<£!uu»emu' Dailit Ceahn*. VOL. XII. CHEYENNE, WYOMING, SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 27, 1879. NO. 266. all directions. The total loss of prop- RAILROAD ACCIDENT. of the army. Gen. Augur, so well I ‘ FROM erry will probably 8100,000. reach A knowu to our people, is especially en- PROFESSIONAL. THEJWIRES. On the branch Train Ditched and Several Men Killed. many minor dispatches. of the Ohio railroad, titled to credit for the part he has taken ’ Chicago, July 26.—The gravel train WORTH Sewing Machines! at Gussy station, a culvert was washed in placing Mrs. Benner altove want. SPATES. on the Northwestern out and the track so railroad, while Including Yellow Pever Notes, Rail- damaged that Lieut. Col. Romeyn B. Ayers, who DRY COUNSELLOR-AT-LA If, backing into a GOODS! Waukegan, 111., with’ trains could not pass. A report of the has been appointed to succeed Gen. road Accidents, Military News, large number of workmen in its cars, CHEYENNE, - WYOMING. same nature has been received from Barry at Fort McHenry, with the rank ; K J THE NEW IMPROVED Sporting Events, Etc. a cow on HOWE. Monongahela struck the track and was Willpractice In 1 ¦ the valley. No damage of colonel of Second United States I the United Staten Supreme ditched. Anthony Joyce, Mike Sheri- court and the courts of Wyoming. Special was done in the city. artillery, at present commands the i attention given matters before the Congress YELLOW JACK. dan, John Dugan and Pat Conners were ofthe United States and the Executive de- : Easy Running! No Complications! Third United States artilllery at Fo|rt partments at Washington. killed, and one of mylduwtf Still Spreading Terror Through the A New Road Through the Rockies. the other workmen Hamilton, New York. Col. Ayers DOES NOT GET OUT OF ORDER. will injuries. Country. July 20.—Prof. B. F. die of his Conductor AUaHL,N Helena, Mon., commanded the second division of the W. K. BTKRT.B Will Last Than Tom Ilalligan and Tom McNally are V*?? ‘ Longer any Machine New Orleans, July 20.—The Citizens Marsh, civil engineer, yesterday laid Fifth cori»s of the army of the Potomac JVI A STEELE, in the Market. before badly injured, together with several SALE! begin CLOSING-OUT association disinfecting the city the Helena board of trade the from June 0. 1804, to the mustering survey a others whose names are not known. ATTORNEry-AT-LA W. entire on Monday. No fever to date. of uew and wonderful pass out of the army. In his division was I Every Machine Warranted. over the main range of the Rocky Office in Carey Block, Nashville, July 20.—Rev. 13. F. Tel- MILITARY MATTERS. the Maryland brigade, composed of the We are not Agents but buy them ler, a Memphis refugee, died of yellow mountains at an elevation of 5,500 feet Ist, 4th, 7tli and Bth regiments and the CHEYENNE, WYOMING direct from the factory, and offer them fever at Shelbyville at 10 Vclock last above sea level and 1,215 above the Gen. Flint, commanding at Fort Purnell legion. The brigade under Jysdawtf for sale like other goods, at n reasona- main street of On or about August 15th, I expect to occupy the ble profit. night, and was buried at 2 a. in. to- Montana; distance from Sanders, is confined to his quarters by Col.1 Ayres took part in the battles of on Helena west of the summit of the main Large Double Store now me T W. KINGMAN. day. Much uneasiness account of a severe attack of rheumatism. Pittsburg, Welden railroad, Poplar building for in Denver, ft • death is felt Slielbyville. range, fifteen miles; thence to the Chapel -At®Associate Can be seen in daily use his at Lieut. 11. S. Bishop has arrived at Grove Church, House, Prebles’ at which time I propose to consolidate my two Stores I Justice of the Supreme Court in our St. Louis, July waters of the Columbia—Little Black- 20,—The health com- Fort Fred Steele from Fort Washakie, farm, Dobney’s mill, White Oak road into one Establishment, and A TTO RNE missioners, John foot, three miles. The board of trade Mammoth in order to Y-AT-LAIF. Dress Making Department. 11. Rauch, of Illinois, where he has been stationed for two 1 and Five Forks. The brigade was and C. W. Francis, is having a report of the route prepared, respectively by reduce my Stock to the lowest possible point previous OFFICES Not of St. Louis, have years. Ilis recent premotion caused * commanded Gens. Du- AT leased, but sold at the and Mr. Priest, the Cheyenne and Laramie been in consultation here to-day, trying discoverer, puts on his transfer to Steele. shane, Denison and Bowerman and to removal and to avoid paying transportation. I will City. to arrange for the disposition of Mem- a force men to make a new wagon road Gen. Graham. Very Lowest Possible Price. The following promotions are an- from this date offer my entire well phis refugees, it being the feeling of to Deer Lodge. The pass is about 700 selected stock J)R. w. W. CROOK, nounced from Washington: Walter S. JOSLIN’S, both that it will not be safe to let any feet lower than the favored Deer Lodge Deadwood Drift. PHYSICIAN A ND SURGEON, j 3G9 Sixteenth Wyatt to be first lieutenant Ninth in- St. more of these people scatter through pass. Ed. Ilurlbut now wears the bull-skin No. 3, Carey Block, Wyo. fantry; William F. Norris -A-t Cost! Cost i Cheyenne, the city or through the Illinois towns to be first medal., He won it fairly from Baird Junelß-tf Gen. Miles on Rock Creek. lieutenant Ninth infantry. in this vicinity. The proposition most Bismarck, Dak., July re- last evening at glass balls. 20.—1 t is Leave of absence for one month, to G. W\ favored since the goxernment has re- ported by scouts from Fort Peck, that Gen. Sturgis, who arrived at Fort COREY. & to take effect when his services can be DRAPER fused provide tents and rations for a Meadei recently from the east, says HAMI2. Gen. Miles' command was on Rock lie READ THE FOLLOWING, AND REMEMBER PHYSICIAN AND camp, spared by his post commander, is grant- SURGEON. 'Js to charter steamboats and creek on the 23d, resting after the bat- interviewedJ the railroad officials of the (Examining Surgeon for ed Lieut. George F. Third cav- WE DO WHAT WE SAY. Pensions.! maintain a floating quarantine for the tle and chase. Chase, t several roads heading Ilillsward, and JUST Wholesale and Retail Office and residence & Memphians who come up the river after airy, Fort Robinson, Neb. j over Addoms that he i 9 satisfied the irou horse will Best quality Calicos, 5c per yard. Glover’s drug store, where Health Secretary Sherman Lieut. he nn is* after this date. Commissioner at Wateiville. John Scott, regimental quar- be1 snorting steam in the vicinity of Dress Goods 5c per yard up. found day and night. Fraucis.repoits that of the half dozen Waterville, Me., July 20.—Secretary termaster, Fourth infantry, has re- Sturgisj city some time during the lat- Black Cashmeres, 60c, 00c, 70c, 85c, $1.05. n,,,r CHEYENNE, W.T. who are sick at quarantine, only one Sherman addressed to-day several thou- turned to his station with his wife, ter part of next year. Colored Cashmeres, good quality, 75c. hardware, t Black and Colored silks, (Please price case is regarded as suspicious, or likely sand people, representing all counties whom he met at Omaha. Mrs. Scott them.) Mrs. Smith, who was deserted by her White per REFS WILLIAMS, D l>. S. in this has Piques, 5c and 7c yard. to develop into yellow fever. The boats section of the state. Special been visiting in the east. husband,j the walkist, is now in a shape Best quality Check Ginghams, 90. Stoves, brought Memphis trains arrived SUB3ICAL, OPERATIVE which up freight aud from Skowhegan, Bel- Lieut. Robinson, Fourth infantry, t to “round him up,” and will leave this Roll Cambric, Flat Cambric, Kid Fine Cambric, 7c per yard. passengers remain at quarantine, and fast, Monmouth, Anson. Augusta and who has been stationed at Rock Creek, Drilling, Waist Lining?, 10c. and mechanical dentist. i morning for Leadville, where he is said Crinoline, 10c. the mayor refuses positively to allow all way stations. Various delegations a in command of detachment employed t to be holding out at present. Jack Mc- Plain and Diagonal Wigau, 10c. Office over First National Jiunk. Tinware, them to come up to the city. accompanied by six bands of music, in repairing the Rock Creek and Fort , Percales, Aleer, taking compassion on the poor 7c Offlco hours from 8 to 12 a. m. and 12 io p. m Memphis, July marched to the Colby university, may2stf i 2G.—Thirteen new where Fetterman road, has returned to Fort woman in her efforts to raise means Percales, French finish, 10c. i to Muslins, Sheetings, cases in all were reported to the board the meeting was held. On the stand Sanders. jjoin her worthless spouse, took the job Pillow-Case Muslin, Towelling, Crash, of health to-day. One were Senator Blaine and ex-Senator Ticking, Flannels, Water Proofs, etc. |£ R- HURD. Iron, additional Col. Wesley Merritt, Fifth cavalry, in his own hands yesterday afternoon, death occurred this Morrill. i BUILDER & afternoon, Joseph commanding Fort D. A. Russell, W. and raised her $100.85 inside of two CONTRACTOR. Adams, at 73 Clay street. It was 1 T., is appointed a special inspector, to hours.
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