

(rJ(U)lmcetco GeoP mlcDa(rue olo)lococo cuG@Q{Do (nclu@ o.fl orno'lsc<oro orlcBle <no.3035 07.11.2019 <d oQ.':slao- olc I O 5rnD elonDlo el oolc ooco(UrD- <orol'l a oE O eJ C liilo eOIO O o qg1. ogl<dcoc oo6ruooco P'l.mJ(r)c&oaa ( o"-rcgaocotrnDo ocr'l oagcol<roo ored'o@,1) (ruddoc6 (Uro@'l6,co(oloilcf, pc fiu66ocd (oa(l)'l@,cororo'l(d olmoilcocso.sro "O) @c "O) ormOtlnOcso.,Mo qolCSoJP oem.uelrooflCf Qorc8ca ofinDeJroD'kd'rcereunua oJlec(r)(oo',loo 2 Groooolol mda,1o oolcgaocaoro' & o,1e'lrd "JoJos "-rooqcm QJgoroila,u8doc5rn- GDfioo(Eil fi )da,1(a)'lsgpro'. rgJqolo16,u0 n6)o(ocodo(oco6lDoT0o "O(@ @6, oJl@aco6rDfiDo croo'l(o)ldogcoc; 6njl) I .qdcq"Je o5rruelolo'loel 7 "-Lceleo:qos m)coco6rD crog6,9,:J6ntl4,oa -9'60eleoo g"j - roqcocaol 6njl) eJfiB(o) (!r.J6of a,q6ts rnleionoel mlalofl mrcco,oflo,cooooflggg "OqIcoC nomD co6m(m' olJao.ocdoccac? or(tsfin 2. qocgUe o6rnelGrofloo s,]Dena olcetoroflqo etroc orce-rroo1 qo oosl aoqgslor QJ [email protected] m'laeio oatgnf - 3.50 era,vo rg"-r - rr6"e.tcrru- cmc5lau- 30. I 0.20 l9 -co qlmtlalo.gsrooaollisre'. a,1".o'6njl, oBso'l(o)olc(o, rn1oQoo,u6, oo,sJs oneco6uBqos 6,'leld ot(@(m QJoJGYolo,qos ojluDocouo6BBsa @rofio5rucuoco)'l ooldaelrno. oo!asioa nc"n'lrn)6 16r. rY2,JDt ml]o , "t OA "J Agpondtr to Qa No 3()35 I(IIIB P.tolcct ,I)L6-La r! AHr.rrh AaE|.LE.itt tiur.5 El xo f,Il}Dlict */an Muv6ttupu.rtra-Kr}l(enad KurrnathuEadu / .+O.Oo DPI I Four linc tood Muvattupurha p$falqh'n f(llFB Ptorlct 2OI7-l8 DPR undcr M u v&ttrrpurtra Muvattupuzl. a 25.OO I Km*rettukula.E Road PrcPeretiorr ! Post O'ficc Jucntion- Muvattupurtra 3().oo 32.11 TS to bc ia6ucd 2 Pctta Road at ,6"",q9rr ,:ri t f.l1.lt; .:-l1:, .,i: :i, I ,t,, ii. -! . ;il 'lll ,r l r. I i, !1. ., ,.',li i , -r: ,.1.;,., I '.i.it,ilir l\,ir I ,\.tlLilLl: i,;].,tt.it, i;i \,,1- ' _.,.t1l r:r::l:i,,'.1 i.. ',,.- -.,,5- i-- ,- , e:'il,l iircl..i , ;' .r t.L\ r:,t\!-r (.:,t!l: :.._ti.L.. :-,..,.:iiii.r! ..,"1.:, L:l l'-, - iirlt:rii :rirriiir:,' t..L:,-i r:ir-- i ,.,"' il.!i.:..,,r' r, :..-i :,.'. i ! i,:. r. ir\: i,raci. i. rii'.,rrisser. r..:lir:r ',_. i'i I. cr,rtrpleirci ,'i,.ill inai'ti!lirr-r - :.,3j 31,1 i .11i,, r-i).r':l;!i: \'l.i'. siirri :'.ii ,i , -,r\ I IiX-I!)-{- IEJ; r'.'- Lliurna.I.'ir!-,4}.ril ,- ... r,li,:,r: irilil'riL r l-lli1!ir,:! ol i n:'1. cr,rrrplctctl -, .': r Jt: \.Jeillli. ) n L,:ia!e! rlc iil " i!, -1.,.:: -',(i '\l!l\il L.a.!ll: s:aIi.-.:l .-,r- . 't \\1.1':, lriS-ili -i- i.iirt'l ,,i , :.r1- lf1,::rl:!:\. .lle:.,] l-,':;::.1,. l:. l;: i.,:'L cr,ntpltt.,l '' .:'r: '-_1.1.' '.1r:..,:t. t l.zi.- lrrL:- l, -' i i-, ti .,.1,:l:;, : :ii: ,,,. i''\l R,rir!i \i ,.,il11|r;-,11;.1. '' 'r, ..: r :- !. il!,:'r t :'1,: .r;ir:,i,1 .::,' . r, ,:,,r!rictrti 'i l\rli, fl.:. ,,.:i. l lt'- L, i.\,:il,-,, ,1 . , ;-. g,,,;. ,_r.q.i. I ,: i..t ii,:-,. -:..t_. r ir,-!- rf,lrrirlaird ffi -t=:: _- :: - I Amcunt,n :,.:\n.i l,la ire of i,,rc rir Presenl 3tatu3- Lakhs i)r.ri[s 11,\nr,\,'rl.:rrlil-lt, ' ,.:-r. r[, .ili\ Jris.|lirfi cia ,r ti,:., i- iiirii]! l'r:iuniirl n1,i li (r'rnplclcll . 'r1 irra cla rr r'irt it,irs r, ri: triril; i..i,:la. :ifi r, 11 tr:r..,rr. L.l i,r.terrt i,r:rr11..o1 11 {-rri.: - lfii./-;il - crrrLris,r,r, i,,t..i luirlrili l\, \iiri(,Lr:. it,l!:,, r t,.,.r(ii iittLiei l r'l. r- (r i l1l'j ii l,l road srcti0D \4u...lirLr Puha Prin,(]lr\LroD sork - 20]9-ll - i- rgeDt eniuisi(rll oiru!' iuou i ct!.| l.irtill\ i secli0n lvlu\,at 1r r[-.uha r, ... r.D lr'li I:, i 'l-., ^l- r'ncroachrlrcnt. hoardinr.:. illecal boards. L l,'arini dlairrs. elrocked r;' :!rl\erlj. cuning 15 .l l ork completed harnr[ul blauches oftrees. rcmoi,a] olthick \.sctatioll in bridges erc I ri'rious interior toads under lttads Sccti('rn. I\ ruYanuPUha Pr.'nronsoolr \\ort - f0l o-'{i - I lrgenl .'nrulsir'n 16 t1:!tclr r.pnirs to \ arious r,.rJds ulider road ) r,,ork conrfleted sectirrn Kaiioor[..had Prcnti)ils(ron \\ orlis - l0l(t-l(l - E!iction of encroaclrrnent. hoardings- illesal lroards- I. lrrr rg drains. ilbcked uf cutrerts. cuning + u'ork comple''d harmlirl branches ofrees. rcnroval ofthick \ egctation ir: bridges etc I \ riirus roads urtde[ roads S.ction- Kal ltx-'rkkad Prenronsoon OR - l0l9-l(r - Et,ictic,n of encroachrnenl hoardin,t.- r llegal Lloards. .i , , ( rrilr Illg \ilirllrS. LIl(,!hao i.)r aiii'\aIiS. a.iiriiig 18 \vork con'lpleted lrar-mlul br{nches of tree s- : em.l al crf thick \ecetaliL.\D in hriciges etc in r arious roads under l,oothattukulanr Section. l'rcrlror')soorl \\'ork - 30 I9-lu [.lrger,tt Emulsion Pirtitt rcpair trr VitriuLls r'.':r,jt u'ttd<r' r,.,ati; \ ufi. aa,lriirlaic.l Secrion Potharricadu Prcrrtolsoorr sork - l0l9-lt, - lirgent cmulsi(ln :0 Itatch repairs ta variLrtls itl1.'rir-rr lt'rads ttnder -i Norl\ collpl!-ltLi road section I!'1u!atlupuha PLeri:trnsoori \\ork - l0l o-l(j - l-rrqertt enrulsion i iatih rel',arrs tn \ rtri(.rrs Tr rr rr roads under road l t ork c.rrnr.ieteri I section Mur Il tiiltLrhit Prenlcrrrstrot OR - :ti I !' -:, ) - F-r' icticn cri e (:i ('il(hlnerlt. lroard ii' li. i i le grl iroar ds. ( lcr,tirtg dt':titi.. rhoti.t. :i,. -rlrcit.. itrnin:L 2.2 -l rr orL c,--,nrplercti Itirmlul lT rart;he: ti1'tl e'r '. rcno\ al L.i thick \.grjtillion ir blidgcs erc I ', r'.! iL)Irs irlteiiot' roads nnder rtrrrds Sccti(.),1 \1u\ JtlLrpuha Pr..ttrouscrtrl] ,,r rrrk - 20i 9-lr.t - Llrgenr e mulsiorr I) tC n r(lta lts ro \ iu rou i f(litaLs ulloer ruao se!IiL1n Kal i('r,rkkad E_' €E -':---.,_-r--- =::*: Arrro!int in iiar^e cf u,c i i resent statu: Lakhs -,. i':.jrl t,.,., t'.r l.:,-_irl,, - i:.1.:i ,i,.,1' ':' r'.;,..'1,, .,'t lr, j,r.li:t: .ii.. li h.,.r.j- , :,1i., ,'....I:,,.L:.,I u, - ri.. ill... Jt.itilS il- ir,:;:r'!,:ir -l LLr i\,I iI (|i "r :t:iilti-,n it, hrid-tc:, LiiJ I ilri.,u-. rcad; ilrrder ' r,,ari: Sr'cl ion. liall,:c'riikad Pienlonsonn (.)lt - l0l9-:(,- [..rictiol of .ir., (,itci) ten[. irc,arclings. i itegal Doaras. , ll:r:rr::: tlL;ljr:s. ch(rcLcd llp r.ll\ ens. cu ile l o, k comp)eir:Ll iriir u iirl [rrarrcltes rrf irees, ; er':rovai of ririck r :SL'i3lia)n in L-.r'idses eic in \ rii{rus roads under Koothaltukulanl Secrion. ira,l,..,rsi)a'n \\ 1-r1i; - lQlt)-10 i,rgenr Emulsion l':ii.rli-ripa;r ic, \rarious tr,iriis L nder rcads \\rlrk conPlcled Secrion Polhanicadu t , F. -'lriI6-1' - SulDi) cf !l,.lna. torhe Sub f,:..:sian L-.f l,4ut,s1-.upuzha. K (,t l'ta mirngalant aDd t'.t(l rvork corrrpleted Prr,-lrrt\i1\ oor urrdeT Roads Di!i:irn. i\4uvatrxpuzha i. r ;i lario- I j Birnl]ren Enulsiorr .,rrrlk in in:ponant 5.0t) rr ork completed ir,:!ds ix \,!r'\ a[LrBuzha Rca,Js Sr.tioli ii: :,rlr-i-l? - Urgenl BTpatch reliirs to Punaloor- i. 0 \Y0rk cotrloieted \ir.r\ 3ftupurra roaC krr ll7'000ro l4l.'000 ,r i'. r0lC- i ; - t.jlgeni B I turch repairs ro r 0.00 u'otk cornplctr'd \ -:n-r-.r,lrH-Kotharnlngala[r roacl krn.0,'000 ro 81000 arllA-l? . R -Ilrop.r nT rr ,r,.1, "-nai.t ra i..rLrlr'rirrrangalptr-Kalloorkld ;oad km t 5(,(t to ITJ, OO $,ork completed 61100 Ll :i-:ai6-ll-UrgenL B.T Barch rr,pair.s to Ernakulam :'r 10.0(r \\,ork comFleted Thekkad S.H Old Itoad al R l0l6- l? - Ursenr B'l'P.rrch repairs ro I )i I 5 r)tl f a!rrelled ?nd s'rt stitutad iu,i,r"urlrr - i(iLiir..rc,rijiad rerari irn U,U00 io+500 t r R - lt) l(r- l? - Suppll. of Shelrrac ro the Sub 3i Dir isitrn trf i\,iu vanrrpuzha- Kothautangalatn and it).00 q('rk colr1pleted P('ruillba\ Oor iindcr ROads Division. Muvafiupuzha () R lfr l6-l ? - Cm\crauce ofpacked biruo)en fronr iIPCL Cochin Oil Retiner] [.rd - Arnbalamusal ro l5.u{) rvolk cornpleted 1,...r-.. Dir iii-;. \1ii\.iiiiii-ruTlri !i,r thc ]car :iti6-i : ll R - :0 I 5- 1: Ce,nr er ance of l-tulk birurrerl lronl LLrchin Refinerl (BPCL) Lrd. n\Dlbdla[]ugal to l5.r\, r trlk conrpleied . ".i,1,,: -ir-. ,,n.L. D\t 11 \lu\3rtrrDLlzlla {i-1l the rerr .l0l6-l" Ci ll-ltrl(i-17-L:rgcnr B.T Barrelr !eDirirs to pail.takullt\ - t allirrrri.l,Id roxd Krn. O'Oott t,.\ i sr)tl & r 000 lL1 -r.0,1 \\r)k aorrrlleted :l r00 (l n lOl,(,l7l rie., QT.!,'.-L , ---i-.-- '^ 500 irork corrp)eled ,\nrbalarnpady - \.'eerloor ro3d ]ilrr.

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