BE I HLEHEM PU8Ut LIBfl!<R"'' Bob was here too j An even1ng w1t1QO ~OT~~rriilteam Edgar AUan Poe shines in Se~tion ll 0Page3 0 Page 21 o 13 ighbors. clamor for more stop signs By JOSEPH A. PHILLIPS they have 'real safety concerns." The proposed stop sign where Sylvan More than two dozen residents of a intersects Wellington from the north had neighborhood in the heart of Delmar been considered so uncontroversial that turned up at a public hearing on a only one member of the. traffic safety proposed stop sign .last Wednesday committee was present at the meeting. before the Bethlehem town board-and The Wellington neighbors who turned argued 'that the proposal didn't go far out at the hearing had approached the enough. committee last spring seeking not one, As a. result, the board referred the but three stop signs at the intersection, question of stop signs at the intersection the others to moderate traffic flow on of Sylvan Drive and Wellington Road back Wellington. to the town's traffic safety committee for Randy Craft, of Wellington Road, told another look. With more public hearings the board of the proposal, ''We're one­ scheduled on additional traffic safety third of the way there .... unfortunately, measures, the unexpected controversy what the traffic safety committee has underscored the changing character of proposed, for' one stop sign on Sylvan, · Delmar's neighborhoods. like I said, just isn't going to cut it" 'There seems to be more and more Craft was one of eight residents who requirement for stop signs in a lot of the spoke. They described a street without older neighborhoods in town," said sidewalks for joggers, walkers and Supervisor Sheila Fuller. "I think it shows children on bicycles, with a growing a lot of young families with small children moving into those neighborhoods, and D SIGNS/page22 Bethlehem board· ends. budget review workshops By JOSEPH A. PHILLIPS meeting. Just a single town resident attended . The $24.1 million Bethlehem town the three days of workshop sessions BCMS sixth-grader Steven Beagle returned to Elsmere School recently to dedicate budget for 2000 sailed through the open to the public, on Oct. 7, 12 and 14, a plaque in honor of Columbine High School victims. A tree was also planted in workshop review process last week at which the town's various department their honor. Constance Lupe relatively unscathed and is headed for a heads presented their budget requests public hearing at next week's board and answered questions from town board members. Only minor adjustments to the budget were made during the sessions SADD students hear sad consequence - and few of those. "The budget is pretty tight. The By KATHERINE McCARTHY roused. There's no response to pinching department heads have a done an the skin; there could be vomiting, excellent job in holding down increases," Last Friday, 150 students attended the seizures, slow or irregular breathing, and said Supervisor Sheila Fuller of the steady-as-she-goes budget. "Except for '' annual SADD (Students Against Drunk hypothermia. Driving) conference, sponsored by Albany RID estimates that as many as 4,000 the police department and a few · additional· part-time hiring requests, County Stop DWI and hosted by Albany deaths occur each year from alcohol . Medical Center. overdosing, which comes from drinking there weren't requests for additional staff. Right now, people in this town About 25 Bethlehem high school and too much alcohol too fast. middle school students attended the Students at the conference attended a D BUDGET/page24 conference. number of workshops, and seemed most Michael Lutz of Jackson, Mich., was the impressed by the one about advertising conference's keynote speaker. His matter­ and alcohol. of-fact description of his daughter Katie's 'The advertisers work to fool you," death from alcohol poisoning brought the high school freshman Julia Hoffmann I students to tears. said. On Dec. 9, 1990, her 16th birthday, ''The advertisers prey on minorities/' Katie's friends persuaded her to drink a middle schooler Melanie Rockefeller ~ottle of vodka. It was the first time Katie said. had ever taken a drink, Lutz said. When "If you look closely at magazine ads c she arrived home, Lutz, who had been a and television commercials," Emily paramedic in Vietnam, put her to bed. Tina Giangrasso, chief lli!Jht nurse, Drazan of the middle school said, "you ''We used to have a lot of guys who were explains the Medivac chopper to BCMS can see little hints that alc"~ol <?ill cause drunk," he said. "Usually they just needed students. Katherine McCarthy death. Sometimes there -y~ little skulls to sleep it off." in the ice cubes." 'There were two stupid mistakes that worked to get the word out about Brad Silver, supervisor of traffic safety . night," Lutz said. "The first was Kate alcohol poisoning, attending several for the state Division of Criminal Justice drinking, and the second was me putting RID (Remove Intoxicated Drivers) presented an accident reconstruction, her to bed. I want to stress that people conferences each year, and speaking and students saw a fully'equipped shouldn't make the same mistake I did. where people need his services. 'Medivac helicopter, frequently used to · Take someone to the emergency room, One of the handouts the students rescue victims of drunk driving accidents. don't put them to bed. I'd rather pay a received during the conference - Denis Foley of Albany County Stop $10,000 hospital bill than a$10,000funeral outlined the signs of alcohol poisoning. DWI said that part of fines levied on bill." ' They include mental confusion, a Since his daughter's death, Lutz has stupor, coma, or the inability to be D SADD/page20 PAGE 2- October 20, 1999 THE SPOTLIGHT BethtttJlJm,~olilre caJrest sevelf·to~ bWl ~iiJ~rl_I;.JAilimal contro.' By Joseph A. Phillips · ings·near Albany Medical Center ectady, runastopsignattheinter- rested for DWI, aggravated unli- van totaled · Sevenindividualswererecently offices, Hughes stopped it near section of Kruinkill and Russell censedoperation,recklessendan- ,., aCC/"""e/Jt arrestedbyBethlehempoliceand theintersectionwithDelmarPlace roads. germent, unlawful possession of Ui chargedwithdrivingwhileintoxi- and Kenwood Avenue.· Afteradministeringfieldsobri- marijuana and speeding. She is cated (DWI) -and a Schenectady After administering field sobri- ety tests, Pauley arrested Tierney due in Town Court on· Nov. 1. By Joseph A. Phillips manhasbeenap-estedonayear- ety tests with the assistance of forDWI.Shewasalsoticketedfor OnThursday,Oct14,atabout A Bethlehem animal control old warrant related to an earlier Officer Gina Cocchiara, Hughes anunregisteredvehicle,failureto 4:15p.m., William Henry Dews- officer suffered only minor inju­ DWI charge. arrested John Edward Deagle, 35, keep right and failure to obsenre a bury, ·41, of 389 Shady Lane, ries in a traffic accident in Delmar Spencerl..eePhilhps,29,of15 of 127 Pineview Ave., Delmar. stop sign. She is due in Town Coeymans Hollow, was stopped lastweek-buthisvehiclewasn't Dresden Court Elsmere, is due TicketedforDWiaswellascross- CourtNov.l. by Officer Charles Rudolph on so lucky. inBethlehemTownCourtonNov. ingshouldermarkings,Deagleis At about 12:45 a.m. on Mon- RiverRoadfornotwearingaseat The town animal control 1 to face charges stemming from due in Bethlehem Town Court on day, Oct. 11, several Bethlehem belt officer's van driven on Tuesday, .< his arrest. on Thursday, Sept. 16, Nov. 1. police and Albany County depu- After failing field sobriety tests, Oct. 12, by Officer George Grandy at approximately 1:30 a.m. A third DWI arrest was made tiesrunningacheckon Route9W Dews bury was arrested and is still being evaluated by insur- Philli~'s arrest came after Of- at about 11:50 p.m. on Saturday, were passed by a vehicle driven chargedwithDWiandwithaseat ance adjusters, according to Sgt. fic~rChristophe~Pauleyo?serv:ed Oct3; Officer~occhiaraobserved southboiJnd by Erika Ann belt violation. He is due in Town Joseph Sleurs, but odds are it has a p1ckup truck w1th a flatnghttire a veh1cle making a left-hand tum· Barkman, 21, of165 WestemAve., Court Nov. 1. seen its last days. turning onto Rockefeller Road onto Delaware from Elsmere Av- Altamont. Police said the vehicle Jonathan William Atwood, 24, Theaccidentoccurredatabout fr?ll_lKe~woodAvenue:Afterad- enuewhileunderaredlight. was clocked at excessive speed ofRoute32inGteenvillealsofaces 1:15 p.m. as Grandy was west- ..._ m1~1~tenng field sobnety tests, Cocchiara administered field and nearly struck Deputy George DWI charges after his arrest on · bound ori Kenwood Avenue. Ac- . Phill1ps was arrested on charges sobriety tests to I..eanna Theresa Travis. Friday, Oct. 13. Officer Pauley cording to the accident report, an of DWI and driving without ali; Cady, 19, of 14 Hunter Road, Officer Brian Hughes stopped observedAtwood'svehiclesouth- unidentified eastbound vehicle cense. Delmar, whowasticketedforDWI Barkman near Mead's Lane. A bound on the Delmar Bypass swerved into Grandy's lane and In the early morning hours of and passing a red light. Cady is checkrevealedBarkman'slicense shortly after midnight, operating forced his vehicle off the road, Oct. 2, Officer· Christopher due in Town Court·on Nov. 1. was suspended, and an inventory at excessive speed and crossing where it slammed into a utility Hughes observed a vehicle west- On Oct. 8 at about 3:30 ·a.m. of her car uncovered a marijuana the center line. pole in front of 48 Kenwood Ave., bound on Delaware Avenue atthe Officer Pauley observed a vehicle pipe: After stopping Atwood and ad- near Hoyt Avenue. Albany city line. After watching driven by Sarah Annette Tierney, After administration of field ministering field sobriety tests, Grandy, treated at the scene, the vehicle cross shoulder mark- 20, of 32 Jester Court, Scherr- sobriety tests, Barkman was ar- Pauley arrested him for DWI and suffered facial cuts from flying speeding.
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