25th INDONESIA TORAY SCIENCE FOUNDATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH GRANT 2018 APPLICANTS NO NAME GENDER UNIVERSITY TITLE OF RESEARCH PROJECT PROPOSE Gadjah Mada University Fac of Geography Dr. Danang Sri Hadmoko, M. Sc Dept of Environmental Geography 1 Sleman, 29 May 1980 Male Participative Geoinformation Technology for Disaster Mitigation 49,000,000 D Building - 2rd Floor, Sekip Utara, Email: [email protected] Bulaksumur, DI Yogya 55281 T. (0274) 649-2331 / F. (0274) 589595 Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Persada Bunda Dodi Irawan Siregar, S. Si., M. Si Fac of D3 Akt - Dept. Ristekdikti Distribution of Crude Palm Oil Waste (Crude Palm Oil) under Soil Surface at 2 Pekanbaru, 9 October 1987 Male Lecturer STIE Persada Bunda 50,000,000 PT. SSDP with Geolistrik Applications Email: [email protected] Jl. Diponegoro No. 42, Pekanbaru, Riau 28116 T/F. (0761) 23181 Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya Fac of Power Plant Engineering (Sistem Pembangkit Energi) Hakimatul Ubudiyah Dept of Mechanical & Energy Engineering Experimental Investigation of Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger Heat Transfer 3 Bangkalan, 22 July 1997 Female 39,000,000 Jl. Raya ITS, Kampus PENS Sukolilo Email: [email protected] using γ-Al2O3 / Water Nanofluid Surabaya, Jawa Timur 60111 T. (031) 594-7280 F. (031) 594-6114 Tadulako University Fac of Engineering, Dept of Geology Engineering Bambang Sardi, ST., MT Kampus Bumi Tadulako Tondo Upgrading Low Level of Coal from Central Sulawesi by an Integrated Floating 4 Usuku, 29 January 1986 Male 49,900,000 Jl. Soekarno Hatta Km. 9, Palu Foam Email: [email protected] Central Sulawesi 94119 T. (0451) 422611 / F. (0451) 422844 Indonesian Institute of Sciences Bugi Ratno Budiarto, M. Sc Pusat Penelitian Bioteknologi - LIPI Characterization of Bacterial SELEX-derived DNA Aptamers for Assembling 5 Bandung, 8 January 1983 Male 47,600,000 Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 46, Cibinong 16911 Aptasensor against Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) K.1.1 Email: [email protected] T. (021) 875-4587 / F. (021) 875-4588 Institute of Technology 10 Nopember Surabaya Fac of Electrical Engineering Dr. Adhi Dharma Wibawa, ST., MT Dept of Computer Engineering EEG-Based Mental Fatigue Recognition using Time Domain Features 6 Surabaya, 5 May 1976 Male Jl. Raya ITS, Kampus ITS Sukolilo 50,000,000 Extraction and SVM Email: [email protected] Gedung B, C, dan AJ, Surabaya 60111, Jatim T. (031) 592-2936 F. (031) 592-2937 Science and Technology Research Grant 2018 Page 1 of 46 Date: 19-09-18 25th INDONESIA TORAY SCIENCE FOUNDATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH GRANT 2018 APPLICANTS NO NAME GENDER UNIVERSITY TITLE OF RESEARCH PROJECT PROPOSE Indonesian Institute of Sciences Dr. Anastasia Wheni Indrianingsih Research Unit for Natural Product Technology Antibacterial Activity of Nanocomposite Silver-Modified Bacterial Cellulose 7 Sleman, 30 July 1983 Female BPTBA LIPI, Jl. Wonosari Km. 31,5 40,249,500 Produced from Cassava Waste Water for Wound Dressing Application Email: [email protected] Gading, Playen, Gunungkidul, DI Yogya 55861 T. (0274) 392570 / F. (0274) 391168 Gadjah Mada University Dr. nat. tech. Andriati Ningrum Dept. Teknologi Pangan & Hasil Pertanian - FTP Valorization of Food Waste from Fish as a Source of Gelatine Polymer 8 Jakarta, 13 June 1983 Female Jl. Flora No. 1, Bulaksumur, enriched with Essential Oils from Spices and Herbs for Developing Food 50,000,000 Email: [email protected] DI Yogya 55281 Ingredient and Biodegradable Packaging Tel. (0274) 589797 Institute Technology of Kalimantan Fac of Industrial & Process Technology Dr. Eng. Lusi Ernawati, ST., M. Sc Dept of Chemical Engineering Simultaneously Stability and Efficiency Improvement of Calcium Titanate 9 Magetan, 19 August 1988 Female Jl. Soekarno-Hatta Km. 15, (CaTiO3)-based Perovskite Solar Cell (PSCs) using Hydrophobic Polystyrene 47,460,800 Email: [email protected] Karang Joang, Balikpapan, Kaltim 76127 Particle T. (0542) 853-0801 F. (0542) 853-0800 Gadjah Mada University Dio Nardo Wijaya, M. Sc RC for Biotechnology Metabolomics Reveals the Interaction between Resistant Local Black Rice 10 Baturaja, 22 December 1993 Male Jl. Teknik Utara, DI Yogya 55281 48,142,000 and the Brown Planthopper Email: [email protected] T. (0274) 564305 F. (0274) 520842 Indonesian Institute of Sciences Research Unit for Clean Technology Agnes Purwidiyantri, S. TP., M. Sc., Ph. D (Loka Penelitian Teknologi Bersih - LPTB) 11 Semarang, 8 July 1985 Female Gedung 50 - Kampus LIPI Development of Nata de Coco Nanosheet for E. coli Sensor 50,000,000 Email: [email protected] Jl. Cisitu Sangkuriang, Bandung 40135 T. (022) 250-3051 F. (022) 250-3240 University of Indonesia Lestari Octovia, S. Si., M. Sc Fac of Medicine, Dept of Nutrition DNA Methylation of Gene of IGF-2 as Surrogate Marker of Disease: Jakarta 12 Palembang, 16 October 1976 Female Jl. Salemba Raya No. 6, Jakarta 10430 50,000,000 Timur Cohort Study Email: [email protected] Tel. (021) 3193-0208 Fax. (021) 3983-2010 Widya Mandala Catholic University Fac of Engineering Shella Permatasari Santoso, ST., Ph. D Dept of Chemical Engineering Preparation of Cellulose Hydrogels with Enhanced Porosity for Agricultural 13 Surabaya, 9 November 1990 Female 50,000,000 Jl. Kalijudan No. 37, Surabaya, Jatim 60114 Application Email: [email protected] T. (031) 389-3933 F. (031) 389-1267 Science and Technology Research Grant 2018 Page 2 of 46 Date: 19-09-18 25th INDONESIA TORAY SCIENCE FOUNDATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH GRANT 2018 APPLICANTS NO NAME GENDER UNIVERSITY TITLE OF RESEARCH PROJECT PROPOSE Gadjah Mada University Dr. rer. Nat. Adam Hermawan, M. Sc., Apt Fac of Pharmacy Exploration of Citrus Flavonoid Naringin as Breast Cancer Stem Cell-Targeted 14 Wonosobo, 17 March 1983 Male Dept of Pharmaceutical Chemistry 49,652,500 Drug using MCF-7 Cancer Stem-like Mammpspheres Email: [email protected] Sekip Utara II, DI Yogya 55281 T. (0274) 542907 / F. (0274) 543120 Anna Safitri, Ph. D Brawijaya University Surabaya, 13 Augus 1980 Fac of Science Green Synthesis of Zero Valent Iron Nanoparticles from Root Extracts of 15 Female 38,975,000 Email: [email protected] Dept of Chemistry Pletekan (Reullia tuberosa L) and their In Vitro Biological Activities [email protected] Jl. Veteran, Malang 65145 Indonesia Islamic University Ganjar Fadillah, S. Si., M. Si FMIPA - Dept of Chemical Analysis Development of Low-cost Graphite Oxide Electrode from the Graphite Rods 16 Bandung, 27 June 1991 Male Kampus Terpadu, Jl. Kaliurang Km. 14,5 for Fast Determination of Residual Chlorine in Tap Water by Electrochemical 50,000,000 Email: [email protected] Kab. Sleman, DI Yogya 55584 Method T. (0274) 898444 / F. (0274) 898459 Kalimantan Institute of Technology Dept of Electrical Engineering Mudeng Vicky Vendy Hengki, ST., M. Sc Jl. Soekarno-Hatta Km. 15, Diffuse Optical Imaging for Reconstructing Optical Properties within Breast- 17 Samarinda, 30 July 1992 Male 49,867,000 Kampus Institut Teknologi Kalimantan like Model Email: [email protected] Karang Joang, Balikpapan Kalimantan Timur 76127 Udayana University Fac of Marine and Fisheries Dr. sc. Widiastuti Karim, S. Kel., M. Si Dept of Marine Science Methods to Minimize the Impacts of Fragment Collection and Maximize 18 Palu, 13 March 1983 Female 50,000,000 Kampus Bukit Jimbaran Production of Bali's Endemic Coral Acropora suharsonoi Transplantation Email: [email protected] Jl. Raya Kampus UNUD, Badung, Bali 80361 T/F. (0361) 702802 Center of Industrial Pollution Prevention Technology Rustiana Yuliasni, ST., M. Sc Dept of Research and Development Biological Degradation of Batik Wastewater Containing Azo Dyes Pollutant Klaten, 24 August 1983 19 Female Jl. Ki Mangunsarkoro No. 6 using the Combination of Up Flow Anaerobic Blanket (UASB)-Aerobic 50,000,000 Email: [email protected] Semarang 50136 - Central Java Granulation (AG) Technology [email protected] T. (024) 845-0651 / F. (024) 841-4811 Airlangga University Fac of Science & Technology Rico Ramadhan, Ph. D Dept of Chemistry Ethnopharmacological Values for Potential Antidiabetes and Free radical 20 Balikpapan, 18 June 1985 Male 50,000,000 Kampus C Mulyorejo, Surabaya60115 Scavenging Constituents from Jambu Kelampok Madura (Syzgium densiflora ) Email: [email protected] T. (031) 593-6501, 592-4617 F. (031) 593-6502 Science and Technology Research Grant 2018 Page 3 of 46 Date: 19-09-18 25th INDONESIA TORAY SCIENCE FOUNDATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH GRANT 2018 APPLICANTS NO NAME GENDER UNIVERSITY TITLE OF RESEARCH PROJECT PROPOSE Indonesian Institute of Sciences Dr. Eng. Widi Astuti Research Unit for Mineral Technology 21 Cilacap, 19 August 1978 Female Jl. Ir. Sutami Km. 15 Direct Green-Synthesis of Gold Particles from Indonesian Gold Ores 48,266,000 Email: [email protected] Tnjung Bintang, Lampung Selatan 35361 T. (0721) 350054 / F. (0721) 350056 Ministry of Industry Dr. Bidhari Pidhatika Center for Leather, Rubber, and Plastics Jakarta, 17 January 1980 Development of Periodontal Membrane with Controlled Lifetime in Body 22 Female Jl. Sokonandi No. 9 50,000,000 Email: [email protected] Fluid DI Yogya 55166 [email protected] T. (0274) 512929 / F. (0274) 563655 Halu Oleo University Fac of Fisheries and Marine Science Wa Iba, S. Pi., M. App. Sc., Ph. D Dept of Aquaculture 23 Kondongia, 05 June 1975 Female Antioxidant Activity of Indonesian Microalgae for Shrimp Aquaculture 49,990,000 Gedung FPIK UHO Email: [email protected] Kampus Bumi Tridharma Anduonohu Kendari - Sulawesi Tenggara 93232 BPPT Sabar Pambudi, Ph. D Center of Pharmaceutical and Medical Technology Production of MPT64 Antigen in Mammalian Cell Culture for the 24 Jakarta, 25 August 1980 Male Gedung 611, LAPTIAB, 49,749,000 Development of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Rapid Test Email: [email protected] PUSPITEK, Serpong, Tangerang Selatan 15314 T/F. (021) 756-0707 Muhammadiyah Semarang University Fac of Nursing & Health Science Luthfia Dewi, S. Gz., M. Gz Dept of Nutrition The Beneficial Effect between Gracilaria Lemaneiformis Polysaccharides and 25 Kudus, 04 April 1993 Female Jl.
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