20—MANCHESTER h e r a l d , Wednesday, Nov. 8,1989 I CLEANING I CARS CARS CARDINAL BOB RILEY TAG SALE FOR SALE SERVICES FOR SALE BUICK, INC. OLDSMOBILE Resigns 1988 Buick Skylark Sedan $8,990 POLISH woman will MOVING Sole-MIsc. van­ HONDA Civic Hatch­ Spiecjolis^l ities, medicine ca­ b ac k, 1988, su n ro o f, F O R D M u st a n g G T , 1989- 1988 Chev S-10 Ext CsbPAJ $12,995 259 Atdams St., Cleon your house. Coll 17K, V8 engine, stand­ 1988 Ponllac Grand Am Coupe $8,690 644-2835 or 644-4663 for binets, lights, kitchen pinstrlping. Call after Manchester a r d transmission. 1987 Buick Riviera T-iype $11AM more Information. cabinets, faucets and 6pm . 646-2990._________ A s k in g $13,500 o r best 1987 Buick Regal $8,695 649-1749 Bums Landers quits legislation raises sinks, cultured Marble P O N T IA C Fire b ird , 1980, tops, both tubs, display offer. 623-8960. 1987GMCS-15SplPAJ $6,360 1987 Ford Mustang GT $11,995 HELPING PEOPLE sa­ 6 cylinder, good condi­ 1987 Buick Park Are Sedan $11^50 tisfy their needs and Items. New condition. tion Inside and out. Call 1987 Olds Calais $6995 8th post after election/3 the minimum wage/6 Heritage Kitchen and 1987 Chev S-10 PAJ $6280 wonts ... that's what wont after 5 pm . 569-7946. 1987 Chevy S-10 Blazer $9,995 Bath Center, 182 W. 1987 Chev Conversion Van $13299 ods ore oil about. $1,895._________________ 1985 Ford LTD $5995 Middle Turnpike, Man­ TRUCKS/VANS 1987 Cadllac Brougham $14295 chester. 649-5400. D O D G E A rle s, 1983, air, 4 I FOR SALE 1987 Buick Regal LTD $10,690' 1989Toronado $16,995 CARPENTRY/ CONCRETE cylinder, 80K, $1,300 or 1986 Buick LeSabre Coupe $8,480 1986 Olds 96 $9,995 REMODELING MISCELLANEOUS ESTATE Sale-Lots for best offer. 643-8103. C H E V Y S-10 P icku p . 1985, 1986 Buick Century Sedan $7,480 1986 Cadi Fleetwood $13,995 SERVICES everyone to choose BUICK ELECTRA STA- V -6 ,5 speed, a ir, Tahoe 1966 Chev Monte (^k) $8,490 1984 Porsche 944 $13,995 Roman Spiewak from . 179 F e rn Street, T IO N W A G O N , 1982, all cap, many extras. 1986 Merc. Grand Marquis $9260 1984 Audi 5000S $6,995 $5,800. 645-1801. 1966 Dodge 600 Sed $5295 KITCHEN & BATH Mason Contractor GSL Building Mainte­ November 11 and 12, options. $2,500. C all 633- 1986 Chevy Eurosport $6,995 nance Co. Commercl- 9-4. 5132.___________________ 1986 Pinllac Trans Am 26K $9,480 Brick, Block or Ston* 1965 Buick Skylark $4295 1986 Chevy Monte Carb $6,995 REM ODELING ol/ResIdentlol building TO YO TA Celica GT Chlmntyt, Pttlot. Walli MOVING Sole-MIsc. van­ 1985 Buick S l ^ $4295 19870bsCbra $6,999 From the smallest Now, RaKcraUoni and Rtpiln repairs and home Im­ Sport. 1986, 58K, e xcel­ CARS ities, medicine ca­ I 1982 Ford Mustang $3,495 1987 Pont Bonneville $10,995 repair to the largest provements. Interior lent condition. $7,300. FOR SALE 646-4134 binets, lights, kitchen B1 Adams St., Manchester 1966 Pontiac 6000 $4,995 renovation, we will do a and exterior pointing, 742-8386. cabinets, faucets and 649-4571 1966 Olds Delta Sedan $7,995 complete job. Start to light carpentry. Com­ sinks, cultured Marble finish. Free estimates. WET BASEMENT? plete lonltorlol ser­ tops, bath tubs, display CLYDE u Ovof 40 Years Exporier>oe vice. Experienced, rel­ Items. New condition. SCHALLER iianrhpHtpr Jfpralb Heritage Kitchen Writterf Guarantee iable, free estimates. CHEVROLET-BUICK, Free Estimateo Heritage Kitchen and INC. ACURA QUALITY CONNECTICUT STATE & Bath Center HatenwiM, Foundation Cracks, 643-0304._______________ B ath Center, 182 W. ROUTE 83, VERNON Budget Pleasers DERARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES Come visit our showroom at: Sump Pumps, Drainaoe Lines. SNOW Plowing - Com­ Middle Turnpike, Man­ 82 Malibu 4 Dr $4,69S 88 Hondi Accord LX $10,N5 OFFICE OF EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES 182 W. Middle TpKe. mercial, resldenlol. chester. 649-5400. 84 Line. Continental $9,995 4 Dr., 8 Spd,, Leaded Notice of Hearing for the Manchester Albert Zuccaro 646-3381 Bolton, Vernon and 84 Buick Century Mbg $5,995 88 Ford Escort 4 Dr. $ 4 ^ 5 Ambulance Service of Manchester VC Thursday, Nov. 9,1989 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm Newsstand Price: 35 Cents Coventry area. Free 84 Olds Cutlass Cpe $5,895 In accordance with the provisions of Regulations for Need for 649-5400 85 Pontiac Grand Am $4,195 estimates. Coll Pete, CARS Emergency Medical Services, Section 19a-180-5{b) (1), the 85 Celebrity 4 Dr. Wag. $6,695 v-8,at, aa: ELECTRICAL 643-1213._______________ FOR SALE Office of Emergency Medical Services will conduct a public 85 Electra 4 Dr. $9,995 Pontiac Grand Am $4,995 Need repairs oround the LEAF Removal - Free hearing under die contested case provisbns of the Uniform 85Skylark4Dr $6,895 v at aa home? Call an expert. DUMAS ELECTRIC estim ates. Coll Ken 643- -6, , : B U IC K La Sabre, 1979, 4 Administrative Procedures Act Chapter 54, of the Connecticut You'll find the help you Service changes, 0747. 85 Buick Somerset 4 Dr $4,995 82ChavEICamlno General Statutes, and Sections 19-2a-35 through 19-2a-41 in­ door, air, new trans­ V-8, AutO/LowMilaa Experts see need In C lassified. 643- additional wiring and 86 Delta 88 2 Dr $9,995 clusive, of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies on 2711. m issio n , 1 ow ner. $800 repairs on existing 66 Bonneville 4 Dr &3 0ldaCiara $2,995 o r best otter. 295-8754. $6,995 Auto,A« Wednesday, November 15,1989, 10:00 a.m. at the Office of Emergency Medical Services. 150 Washington Street, ^cry fo r help^ homes. Quality work at 86 Century Wagon $7,495 86 Ford Tempo $4,995 Town hall loses in recount V O L D S , D elta 88, 1982, 4 Hartford. ConnecticuL Conference Room. PAINTIN6/PAPERING affordable prices, FURNITURE door, power windows, 86 Chevrolet Celebrity r,195 Aule,AtC I This public hearing is being conducted to determine the need in incident entirely owner operated. cruise, loaded, excel­ 86 Chevrolel Nova 4 Dr $6,395 65 Buick Century $1,995 Second tally 27 years exp. Call 78 Inch M a r o o n couch and lent condllton. 1 owner. 86 Chevrolet Spectrum $4,995 Auto, VC and necessity for granting two (2) additional ambulance ‘‘We can tell you Joseph Dumas matching chair, red $2,900. 646-1039.________ 63 S-10 Blazer $5395 vehicles and one (1) emergency medical services vehicle. Ap­ 86 Chevette 4 Dr. $4,995 V-8, Auto, VC BOSTON (AP) — KittY 640-5253. Oriental rug (9x12). All plication #89-009 has been provided to the designated hearing what to look for... PINTO Wagon, 1974,good 86 Pont Grand Am SE $8/495 ■ANI^THEBS to choose fro V officer. A ropy of this application may be obtained by contact­ Dukakis, struggling against al­ uncovers only In good condition. S100 Interior, head by Che­ 345 Canter SI., Manchester ing the Office of Emergency Medical Services. and what to look ta ke s all. C all 643-8249. ney Tech. SlOO/best 872-911 6 47 -7 07 7 coholism, was hospit^ized for MISCELLANEOUS 042-10 o u tfo r r offer. 643-8686.________ severe reactions to mbbing. id -' minor errors SERVICES VW Bus-1975. Available cohoL which she drank i«®!fe TV/STEREO/ for parts. Best offer. STA TE O F C O N NECTICU T APPLIANCES INVITATION TO BID exhausted because of flu ami H a rB ro I 646-7235._______________ Return Date; October 24, 1989 depression, her doctor said. By Nancy Foley HAWKES TREE SERVICE NOTICE IS H E R E B Y GIVEN THAT The Eighth Utilities District A M C C o n co rd , 1979. W ell MANCHESTER MUNICIPAL ; SUPERIOR COURT of Meinchester, C T is seeking competitive bids for the follow­ The wife of Gov. Michael Manchester Herald_____________ P ain tin g Bucket, truck & chipper. CE, Stereo, am/tm radio, equipped. A s Is. 649- FEDERAL CREDIT UNION Stump ramoval. Fr«« 2 cassette players for ing: Dukakis had been taking anti­ ••tinwte*. Special 4931. VS. of Manchester sale. M itsu b ish i. S200. JUDICIAL DISTRICT Fuel oil for the 1989-1990 heating season and possible ser­ Three more votes in favor of the conildwatlon tor elderly CARAVAN, 1985. Load ed OF TOLLAND depressants ^scrib ed by her and handicapped. C all 645-1854. In clu d e s 3 vice contract town hall referendum were dis­ Quality Painting C D 's. with extras. Excellent AT ROCKVILLE psychiatrist, but tests showed condition. $6,500. Call DATE OF RECEIPT OF BIDS: TIME: the mbbing alcohol caused her. covered during a recount today, but Services 647-7553 M A RK JOSLIN, AKA, OCTOBER 16,1989 Monday, November 20, 1989 643-6595. MARKD. JOSLIN 3:30 p.m. hospitalization, said Dr. Gerald the final count still shows the effort •Free Estimates 1 MACHINERY F IR E B I R D S E , 1984, air, All bids are to include the price per gallon, yeaiiy service con­ Plotkin, the family physician. failed by a 37-vote margin. •Senior Citizen Discounts FIRST ORDER OF NOTICE GUTTER AND TOOLS loaded. $4,800. 649-2347. NOTICE TO MARK JOSUN, tracts and hourly rate for services not covered by the sen/ice Some spixialists in treating “It’s what we expected,” said •Aluminum & Vinyl a/k/a contract.
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