ETY, S. A. R. 5 ] OHN PAUL ]ONES. The position of the patriotic society in our country today is not clearly appre· hended, and, strange as it may seem, that is true to some extent even among There i in press a Congressional document entitled "John Paul the members of this and kindred societies.
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