PAGl TWENTY-FOUR FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 1«68 Bloodmohile Visits Temple Beth Sholom Monday,- 1:45 p.m . to 6:30 p.m . fSlmtrbPiaAyr Enrnittg lierttUi Average Daily Net Press Ron Warnings Issued ★ OANVASi and ALUMINUM PRODUCTS ★ About Town For The Week Ended The Weather Combination Windows and Doors June 8,1968 Members of tbe Marine Oorpe In Two Mishaps t Cloudy, chance of showers. Lieacue and Its Auxiliary will Door OuMptes, RoH-op Awnings, Canvas l E u i n t t i g Low 66 to 60. Tomorrow clotidy, John J . Cummings, 18, of 11 meat tonl(d>t at 7:S0 at the Re-ooveced. IteliMiging Sendee and Storage. Boa# Owiy 15,088 not so warm. IHgh 75 to 80. Holmes Funeral Home, 400 Lockwood St., driving an Ice­ paired or UtodeNew To Tour ^ cream truck, was issued a writ­ M anchester— A City o f VillUgir Charnt Main 8t., to pay respects to JMoasleMade. Groimneti Units. W €denwoofliigCkwnpognd^iyp— BJyelets — Fasten^ 5 S ^t s ,B o a t c o ^ the lata Marine Lance Cpl. Al­ ten warning for mtddng an Im­ (Classified Adv«»tlsliig on-Page 11) len Machle, who died in Viet­ proper left turn at 9:66 last and eWBvaa. We Do Resoreenhig of Alomimiin soreena. < m v y VOL. LXXXVH , NO. 218 (FOURTEEN PAGES—TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JUIffi 15, 1968’ PRICE TEN C$!^m nam. nlghtk- PoUcp say the accident Duty Zippers. Venetlsn BUods. oocurred’at New St^te Rd. and Manchester Square - Dance Buckland St., And the truck was MANCHESTER AWNING CO. Olub will ^ v e an open dance in collision vdth a car driven tomorrow from 8 to 11 p.m. at by Thomas F. Walsh Jr., 18, of EST. 1949 — 196 W. CENTER STREET — 649-8091 Waddell SchooL Earl Johnston, 48 Ridge St. will be the caller. Mr. and Mrs. Ruth Keegan, 427 Parker St., \ backed her car into a car driv­ Spock, Coffin Guilty, Russell White will cue the rounds. Committees for the en by Evans F. Sealand, 73 dance, are Mr. and Mrs. Nor­ Charter Oak St, yesterday at 12 ;06 p.m. a t Heiuy and Prince­ wood Frye, door duty; Mr. and Mrs. A1 Oalllchant, refresh­ ton Sts., police report. ment chairmen, assisted by Mr. Arthur F. Feltcurlt, 71, of 11 Plan to Press Appeal and Mrs. Edward Farrell and Anderson St. received a written Mr. and Mrs. Francis Gowett. warning for failure to drive a reasonable distance apart yes­ BOST(>N (AP) — Baby law. The court has decided to Convicted with Coffin and toe The Rev. Felix M. Davis, pas­ terday at 2:86 p.m., after driv­ BEST doctor Benjamin Spock, feel differently." 65-ycar-old pediatrician were tor of Second Congregational ing his car into the rear of a Yale University Chaplain After the conviction Friday Michael Ferbcr, 23, a Harvard Church, will conduct a service car driven by Paul J. Sprague, night by an all-male federal graduate student, and Mitchell In Used Car Values William Sloane Coffin Jr., jury, Spock's counsel, Leonard Goodman, 44, a writer and - Sunday at 8:16 a.m. on radio 30, of 107 Crestwood Dr. at B. and two others’ have been station WINF. The program is Middle Tpke. and Vernon St., . J . Boudin, and defense attorneys teacher from Temple, Maine. (q,. other three said there sponsored by the Manchester police said. , convicted of conspiracy to Marcus Raskin, 34, a Wash­ Council of Churohes. Josephine Jarvis, 11 F ^ w lck counsel young f*ien to would be an appeal to the U.S. ington research director, was Rd., drove her car Into the rear evade the draft, A fifth de­ Circuit .Court of Appeals. ’The found Innocent by the jury after of a car operated by Gladys S. 65 M USTAN O 66 PLYMOUTH fendant was acquitted. four men were expected to car­ seven hours and 20 minutes of Boy Scout Troop 362 Of St. Receive Girl Scoufs Highest Award Fury. Factory air, auto, Bartholomew's Church will con­ McCray, 14 Garden Dr., yester­ Coupe, e-cyl. std. M 4 Q E ”My main defense,” Spock ry their appeal to the U.S. Su­ deliberation. The trial began Bight Cadette Oirl Scouts of Troop 77 received their First of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Winzler of 16 Constance Dr.; Miss day at 4 p.m. at Adams St. and trans., RAH. trans., power S 1 A Q R said, "was that I believed a citi­ preme Court, if necessary, as May 20 and lasted four weeks. duct a paper drive tomorrow. steering A brakes. Papers may be left at the Popu­ Class badge, the highest award in girl scouting, last night in Susan Samuelson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Samuel- New State Rd., police said. zen must work against a war he part of their opposition to the Raskin walked from the 12th feels is contrary to international Vietnam war. floor courtroom in federal court­ lar Market parking lot, 726 E. ceremonies in the Robbins Room of Center Congregational son of 108 Hemlock St.; and Miss Virginia Morse, daughter of 65 DODGE 65 BUICK Church. They are, front row left to Hght, Miss Kristin Potter, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Morse of 12 Lodge Dr. Miss Claire house, his head down and tears Center St. Those wishing papers Wildcat 4-Door Hardtop. picked up may contact Douglas daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Potter of 144 Tlmrod Rd.; Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith of 24 Bigelow Coronet Model 440 AAC in his eyes. Town deceives Low mileage Stevenson of 46 Kennedy Rd., Miss Lihda Lull, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Lull of St., not pictured, also received the award. To etuD the badge, V-8, auto, trans. * i m "I feel very good for myself," Bill Waterfield of 44 Lawton Rd., 93 Hemlock St.; and Miss Alexandra Ferguson, daughter of girls must earn challenges in the fields of social dependability, MHA Payment he said in a choked voice, "and Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Ferguson of 128 Autunm St. Back active citizenship, emergency preparedness, and the Girl badly for toe others.” Ernest Moquin of 193 Lydall 65 DODGE 6 8 M V e U N St., or Curt Hamilton of HartI row, left to right. Miss Dianne Gray, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Scout Promise. Mi^. Lewis Banning and Mrs. Andrew Winzler The Town of Mandiester has Raskin’s lawyer, Calvin Bart­ Dart Station Wagon, V-8, Loaded — including disc B52s Pound Routes Dr., Vernon. Roger Gray of 74 Battista Rd.; Miss Laura Winzler, daughter are troop leaders. (Herald photo by Bucelvicius) lett, maintained during toe received a 88,854.66 payment, In auto, trans., brakes and auto. AAMC lieu of taxes, from the Manches­ trial that Raskin was not part of power steering $1805 trans. on the floor. at)y conspiracy and barely knew The Mailmam’s will have a nally charged in connection with ter Housing Authority (MHA). his co-defendants. luau at its meeting Tuesday, the break and Durepo was not. Ihe payment Is hi aco(^ance 12th Circuit U.S. District Judge Francis J. June 26, at 7 p.m. at the South Neighborhood Recreation A}1 three were being represent­ with a Cooperation Agreement Of Cong Infiltrators W. Ford ordered Spock and the Seas Restaurant, Hartford. The ed by Public Defender George between the town and the MHA, Court Cases SAIGON (AP) — American American advisors were among other three freed in personal re­ event Is open to all members In Royster, but due to a conflict of which has constructed and man­ Suggested by Mahoney B82 bombers pounded Viet Oong 17 wounded. cognizance until sentencing on good standing. Reservations interest In the Baker and Du> ages 200 apartments for toe el­ OroBCHES MOTORS INC. infiltration routes around Shigon A government spokesman July 10. They' face maximum close Friday, June 21, and may A program of “Neighborhood five everyone, young and old, MANCHESTER SESSION repo* matter Royster has been derly at Westhlll Gardens, off with 150 tons of bombs today, as said South Vietnamese para­ be made with- Mrs. James Recrealton,” similar to "Neigh­ fhe use of their property.” relieved in the Baker case. Atty. sentences of five-year prison W. Center St. 80 OAKLAND STREET MANCHESTER the enemy shelled several cities troopers killed 30 Viet Cong and Dawning of 66 Overlook Dr. or borhood Pools,” is being propos­ As for the cost of his pro­ In the case of Kenneth W. Joseph ConU has been appoint­ terms and 810,000 fines. The sum is In addition to toe and allied positions and ground suffered three wounded In aii Mrs. Walter Backus, 16 Robin ed for Manchester by Democra­ posal, Mahoney says, “By pro­ Brooks, 23, of 146 W. Center St., ed special public defender for The jury, in a list of findings amounts paid to toe town for forces engaged in sharp clatoes. engagement through, a string of on specific charges made in the Rd. tic Town Director Francis Ma­ viding Neighborhood Recrea­ charged with several counts of Baker. water and sewer charges. YV i hamlets five miles qprthcast of honey. tion, .we might easily be in line obtaining controlled drugs In ex­ Longley also had other charg­ The rolling thunder of the indictment found that Spock and Saigon. for gnmts under the Federal cessive amounts. Judge John es of resisting arrest, receiving 500-pound bombs was clearly the other- -three conspired to Ant i^>encer Nurses Aide Mahoney Is proposing that, Forty-eight North Vietnamese Physical Fitnes? Program, not Oasale ordered the suspension of of stolen goods, and theft of in­ heard In the capital as the counsel, aid and abet Selective Corps will have its annual idc- starting in the fall, “all of the regulars were killed In two ac­ only to help staff the facilities, prosecution until the first Mon­ sert plates continued to June 27.
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