From ''H5waii, Our Fr o m " India , i_it nil Of F rc,mn "I:.r,eI, 1.,i,d From "Western P5cific, , From "Neighbor St.ry" 01 The Bible' Vacation Parsdiae" Feather River Canyon" Mexico" S'.k And - trodueiu - . 2"x" XLIIIES i'.. 4'tcn fcr irnp i 0WXthit rhtrt is ehnie cfrsire COLOILL c.,..,1 UFSRALELe LA1* OF ________________________L 1NE BL1CKff11VK'Siiavc wuii' d , 2" slide enthusiasts, not only for good,, quality color slides that 'er HCTC is an inspiring set of softly colored 2" x 2" slides taken recently in the new-born iong 2" x relatively inexpensive, but for sets that were something more than a superficial land of Israel. arid showing many of the modern accomplishments thai the people of assortment of eight or ten slides. In our new line of slides. (all are douhlc- this country have achieved—ancl showing, too, mans' of the sacred spots from the (tiNe-- frame) we believe we have found the answer to both of these requirements. Bethlehem, Galilee, Nazareth, Capernacom, Jerusalem, the Jordan Valley. for we have achicved—inexpensively—a good, natural color quality in makiric FULL SET (BKS-2), 50 S li des-in Captioned Mounts .............$6.98 saloC reproductions by the new Anscocolor negative-positive process—the exact HALF SET ODD (BKS-2a) 1 25 Odd Numbered Slides from 1 to 49, process now being used for so many top budget Hollywood productions. And. i n Captioned Mounts .................................$ 3 . 98 our printing is being done by one of the principal coast laboratories actually HALF SET EVEN (BIS-2b), 25 Even Numbered Slides from 2 to 50, printing these top I loll wood movies. As for price, our average full set price in Captioned Mounts .................................$ 3 . 98 per slide will averace in the range of I 2c to I 4c per sikic, only very slightly higher than minimum priced material now on the market. Of course, one of the areas for which color slides is in most demand is that INDIA. LAND OF SONG AND STORY of travel. And, we have been fortunate in concluding a contract with I )udlev For years, India has been an exotic land of mystery for many of us in this Western Pictures Corporation of Beverly Fulls to permit our having the selection of world, and India has held a prominent place in otir stories and songs. 'I his giant fell .ia their entire library of some thousands of color originals. Dudley, for a nIlmcr set is a spectacular trip over India whieh covers many of the things you would see of years, has had camera crews traveling throughout North America and ovr a tourist—arid sonic of the things you wouldn't. '1 his "Maharaja" size set Call be prir- but it is broken down into four quarter sOts. the world, making films for such organizations as the Association of American chased most economically in its entirety. The first quarter set ( BKS-4a) contains 24 slides which cover modern India. 1 he second Europe. Railroads and many of the individual railroads in this country, and in quarter set (BKS-4h) contains 22 slides covering many of India's fabulous sights. such Asia and Africa making motion pictures for Trans World Airlines. And, on as the Taj Mahal, the palace of the Maharaja of Mysore—both its daylight, and at night when it is seen illuminated by thousands of electric lights defining its basic lines—and every one of these production trips, color transparencies have been shot of the land. l'he third quarter set (BKS-4c) is made tip country. Their crews are among the best in the business, and the basic quality other delightftrt spots of this legendary of 26 slides showing the people of India and their customs—bathing in the Ganges--- comes right through in the 2" x 2" color slide sets we have edited from their the funeral pvres of Benares—the colorfully costumed members of the Army—native original material. dancers and native orchestra—the holy men, snake charmers, mystics—the sacred cows! rter set (BKS-4d) contains 17 slidcs showing the a rt isans of The fourth and final qua , There is also going to be much additional material of hobby interests as our India—carving in ivory and ebony—spinning colorful silk thread--making pottery—the production program progresses—railroads. airplanes, nature subjects, ships. fire growing and harvesting of Indian hemp—and picturesque traffic in its harbors and on engines, and many unusual items of individual interest. We expect to have its rivers. $ 12. 98 several new sets ready each month—probably four to eight will he ready to FULL SET (BKS-4), 89 Slide5 In Captioned Mounts ............ announce with each basic catalog or supplementary sale list. Here's the start FIRST QUARTER SET (BKS-4a), 24 Slides (1 to 24) 3.98 i n Captioned Mounts ...... ... ........................ $ SECOND QUARTER SET (BKS-4b), 22 Slides (25 to 46) A'Ail—Otit VACATION I'AitAMSE $ 3.98 i n Captioned Mounts . I lcrc's as lush a set of 2" x 2s as you're likely to run across for a cood loire lillic to THIRD QUARTER SET (BKS-4c), 26 Slides (27 to 72) 98 come. Shown are virtually all of the highlights that a tourist stotild :kci see on a trip i n Captioned Mounts . $ 3- to Hawaii—arrival of the 1_urline and one of (Jolted Air [_inCs great planes Iicoh met 17 Slides (73 to 89) 1w the traditional group of hula girls and a native hawaiian orchestra- -lrrghliy'hts tf FOURTH QUARTER SET (RKS-4d), its nine- i n Captioned Mounts ................................ $ 2.98 Honolulu , its historic buildings , vacation hotels— the countr round-about sstth apple and sugar industries and, of all things. a cattle ranch the flowei rue shrubs and - stir f-boaters. trees of the tropics—the palms. blown by the trade winds-- -and the surf aiid There are some absolutel salon quality shots in this set. 6.9 8 FULL SET (BKS-1), 49 Slides in Captioned Mounts ............... SLIDE COLLECTORI ~,~ from I to 49, 2" Numbered Slides COLORED 2" HALF SET ODD (RKS-la), 25 Odd x in Captioned Mounts . $3.98 HALF SET EVEN (RKS-lh), 24 Odd Numbered Slides from 2 to 48, MOTION PICTUREG $3.98 SETS FROM GREAT i n ct0ca r1t,s . Throtigh arrarruiement with Audio-Vistiat Guide we are making available in single frame 2" x 2" slide forni sets of slides from several great. current motion pictures. Each 'f these Sets ntitnher 40 to 50 slides and carry a story-telling caption on the filtii along with NEIGHBOR MEXICO the natural color scene from the picture. Slides are numbered in sequence on the mount . Mexico, being so near to us geographically. is naturally one of the most extcnsivdy toured The first subjects we have selected for release are slide sets of particular appeal for of all foreign countries as far as .Americans are concerned. And, its criltrir e and customS children , but some of the great classics of more mattire interest, noss' in production, may being so different from our own, only heightens our interest. 1 he full set is dividcd into also he isiiel in color slide form. for two parts—the first half set (BKS-Sa) being made tip of 30 slides dcvoted to such Cities These slide sets are excellent story telling devices in themselves , making available and towns as Mexico City, Monterey, Taxco, Acapulco. Guadalajara and other spots on individual tice pictorial material from current great piettires that producers have been and off the tourist path and including several spectacular sliotsat Xochrmilco. The reluctant to issue for sale in motion picture form. And, they serve as outstanding "col- second half set (BKS-5h) contains 21 slides and covers native crafts such as leather work- lector's items". - ing, weaving, glass, pottery painting, native life and particularly a group of slides of the Price, each conp1cte set ------------------------------------ }1ayan ruins of Yucatan. - FULL-SET (BKS-5), 51 Slides in Captioned Mounts ............. $698 TUE AkIV1NTU& Ii OF ROBINSON CRJS FIRST HALF SET (BKS-5a), 30 Slides (1 to 30) The complete pictorial Story, based on the United Artists Screen u- ersu , n. i n Captioned Mounts . $4.98 EE GREATEST 5110W ON FARTU -' SECOND HALF SET (BKS-Sb), 21 Slides (31 to 51) A lively pictorial guide to i/ic circus. based on ( -- ---- 1! P. l), M-' 1 .1 P----- /',Iu:r Plo- $3.49 in Captioned Mounts . duction, while/i son tire Academy A ir -ard for J 95$. E-tNSFL AND GRETEL f/is' favorite fairy storY told in pictures selected hi',,: 1 h first railroad Set in our 2" x 2" slide line containing 17 slides mo'iv shot in the Fs-atlier River Canyon in the California Sierra Ncsadas, and cr\r rr' . tlrc ( alifornia KNiGhTS OF TUE ROUN1 TABLE Oils r- I S no Ic St retell. Zcpnyr and Western Pacific freights at picturesque toca In lit's) .seiO)PiS--tiie first ex;lains i/re /,O(kr,'TO!(fl(! of the Stci;-v. tire .ceco,il .5'. - I i/ic story of i/re Creat leeend—l'aseci on .cccnes froiii ilic '1-l-G-.\l /uh010P!a FULL SET (BS-3).- 17 Slides in Captioned Mounts ............. i A;LACK,ffA1T1K FILMS~ 11L~C~a DAVE-1,T04,,_,T,~, 10W±., wrysw1------------. ,,- r - - ..- -- ------ , - uc4' ' , ----.-:-:. -------- .' Scene From "Way Out Weak" Scene From "Two Tars" Scene From "Blockheada" M44_'K EEN11ETT .. ) L%tiflL & HARDY COMEDIIES • 1_lu_ ,ii".l rSrriy, bett lve can ship these laurel and Hardy sub jects only ir points in the lr'fljl?d States, Alaska and HARRY LANGDON in ALL NIGHT LONG Hawaii, A harry Lanrgdon u.omddy produCed by Mack Scnnetl in 1924 -aird vne 01 the very best of line Lsngdons.
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