CTIBEL PUBLIC LEH?tRS: S1KBEL WLW), FU. S32S? ,~P 0 BOX B SAN I BEL — CAPT1VA ISLANDER Vol. 15 No. 26 Thursday, June 26, 1975 Serving the islands since 1961 1 Section 10 cents Sea belt rd A look at the Islands' lindPass water supply system The water supplied to Sanibel by the viruses and silicates which are commonly Island Water Association comes from associated with water supply. several deep wells, is fed through a system In essence, the difference between the two called electodialysis (ED), is pumped to the systems is solids are removed from the storage tank and on to your home. water with the EI> system and water is Electodialysis is one of two membrane removed from the solids with the RO systems, the other being reverse osmosis system. {R09, which have been developed over a The United States Public Health Service period of years to treat brackish water. ED standards for drinking water are development started in the late 1940's to find "suggested limits that should not be ex- another process, other than distillation, to ceeded. 250 parts per million (ppmJ desalt water. Reverse Osmosis ex- chlorides, 250 ppm sulphates and 500 ppm perimentation in the early 1960's resulted in total disolved solids. <TDS>." commercial applications later in the A comparison of four water plants, three Equal time «-J» decade. in Florida and one in Arizona, showed qaite , ail SMJNM wast That's tie Americas way 1 ©stride The two processes differ from each other a difference in performance between the ED sf whether M*s Bmaum't Be*ck Eaai «r Sea&dfe, a BKBfcer irfl«siBi«» pesfie m the and RO systems. Blind Pass ares object to ttee plate "Mai Pass." in principle. ED achieves high quality water through ionic exchange of dissolved 1. Siesta Key (ED): plant capacity 1.83 ' -Tka t sign's a fsQ tws ajwl a half sites before y B« get to B&sd Pass," Kay Ca sparb minerals such as chlorides, sulfates, million gallons per day fmgd). at Kiwi Pass Cottages t©M the StAfSJES."» seaa-ettaes takes m gstest* am fmewr calcium, magnesium and bicarbonates of begor to get teee, 'caase ifcej f» wwrierisg dewra Hurt «*•* leekingtar as, «r any «f sedium. Jon. 1973 l.-U0p5*nTTS SSSpjw. TBS &e otfcer tasi»*ss*sat Bited Pas*, aad end HJI at Bewmaa's Beaci." However, raw water containing only those containing 63 per cent non-removed salts. minerals is rare. There are other noo-ionic materials (e.g. organic compounds and very 2. Buckeye, Ariz. CEDj: plant capacity; .65 fine insoluable mineral particles) which mgd Planning commission report cannot be attracted te the other side of the membrane since they carry no charge and yeo.-c;M»r=^3 !7SJp;sn7DS Staff- T2S by Card Qoiltiaan impact fee concept bad bees turned down In p«;=dl94J-:97S the Florida Hesse of Representatives therefore remain in the product or finished water. If the impurities remain, there is a containing 32 per cent son-removed salts. The Maud Beaefe Club's request for a committee. possibility that they may foul the mem- relief Irani the moratorium (respite's to During the afternoon, the vegetation branes and-or resins, which will lower the 3. Ocean Reef <RO) plant capacity. .63 csatiaue feuildisg their six eoadb buildings ordinance was discussed. Duane White productivity of the plant's output and mgd. was tabled Monday by the Plaasicg Com- questioned the validity of removing | mission so the commissjoaers could get shorten the life of the equipment as well as Malaiuka trees wftbeut a permlL siace it lowering the resultant quality of the Finished aiditioBSl infermatios - - -the condoEiMuia -^972 653'- p£fr=7DS *2- 36- T2S was such a good shade tree. ABB Win- water. declaration, a drainage plan, and a letter ifirtetbam said thai she tree was aa exotic containing 6 per cent non-removed salts. from tfae structural engineer slating the ana uses a lot of water. The RO system is basically a pressure system whereby raw water comes into the structural condition of the buildings. 1*bere was discussion of a saan who bad 4. Rotunda (RO>: Plant capacity .50 mgd system under 400 lbs pressure on one side of After the representatives of tfae Beach objected to the ordinance sisce fee was Club bad left the meeting, discussion on the the selective reverse osmosis membrane. It building a home on a site which already had is forced to nearly atmospheric pressure on t 332 pp-n TES eoneta continued. The commissioners trees on the edge of the ske bat sone where the other side of the membrane leaving containing 6 per cent non-removed salts. decided to ask for a copy of the loan tbe bouse was being built, but the city still behind 'contentrated ionized disolved Neither of the electodialysis plants meets agreement between the Island Beach Qub required Mm to speed aa addisional amoifflt and the First Kaliana! City Bank of New idisolved soEdss minerals as well as non- of moaey for a planting plan specif yiiig what ionized substances such as organic bacteria. York as tangible proof of fioaacial baeiaag. trees and bashes were on the property, even (conf.p. 11) The reasaa gives was based on the "HiitaB" Ifwugfa fee wasn't going to move any, before project fiasco. he could get a building permit. Later oa, Joe McMurly made a motion, George Campbell said from tbe audience which was carried, that proof of financial that since it was the desire of the vegetation responsibility be made a part of the total committee to have the opportunity to advise package to be presented to the com- boxnebjalders. it would be preferred that the missioners is relief cases. commission refer saefe people to tfae com- "LeeHoy Friday made a motkaa that aH mittee. plans submitted for review be dated by the canssaissieners, and that only such eoa- "it is oiff opportunity to educate the iHissiou-dated plans be considered at the people," be said. He also said that it seemed hearings. Several persons requesting relief that "we have a cumbersome bureaucracy bad submitted oM plans, later revised in oin" little city already-'" 'without the comniissioiiers' knowledge. LeeKav Friday said that (he *T;o-burnIng" which were then presented for the first time ordinance also needed clarification. at the ftearisgs. Campbell said there was going to be a Use Outpost of Sundial was recommended meeting to determine how 4o live with the to City Council for relief from the vegetation ordinance aud invited com- smrateritHn ^respite) to build an addition OB siissioa members to sit in. the Golden Ssssls. Tfae Sign Ordinance will have its final Impact' fees were discussed at length. reading July 15 before the city council. Roger Berres. assistant city attorney, said The affairs of state nearly came to a feat although s@ne homework fead to be staadstiB for July aai August wises some d®3« about, impact fees, based an a previous members said they were going oat of town. mat case, t&at ft might be possible for sodt whicb «oald leave tie eamioissiaa without a fees to be levied if tfaey were justified aod qisjnan. White asked for a roll call to fine! Who! can we do? earmarked for a particular project. la a out who was going fo be where when. There have been times wifen off-Islanders say they get the feeling that they're not letter to Duane White, WMRT attorney Fred (My two meetings, July 21 and Sept. 15, always welcome on the Islands. Above is a very graphic reason why. If one has BosssSmsn soggestedievyiqg a fee of SLflOO were canceled. George Teany %iH By in enough sense to bring a plastic trash bag on one's picnic, one would assume that one tor some such figure) per unit to offset the Stoat Cape Cod to participate and LeeRoy should also have enough sense to put the bag in the trunk of one's car and carry it impact on fee city. Friday wil manoeaver Ms personal home to one's own garbage can—not dump it in the middle of an Island road! It was, however, pointed out that the schedule to suit the eommissMHi's sdjedule. 0/m*—- June2&, 1975 Islander SANIBEL LIBRARY - Open Monday, Wednesday & Friday, 2 p.m. - 4 p.m.; Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday, 10 a.m. - SAN! BEL-CAPTi VA ISLANDER Noon. Established 1961 Activities BIRD TOURS - Griffin Bancroft, 472-1447, George Weymouth, Editor Virginia Brown 472-1516. Advertising Representative Marguerite Husebye Calendar BOATS (FISHING) TO RENT - Blind Pass Marina, 472-1020, Island Boat Rental, 472-2228, 'Tween Waters Marina, 472- 1784, Tarpon Bay (canoes), 472-1323. These listings are presented as a public service for visitors Classified Rates: $1.00 minimum for 10 words or tess; five and motel owners (who may get tired of reciting long lists for BOATS (SAIL) TO RENT - Snook Motei, 472-1345, The CoSony, cents per word thereafter. their guests) fay the Sanibei Captiva ISLANDER. If you have 472-1424. a service, either paid for or free, which you think should be included, pleasecal! the ISLANDER office at 463-6792. Thank BICYCLES FOR RENT: Hines Rental 472-2874 or check the you. motel you are staying in. Deadlines: Advertising - Friday. Short news items and classifieds may be phoned in (472-1881) no later than Mon- day noon. ROTARY INTERNATIONAL - area meetings. Fort Myers, Tuesdays at T2:T5 in the Shrine Bldg. off Cleveland Ave.; FISHING GUIDES FOR CHARTER: Capt. Ted Cole, 472-2723; Fort Myers South, Mondays at 12:15 in the Sheraton Inn on Capt.
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