ORGANISATION EUROPÉENNE POUR LA RECHERCHE NUCLÉAIRE CERN EUROPEAN ORGANIZATION FOR NUCLEAR RESEARCH // I-NIM'.K r MKNTS AT CERH IN L l> N 1 ''S S ORGANISATION EUROPÉENNE POUR LA RECHERCHE NUCLÉAIRE CERN EUROPEAN ORGANIZATION FOR NUCLEAR RESEARCH 0: 8512090081 EXPERIMENTS AT CERN IN 1985 GENEVA November 1985 INTRODUCTION I/This book is a compilation of the current experimental program at CERN. { The experiments listed are being performed at one of the following machines: the Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS), the Proton Synchrotron (PS) and the Synchro-Cyclotron (SC). The four experiments to be done by means of the Large Electron Positron machine (LEP) are also listed. •Ttlgnro gramme has been determined—by- the-€€-RN~ -Rea^ageh—Bea-gd-y-whéch the Director^GenetaJL^on^ experiments to be carried out at CERN. The Research Board acts on recommènaarr±o»-^ma4e_by the Experiments Committees which are _the_._S£SC-, the " PSCC and the LEPC. The compb"Sttioa .-0.fL4.he Exper- ~~iTfi5n¥«—Goamit-fcees and- of the Research Board as of 1st -November$ The schematic layouts of beams and experiments at the various machines are given in the beginning of the report. ri fry a fnrfp wh^cfr includes-A-gar-laA- number and- chacacter*.-dônoting--the- machine used- and its location.—~£n•—addi-rtorr;—a •tnaaonic dgscripJ-laa-of Its. physics. ,pjUXpj3.a&->hA&--be«n--«dded--(tyn:Iy fut active- in the hope of—faeil-itating its idontifica-tion. The experiment goals and methods are briefly described and a schematic layout of the apparatus is included. Lists of participants and their institutions are also given. The status of the experiments (preparation, data-taking, completed) corresponds to the situation as of 1st November, 1985. "Completed" means only that data-taking is finished, not necessarily the analysis of the results; this status is kept for two years and then the experiment is removed from the catalogue. A complete list of all exper- iments published in this book since 1975 is given at the end of the cata- logue. J Notice that the above information is provided by the experimental teams, \s updated by them once a year and is given under their responsi- bility. ^In particular, it should be stressed that this catalogue is not an official CERN document. The Minutes of the Research Board and of the Experiments Committees are the appropriate official documents. Full credit for collecting, editing and typing the material goes to Liliane Braize; she may be contacted for further information or for comments and corrections. j (i c \ Massimiliano Ferro-Luzzi ' n, ' Secretary of the Research Board iii CONTENTS INTRODUCTION iii Table 1. Membership of Research Board 1 Table 2. Membership of SPSC 2 Table 3. Membership of PSCC 3 Table 4. Membership of LEPC 4 List of SPS Beams North Area 5 West Area 6 Neutrino Facility 6 Layout of SPS Experimental Areas West Area 7 North Area 8 PP 9 List of PS Beams 10 Layout of PS Experimental Areas South Area 11 East Area 12 Layout of SC Beams 13 Current Experiments Listed in this Book 14 Status of the SPS Programme 25 Status of the PS Programme 143 Status of the SC Programme 193 Status of the LEP Programme 259 List of all experiments approved since 1975 279 iv Table 1 Membership of Research Board CERN H. Schopper (Chairman) Directorate G. Brianti I. Butterworth R.F. Heyn R. Klapisch £. Picasso Chairmen of P.G. Hansen (PSCC) (until 30/6/85) Experiments Committees H.J. Specht (PSCC) (since 1/7/85) L. Foà (SPSC) G. Wolf (LEPC) Division Leaders of B. de Raad (SPS) Research & Accelerator B. Hyams (EP) Divisions H. Wenninger (EF) R. Billinge (PS) M. Jacob (TH) P. Zanella (DD) G. Plass (LEP) Outside Members S. Kullander (Gustaf Werner Inst. Uppsala University) J. Lefrançois (LAL, Orsay) Board Secretary Massimiliano Ferro-Luzzi Staff Association Observer H. Haseroth The following Physics and Technical Co-ordinators are present during dis- cussion of the relevant agenda points: Physics Co-ordinators Technical Co-ordinators U. Gastaldi (PS) D.J. Simon (PS) B. Jonson (SC) (until 30/6/85) B. Allardyce (SC) H.J. Kluge (SC) (since 1/7/85) W. Kienzle (SPS) N. Doble (SPS) J. Wotschack (SPS) (Deputy Co-ordinator) Table 2 Membership of Super Proton Synchrotron Committee (1985) (SPSC) L. Foa (Chairman) R. Bud de (Secretary) Members J.J. Aubert P. Bloch M. Bourquin P.L. Braccini A.J. Buras P. Giromini W. Hoogland R. Klanner V. Luth N. McCubbin G. Myatt F. Richard A. Staude G. Veneziano Ex officio Members G. Brianti I. Butterworth B. de Raad N. Doble B. Hyams R. Klapisch H. Schopper H. Wenninger W. Kienzle (SPS Co-ordinator) Table 3 Membership of Proton Synchrotron and Synchro-Cyclotron Committee (1985) (PSCC) P.G. Hansen (Chairman) (until 30/6/85) H.J. Specht (since 1/7/85) M. Fidecaro (Secretary) Members C. Bucci D. Bugg F. Close C. Guyot B. Jonson E. Pauli N.J. Pirner S-M. Polikanov L.M. Simons C. Thibault E. Uggerhi^j Ex officio Members B. Allardyce R. Billinge B. Uyams R. Klapisch G. Le Dallic G.L. Munday H. Schopper D.J. Simon SIN Representative (M. Locher) U. Gastaldi (PS Co-ordinator) B. Jonson (SC Co-ordinator) (until 30/6/85) H.J. Kluge (ISOLDE Chairman) + SC Co-ordinator (since 1/7/85) Table 4 Membership of LEP Experiments Committee (1985) (LEPC) G. Wolf (Chairman) H.F. Hoffmann (Secretary) Members A. Astbury (until 30/6/85) J.E. Augustin U. Becker A. Carter M. Delia Negra J. Ellis V.G. Goggi R. Peccei L. Roland! J. Rushbrooke W. Schmidt-Parzefall P. Strolin R. Taylor W. Willis Ex officio Members F. Bonaudi I. Butterworth B. Hyams E. Picasso G. Plass H. Schopper H. Wenninger LIST OF SPS BEAMS 1A. BEAMS IN THE NORTH AREA (Situation for 1986) Beam Maximum 12 Intensity of beam for 10 name momentum Beam type incident protons at 450 GeV/c (GeV/c) 9 107 T& at 200 GeV/c high energy hadron or H2 450 3 107 it" at 200 GeV/c electron beam (also 4 106 e± at 150 GeV/c used as test beam) ; heavy ion beam 5 11 K4 450 ~10 K£ decays for 10 inc. p Alternate K°/K° beam Li D ~102 K§ 107 H6 250 1 108 7i+ at 150 GeV/c Medium energy hadron 4 107 ir~ at 150 GeV/c beam (also used as test beam) Attenuated primary p ~106 p at 450 GeV/c or high energy hadron H8 450 2 108 n+ at 200 GeV/c (e) beam; heavy ion 7 107 vT at 200 GeV/c beam M2 280 2.5 107 \x+ at 200 GeV/c high intensity 8 106 \T at 200 GeV/c muon beam high intensity pri- mary p beam for pro- PO 450 ~1013 p at 450 GeV/c duction of E12 beam; transport of hadrons or heavy ions to H10 beam H10 450 ~ 1 107 7t+ at 200 GeV/c High energy hadron ~ 3 106 7i- at 200 GeV/c or p beam; heavy ion beam E12 300 1.5 108 e" total with Broad-band electron/ energy > 100 GeV photon beam LIST OF SPS BEAMS IB. BEAMS IN THE WEST AREA (Situation for 1986) Beam Maximum Intensity of beam for 1012 name momentum incident protons at 450 GeV/c Beam type (GeV/c) HI 450 4 106 je" at 350 GeV/c hadron, electron 2 108 t& at 200 GeV/c or attenuated 1.5 106 e at 200 GeV/c proton beam H3 450 3.6 106 %~ at 350 GeV/c hadron, electron 1.8 108 it* at 200 GeV/c or attenuated 1.2 106 e at 200 GeV/c proton beam; heavy ion beam XI 70 102 - 104 tertiaries / test beam, 107 incident H3 particles tertiary electrons + hadrons X3 50 102 - 104 tertiaries / test beam, 107 incident H3 particles tertiary elections + hadrons X^ 100 102 - 10** tertiaries / test beam, 107 incident H3 particles tertiary electrons + hadrons X7 ' 100 102 - 104 tertiaries / test beam, 107 incident H3 particles tertiary electrons + hadrons 2. BEAMS IN THE WEST AREA NEUTRINO FACILITY <E •.«.am Parent v> Intensity of beam and/or event rate Beam name momentum (GeV) for 10 incident protons type (GeV/c) 10 2 Nl k50 GeV ~30 5.3 * 10 v/m ~0.25 ev/ton Wide band 10 2 protons 2.3 * 10 v/m ~O.O25 ev/ton spectrum up to 450 GeV/c 2 5 ce < LU H2 HALL EHN1 TARGET ZONE :K4 (see detail) HALL ECN3 NA38 20 15 to S 0 SO 100 150 200 250m HALL EHN2 SPS NORTH EXPERIMENTAL AREA GENERAL LAYOUT NA4 NA37 DETAIL OF HALL EHN1 10 2C 30 40 SO SPS LAYOUT OF pp EXPERIMENTS CERN PREVESSIN SITE PROTON INJECTION ANTl.PROTON EXP. 1 UA 4 UA7 INJECTION UA5/1 CERN MEYRIN SITE INTERNAL GAS JET TARGET ; EXP. UA6 vO LSSS LIST OF PS BEAMS (as on 1.10.85) I. East Area (primary beam) Beam Ejection Momentum Particles/magnet cycle Remarks GeV/c SE 62 8.-24. p: 2xlOn primary beam split in 2 branches (for test beams) II. East Area (counter beams) Beam Ejection Momentum Particles and flux/cycle1 Remarks + + - - SE 62 l.-10.GeV/c p,n ,e or n ,e production angle: 0 degree (South branch) beam height 1.28 m e+ IX of + beam (5 GeV/c) •\-50Z of + beam (2 GeV/c) SE 62 <_ 10. GeV/c n~ 10 GeV/c * 105 production angle: 0 degree (North branch) e" = 1-3* *> beam height 2.28 m pos.
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