AND MAINE SPORTSMAN VOL. XXXII. NO. 40—PRICE 4 CENTS. PHILLIPS, MAINE, THURSDAY, MAY 5, 1910. LOCAL EDITION—12 PAGES. A STRING OF PERCH, (Written for Maind Woods and Maine STEVENS Sportsman,.) NEW VISIBLE LOADING OtLsfield, Ma., Apr. 28, 1910. REPEATING RIFLE NO. 70 We are a “ selx>ol-marm” and an The most accurate .22 Caliber “ ex-school-marm/' as adept with, the Handling Short, Long and Long Rifle Cartridges Repeating Rifle made. fishing rod as witi, the rod of correc­ Two models, one made for .23 short, the The Winchester Mo^el 1906 handles, without any re­ other for .22 long rifle cartridges. tion. So all the neighbors had (wfbite- Handles 15— 22 short cartridges, which perch for dinner ’¿hat day, caught adjustment, either of these three cartridges, which arc always in sight while being feci into from Bay of Naples (in 'Maine not makes it equally well adapted for target or small game chamber. For the .22 long rifle, 12 Italy), which before the advent of cartridges. shooting. It takes down easily and packs in a small Weight, 4 ^ pounds. the summer hotel was Brandy pond, I Extra strong double extractors. whose waters flow into devious Son- compass. The list price is only $10.50 and it retails for THE STEVENS No. 70 REPEATER go river and the nr e to old S ebago. less. It is the . best value in a rifle ever offered. is absolutely guaranteed and gives uni­ You are familiar with .1 white perch 22 RIFLE versal satisfaction. A BOY’S GUN IN PRICE. BUT A MAN’S GUN IN QUALITY Fitted with bead front and sporting fishing and can imagine how the four Solid Breech Hammerless rear sights. of ns started off. in the afternoon, Winchester Gans and Ammunition—the Red w Brand—are Sold Everywhere. like all Remingtons. Adapted L ist P rice $0.00 so ¡as to be on jhe pond at sunset, to all small game shooting be­ Send us thirty cents when these fhh like best to be in stamps for our lat­ cause it shoots equally wel est completeFirearm caught. without adjustment .22 short, Catalog- and Dan Beard’s intensely We left old Dubbin at the Bay of long and long rifle cartridges. interesting and in­ Naples Inn stablf and selected a boat structive one hundred Takes apart easily by turn­ pa^e book, entitled “ Guns from the neat row of canoes and nd Gunning.” ing thumbscrew on side. You boats all lined uj; ready to be launch­ Hardware and Sporting Goods ed. can look through the barrel D ealers everywhere carry Stevens Shotguns, Rifles,„ P istol s and clean it from the breech, rrstock. If you cannot obtain, we Depositing ot .'selves, our wraps, shipdirec^, express prepaid, upon supper aud ifc iiing rigging within, thus insuring lifetime wear. receipt o f catalog price. we threaded flhr way out through T h e barrel of an ordinary .22 J. STEVENS ARMS & the deepest flirt of the shallow, rifle which cannot be cleaned TOOL CO. reedy channel, [here the steamboats from the breech soon rusts out. P. 0. Box 5002 pass on their m y from lake to lake. It is the only Solid Breech CHICOPEE FALLS, MASS. As soon as t o had passed where I •* Maine Booklet* Hammerless .22 Repeater the last ¡stake/ marks off our path It! made which has the convenient and got fairly into the open bay, we tube magazine. T h e difference cast, over three lines for trolling, one FREE between the modern Remington Best Spring Fishing from the aster* and one from either and other .22 rifles is amazing. side of the boat. in Maine I sat in tie stern, the “ school- Put on the market Qct. 1, 1909 marm” and lie;- escort on one seat If your dealer hasn’t one, Address B i l l y S o u l e , Oquossoc, and the man, with the oars on an­ ILLUSTRATED WITH HUNTING AND f write as for literature. Maine. He owns P l e a s a n t I s l a n d other, and ad he rowed, >we let our THE REMINGTON C a m p s . reels run off V ird after yard of line, FISHING SGENES ARMS COMPANY which trailed out straight behind. Ilion, N. Y . Ah, hero Were all the elements RODS AND SNOWSHOES. Agency, 315 Broadway, which go to j make pleasure for a Address F. N. BEAL, G* P* A., Phillips, Maine I make Rangeley wood and split bamboo rods New York City human being,' Here was the near­ for fly fishing and trolling. Rods to let. Snow- shoes to order. ness and ntenlst challenge to danger, E. T. HOAR, Rangeley, Maine, which so fascinates all nature’s chil­ dren, in line Rocking shell of a few boards, which ¡was all that separated us from, fifty feet of dark water. Here tens anticipation, which has | PICKFOR D ’ S CAMPS. ! been said to .be mere pleasurabi JL The most modern and up to date camps In the state oi Maine. All S camps have fcatJ^.^ms. O the best fishing- grounds on' It angel ey Bake. y Apply to HENRY E. PIGKF0RD, = * Rangeley, Maine. TIM POND CAMPS Finest trout lily fishing in the state. 23,000 acres under lease. Elevation 2.000 feet. Individual camps. Open wood fires. Excellent table and service. Outlying camps. Good trails. Every comfort that car be asked for. Tele­ phone and daily mail. Write for particulars. JULIAN K. VILES & SON, Tim, Franklin County, Maine “ In The Sportsmen’s Guide Book llth Annual Edition 0 McMILLAN C'5 & W01L CO. Published by the MINNEAPOCV m i n h . .«• Illustrated Circular Free to ¡nteiísted in CAXOEIXq DOWN MOOSE RIVER. , RAW FURScte \ BANGOR & AROOSTOOK R. R. Trappers’ Cuide Free to those >sq shi,\to us. "N ~ than realiz lion, for each moment Mailed anywhere for 15 cents in stamps. one expect o< to feel a quick tug and Address (Teo. M. Houghton, hear the w h s k of the line from off Passenger Traffic Manager, Boating, A u f oing the flying re d . Here was beauty all Camp Algonquin Ekngor, Maine. around, and hange, so indispensable A Select Camp for Manly Boys \ to human h< aptness, for daty was Driving Golf quickly leav ug and the red. setting Asquam Lake, HOLDERNESS, N. H. sun made ¡a. a t h of blood across, the ROUND MOUNTAIN LAKE CAMPS. N E of New Engiands most June and early July, Trout and dancing w at *s. Located on one of the most beautiful Twenty-fifth year ' begins June 25, lakes in the world, with every comfort famous inland resort H otels Salmon Fishing. Guides. R o w ­ Zip! T h e ] was the expected tug that can be asked for. Three ponds and 1910. Bbating, bathing, canoeing, \ of my line a d whir of the reel and fifteen miles of streams assure good fishing, mountain climbing, base hall, V O and the largest and most boats, Canoes, Launches furnished exelammatioi from the others to trout11 flyfishing even’ hay. Plenty ot tennis1 and other sports. Careful su­ finely equipped in the entire at short notice. Elevation 2 0 0 0 o-o0d trails and eight mountains to “reel him in. “ Reel him in steady.” fmnb Daily mail and telephone. Ele­ pervision at all times. Tutoring. The Rangeley Region, location un­ feet. Our 1910 Booklet gives ¡So I reeled ind reeled till at last vatici 2,800 feet. Write for particulars. best of food. Circulars. Address DION O. BLACKWELL, equalled in Maine. For May, full information. the wrigglin splashing fish was alongside, iwB re he was taken into Round Mountain, Maine. EDWIN DEMERITTE, the boat. DeMeritte School, SÎ5 Boylstcn St., Our luck had begun but supper Boston, Maas. RANGELEY LAKES HOTEL GO. time was at and, so we landed at Rennebago LaKe — ------------- RANGELEY; MAINE ----------------- a clearmg ai 2 ate the jolly repast, House and Camps sitting with eet dangling over the Cobbosseecontee Outlet, Manchester, bank and tin supper ¡spread out on The Fly Fishing at Itennebago Lake has no Maine. the grass at ( ir backs. equal. Excellent table and service Log cabins and open fireplaces. Hunting, bathing boating, LAKE HOUSE. After supi¡a was over, the ¡sport canoeing. Our buckboards leave Rangeley Lake began in greji earnest, for the wa­ House every morning at 8 o’clock. Arrangements Good fishing. Salmon, ¡tront, bass, ter seemed Tv-e with white perch, for special trips can be made with us or with Ira white perch, pickerel. Hot water D. Hoar at Rangeley, Maine. and we cot Id see their back fins Write for illustrated booklet. and hath rooms on all the floors. sticking up above the surface; so Send for booklet. FISHING PARTIES NEXT we ditd not te ve ¡to use a trolling KENNEBAGO .HOTEL COMPANY, We invite correspondence from parties who want to go fishing line again, >|t simply “ dropped m Kennebago Lake, Maine. J. W. EMERY. ■wlhere trout rise to the fly every day in the season. Write for <• and caught test.” illustrated booklet to % It did not taT' long to get as many FOR SALE OR TO LET. ED GRANT (SL S O N S ', - Hennebago, Maine £ as twie wished io carry home, ibesi-dee, High class furnished bungalows, five rooms, im- YOU WILL BE SATISFIED the twilight w.¡.s deepening and we menfe fireplaces, running water, Ml loMted on had to steer back through the chan­ water-front at Ocean Highlands or Harbor Island If You Place an Order for nel again for tike landing.
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