3334:313. = T - --t- -t;--t-0 - - ----F 1 - .:3'.-*.-3 6 +- -I-- ------ -12.-- ,]I-- G- ------ 2 _r_ -212.___*1-3 r. r#...:*- : .144*----.':t« - -- -=-- -r_1 4- 45 1 - , .Allriliclizel'qifilziltilii:1::;12;4 - .u-ki.<:r, IF=t - 2.t-/ L &*-.21.2,5</ip..4. 1-- 4. -r#-/4 - =ve*t F. _. T imil.Ii....... /'-·:. - - 1 - r- *%9J'-:> ' . --- -- -L 1- _1 - - -8, ---I.il _74I Vol. 17 No. 7 PACKARD ELECTRIC DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION January 23, 1956 Two Cable Plant Employes Win Lee H. Shinn Assumes 2 5 5 Employes To Get Pins $400 Awards For Suggestions General Foremanship In Packard's Plant 3 At The :Old Timers' Party' Keeping their eyes open and their wits about them paved the way for two observant Packard employes to enter the Packard Lee H. Shinn has been named Two hundred and fifty-five employes will receive special com- "$400 Suggestion Award Club" recently. general foreman of Depts. 303i memorative pins at the annual service recognition banquet - the Reuben Schroyer, Inspection group leader in Dept. 220, won 304, 306, 307 and 311, it has "Old Timers' Party" - at W. D. Packard Music Hall on February 4. $465.50, and Velma Shepherd, plug and fixture assembler in Dept. been announced by E. C. Bock_ The group is the largest number ever to receive recognition awards 227, was awarded $404.55. hold, Plant 3 superintendent. in a single year. Invitations have been mailed to more than 850 Schroyer noted that a certain type of connector was being employes with 15 or more years of service as of December 31, 1955, Joining Packard as a General and the largest crowd in history is expected to attend the affair. assembled on each harness in Dept. 220 by hand. He further noticed Motors Institute student in 1943, that an automatic machine for connectors was not being used full "Old Timers" will be treated to V. Bratton, M,rtha B. Bum, Aretta S. Mr. Shinn entered the Army Air Force something special in the way of en- Burnett, Frank A. Bustardo, Alford S. Cad- time in the department. Schroyer suggested the automatic machine wallader. Sophie Cantelmo. Veronica M. two years later tertainment this year. A variety CHroots, Michael M. Chegar. Mary Chesnak, and saw service show featuring Packard talent wilI Natalie A. P. Cizm„r. Esly G. Congdon, ch ul obv dmtaochailloectisn e e department where more connectors Roy B. Conner, Charles W. Cooper, Robert suggestion winner intends to save his as a staff ser- be presented on the Packard Music L. Cox. Kenneth R. Crine. William J. Cross, Velma's suggestion was somewhat award for the present. geant with the Hail stage and will include vocal, in- Paul M. Crum, George E. Culp, George V. similar to Schroyer's. She observed 8th Air Force in :i:' '19;, 11 !1 Curtis. Myrtle M. Dean, Milton T. Dew, dance and specialty acts, Velma, a West Farmington resi- England. He re- 4. strumental, Ernest Dinko, Weeley C. Drescher. dent, is the mother of two children, 4 A cast of 25 employes will parti- Raymoid J. Dunphy, Burdette E. Durst, , eoafchcononpeecr *rwnwirUr v ascl 2:2ng entered GMI in Owen T. Fdwards. Esther P. Engster, Robert Bobby, 14, and Lesta, 13, and has 4 -' .,6 k performed by separate operators on 1947, was gradu- . 4044 .' Cipate in the home talent show. G. Engster. Edward S. Everett, Ellis E. been at Packardfor five years. She Everett. Milton R. Fellows. Glenn 0. Fen- ated in 1949 with For 107 employes it will be the xtermi,ker, Rudy K. Fenstermaker, Hirilt D, - intends to use her award toward fur- Fieldhouse. Robert J. Fini. Ann M. Foi·kin. an Industrial first time they have attended the thering her studies under the Cadet Mary Louise B. Fol·ney. Lee E. G,mlin, Her· Engineering De- Old Timers' Party, as a result of m.in EC. Gehrlein, Valentine M. Gmucs. iW-=- Teaching Program sponsored by Kent Edward J. Golick. Dorothy M. Gorse, Joseph gree and COIn- having completed their 15th year of State University. Already in her sec- H. Gorse, Tod M. Hake, Don Hancock, El· pleted his Fifth U d service during the past year. In ad- more D. Hanley, Harold A. Hardman, William M. Harley. Year Project in Lee H. Shinn dition, 134 employes will receive 20- 1950. year pins and 14 will enter the ex- Lul·:i K. Henderson, Wayne W. Hennacy, '-121*5:51 ii4litimillillillililill elusive "Quarter Century Club" and Robert M. Hot,e, Joseph H. Hopkins, Verna Mr. Shinn was appointed a foreman Hrusovsky. Cori B. Hyselt, Kenneth M. will receive their 25-year pins. Those James. Willard H. James. Frederick J. Jewett, .:1 . 1." Clifford L. in Plant 4 in 1950 and subsequently receiving pins are: Jones, Albert Juki. John E. - 8*1'1«1_j.. Kapp. Harry L. Kirk. Remo M. Komsie, held foreman assignments in Plants 25-YEAR PINS - Floretta K. Alleman. Pete J. Koren, Charles J. Kratofil, John B. -- -e e:.*gT 5 1,1_ ,- -1:--If'N 7 and 3. At the time of his promotion AnthonyHenry DeSantis,ArkwrightMaryJr..Ghindia.Warren AndrewE. D.vi:.E. Kurdilla,Bl,inehe H.LloydLi,yanic.E. Lammers,Tauno HarryLuuri, S,DelbertLee. %&£ 24 = i=, p j 2----,- , 3 he was departmental foreman of Gregor. Carl Habel. Tota B. Hart, Norman E. MaeFarland. Mathew L. Maduajeski. G. Perry, Amerieo J. Rufo. Neal M. Sutliff, }fa:·old K. Marsh. Kenneth W. Ma:ters. 1 4-2:1*11/41 4 ,-11 Depts. 303, 306 and 307. Eugene o. Ward. George W. War-render, Olive M. McBane, Frances M. MeDonald. Wi!Iiam R. Whitney. ' 1 A native of Alliane.e, the new Plant Lillian J. Meek. George Metro, Lambert Meus, 20-YEAR PINS - Margaret P. Agnew. Florence E. Meyer, Gordon H. Moore. Alice 3 general foreman is a 1943 graduate Bernice B. Archer. Kenneth W. Bacon, H. Morg„n. Lula G. Mullett. William G. of Alliance High School. Mr. Shinn Robert C. Bailey, Edith S. Bainbridge. Rny- Nagy, Charles D. Parker, Herschel D. Par- mond E. Bartlett. themer. Wayne E. Pierce. Lawrence S. - - 51&,f j A lives at 1135 Vine Ave. N. E. John H. Bishop. Wilbur G. Boyes. Mai·garet Pluche, Wilbur B. Pykare, Joseph Remsey, Harold F. Roach, Fred W. Robison, Gladys P. Roth, Glen A. Rudesill, Paul S, Safos, Velma Shepherd attaches wires to k !* * KS- James S. layers, John A. Schwartz, Mar- -4 ¥£+ #- j... garet J. S.ko. Charles W. Shadz·on, Emory connectors al her revised work place. /4 J. Shaffer, Robert M. Sherwood, George Shimko, Walter R. Sigler. different fixtures. She submitted the GM To Spend Billion in '56 Julius Silagy, Edna B. Smith, John W. idea of placing both fixtures on one - - Smith, Norman C. Smith. Louie W. Snyder. table so that one operator could per- EL·EF George J. 5;otak, Howard D. Stocker, Burt A. form both tasks. C ' LeroySti'Flyer.E. JayneThompson,0. Tate.HazelCar]T. A.Townsend,Terbot, --p s in National Prosperity Bet Daniel E. 1ritten. Ch;11·les L. Van Etten, A Packardite for five and one-half + J /* Ctyde M. Villers. Albert J. Wagner, JameE A. Waldron. Catherine B. Warren, Robert M. Wxtros. Robert A. Whitney. Harold V. 1Tts,inS J:Rrndli hathi 552.int ne ft » J General Motors will back its confidence in continued national William:, Robert M. Wilson, Dorothy J. former Donna Belle Thrasher, and prosperity with capital expenditures totaling an ali-time record one W inters. Edward H. Wrona. their seven-year-old son Robert. The Wa*ching an automatic assembly ma- billion dollars in 1956, Harlow H. Curtice, President of General 15-YEAR PINS - George Ashley. Mary chine for connectors in operation is H. Binish.Wava J. Barron. Edwat·d P.Bat. Motors, has announced. tison, Hai·mon Beates, Willis E. Bell, Stella Reuben Schroyer, Inspection Dept. , L. Binko. Glenn S. Blfick. Leeta G. Black- Operator is Helen Scanlon, Dept. 220. "This represents 65 per cent more than we expended in 1955,' burn. WHi·,·en G. Bolin. Kathryn B. Brooks. Suggestion Awards Her·man 0. Bradshaw, Mary N. Brown. ElBie ond year, she will receive a teaching Mr. Curtice said. "It is the largest total of capital expenditures L. Browning, John N. Bufano, Eugene A. Campana, David L. Carnes, Phillip T. Carr. certificate at the completion of her ever made by us in any one of a gross national product of $550 Floyd A. Coen. Ralph E. Crave,·. Fraances Totaling $29,641.11 studies in another two years. She year." billion by 1965." He also predicted Danihe]. Helen S. Danko. Mary C. Daugherty. Lester K. Davis. Mollie B. Deets, Julia plans to be a grade school teacher. Mr. Curtice, in his annual business that America " will continue to ex- DeFio,·e. Roy DeJean. Margaret R. Dively. Other recent suggestion awards forecast at GM's Luncheon for Busi- pand and prosper with benefit to all." Anne W. Dodd, Frances N. Dziak, Donald Are Shared By 330 N. Everitt, Ethel T. Faurot, Alberta N. Fen- are: ness Leaders in the Waldorf-Astoria The Eisenhower administration was ton. Leland G. Franks, Marietta M. Freer, Walter H. Griffin, Eleanor R. Griffith, Helen Same Dept. rlicard Hotel, predicted that prosperity will cited by the GM President as one of F. Haddock, Charles C. Hall. Marshall R. $29,641.11 in s u g g e s t i o n paul J. Hanusein 606 10.00 continue throughout 1956 and will the "fundamental" reasons for ex- Hall Jr.. Walter M. Hall. Rose C. Hanek, awards was paid to Packard Alvin L.
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