VOLUME 33 The. face of a killer: Patrick Bateman is the name of a chilling serial April 17, killer in 'American Psycho.' Read our review 2000 of this and other new Your source for campus news and informotion movies inside! ISSUE 988 ..... See pages 6-7 http;llW'ww~thecur .-.tqnlina.e orn · U N IVER SITY OF MISSOURI - ST_ LOUIS Faculty gives Grace high marks BY BENJAMIN ISRAEL ...... " ..... ..... " ., ....... " ....... ..,. .. .staff editor Vice chancellor fares better than other administrators At least one vice chancellor read the evaluations of the top UM-St. and Technological between the faculty and Louis administrators that the Faculty Services James Krueger administration and stu­ Council posted on the Internet (38 percent), assistant to dents." "I was flattered," said G. Gary the Chancellor for April Cline, who is Grace, vice chancellor for Student Public Affairs Elizabeth in charge of the SGA Affairs. In a poll sent to all tenured and Van Uum (30 percent) elections, said Grace "is 100 tenure-track full-time faculty, 97 per­ willing to come.down to and deputy to the 90 be retained?" cent of those answering said they Chancellor Donald the students' level and wanted to keep him. Driemeier (26 percent). say, 'What do you 80 In the groove: The base­ . He fared far better than any other The majority of pro­ need.'" ball Rivermen have won 70 vice chancellor, assistant to the chan­ fessors did not respond Grace Stegemann said he is 60 four of their last five cellor or the Chancellor herself. to the survey. Dennis particularly impressed games. The Current has Three other vice chancellors Judd, presiding officer of the Faculty by how often Grace turns up at student 50 complete coverage inside. received majority support for reten­ Council, said 40 percent of those sent events. "He takes an interest in what 40 tion: Interim vice chancellor for surveys replied. "Forty percent, from a we do," Stegemann said. University Relations Wendell Smith at social science point of view is a good Grace said he was active in student 30 ~ See page 5 67 percent, vice chancellor for response rate," the political science government when he was a student at 20 Academic Affairs Jack Nelson at 65 professor said. ''"There's a lot of facul­ Illinois State University. 10 . - . percent and vice chancellor for ty who haven't been here a long time "My undergraduate experience had 'iJ-Wire-' '(\-, - Administrative Services Reinhard and don't know them." a transforming effect on me," Grace O-r~~~~~~~~~~~~-+~~~ , .. ~~ .. -.1 ~ -_ - ~"l .' .'~- Schuster drew 65 percent support. A few students who are active in said. ''Part of that was wanting to work . -:- ..-. ~ News _ Fewer than half of professors the Student Government Association in higher education and working with J I. ," .,., ~7 ,.. tl {;. r : responding, 47 percent, said they want agreed with the faculty survey about students." Chancellor Blanche Touhill to stay in Grace. One faculty member commenting office. She fared better in the surveys Josh Stegemann, an SGA represen­ Information from Faculty Council Mministrator Evaluation Committee Edible chairs than vice chancellor for Managerial tative, said Grace ''tries to make a link see GRACE, page 9 displayed at Salt Lake convention Lack of voters dooms Davis named acting dean BY NATE MATHIS .... iI.;D~ir~"U;;i~;;;;i ·--·"-··-- of optometry school after (U-WIRE) PROVO, Utah - You new SGA constitution can look, but you can't touch. And even though you might be Bennett hospita1ized hungry you probably wooldnl BY BEN.JAMIN ISRAEL want to eat, unless you are the & dOE HARRIS .........." rt~i ~d;t~;; ··· · ·· · · · ·· ·· .. ··-····· BY MARY LINDSLEY Both Touhill and Davis praised type that doesn't mind the taste '. ... of glue. The Third AnnUql senior editor Bennett's accomplishments. "Incredible Edible Chair Contest," Why take a vott} il there aren't "I believe that in that short time sponsored by the International enough voters present? Just 15 months after filling the [as dean] he fostered an environment Interior Design Association took: D. Mike Bauer, presiding over a role of dean at the UM-St. Louis of cooperation and participation by place in Salt Lake City Thursday, special meeting of the Student School of Optometry, Jack W everyone," Davis said in his memo. April 13. Government Association Thursday, Bennett has taken a leave of absence "In that time we completed an intro­ Interior Design companies and called a vote to decide whether to send due to illness. spective evaluation of our entire pro­ other creative people came from a proposed new SGA constitution to In a statement issued to the cam­ gram which was to serve as a guide­ all around Utah to participate in the student body for a referendwn. pus, Chancellor Blanche Touhill said line for the immediate and distant the event that hosted chairs Bauer said after the meeting that the that Bennett "developed a serious future." made of anything from Jell-O to medical condition that will necessi­ Touhill commended Bennett for saltine crackers. resolution needed two-thirds of the his efforts to "refocus our optometry "It's always been a fun event assembly delegates or 67 votes to pass. tate treatment in Indianapolis." Lany that is very well attended," said But only 55 delegates were present Davis, an associate professor of the school and energize our clinical Julie McHood of MHTN and voting. School of Optometry, is serving as activities in East St. Louis and on Architects. '1 didn't bother to call the roll," acting dean of the school during Lindell Boulevard in St. Louis." "Last year we tried to imitate Bauer said after the meeting. "I figured Bennett's leave. Bennett began his tenure as dean a Scandinavian-type chair that why not ju~t run it and see." Davis issued a memo saying that in January 1999, following a two­ we made out of pasta and Of those present, 38 voted for the Touhill offered him the position of year search. He had previously been cheese," she said. collStitution, 14 voted no and three acting dean on April 10. He said that dean emelitus of the School of McHood, who has participat­ abstained. Touhill told him Belmett recom­ Optometry at Indiana University. ed in the event since it started, It was the second time last week mended him for the job. said she has seen chairs made that the SGA called a meeting to vote out of pretzels, tootsie rolls and on the COllStitutiOn. Tuesday's meeting even heads of lettuce. The !IDA is a professional net­ adjourned after Steve Wolfe called for working and educational associa­ a quorum. tion of more than 11,000 mem­ G. Gary Grace, vice chancellor for Six ca.ndidates competing bers in eight specialty forums, Student Affairs, said the SGA bases its nine regions and more than 30 quorum based on 99 student organiza­ chapters around the world. tions, with two-thirds of that constitut­ for SGA presidency 'The Incredible Edible Chair ing a quorum. However, he said, 40 DalT8n Brunei The Currfml Contest" is an event that began organizations are no longer active, and Darwin Butler throws his up hands in disgust after the SGA con­ , I as an annual tradition for the some have no members still attending stitution meeting adjourned early TUesday. "I'm totally flabber­ BY BEN.JAMIN ISRAEL were for president and comptroller Salt Lake City Center of the ... , .. •.. .......... schooL gasted at this," he said. staff editor with two candidates filing for each . Rocky Mountain Chapter 1n 1998. "If you use 99 [as the basis for a Only one candidate flied for vice The rules behind the contest quorum], you'll never have a quo­ to do it right," Wolfe said. and we can't even discuss the situation If you 're a UM-St. Louis student president, and fewer candidates filed are very specific. The chair must rum," Grace said. SGA president Darwin Butler, that has transpired," Butler said. 'Tm and you're reading this before 6 p.m. than the number of open positions be 90 percent or more edible; it Wolfe said he called the quorum can be a scale model or full-size attending his first SGA Assembly totally flabbergasted at this. At least I Tuesday, you still have time to vote for any of the assembly seats repre­ Tuesday because he wanted it done by chair. The chair can be an indi­ meeting since being released from the thought we should have been able to in the Student Government senting the schools and colleges. vidual or group effort, but it the rules. St. Louis County Justice Center, said discuss this situation and see where Association elections. This year, barring any write-in must be able to support itself "If we want to discuss it that's fine he was shocked by the quorum calL people stood on the constitution." The SGA is scheduled to staff votes, four students are running for a minimum of eight hours, but we can't vote [on the cOllStitution] "Right now I'm just stunned that polling places from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. unopposed and are assured election and the chair must have a base ... if we're going to do it we're going we have enough people in this room see CONSTITUTION, page 9 and 4 to 6 p.m. Monday and Tuesday to the assembly provided they vote or tray to catch any falling in the University Center Lobby, for themselves: Erin Otto of the parts. Marillac College of Business, Ayo Idowu of ~ Other companies around Utah 2000-2001 H a I I , the College of Education, Steven helpedi to support the' prizes of L u cas Wolfe of the Graduate School and the event including the edible Independent presidential Hall, the Joshua Jv1iller of the Honors College.
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